

Gold, A Forty Year Perspective, by Gary Christenson

Big Al
May 20, 2014

In broad terms, gold was in a bull market during the late 1960s and 70s, a bear market during the 80s and 90s, and back in a bull market since 2001. The important questions are:

    • Did gold reach a generational peak in 2011 and subsequently turn down for a decade or two?



  • Did gold reach an intermediate top in 2011 based on QE, dollar weakness, and high demand, correct for 2.5 years, and then begin a rally likely to persist through the end of the decade?

My answer is: Gold peaked in 2011, bottomed in June and December of 2013, and should rally for several, and probably many, years into the future.


Examine the following graph of weekly gold prices since 1977 and the 144 week simple moving average shown in red. The uptrend since 2001 is clear and pronounced. The correction since 2011 is unmistakable.

Click on image to enlarge.



Worthy of note from the spreadsheet (not shown) are:

    • The peak in January of 1980 was 9.37 standard deviations above the 144 week moving average. The numbers are similar for the 100 week and 40 week moving averages. Clearly gold was in a blow-off bubble in late 1979 and January of 1980.


    • The peak in August of 2011 was only 2.15 standard deviations above the 144 week moving average. It was an intermediate peak, but not the bubble peak that is likely to manifest within the next decade.


  • My conclusion is that gold prices were pushed too high in late 2010 and 2011 and have corrected since then. Currently gold is 15% below its 144 week moving average or about 0.6 standard deviations below that average. I don’t suggest that gold prices must rally next week or even next month, but prices are very likely to be much higher next year and even higher by the next presidential election in late 2016.

What could push the price of gold LOWER?

    • Many of the TBTF banks have announced that gold prices will move sideways to down. Take this for what little it is worth.


    • The Fed and other central banks are fighting the deflationary influences in the economies of the world. Some believe those deflationary forces indicate gold prices will fall further.


    • Official US government statistics assure us that inflation is very low. Of course anyone who eats, drives a car, has medical bills, pays college tuition, or shops for groceries knows better, but official statistics show minimal inflation and some people think that means gold prices are unlikely to rise.


  • There are other reasons, but most center about the degree of control the Fed exerts over the economy, the control that the COMEX has over paper gold prices, and the Fed’s desire and the government’s need to keep gold prices low. Their control, power, and influence are undeniable but are probably overstated. I expect the primary gold bull market will reassert itself, regardless of central bank, government or COMEX interventions.

What will push the price of gold higher?

    • The Fed and other central banks are “printing money” and this, historically speaking, has always ended badly. Expect more consumer price inflation, declining purchasing power for currencies, and higher gold prices.


    • The US and Japanese governments are running large budget deficits and borrowing as if the credit to run bloated governments will always be available. The answer of course is that the debts will be paid with newly “printed” money and the cycle of borrow, run a deficit, borrow more, and print will repeat.


    • The US dollar, and most paper currencies, are backed by nothing more substantial than “full faith and credit” of admittedly insolvent governments.


    • The US official national debt exceeds $17.5 Trillion, which does not include unfunded liabilities that are perhaps another $100 – 200 Trillion. We all know this debt can never be repaid in dollars that are worth more than a tiny fraction of their current value. Perhaps the debt can never be repaid under any conditions other than hyperinflationary “money printing.”


    • Our warfare/welfare governments are actively pursuing their own agendas and our politicians are encouraging the growth of warfare, welfare, and the size of government. It will be financed with printed dollars, euros, yen etc. The result will be decreased purchasing power of the dollar, euro and yen.


    • Geopolitical events such as a few wars here and there, more conflicts, perhaps a nuclear accident, a major earthquake, and a monetary system collapse could aggravate an already unstable financial world and accelerate the process of dollar devaluation, rising gold prices, and a shakeup in the use of the dollar as the reserve currency. Individuals and the more solvent nations will protect themselves with hard assets such as gold.


    • The citizens of China, Russia, and India and their central banks are buying gold in quantity. That demand is unlikely to decrease. The western world has been shipping a massive amount of gold to Asia for the past five years. What will happen to prices when that gold supply is restricted or terminated?


    • The Fed, central banks, and many governments want and need inflation, not deflation. They are likely to get it, and then blame their self-created inflation on the politically appropriate enemy at the moment, the current war, or some other diversion.


  • Government expenses are rising exponentially and more rapidly than revenues. Mathematically we know this cannot continue forever. Expect higher gold prices and all paper currencies to devalue against hard assets.

I could go on, but the situation is clear. Gold did NOT blow-off into a bubble high in 2011, all the drivers for continued higher gold prices are still valid, demand is huge, supply will be restricted when the western central banks run out of gold or choose to terminate “leasing” into the market, and government expenses, “money printing” and bond monetization are out of control and accelerating.

Gold prices will climb a wall of worry in the years ahead.

You may be interested in my comments on Silver and 2011.

GE Christenson
aka Deviant Investor



    May 20, 2014 20:32 AM

    I’m glad I kept reading past the chart and the advertisement, or I would have totally dismissed Mr. Christenson’s article on the first two questions alone. He makes some valid points in his bullets, but fails to connect the (bullet) dots or drive the (knife) point home.

