

Trader Tracks European Opinion

December 22, 2014

The Economic Disaster that is Europe is a direct result of central bankers’ interference.                                                                                                                                                               Global-One-World-Fixers pushed the Euro-land scam using their fiat ECB bonds to finance it.                                                                                                                                                          Their fiat Euro currency is ready to cliff-jump and Greece was the first victim, being so vulnerable.                                                                                                                                               These Euro-land weak sisters and baby nations die first as they have no reasonable economic tools.


Greece has nothing to export except tomatoes and bad debts. Their national welfare scheme has been in place                                                                                                                          for decades. Greece has been on life support most of that time as few work at all…ever.  There is tourism of course                                                                                                                    but a nation spending itself into oblivion unable to collect revenue through taxation must finally face the music. –Roger

Who lost Greece? -Alexis Papachelas

“If Greece collapses much will be said about where the fault lies. Sure, we all know the failings of Greek politicians.                                                                                                                  That said, much of the blame lies with outsiders who pushed Greece beyond its limits.” Roger: I agree.

“From the start of the crisis, Berlin sought to get the IMF involved; it was what Wolfgang Schaeuble wanted. The policy was largely driven from a desire to punish Greece for its sins but also from the need to provide German voters with a fig leaf before approving a Greek aid package.  Roger: Keep in mind Schaeuble had to steal German savings and credit to do his part in building the One World Scheme.  The argument that the U.S. used the IMF to manipulate Europe is full of holes, especially in light of Washington’s disagreement with Berlin over austerity. The IMF made plenty of mistakes.”

Roger: Understand Germany’s Schaeuble inherited the One World One Europe idea from predecessors. However, he was handpicked to implement the nefarious scheme and it has all blown up in his face. You cannot make Greece, Spain, Portugal and a few others into comparable economic competitors with Germany. I disagree as Madame LeGarde of the IMF as she did her best to slap Europe into line with her agenda. Greece was easy pickings to test central banker depositor asset theft. Greece is an example of what central bankers will try next as they move-up the food chain from Southern Europe going North.

 “Instead of pushing for structural changes, it approved horizontal cuts because Dominique Strauss-Kahn did not want to pressure the George Papandreou government. The IMF underestimated the devastating consequences of the banking crisis on the Greek economy, mainly high borrowing costs for businesses. Also, the IMF insisted that debt restructuring was necessary for the program to be sustainable but it never quite managed to convince European governments to find a solution to the Greek debt.” Roger: The IMF’s plans are to loan valueless fiat credit via phony bonds, bankrupt a nation and steal the real assets like gold, silver, energy, ports, airports and other valuable stuff. This happens when the debtors can’t pay.

Roger: If you thought the collapse of Greece, Italy, Portugal and a few other early IMF victims was interesting, watch what happens next, as ECB leader Mario Draghi’s policies and his bonds circle the drain.  Mr. Draghi has all but thrown in the towel and given-up. All of these banksters understand the ending. They will force this game to the wall and then nationalize all banks seizing savings, pensions and other people’s deposits causing the largest plunder of all assets in history.                                                                                     The Greek bank thefts were a warm-up testing cycle to see if they could get away with it. Answer: They did.

“The ECB on the other hand followed in the IMF’s footsteps on all matters save the debt. In a secret letter to the Papandreou government, Jean-Claude Trichet warned that a rescheduling of the debt “could trigger very large losses for Greek banks.” The ECB also resisted calls by the Commission for a new monitoring system for Greece. Berlin, finally, saw the need for a new deal with the troika but Schaeuble continued to insist on an IMF role.” Roger:Schaeuble is an IMF shill trying to dump these massive debts into the USA via the IMF.

“And that brings us to September. The choice became clearer. If the troika insisted on more austerity, the government would simply crumble. The Commission saw the problem, Jean-Claude Juncker did all he could, but the IMF and the ECB would not be swayed. Christine Lagarde made clear that more sacrifice was needed to wrap-up the negotiations. Angela Merkel argued that she had spent a lot of capital on Greece and Portugal and there was nothing she could do without Schaeuble’s backing. Large funds that invested in Greece warned that a hard-line approach would send the country into a political tailspin and put any achievements at risk. Roger: Greece has been among the Zombie nations for years. There are several more right now.

Just over a month ago, a tough behind-the-scenes battle was fought. The Commission lost and the IMF won. The motives are not yet clear. One explanation would be that the IMF and Schaeuble decided that SYRIZA would inevitably rise to power, with or without a deal. By pulling the rug from under Greece, they accelerated political developments. If things go awry, it will be interesting to see who will lose out. The IMF loan to Greece is safe. Europe may deem that Greece no longer poses a risk but it is too early to tell. Berlin will have to explain to German voters why the Greek success story failed. Greeks will suffer. “Who lost Greece?” could become the subject of future seminars.” 12-21-14