

Leaking Secrets Empowers Terrorists – Do you agree? (The Correct Post)

Big Al
June 11, 2013

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    Jun 11, 2013 11:58 AM

    Link to video: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these

    Jun 11, 2013 11:08 AM

    I tried to post the link, it came from “the Gaurdian”.
    Step by step gentlmen.Nobodys views or thinking matters in the least.
    We have a choice, stop the process or accept it.

      THE BIG O.. …..most like has the DOJ….putting a stop and gag order on The Guardian…

        Jun 11, 2013 11:29 PM

        This one I can’t really agree with, The Short

        Big Al

        Jun 11, 2013 11:50 PM

        Air Force Soldiers Told NOT to Read Obama NSA Scandal News The soldiers have been told that could reading about scandals, that incl. reading stories concerning NSA, Verizon phone records being hijacked by the NSA, stories being told them by their very own military`s own router network “ constitute a Classified Message Incident“. …..Talk about a gag order in effect

          DENNIS…..ANOTHER GREAT POST………….just shows how low, this Pres. is going ….The President ,needs to read some ROMAN HISTORY.. concerning paid soldiers and the protection of the Caesars……..

        Jun 11, 2013 11:51 PM

        Jerry its getting better every second of every day in seeing more & more crap about Obama`s great secret, that he stinketh big.. Big Al, hey look its Judge Andrew Napolitano joined in on his reaction concerning how the ACLU`s Lawsuit against the government & NSA is “right on the mark“. It wasn`t just the AP reporters rights that were violated but it was ACLU`s right has been violated too with the gov., NSA went after ACLU`s phone records as well. Which is against the law according to Lawsuit filed. What do you say now, the liberals are out for blood too……


            BIG BROTHER BETTER ,should act a big brother…..and a brother ,,,,we can and have the RIGHT TO CORRECT if WRONG…..PERIOD…….

    Jun 11, 2013 11:23 AM

    Our choice to accept it or not lies at the ballot box. In my opinion you don’t put your country and national security at risk by revealing classified information. The problem is the 55% of the people that are brain dead to everything but Hollywood stars and the worthless T.V programs. Most do not even know who the V.P. is let alone worry about their rights being eroded away. The other problem is the administration leaking classified information to the press for political gain. One would expect this behavior from this corrupt administration but again they can be removed at the ballot box.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:24 AM

      You think illegal spying should be classified? Should everyone swallow what they’re being fed about what the “threats” really are? Everyone’s definition of “brain dead” is a little different.

        Jun 11, 2013 11:53 AM

        Not everyone swallows what they are being fed regarding the threats. Unfortunately we are a minority.

        Jun 11, 2013 11:10 PM

        Sen. Rand Paul, CBS Ambush FAILS! Bootlickers Stumble again: on questions about NSA ……. Then there`s the Bilderburg Protest 2013 in England with a member of British Parliament MP speaks out against what`s going on behind closed doors. What`s being talked about with the super rich, banksters, high ranking government leaders about their best plans to make the best plans for themselves over everybody else.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:30 PM

      Just to show you how brilliant I am, the answer is Spiro Angew.

      Okay, enough of that Gator I am off to watch Judge Judy.

      Big Al

    Jun 11, 2013 11:51 AM

    I wonder if the leak was deliberate. A ploy in effect. What if the NSA does not really have all the calls and data that is claimed? That they are just being exposed as the most incredibly omnipotent organization on the planet to sow fear amongst the enemy? Could this all be a ruse aimed at political intimidation both domestically and abroad? Would the tactic not send the bad guys running and break their covers (assuming there are still spooks in Washington and other cities). If that is the case then this event would have the effect of clearing the decks so to speak and the bad guys would be exposed simply by their rush to get out of the country or head for cover. It would be the coup of a lifetime for the guys who run ops in US Intelligence and I can only assume that whether that idea of mine is right or wrong, that everyone is working overtime watching their favorite suspects to see if they break for the fences. You would really have to admire the genius of it all if true. My contention is that this might really be a psychological game that is being played.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:20 AM

      “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

        I can only say ditto………what is there not to like about a quote from a great SOCIALIST,the one who should go down in history,,,just behind Bernie Madoff,(MADE OFF WITH EVERYONE CASH)…….AS the “GREAT PONZI”…

      Jun 11, 2013 11:32 PM

      Now that, Bird Man, is an interesting and plausible idea!

      Big Al

        Jun 12, 2013 12:38 AM

        Thanks Al. It would make the Israelis proud. They have been running similar tactics for years with excellent results. There is nothing quite like scaring the pants off the enemy by using little more than the power of the press and what most of the public think are internal leaks of indiscretion.

    Jun 11, 2013 11:28 AM

    Thats a thought bird, Paul Craig Roberts is pretty well informed, Cathrine Austin Fitts, Doug Casey years ago said it was coming. 30s-40s facists did the same thing, watching and recording, then years later prosecuted.
    I watched the video of a 29 yo man, wonderful life everything going for him and he exposes. Why? Maybe your right, but we know that computer was/is being built, in Virginia?

