

Political posturing or a total lack of common sense?

Big Al
February 21, 2013

March  1st is right around the corner and, of course, the spending cuts that will automatically take effect if the federal government does not take action to prevent them or all over the headlines.

The  president is on record as opposing the cuts. He believes that the economy will suffer; services will suffer; the elderly (like me) will  suffer; and, (to paraphrase a bit) our country will not be a pretty place.

The republicans seem to be opposed to the administration’s views and are, of course, digging in their heals.

Well, who is right?

My opinion, I think that what we have here is  simply political posturing.

You watch, a “compromise” of sorts will occur and  we will not even come close to getting to the root of the problem.

Does Big Al want to see old people like me suffer? Common,  of course not!

Do I want to see 750,000 people loose their jobs because of the damn rich who are not willing to pay more taxes? Common , we  all know by now that the proposed tax increases on the upper income group will not make much of a differeence in  this financial mess that we are in.

We have basic structural problems in our country. These problems need to be solved and throwing more  money at them is NOT THE ANSWER!

Why  doesn’t anyone have the guts to stand up and say “I have had  enough and I want our country to be great again!”

We need leaders who want to remembered as more than just “givers”; who disregard political correctness; and, who want to reward hard work!

Go back  and listen to Dr. Carson’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. Click here.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:03 AM

    Of course it’s politics.

    I wonder if obama has any economics advisors. It appears to me he is hell-bent on destroying America.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:09 AM

    “Why doesn’t anyone have the guts to stand up and say “I have had enough and I want our country to be great again!”

    Because that would take people of substance, people who actually identify with the nation state model and aren’t in it just either for themselves or for the purpose of advancing the postmodern deconstruction agenda for the country.

    A generational shift has taken place, America isn’t what it used to be. Americans aren’t what they used to be – and never will be again.

    The country is going to continue its slide because of who is in charge and the change of mentality that has occurred at large.

    That’s why.

      Feb 21, 2013 21:24 PM

      I would bet you are absolutely correct, Peter!

      Sad but true,

      Big Al

    Feb 21, 2013 21:22 PM

    I agree peter, people dont care enough to educate themselves about the nation
    for 1 reason or another. And those that do have a modicum of understanding wont unite behind a Ron Paul or others, they prefer to quibble.
    I am not sure you can really blame the people tho, propaganda was perfected years ago and people believe it, lets face it, guys with boxcutters can get past how many security agencies, most protected airspace on earth, and people actually believe it even with witnessess, reasoning and common sense stareing them in the face.
    Its amazing really, they can totaly trash the constitution that made a nation the envy of the world and maybe 2% of the people even know its happened.
    These control guys are really good at it, even with thousands of years of warnings about them, few have a clue.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:27 PM

    Cannot disagree Benb,

    Big Al

    Feb 21, 2013 21:43 PM

    New podcast on goldmoney about money supply

    Feb 21, 2013 21:53 PM

    What The US needs is another great man like Harry S Truman. “The Buck Stops Here!” DT

      Feb 21, 2013 21:54 PM


    Feb 21, 2013 21:04 PM

    The below pull quote fROm the above is a false premise
    “The president is on record as opposing the cuts. He believes that the economy will suffer; services will suffer; the elderly (like me) will suffer; and, (to paraphrase a bit) our country will not be a pretty place.”
    He created the obligatory cuts in August 2011 to avoid the then Debt Ceiling/Fiscal Cliff scenario. In August 11 the President basically said “Let me get elected first, lets put some default cuts on the chopping and raise the debt ceiling 2 Trillion.. we call deal with this in December of 2012.”

    Well now they put it off again… he says “I am against the deal I made”

    How do we let him get away with being characterized as being “opposed” to what amount to insufficient cuts which he created. It is if he has a drone circling Speaker Boehner’s house.

    BTW what quote does Obama, Sen. Warren and Trotsky all have in common…
    “You didn’t build that!”

      Feb 21, 2013 21:35 PM

      Dennis: You have read considerable history probably more ways than I, tell me what you see as possible outcomes to all this? Without my knowing I would guess you do spend many hours per day in ponder honing your theories, so pray tell me what is the most current?

        Feb 21, 2013 21:33 PM

        Off the top of my head:

        I will reference a few examples in history that provide insight on different levels.

        On a purely economic/currency level we are looking at Great Britain transitioning from empire reserve currency to an also ran. The effect of this transition is still being felt today. I do not think the USD ultimately losing world reserve currency status will linger as long as it did in England because the fiat system demise will not allow it to linger.

