

The Myrmikan Capital letter

July 16, 2014

Gold found a bottom a year ago at $1180 on June 30 at precisely 10:00 AM EST, the final London fix of the quarter.  This price was tested again on the last day of 2013, clearly being driven by predatory speculators.

Since then, the gold market has changed markedly.  During the two-and-a-half year decline, price tended to fall during Western hours, as speculators sold and shorted, and to rise in Eastern hours as Asia exploited soft prices to buy physical metal.  That pattern has reversed, with gold tending to be strong in the West, as speculators reenter the market, and soft in the East, as credit troubles in China and elsewhere slow purchases.

Bank analysts, such as at Societe Generale, have seized on weak physical markets – meaning the flow of gold to Asia has slowed marginally – to repeat bearish prognostications.  But the story is once again Western speculators and the fact that the massive transfers of gold to the East over the past two years have left a lot less gold in the West to speculate on.

Western speculators have reentered the market in part because, as argued in the attached report, there has been a shift in perception such that inflation has become the primary risk to the debt markets, not deflation.

Myrmikan’s investment thesis is based on the premise that interest rates have been artificially low, debt levels too high, and that gold is the antithesis of debt.  Debt bubbles burst either through inflation or deflation, and either way benefits gold as against all other financial assets – investing in gold and unlevered gold mining stocks permits agnosticism as to the method of debt default.

Looking back some time hence, it may well be that the shift from a deflationary to inflationary mindset helped cause gold’s huge correction.  But, whereas gold does well in real terms in a deflationary debt default, it really flies in nominal terms during inflationary defaults.  This is the prospect before us.

Regarding yesterday’s $30 decline in gold prices, it is worthy of note that 10% of yesterday’s volume occurred in the span of just 11 trading minutes.

Gold stocks remain deeply depressed, but gold remains near 300-year lows in terms of the dominant central bank’s balance sheet – gains in the junior sector can be stunningly large and swift given the correct conditions.

Thank you for your interest in Myrmikan Capital.
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    Jul 16, 2014 16:54 PM
    Jul 16, 2014 16:01 PM

    Gold has found support (so far) at the 55 day MA and the 50% fib retracement level of the entire move off the June low.$GOLD&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p89355379559&a=359706718

    Jul 16, 2014 16:55 PM

    “gains in the junior sector can be stunningly large and swift given the correct conditions.” I’d like to hear more commentary on when the turn in markets will be that trigger these stunningly large gains. Is it the big money coming back in? Will higher inflation numbers cause an exodus from equities in favor of commodities? Will it be oil that leads the pack? Is it the demise of the dollar? Is it the demise of the conventional markets?

    There are a number of counter intuitive moves the market has gone through since 08-09, and it is like a Franken-market that is alive in a machine-like freakish way, and there have been several times where it seemed like the junior market was set to turn and then the steam went out again.

    Jul 17, 2014 17:16 AM

    Platinum /gold ratio………… .87 Platinum is sneaking away from gold manipulation.

    INDIANS ON THE WAR PATH……gold imports in India up 65%……..see kitco.

      this is contrary to reports indicating gold is to be shipped to LONDON….for safe keeping.
      PEOPLE ARE importing and govt. wants to export…………There is a real disconnect.

    TIME TO WAKE UP OWL………………..two days is enough ,,,,ratings are going down, and you are AWOL……….

      Jul 17, 2014 17:30 AM

      JERRY , don’t disturb him he is waiting for sold to go up $50 , & then come back & say……See I fixed it all for you….After all he does have some influence at……………
      Martha’s Vineyard.

    Jul 17, 2014 17:39 AM


    I don’t like the number of options handed out on Theralase. RED FLAG warning, 3 year validity.

      Jul 17, 2014 17:19 AM

      I don’t know the total number of options outstanding or their respective strike prices, but the recent 1,000,000+ just issued are way out of the money. The shares would have to rise about 50% just to put them AT the money. So they can be considered “performance options” -the company better perform or the option holders get nothing.

      The practice of compensating officers with options is typical of small and usually cash-strapped little companies. However, it is NOT typical that such options are way out of the money. If those receiving the options did not believe in the company or its future, they would accept nothing less than deep in the money options. In short, the options just issued for compensation amount to a best case scenario for shareholders.

      If the majority of the total options outstanding are way out of the money, I would not be in any hurry to sell based on their existence.

      I have no position of any kind in Theralase.