

Overall market commentary

July 2, 2014

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    Jul 02, 2014 02:45 PM

    In retrospect we should never have allowed consumption to be 2/3 of the economy the last 40 years, probably 50% would have allowed the economy to balance out, but as long as Morgan& Goldman run the world in the West, economic turmoil will prevail!

    Jul 02, 2014 02:54 PM

    I pity the people that have retired the last 15 years and their real purchasing power has been cut in half, many of those relying on a 6-8% yield on their CDs, and now have to settle for 1% or so.

      Jul 02, 2014 02:13 PM

      I feel sorry for them too Martin. Unfortunately you hear a lot of stories now where people are having a lot of trouble trying to live off what they thought would be enough. Higher prices and lower returns on savings rates make it very tough.