    If we look back to the 30s and 40s, we see the same opinions and arguments from the people, those who think exposers are treasonous, those that oppose as best they could, ultimatly people acted way too late if at all. And camps became employed, remember the rumour of them existed then too, which few believed, last count I read was 900 fema camps built in North America now.
    In the 40s, we used “concentration” camps for people of Japanese decent, took everything they worked for, so to say it cant happen or we shouldnt be aware that it could would be naive at best, so, who will it be this time? Or maybe the question is who do they start with this time? Time will tell, maybe I am paranoid, but I alwys figured just because Im paranoid doesnt mean their not out to get me.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:34 PM

      You are absolutely correct, benb, “Somebody is out to get you”!

      Big Crazy Al

      benb…..I like what Paul Craig Roberts has to say……I would consider him upstanding,

      CONCENTRATION CAMPS….I THINK THEY STILL EXIST AND ARE CALLED DETAINMENT CAMPS…….there are these camps located around the US….check out BEECHGROVE , INDIANA..Charleston SC.. when the bobbed wire faces INSIDE, INSTEAD OF OUT SIDE, this is an DETAINMENT CAMP……..
      most of these CAMPS are located next to old train stations, and are maintained by AMTRAC………chech it out………..this was news six years ago………..

    Jun 11, 2013 11:38 AM

    Always assume that government is evil and to survive you must realize this. Their policies are always for power and control. That is why their actions are never in the name of freedom, but just gaining in more power and control over citizens.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:49 AM

      The brain dead 90% of demopublicans just can’t grasp this fact.

        Jun 11, 2013 11:35 PM

        Do you have a definition from Webster’s for that term, Matthew?

        Big Al

          Jun 11, 2013 11:08 PM

          Yes, it says “see republicrats.”

          remember big al……WEBSTER IS ALWAYS CHANGING…….

            current made up word, will enter in the Webster at some future time……..check out turkey……….around 1971….the word was used not as an animal, but, a term to mean you or a person was strange………

        ditto on the brain dead……………

          Jun 12, 2013 12:41 AM

          I am beginning to enjoy the “ditto’s” Jerry.

          Jun 13, 2013 13:39 AM

          Only I am not a gold-bug, Jerry. Just an outsider invading this site for personal entertainment.

            bird…..glad you understand the site…..great entertainment…..I figure, there is a lot of good info…….just got to pick a choose……In the end….this is just a road less traveled……plus,,,there is some money to be made along the path……..ootb

    Jun 11, 2013 11:16 AM

    I dont know what it is that needs to be done, but the thought occued, what if they should decide its the investers that are too well informed? The religous focused on their church are no worry, the gang members are no worry, the bankers or oil people and military are of no concern, so who is their threat? Who ever they decide, it was grampa Bush that supplied fuel for the luftwaffe and serin gas to the facist, later his child and grandchild become presedent for the opposition to his buisiness interests.
    A psychopath has no empathy, no concience and no remorse. Think the Bushes regrett killing 500 thousand children in Iraq alone?

    I have no idea what needs to be done, but I do believe it becomes more obvious where we go when good men do nothing. At least Assange,Manning and now Snowden do what they see they can do. Dangerous to be right when your government is wrong. We need be aware now that everything we say and do is watched and decided upon if its treason or not, and its psychopaths that do the deciding. Course, security could be worth it. I feel so warm and fuzzy good being secure.
    Thats my rant for the day, thanks for putting up with it.

    Jun 11, 2013 11:42 AM

    Our Government and those who run it have forgotten that the power comes from “we the people”. Monitoring calls, the internet, etc may not be wrong, but keeping it totally secert, lying to the American people, and telling us the those elected officails & the burecrats know what is best in just wrong. Ben Franklin said to “If one gives up freedom to have security, he deserves neither.”

    The current administration seems to be punishing the whistle blowers and promting those who look the the other way. Lybia, Fast & furious, IRS, etc. I think our Government is out of control which leads to the populus not trusting the leadership. I’d like to see a DOJ which was honested and required others to be honest, unfortunately Holder doesn’t seem to understand the importance of that word or the position he holds. All the other agencies seem to follow his lead & the President seems to avoid noticing.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:41 PM

      Now this happens when you turn the other way as Eric Holder does day in & day out — Source: CBS State Department coyer-up of 70,000 Sate Department employees worldwide. From Prostitution Charges to Drug Charges……. As time goes by as the song goes….. there goes our freedom with it. Just look what`s happened to our beloved gold/silver and the so-called FREE MARKET ? Any Prosecution of any wrong-doers hell no, the FRAUD continues ….. Procrastination aids in wrong doing, it will just get worst. Like dealing with a mice or rat problem at home, just ignore it and soon you will have a 5 Star accommodation filling up with your new best buddies. Like what gives on at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC) NOTHING goes on there, except its just a signal station for crooks to steer by………. As far as that NSA defector Snowden, he appears to me just an Opportunist, after looking at his work history, going from one job to another, being bounced out of work ever so often. Perhaps he`s seeing a book in it, hollywood ** book deal, whatever. Just look where he was NSA contractor for 3 months, if it were a government job, getting fired forget that idea, but a contractor you have to show some proformance or your history(toast). Besides about the phone records they are only looking for key words thats talked through the phones as to information. Yet if looking into how chose a relationship government is to the rich & super rich a pattern arises, insider information is the deal breaker people are looking. Bilderberg comes to mind there. With little or no oversight of law enforcement for interference to occur makes for good profits.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:37 PM

      I agree with much of what you have to say, Mr. Butler Investor!

