

Doc’s outlook on the precious metals

August 8, 2014

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    Aug 08, 2014 08:53 PM
      Aug 08, 2014 08:17 PM


      Aug 08, 2014 08:19 PM

      Thanks for that bit of culture!

    Aug 08, 2014 08:07 PM

    News letter name ALCORDOC

      Aug 08, 2014 08:25 PM

      Interesting article, thanks.

    Aug 08, 2014 08:17 PM

    How about “The Monthly Prescription”

    DC and Al………that way you can cover politics……ha

    Aug 08, 2014 08:46 PM

      Aug 09, 2014 09:49 PM

      How this instead….

      Oh please Jesus make gold go up and never come down again, Gospel Show. And then instead of charts and graphs, Doc can hand out hymn books and there can be devotionals followed by lots of singing and group programming where it is all love all the time and nobody gets old or sick or angry anymore. The subscription price will be 10% of your income and Al will give all the money to people who don’t have gold but want to buy some.

      Aug 08, 2014 08:12 PM


        Aug 09, 2014 09:50 PM

        Not nice. Zerohedge totally missed the point and fell flat on its ass in writing that story. What actually took place was almost certainly the biggest news for US business in the last few decades as 33 billion in initiatives were announced to support trade and investment with Africa.

        The programs are wide ranging and include incentives for poverty relief, agriculture investments, technology transfers, energy and power builds, support for exports of US technology, infrastructure and telecom incentives and so much more.

        The morons at ZH saw the negatives but missed what was clearly a major event. The regular media gave this scant coverage as well but if you are in business you had best pay attention. There is a competition going on right now between East and West for access to the worlds last major untapped resources. China holds the lead but they are not alone in working to engage with the many countries, governments and people on the continent.

        Jobs and investment is now flowing into Africa from across the world in growing strength. Indian investors are here in force. Many European nations have a long history and ties with these nations from the past and are now working to expand their presence as Middle Eastern investors make big strides to capture a share of the opportunities.

        But it is China above all that has established a foothold here and until now all other nations combined pale in comparison to the levels of capital inflows and direct investments they have made. The charity mold of the past has been broken and slowly everyone is waking up to the fact it is business, jobs and infrastructure development that really moves governments and people here.

        Capital coming from China is currently estimated to be as high as 30 billion annually. The source is a mix of Chinese banks lending and credit combined with private investment and direct government spending and supports. The new two year, 33 billion dollar strategy of the US government seeks to address the lack of American participation here and expand their sphere of influence.

        These efforts could not have come sooner. Ignore the dribble from Zerohedge. This is a big story that offers tremendous benefits for Africans and that simultaneously supports US jobs and business as it seeks to expand trade relationships while supporting development goals on the continent.

        Doing Business in Africa Campaign Fact Sheet – White House, Office of the Press Secretary

    Aug 08, 2014 08:21 PM

    Doc’s OK Corey-Al: Shooting holes in conventional thinking.

    CyA DOC……


      Aug 08, 2014 08:57 PM

      HA HA HA crazy world !

    Aug 08, 2014 08:27 PM

    Chico and J; those are some beauties.

    Aug 08, 2014 08:46 PM

    Al, let me try one… “Doctor Cory et AL – Sane Economics Diagnosis”

      Aug 08, 2014 08:34 PM

      That’s good my friend.

      Is this an insane world or what!

      Big Al

        Aug 08, 2014 08:35 PM

        Insane indeed, Big Al.


    Aug 09, 2014 09:18 AM

    Al/Cory/Doc: I have some ideas for naming the newsletter complete “with taglines” for some added “Google Juice” (I have some experience with this). Here we go…

    “Rx For Profit”

    “Doctor-Recommended for Optimum Portfolio Performance”

    The FeelBetter Financial Letter
    “Portfolio’s Looking Good!”

    Fortunate Outcomes Report
    “Expert Financial Advice — Winning Results”

    Markets MRI
    “High-Resolution Analysis for the Life of Your Portfolio”

    The Market Clinic
    “Leading the Way Through Sound Financial Experience and Wisdom”

    Markets Pi
    “A Constant Source of Financial Intelligence”


    You like these? I have more — Enjoy! 🙂

      Aug 09, 2014 09:22 PM

      Chips, I read them out loud to my wife and had her laughing. Doc.

    Aug 09, 2014 09:27 AM

    Rather new to this site. Does ‘DOC’ have a name? Where can I see his bio?
    Thank you.