

Huge Buying Ongoing In Precious Metals Futures Market

July 11, 2014

Is sentiment in the precious metals drastically changing? This article would have you think so. Some interesting facts about the types of investors who are accumulating gold ETFs and how shorts and longs have been maneuvering.

Click here for the full post.

      Jul 11, 2014 11:36 PM

      How credible is that site?

        Jul 11, 2014 11:52 PM

        I have been reading about this for the last two years!

          Jul 11, 2014 11:15 PM

          Dick Tracy, we’ve been reading these past few years every single day that the US economy is about to collapse, but it hasn’t. Things take time. Same with Mexico backing the peso with silver. They are thinking about, and that is enough for me to believe that there is a chance they might do it.

            Jul 11, 2014 11:19 PM

            BTW, how are things in Toronto (you live in Toronto if my memory serves me well)? Did you see the job losses in Ontario? That province is a dead meat. Wait till they start laying off people from the public sector. It’s not going to be pretty.

            Jul 11, 2014 11:11 PM

            I couldn’t agree more, Ontario’s debt is bigger then all the other provinces combined, it is in fact worse then California, at least we have access to water.

            Jul 11, 2014 11:02 PM

            Just like the US economy!

    Jul 11, 2014 11:17 PM

    I am waiting to see how the Liberals are going to fix Ontario’s problems. The people are not going to be happy when cuts start raining down, seeing that the Liberals during the election campaign acted as if the economy was firing on all cylinders.

    Jul 13, 2014 13:36 AM

    Dear Al,
    I am from Ontario.Voters had one last chance to put in a Conservative government which would have cut gov’t spending.Voters would not have anything to do with it.When interest rates eventually rise the deficit will skyrocket out of control.The Liberals will not balance the budget.The voters do not want the pain and are in complete denial.Reap what you sew.