

We speak with Chris Martenson from the Casey Summit

Big Al
October 7, 2013

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    Oct 07, 2013 07:21 AM

    excellent interview, I really like the 3 questions that Chris brings up.

      Oct 07, 2013 07:08 PM

      He and his business partner, Adam Taggart, are two fascinating individuals. Look for more input for them.

    Oct 07, 2013 07:51 PM

    Peak prosperity, peak healthcare, peak life expectancy?

    Oct 11, 2013 11:39 AM

    Peak Prosperity is a great site because of the people. Chris at times gets out there with major market crashes (the last one was to be 60%) that his somewhat cult following may just invest on because he makes some compelling observations. I get it, he has an opinion. However, as with his recent call of a 60% market meltdown that he admits is usually always early had yet to materialize. Now a month over his predicted month of September, and months over his usually early call, and he does no follow up, takes no responsibility for, and in truth has no real time line in spite of the fact that his good friends think he a genius. I say in this particular case he should be called out because he has done this before with a similar call of a market correction equal to his latest call, and a call on betting against wheat falling and he has been flat out wrong. Not once has he apologized or gave any further follow up to a balsy call went wrong. He screams to BUY gold at $1550 when many on site felt “why?”, the trend was clearly down, and were drowned out by Chris and his loyal following of Gold bugs who even opinion to buy gold even at $1500 and oz in spite of the fact that Gold is under $1300!? I say just shut your trapper about things Chris that you now know you have no more insight on than the bum collecting leftovers outside some restaurant trash bin somewhere. Admit your short comings as vigorously as you boast your perceived intellect. Other than these few of many observations I have followed I think the site is spot on and some day Chris may just be proven right and then he can in good conscious look those in the face he mislead. His anti every The United States gets pretty old too. Go Tigers.