        On a Global level you can look to The Fall of the Roman Empire. Both the US today and the decline of the Roman Empire are examples that moral debauchery and monetary debasement occur contemporaneous with each other both in time and in degree. Our saving grace from a modern equivalent of The Dark Ages is that when Rome fell hard there was nothing to pick up the baton. The US might not drop the baton but simply hand it off to China.

        On a Micro US only level I see parallels with the US transformation into socialism similar to South Africa Democracy movement of the early 90’s. Tense dramatic political transformations accompanied by a “minority class” securing power.
        The new power blunders its way through a generation always promising to be tolerant but both violent and economic reprisals of the once “majority” class are epidemic. Politics devolves into a combination of amateur hour and Tammany Hall.

        I think I am going to sell my late model blue Mercedes.

          Feb 22, 2013 22:32 AM

          Dennis: Thanks for the very insightful abstract. I had not thought of the parallel between South Africa and the US, but your absolutely right. The prospect of Socialism is always sold to the majority as a way of equalizing wealth and justice, but it always does the opposite by accelerating the concentration of wealth/power into fewer hands while causing even greater separation of equal justice between those that have and those that don’t. Exodus of producers with the greatest ability is now taking place.

          I also completely agree with you that the loss of the US reserve currency will happen more rapidly than before, for the World has a much bigger and stronger economic globalism while at same time the fiat currency war is rapidly increasing. And learning Mandarin is probably the best global passport to get.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:05 PM

    This two-part free documentary from the BBC explains how we got here.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:22 PM

    Hell Al:

    If you are old, what does that make me? A Senior advisor? Gotcha by a year.

    Has anyone else noticed that Keiser and and Lister on RT make more sense than our own MSM? Rt stilll pushes their Marxist agenda but at least the aformentioned seem to tell it more like it is and Lister is not difficult to look at…………

    Al: Sorry about your Huskies last night. My Zags (#3 ) won again 85-42 last night which puts them at 26-2 so far; Can’t wait until the March Madness starts, much more interesting than the PM markets as of late. Marc’s Aztecs should go on to the Madness………

    Long term, I’m not concerned about the PM’s so am not wringing my hands nor slitting my wrists……………..yet………..

    Feb 21, 2013 21:24 PM

    Does anyone else see it coming together like some great evil financial Opera? PM’s down, US dollar up, gun control threats, misinformation, all at this time with the horrific and terrifying Sequester! Which our president himself signed into law. It is all about the current needs of the players. And guess what, you and I and our God given rights are being bumped to the end of the line. One of the hardest things to do in times like these is to understand that it don’t mean nothin’. Our Savior has overcome the world. And His focus is Loving us. If you are on this site you are sharing and caring and working things out. Thanks for the opportunity AL. This is my personal belief and I choose faith.

      Feb 22, 2013 22:09 AM

      Where the H * is the fat lady, I want this over.

    Feb 21, 2013 21:45 PM

    Bob P:

    Hard to disagree…………

    Feb 21, 2013 21:51 PM

    Which is bigger the 2008 funding of the Bankster monetary mayhem bailout or the current deficit in Federal Employee Defined Benefit Pensions?
    Think about it!!!!!!!
    Do you remember when the 700 billion dollar ballot was to large a figure to wrap your arms around?
    Well the deficit in the Fed Employee Pension Fund was 761.5 Billion two years ago and is growing and growing….faster than usual in the land of ZIRP:

    Feb 22, 2013 22:10 AM

    Agree about the posturing. The sequester is a joke.

    All this crying about $85B in cuts only a few weeks after we sent over $60B to NY and NJ because they got wet in the rain. Seems to me it was a matter of priorities–and political cronyism is alive and well.

    Moreover, the “cuts” are simply reductions in projected increases to the budget over the next 10 years; and as we learned under Bush, you can spend a $trillion off budget as (emergency) supplementals.

    Is there an honest one left among them, be they a D or an R.

    Feb 22, 2013 22:00 AM

    Hi Big Al,
    The politicians are showing the populace how hard they work for us, and how much they care for us. Anyway gold and silver are becoming more affordable by the day. Life is good. Best to all.

    Feb 22, 2013 22:23 AM

    I have not heard any golf scores from the desert.
    What is with that?

    Feb 22, 2013 22:36 AM

    AS I mention a few days ago medical stocks are moving. r.g. check out today’s action of WBMD, webmd.