

Friday and The Doctor Is In

Big Al
December 26, 2014

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    Dec 26, 2014 26:55 AM

    Doc, in the spirit of Christmas I refuse to be discouraged by you, even if you are the biggest Scrooge, or actually Grinch is the more appropriate word.

    You repeat the following mantra month in month out – gold will go down but thats ok.

    Don’t you get tired of that year after year?

    What never ceases to amuse me though is how you can like gold when all you ever say it will either go down, come back down, or trade sideways.

    You will not best gold if you think you can trade in and out of stocks.

    Al you claim not to be a short term trader but a long term investor, but clearly Doc is a short term trader. Your listeners should understand this.

    Anyone who is a long term gold buy and hold would be very discouraged listening to his same old same old calls.

    But in the sprit of Christmas I say Gold bless us everyone!

    But please stop saying you like gold when all you ever say is it will go down or trade sideways for months.

    Once again in the spirit of Christmas I refuse to be broken by either the price of gold or Docs comments. With that in mind I am going to see “Unbroken” today – the true story of Louie Zamperini, the Olympic athlete who survived WWII. Written by Laura Hillenbrand, the excellent writer who also wrote Seaboacuit.

    A wonderful story of courage and determination. Exactly what is needed to weather this gold market these last few years.

    So keep talking Doc, you can’t break me!

      Dec 26, 2014 26:54 PM

      Hi James….Peace…Having read your above post….Just what the FECK have you been drinking ?

      Dec 26, 2014 26:25 PM

      It was a really great book. I saw him interviewed just before he died.

      You have to admit that Doc has ben pretty correct so far though!

      Dec 27, 2014 27:16 PM

      I disagree James. I have been listening to Doc since he was just posting on the blog, and there have been segments of time when Doc was very bullish on Gold/Silver and the mining stocks. If you have continued to remaining a perma-bull the last 3 years then you got your clock cleaned. There have been counter-trend rallies in the PM bear market and Doc, Rick, and Gary have called many of them correctly.

      Doc is also bullish mid to long term, but he is discussing the short term trends on the daily editorials. Try to keep up with what commentaries are discussing, and don’t misconstrue their overall message. It sounds like you have a bullish bias, and just can’t handle the fact that no market is continually going to go up. When it does turn, you’ll hear Doc quite bullish. He is a realist, not a wishful thinker – I like that.

        Dec 27, 2014 27:15 PM

        Thanks Shad, yes Doc is a realist!

    Dec 26, 2014 26:03 PM

    Miraculuns? Sounds like a group of super heroes.

      Dec 26, 2014 26:53 PM

      I was thinking the same thing—-either that or a lot of miracles.

      Dec 26, 2014 26:25 PM

      I don’t Ebolan, their product might be.

    Dec 26, 2014 26:23 PM

    Merry CHRISTmas to all!

      Dec 26, 2014 26:58 PM

      SD ….HEELLLOOOO……Have you not got it yet there is no longer any markets , as we understand them.

      Dec 26, 2014 26:28 PM

      Kind of is SD!

    Dec 26, 2014 26:50 PM

    Speaking of which James, keeping in the spirit of Christmas….

      Dec 26, 2014 26:19 PM

      Hi.Andrew….Great video , & if true just goes to prove to the people of the world that there gods , no matter what they are called ..Jesus..Allah ..Budda..just to name a few , move among us without us seen them …by the actions of that man & countless others like him……That type of behaviour inspires me to do my bit.

        Dec 27, 2014 27:08 AM

        Agree Irish – A very happy season’s greetings to you and yours…gold, frankincense , myrrh and silver…!!

    Dec 26, 2014 26:51 PM

    You don’t seem to know which way is up, and are down playing gold and gold stocks, never the less both gold and gold stocks are up today.
    Good luck to you all as the gold stocks continue to transfer from weak hands to strong hands.
    You will wake up sooner or later.


      Dec 26, 2014 26:30 PM

      Thanks for the input, Peter

    Dec 26, 2014 26:11 PM

    I thought the following story was kind of curious. First I had heard of it actually. Seems there is an arms race on in Asia where submarines are concerned and subsea ships and deterrents are proliferating all of a sudden.

    The whole region including Vietnam, China, India, Japan, Taiwan and even Australia have gone on a building and buying spree to bolster or create fleets of modern Subs.

    I did a quick count and came up with close to 175 units planned or operational in just a handful of countries. Most are Chinese of course but the whole region surrounding the South and East China seas and the Indian Ocean seem to be bristling with new equipment or planning on adding it in the next few years.

    Kind of has overtones to the buildup that took place prior to the last war when we saw Germany deploying so many U-Boats. You really have to wonder how long it will be before someone does something stupid in a fit of territorialism and the sea lanes in the region are all shut down.

    Be sure to stock up on games and phones and spare parts and plastic junk from the Orient before trouble erupts kids! It might be awhile before you can get more if a real war ever breaks out……oh, and don’t forget zippers and velcro and buttons too.

    About a 100% of that stuff gets produced in that part of the world.

    Maritime spats in East China Sea, South China Sea ‘stirring undersea arms race’

      Dec 26, 2014 26:07 PM

      Chinese hold way too many dollars to start any real military confrontation. US would impose sanctions that would make those dollars inconvertable to anything of value, except potentially black markets goods at a significant premium. If the Chinese do start dumping huge quantities of dollars for gold, that would certainly raise some red flags at the Pentagon.

