

People need to realize the long term implications for gold resulting from the U.S. government shut down.

Big Al
October 3, 2013

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    Oct 03, 2013 03:28 AM

    You can’t trust schart wavish and 50 days moving averages in 100 % manipulation HUY GOLD ! FRANKY !

    Oct 03, 2013 03:38 AM

    There seems to be a developing conflict between the goals of the WH /Treasury versus the agenda that the Fed has put forth for so many quarters. Are the lines of comunication between them broken now? What is up with the fear mongering? Why would the President and Lew be making such rash predictions on market responses and beating the drums of fear when in the background the Fed appears an island of sanity and stability? Suggesting that this is a Lehman moment is pure theatrics and drama. I don’t buy it and neither should any of you. Pure posturing and bullsh#t.

      Oct 04, 2013 04:28 AM

      “Why would the President and Lew be making such rash predictions on market responses and beating the drums of fear when in the background the Fed appears an island of sanity and stability?”
      1) Shifts blame to opposition, strengthening WH bargaining position.
      2) Market weakness would ‘justify’ increased/continued QE => free money spigot stays open once GOP rolls over…

      (Stupid & short-sighted, I know.)

        Oct 04, 2013 04:47 AM

        I am convinced the free money spigot has to remain open.

    Oct 03, 2013 03:46 PM

    The Lehman moment was and is a continuing reality with different players. To say its pure theatrics and drama is very misleading. Review the facts leading up to the Lehman collapse. Same facts now only much worse.

      Oct 04, 2013 04:29 AM

      The preconditions exist but we’re not ‘at the moment’ yet(?)

      Oct 04, 2013 04:37 AM

      Thanks Gator