

Gun Control – It’s a slippery slope!

Big Al
April 23, 2013

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    Apr 23, 2013 23:31 PM

    INSANE…..AND RANT………..
    BACKGROUND CHECKS…………..A background check is just another way to,collect a fee,employ more govt. workers,,,more paperwork,more control……less freedom…
    Killing and murdering is a human action…,this has been going on since the beginning of time…..Have times changed,, …Would a background check ,prevented CANE murdering ABEL…lets,see,they were from a respectable family,with no obvious problems….,
    background check failure….
    Background checking ,,,would this have prevented the bomb being set off in Boston…
    Background check,,,on individuals that enter the country illegally,and ,
    Background check,,on our politicans,,,who,do not have a birthcertificate….
    Background check,,,, on politians,,,who like to make their own laws…..
    Background check,,,,on who is printing the paper,,,
    Background check….on who has the key to FT. Knox..
    Background check….on who has the lock box on social security,
    Background check….on TO BIG TO FAIL…
    Background check ……on CORZIM
    Background check……on GOLDMAN
    Background check…..on Citi,BofA,
    NEED I GO ON……. a background check will not save any lives,,,,the crooks will have the guns….and all background checks in the world will not stop murders or slow them down……A background check is not more than Liberal,,wanting control….,more control…..and leaving you with the scraps….and scrap of paper, in exchange for you freedom under the constitution……NO BACKGROUND CHECK…PERIOD NO WAY….YOUR FRIEND…AND GUN OWNER……………OOTB………….

    Apr 23, 2013 23:02 PM

    I suggest this form sets out the ambitious goal to break down the Bill of Rights clause by clause.

      Apr 23, 2013 23:24 PM

      Great point and that is why you are definitely In the Box. IN THE BOX implies sanity!

      Big Al

      Apr 23, 2013 23:25 PM

      I would have to agree Dennis M!

      Big Al

    Apr 23, 2013 23:38 PM

    “If you want to drive a car, you have to have a license.” That’s because driving is a privilege. Owning a gun gun is a Constitutional Right–an inalienable right.! You shouldn’t need a license to own ANY gun.

    Also, every transaction, every correspondence, every cell phone call is forever recorded–period. That means every background check is permanently recorded and retrievable by the authorities. To that, a Bill is moving through Congress to allow the government to eavesdrop real-time on every electronic communications or posting under the guise of homeland security.

    BTW, it doesn’t matter whether you use your actual name or a pen name when participating in groups such as this. Each time you send something across the internet it is wrapped in electronic protocol that’s traceable back to you!

    Welcome to the New World Order.

      Apr 23, 2013 23:09 PM

      If the internal combustion engine existed when The Constitution and/or Bill of Rights was/were written neither would have been written.

      Apr 23, 2013 23:13 PM

      Somebody at this computer in the name of so-and-so sent this message. Now, prove it was me. Operative word here is TRACEABILITY! (See your state’s statutes on establishing standard’s of measurement, for example.) This is the prosecution’s burden, not the plaintiff’s. As long as we have rule of law, accused is presumed innocent. Usual way around that is threats from government goons with badges of forfeiture, fines, court costs, etc. Support your local sheriff! He is one of your best checks against abuse of power from state and federal goons. Why do you think collectivists everywhere hate Sheriff Joe and his 4,000+ deputies?

        Apr 23, 2013 23:00 PM

        Pretty good commentary, BJ!

        Thank you,

        Big Al

        Apr 23, 2013 23:36 PM

        Some live to live
        Others live to control
        pick a side WayneM

          Apr 24, 2013 24:47 AM

          I’ll pick live to live Dennis M but I’ll bet you you already figured that out!

          Big Al

        Apr 24, 2013 24:50 AM

        Local police and sheriff offices vertically integrated their data bases with state and federal authorities years ago. Sadly and quite frankly, Sheriff Joe is a one-off.

    Apr 23, 2013 23:13 PM

    I am 66 now. when I was 13 JFK was going to take away guns.[my grand father swore it] then it was McGovern , did not happen. then it was going to be bill Clinton or Hillary . even your duck hunting shotgun was going to go. did not happen. now for 5 years its Obama . but still people have there guns. Whats up ??? so for 50 plus years they [whoever] were coming to get your guns. But it never happened . assault rifles to hunt deer ??? strange. S

      Apr 23, 2013 23:02 PM

      Because he has principles that he upholds Wayne!

      Big Al

      Apr 23, 2013 23:04 PM

      I personally with where I think you are going with this Scott!

      I don’t think it will ever happen.


      Apr 24, 2013 24:10 AM

      SCOTT……assault rifle…..,,,,,,The reason,,,for having the assault rifle ,,,is not to deer hunt…..but, to have equal fire power for the ,,,potential over reach and possible enslavement, of citizens,,,and to maintain your FREEDOM…………