

Morning Commentary from Gary

Big Al
June 17, 2014

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    Jun 17, 2014 17:06 AM

    Why would you think that suddenly the manipulators decided to stop raiding gold?

      Jun 17, 2014 17:53 PM

      I don’t think they have stopped. I think it is not working anymore. The character has changed this year. Now instead of the manipulation crushing gold for weeks or months it now gets reversed almost immediately.

    Jun 17, 2014 17:42 AM

    These are the “Backstop Boyz” I’ve been telling you about for the last two months now. Glad you’ve finally noticed them, as well. Still in the “c”-wave correction for now but the last smash should come tomorrow in the maelstrom caused by the FOMC announcement.

      Jun 17, 2014 17:10 AM

      How you cannot heed a person with humor (“Backstop Boyz”) and who properly uses the word “maelstrom”?

        Jun 17, 2014 17:33 AM

        And is charming, handsome, witty, brilliant, suave, dashing, dapper, debonair, and modest as well. Especially modest.

          Jun 17, 2014 17:21 PM

          Ha Ha Ha !

    Jun 17, 2014 17:00 AM

    This waiting for “attacks” has been going on awhile, obviously has to do with aquireing physical.
    A few people have been saying for quite some time that it shouldn’t be going on much longer. Personally Im not holding my breath. Corys right, Silverdoc etc have been noticing Tuesdays for awhile.
    A story circulating about a year ago was that when the Chinese bazillionares found out they had been robbed thru manipulation they decided not to send the manipulaters to jail or assassinate them, they decided to make them go broke.
    Those guys could be your “snap back” buyes and physical accumilaters.

      Jun 17, 2014 17:06 AM

      Unquestionably it’s the Chinese. The strategy and tactics have “Sun Tzu” writ large all over them. 3000 years of history trumps 21st Century hubris every time.

    Jun 17, 2014 17:38 AM

    US missile defense system proves to be useless after $40 bln spent

    Russian navy welcomes most-advanced nuclear-powered attack sub.

    The Russians evicted the Americans from the iss a week or so back.

    The world now knows the Americans supplied and trained the isis in Iraq and now decide if they fight them.

    Slowly the genius of their foregn policy is exposed.

    Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote an article explaining the Americans are no longer the top technological dogs clearly demonstrated in the first two RT articles I posted,
    maybe Al you could ask him about it if you have him on.

    But, the “good guys” can still manipulate markets.

    Jun 17, 2014 17:50 PM

    Read that article about the Central Banks buying stocks. They also said they now “own” the market and can do anything they want to! This situation is insane! Where are the free markets? Wouldnt be so bad if these guys were not perfect jerks! World is going to hell in a hand basket. One push of a button and “the boyz” could break the whole system. Too much power in one place.

    Jun 17, 2014 17:05 PM

    True Tim, only choice could be follow or get out of the way.

    They were fair tho, they told everybody the dow and sp were on their way up long ago,
    plenty of warning to position correctly.