    – Nixon took the USA off the gold standard in 1972. He had to do it – the French were calling our “guns and butter” devaluation of our monetary supply and bleeding us dry on Fort Knox gold. An actual documented default was untenable.
    – Without the US peg of $42.50/ounce and the London Pool, gold started to take off to its’ rightful proportion to all world fractional reserve fiat currencies by 1980.
    – Paul Volcker stopped this inflation of fiat currency relative to precious metals by raising interest rates until the US, and world economy by extension, broke.
    – Realizing that unfettered precious metals threatened their fiat currency system, new controls were put into place on the prices of precious metals, from the miners to the dealers, worldwide. Implementation took several years.
    – Once the fractional reserve fiat money masters realized no one would audit the governmental gold vaults any more, they decided to “get paid twice” by “loaning” out the gold. Then 4x. Then 16x. Then 32x. Now it’s close to, or beyond, 100x.
    – The last two generations of Americans and Europeans have now grown up accepting fiat currency in place of holding precious metals. The digital age further distanced people from real money.
    – US politicians, and UK politicians, have never had to say “no” to any spending whatsoever as long as it furthered the elites’ agenda.
    – In 2011 when the US deficit became known to be in the trillions of USD, some elite and governments got nervous and started to pull back on their holdings of US Treasuries. The US/UK responded by forcing Congress to print currency like never before, which was used to bail out bad banks worldwide, not just in the USA, and to prop up the US stock market and push precious metals back down to their pre-2010 prices.

    There. That drives it home. I don’t disagree entirely with Mr. Christenson, but he failed to make a convincing argument, even with facts.

      May 20, 2014 20:49 AM

      Gary is an interesting man and I would guess as he continues his newsletter he will improve.

    May 20, 2014 20:06 AM


      May 20, 2014 20:49 AM

      You are certainly welcome, Jerry.

    May 20, 2014 20:17 AM

    Big Al, Jerry and Cory:
    Gary IS TOP NOTCH!!! Really think he has his sh#t together…big time!!

      May 20, 2014 20:22 AM

      Thanks Marc …for the input……..Gary seems ,as you say.,,to have his s……..together,and I agree………………….ootb…………….

      May 20, 2014 20:50 AM

      With his accounting background, he does and more than some!

    May 20, 2014 20:22 AM

    It all comes down to this economic collapse that is accelerating.
    If you think the world’s reserve currency is not being challenged or will not be usurped then don’t protect yourself by diversifying into the only mediums that have been used and trusted for millennia.
    If you think the world’s elite do not have physical metals in their personal vaults then just keep on believing they are doing ‘God’s work’ and you are immune from their omnipresence by doing absolutely nothing to protect yourself.

      May 20, 2014 20:23 AM

      nice one……..Matt………

        May 20, 2014 20:31 AM

        DITTO!!…Jerry….and I will add a “HEAR, HEAR”…..excellent Matt!

      May 20, 2014 20:51 AM

      They are “doing God’s work”?

      Don’t get it Matthew.



        May 20, 2014 20:58 AM

        Al,,, I think Matthew and Matt…….are two different guys………

        May 20, 2014 20:30 AM
        May 20, 2014 20:02 AM

        Al, there is a segment of the population, the psychopaths, who think if they can be richer than anyone else, then God must condone what they do. “Survival of the fittest.” “Fortune favors the bold.” “Heads I win, tails you lose.”

        May 20, 2014 20:27 PM

        Big Al,
        The ‘Gods work” was tongue in cheek…no?

          May 20, 2014 20:19 PM

          If you are referring to what I think you are referring to, the answer is yes.

            May 20, 2014 20:59 PM

            A little fuller explanation after I read the article.

            I don’t understand how he can refer to what he and the rest of them are doing as being “God’s work”?

    May 20, 2014 20:32 AM

    Where the SAM H__ is Irish…oh, it is 530 Brit time….time for the PUB….yeah!!

      May 20, 2014 20:56 AM

      Irish, only comes on when he knows I am out of control…………..

        May 20, 2014 20:08 PM

        Jerry…..Calm down , theres a good boy. ..Marc…No I’m not in the pub , I am sitting here comparing car insurance quotes,…Yes boring I know…..& theres you thinking I lead a super-duper life of booze & women….chance would be a fine thing..haha
        BTW…I read what the family are posting, every day….Just because I don’t say anything doe’s not mean I am not keeping a beady eye on you lot, & besides you all post better stuff than me …..GREAT HEALTH TO ALL THE “KERS”.

          May 20, 2014 20:25 PM

          No one here posts better stuff than you Mr. Irish. As good, but certainly not better!

            May 20, 2014 20:04 PM

            HI.AL…You are a true GENT…considering some of the stuff I have posted over the years…(some not always to your liking)…You still respect others opinion’s…Don’t you ever change , the world needs more people like you …My love & respect goes to you & your family…Your daughters must love their daddy….X

            May 20, 2014 20:18 PM

            Yep Tony. Al’s Christianity certainly puts mine to shame! That said somewhere the Psalmist speaks of hating with a pure hatred! I like that one.

            May 21, 2014 21:42 AM

            There is absolutely no way that my faith puts yours to shame, Reverend!

            I am just a mortal who is trying very hard to do good.

            We all stumble at times though. You know that!

          May 20, 2014 20:27 PM

          Who would want to post here with the reruns of coronation street on the telly.

          May 20, 2014 20:40 PM

          Just got back from the beach, and noticed Irish was still kicking…..,,Marc, I told you he only comes on when I am out of control………………………ooooooooooooooootb

            May 20, 2014 20:50 PM

            Jerry be careful you don’t want to enter “The Twilight Zone” where there is no past and no future, do, do, do, do ,dooooooooooooo!

            May 20, 2014 20:56 PM

            DT………..thanks for the post…….Heck the is the “Twilight Zone”……….

          May 20, 2014 20:16 PM

          Marc, they are all coming back – Matthew, Mr Irish who likes a quick slumber away from it all, Just James I believe who is still on his hols. Happy days are here again!!

    May 20, 2014 20:00 PM

    Okay guys, I am done for a little while.

    Remember, Big Al is supposed to be retired!

    May 21, 2014 21:42 AM

    Should we look at the performance of gold and measure said performance?
    Or alternatively should we come to the realization that Gold is the measure?

      May 21, 2014 21:13 AM

      I personally prefer the latter!