

What are the options for the US in Ukraine?

April 15, 2014

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    Apr 15, 2014 15:07 PM

    I don’t think it’s in Putin’s interests to encourage a civil war right on his doorstep. He’s playing for high stakes right now, very popular for being the strong man but not if his stock market goes further south than it has since yesterday. Of course sanctions have their ramifications, but London’s a superpower when it comes to streaming rouble deals.

    Apr 15, 2014 15:29 PM

    This is a chess move by the us. The US knows that Russia will not be pushed around on their own turf. Russia will win this one. What this does is allow the US to go after Iran and Russia won’t be able to do anything about it unless they want WW3.

      Apr 16, 2014 16:41 AM

      If Iraq and Afghanistan are a prologue, not sure the US is ready for yet another open ended undeclared war for the sake of nation building or Wall Street’s ambitions in the region.

      The botched ‘spontaneous uprising’ in Syria (a Russian protectorate, where Russia sent in their marines at the very start of the uprising) further hurt our credibility on the world stage. Indeed Americans might not be the most uninformed population in the world, but they rank among the most misinformed.

      The Arab Spring in Egypt resulted in a military dictatorship–which may very well become the new normal for Western values–thus raising even the eyebrows of the EU socialists.

      …And Libya continues to fade and out of anarchy while the Rs & Ds in Congress argue of the definition of terms such as terrorist attack or not…. Another well done spontaneous uprising with unintended consequences as far as the eye can see.

      Yep, maybe no black swans out there, but don’t rule out stupid! Lots of black ops spending $billions in ways that would cause the public to go Hmmmm if they only knew–which is why they’re kept in the dark and spun like tops..

      The Ukraine is Putin’s Rubicon. He will have it if for no other reason than the logistics are on his side–both Hitler and Napoleon found out the hard way about overextending them themselves. Maybe now it’s our turn.

      Just read the latest lame excuse for Bush taking us into Afghanistan is that he was trick into it by Pakistan. Oh my….. I mean, really????

      Likewise, the USSR bankrupted itself in Afghanistan–but that didn’t stop the US from repeating the same mistake.

        Apr 16, 2014 16:46 PM

        Regarding Afghanistan, a good example of history repeating itself.

        Regarding “found out the hard way about overextending” I think the odds might be strong that it will happen that way. Sad but true!