Korelin Economics Report


“On April 24, 2012 at 11:32 am,
Marc says: (Edit)

Big Al, and everyone (that will listen)
Hey, I wanted to relay this VERY IMPORTANT article that I found on http://www.prudentbear.com. An article written called: “Precious in all but Recent Perception” by Darren Pollock. Good article. If you scroll down to the last paragraph you will find something VERY, VERY interesting! I have not heard this one before but I believe, if correct, it is one of the most important facts of past history which signifies FUTURE events!
Here it goes:
In 1937 JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, after fiscal stimulus was halted and the US economy slumped; Keynes persuaded FDR to dramatically increase deficit spending. He KNEW that this would debase the currency! Besides being a influential economist, he was a very successful investor. From 1933 to 1947, he was the manager of the King’s college endowment fund. He beat the general stock market by a margin of 908% to 168% during that period of time! How did he do it – you ask? GET THIS: BY 1936, 66% OF THE PORTFOLIO HE MANAGED WAS FULLY INVESTED IN GOLD STOCKS – A “TITANIC” BET AS THE ARTICLE STATES .THAT IS RIGHT, GOLD STOCKS! He knew his persuasive policies would debase the currency and he invested exactly according to this plan!
Now, if this author got his facts correct – isn’t that the “smoking gun” of where we should be investing in the “mother’ of all Keynesian policies being played out right before are very eyes! Comments?
All the best,

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