      Big Al

    Jun 11, 2013 11:21 PM

    Snowden reported that with the tap of a button (or two maybe?), NAS insiders could “check up” (profile) anyone. Now just think mission creep folks – what if you made the “wrong” vote, or perhaps went to the wrong church or maybe you did some wild (but illegal) thing in college. Gee, NAS might just find the need to remind you of your ways & threaten you with exposure or prosecution or both or worse – especially if you happened to be on the wrong side of the political fence. Or maybe you are just planning some coordinated citizen’s effort to right some of the transgressions a bloated federal bureaucracy is perpetuating on “we the people” such a Citizens United, the Monsanto Protection Act or rampant, cancerous growths such as the NSA or Obamacare. This is not government of the people, by the people and certainly not for the people. It is government for itself (which if history is any guide is the fate of any and all institutions that get too big and powerful enough – can you name a few?) If you think NSA is just a nice big bureaucracy there only to protect us from those nasty, nasty terrorists you might just be interested in some prime ocean front property in the middle of the Sahara desert or better yet on Mars. Power corrupts and the veil of secrecy on this one was masking such a Stink no one could miss it unless they were intentionally holding their nose while jumping up and down and yelling “Treason.” A Holder of that nature can be real trouble in case you haven’t noticed.

      Jun 12, 2013 12:50 AM

      “NSA might just find the need to remind you of your ways & threaten you with exposure or prosecution or both or worse…” –Dwight.

      Not likely, Dwight. The true power and potency of the tool of information lies in its latency. If one possesses it they never need to use it for it to be effective. It is enough that you know you are public in virtually every aspect of your life that has the biggest impact on silencing dissent. I contend this leak was deliberate and well timed for the maximum impact.

    Jun 11, 2013 11:52 PM

    Whether you agree or disagree, isn’t the data collected through mobile phones equal to a daily report to the government regarding who your spoke to, what time, how long and probably where you were?
    I don’t know where I stand yet on collecting this data without some notice, but it sure does nail down what we do day to day.

    Jun 11, 2013 11:55 PM

    Now more scandals, it should be called instead of Watergate II, it should be called Floodgate, Newest scandal Leaked Footage of Famous Holloywood Producer Claiming Obama Silenced Bill Clinton by threating his daughter Chelsea And she`s a Democrat who was working for Hillary`s campaign in 2008, when Bill kept talking about Obama`s Birth ID was a fake, then. This is not just written but its a video……

      BILL CLINTON, SHOULD KNOW THAT THEY ARE NO MESSING AROUND…..after all, he has a lot of questionable blood on his resume………….what is it about 37 people, who have committed suicide, that have been involved with Clintons…………..this quy is bad news,,,,,,,I said back when he left office with $175 million in trust funds,,,,that he could not have made this much money talking and writing books………..when in fact he was broke and was in debt one million before running for President,,,,,,Hillary, will not make it to the white house……to much dirt under her fingernails……..

        or,,,maybe because she has the dirt…..she might be a shoe in…..

          Jun 11, 2013 11:32 PM

          It`s not the point Jerry it gives us more ammo, so to speak to go after Obama — the liberals are coming out of the woodwork. Hillary is as big a liar as Bill, that`s make good scandal, its not just the tea party or the conservatives that want Obama gone, its the Liberals too….. 2014 the Tea Party has a chance to get control of Congress back from the Barbarians that are there now.

      Jun 11, 2013 11:21 PM

      If anything she can get a job in Hollywood, no problem as a producer as a republican, my aunt Marty Henry, she still might be running MCA still would hire her in a minute. My uncle Gil Henry was a hollywood screen writer, my aunt Marty & Gil were Republicans from probably the 1950`s on because of Senator Joe McCarthy`s black list campaign.

        Maybe…..we could start another production company……..are they still around…
        America….is in need of some good entertainment,,,,

    Jun 12, 2013 12:21 AM

    Let’s face it, Al is a hopeless case, and does not deserve either liberty or security. Someone whose family fled from the Commies, but forgets what a kompromat is as soon as he reads some WSJ op-ed written by some NY scumbag from the former criminal administration.

      great point IMPEACH………..did you find knuckle head…….hope, he comes back before 2014……we will need him, to chase out some of the , “scumbags”….that now occupy the senate and house……oh,,,,,did I mention TERM LIMITS………………

        impeach…..I just reread the quote…..I thought you said,,,,it…is a hopeless case…, sorry BIG A….IMPEACH…..must have been commie tose…..when he wrote that….

      Jun 13, 2013 13:41 AM

      Don’t kid yourself, Impeach. Big Al knows way more that he lets on.