

Wednesday and The Doctor Is In

Big Al
July 9, 2014

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    Jul 09, 2014 09:08 AM

    The US dollar will break in a downwards direction. Expect a 30% correction over the next few years as the dollar reset due to excessive money printing occurs. The biggest jump will occur as Special Drawing Rights are introduced by the IMF.

    Jul 09, 2014 09:08 AM

    Most NO ALL off ALL YOUR MONNEY MAST BY REAL GOLD !!!!!!!!!! We will see things in the WORLD AND ( MIDDLE EAST ) WE NEVER SEEN BEFORE !

    Jul 09, 2014 09:45 AM

    Gold is now up over $9 …I wonder if any of the 3 musketeers have anything they want to add?

    Jul 09, 2014 09:55 AM

    I’m very disappointed Doc. but the timing model you use has not
    influenced me.

    When gold enters a bull market and I believe it has……..

    IF YOUR NOT IN……..YOU WON’T WIN….especially in gold.

    This opportunity is now passing by only to now be whipsawed
    into losses going in and out.

    Jul 09, 2014 09:32 PM

    Hi Doc, Would be interested to here your comments on this recent price action. Do you mind posting your view.

    Jul 09, 2014 09:36 PM

    In Europe we have Chernobyl ! West cost you have Fukushima luck dissssssss !!!!!!!!!!

    GOLD 1327…………..LOOKS BETTER THAN 1322………..correction going high……..

    btw…………..WHERE ARE THE SHORTS…………………

    Jul 09, 2014 09:52 PM

    Where is the good doctor.

    Not in sick bay… by any chance.

    No worries though. His got the best medical
    coverage money can buy.

    Wright doc. No worries I assume you do.

    Jul 09, 2014 09:51 PM

    Al, you keep saying doc has it right but his call is yet to happen. Doc mentioned where going down for the past few days and if anything it would have cost some people money. Being out has been the wrong thing to do. Gary got out early and jumped back in yesterday sensing this move. Doc said we would go down the rest of the week and possible some more at least to his 1280 target.

    The credit here needs to go to gary so far. Doc has been previously correct and his calls overall are very good but at times he doubts himself and changes tunes on a dime. Gary also changed his tune on a dime tuesday morning when he mentioned about the cot and commercial shorts position and that all “gold bugs” need to be nervous right now. Few hours later Gary told his subscribers to jump in and buy. Id like to know what made Gary change his mind in a 1-2 hour span? Seems others would have taken his advice as stay far away from buying right now.

    Regardless both gary and doc have been great on the average daily 🙂

      Jul 10, 2014 10:25 AM

      Hey there glenfidish, how ya doin? As long as we’re doling out credits, I’ll take one (hehe). I’ve been short the S&P (via SPY puts) and was chit chatting with Doc on the possibility of VIX to the 9’s. Of course, the possibility still exists, but the great part about this site is we get to weigh all of the opinions, do a gut-check and then act accordingly if we so desire. I guess “I’m like” I won’t assign credit or blame; just have to trust MY OWN trading decisions based on whatever data I have in front of me. But at the same time I do understand where your coming from. All the contributors here I consider top-notch.

    Jul 10, 2014 10:40 AM

    High Chips,

    I agree all contributors here are of the finest. You can learn many things and even tweek your own style of trading by listening :).

    Anyways I posted this earlier on Garys column in here.

    Well Gary and others, I got the impulsive move up overnight that I was looking for.
    Sold my trading positions as of 30 minutes ago. Did not like what I was seeing in the miners. I expect a pull back soon. On the sideline with good profits from the june 3rd low. Hope you all do well.
    Long positions remain intact and did not sell.

      Jul 10, 2014 10:54 AM

      Like it… Thumbs up! (I heart trading 🙂 )

    Jul 10, 2014 10:11 AM


    Chip trading is for daily/weekly expenses… Using profits here and going with the wife and daughter to cuba.. Second time around.

    My longs are locked in for at least the next big move whenever that maybe lol.

    By the way, im fairly new at this trading game. I changed my outlook 2 years ago. Got tired of the gold/miners going down. If you have patience the trading canbe rewarding.

      Jul 10, 2014 10:38 AM

      Man, I could go for a true Cuban sangwich! (“Sangwich” as we say here in Chi-town area). Or a greezy Italian Beef sangwich, oh yeah!

      And oh yeah, trading “risky” options like buying puts for me is just what I do with my fun money– Money I can afford to lose. I do have a long range strategy that’s reasonably diversified including dividend-payers. I also use sell-side options on blue chips to leverage my positions when I see fit. Love that strategy of “acting like the house” selling options contracts to gamblers (like me) when the opportunity presents itself. Yeah I suppose I’m playing both sides of the fence, but I pride myself of using good discipline (adhering to my stops and trailing stops, position sizing, etc; all the boring stuff).

      PS – I never put my stops in the market– That’s like a poker player showing their hand.