        Dec 27, 2014 27:09 AM

        I suspect the primary military confrontations when they come will be regional confrontations between the local actors. Everyone has an interest they want protected whether that is South Korea, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, China, Japan and so many others. This is an Asian story and that looks to me like it is where the next war looks like it will be fought. If one does break out some years in the future we should expect serious supply disruptions as so much of the worlds goods and production originate in that area. That is my main point. Business must have a Plan B and be ready with alternate sources of supply or they could quickly be destabilized during periods of confrontation. What we can be certain will happen if a war does break out is that the supply chain will almost instantly break down and that can mean some companies who are not ready with contingency plans will cease to exist.

    Dec 26, 2014 26:25 PM

    Hi Bird…..Subs don’t have the same impact today as they did WW2 , due to electronic surveillance.

      Dec 26, 2014 26:38 PM

      Ha! Then why are all those countries building them?!!!!!

      Dec 26, 2014 26:50 PM

      Seriously though Irish, the number of subs under construction represent billions upon billions of dollars of investment in modern war class technology. I don’t think any of those countries shares your doubt about their efficiency in use as a deterrent to others or they would most likely be putting their hard earned dollars in something else.

      As an aside, had you seen or read anything about this big Asian naval buildup during the past year? I hadn’t. So the story came as kind of a surprise to me. Kind of confirms what I said last week about how most of our daily news is just a smoke screen to cover up the really important stuff.

    Dec 26, 2014 26:37 PM

    The Council of Foreign Relations weighs in on the subject from a US perspective in a discussion of freedom of navigation and use of seaways in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). Their conclusion….. The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is significant. As different regional parties begin to assert their territorial rights more forcefully or make it clear they will defend interests in drilling for oil and gas the possibility of conflict is going to be on the rise. With all eyes trained on Ukraine and Russia these days it seems the really big developing story of conflicts over islands and sea lanes in Asia is almost not noticed by the rest of the world.

    Armed Clash in the South China Sea
    Contingency Planning Memorandum No. 14 – Council on Foreign Relations

    Dec 26, 2014 26:58 PM

    India outnumbered by China and in a hot race to modernize its Navy and Submarine fleets ahead of what looks like Chinese regional dominance developing in the Indian Ocean…..just what we all needed to know for Christmas right? A couple of nuclear powers building up resources and getting testy with one another over little islands and rights to park boats.

    China’s Sea Activity Puts Region On Edge – Newsweek

    Dec 26, 2014 26:04 PM

    So what the hell is really going on over there anyway? Is the battleground of the future really going to be fought over small oceans and rights to extract resources from the sea bed? This is a little worrisome. We know one thing for sure, when countries build up their military assets it is just a matter of time before someone uses the new hardware.

    Dec 26, 2014 26:31 PM

    It’s seems that the globalists are playing with the Russians when the real story is the ongoing increase in GDP, growth, and influence of the Yuan. It may have been a huge mistake to have pushed NATO ever resolutely east toward the doorstep of Russia when it would have been better not to have forced Russia to look East for their alliances. I can remember years ago when there was a natural neighborly antipathy between Russia and China. There are a large number of influential Germans who are not very happy with the recent destabilization of Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia. They rightly feel there has to be shared solutions with the Russians on the issues in the area. They see nothing but problems for their country if the bear continues to be prodded.

      Dec 26, 2014 26:37 PM

      I think empire builders is a more accurate term than globalists. NATO is pretty much the equivalent of what the USSR were doing with doing with their client “satellite” states. We all know how well empire building worked out for them and everyone else who has ever tried it.

      The political elite call it NATO because they know most of the electorate wouldn’t support empire building, as they have long demonized others who attempted it.

    Dec 26, 2014 26:52 PM

    In my humble opinion, NATO should be disbanded, taxes lowered,red tape removed, and gold standard reinstated. That would allow a real economy here in the US to develop as opposed to the fake political economy that we have now. Unfortunately there are way too many vested interests in the current system that I doubt in can change without a serious crisis, which will happen inevitably if it hasn’t already.

      Dec 27, 2014 27:32 AM

      To me the advent of a serious conflict in that area adds a whole new dimension to why some of the countries there have become such big inquisitors of gold. War destabilizes economies and currencies. Even non combatants can and do suffer. Indeed, Russia itself plays a large role at this time as they are behind furnishing much of the technology, weaponry and physical arms that are being acquired by the regional players. So they have a stake without taking sides as they supply anyone and everyone who comes knocking. I think the problem from a Western perspective is that the potential for conflict increases the odds we might all be drawn into a larger war that really is none of our business. Best to not take sides and get involved sometimes.

        Dec 27, 2014 27:11 AM

        I agree with you about submarines Bird, pretty much they will be the most effective weapon of modern warfare. They can hit targets with pinpoint accuracy anywhere in the world from pretty much anywhere in the world, they don’t even have to leave port.

        Anyway, ya never know, peace could break out yet.

          Dec 27, 2014 27:16 AM

          I think we will be hearing a lot more about the arms buildup over there in the coming years bb. It strikes me though that Ukraine is a relative sideshow and distraction compared to what we should really be worried about. I really hope everyone keeps their cool but in the back of my mind I think we all know that when countries are building up their military’s it is not with the intention of settling disagreements peacefully. The aspect of force being applied to gain cooperation seems inevitable.

    Dec 27, 2014 27:07 AM

    Yea, doc repeat the same message jan is going to be a big month for gold then feb then march, then april, . Doc never mentions resistance or support for a guy who alwayss talking about “his” techincals.

    Dec 28, 2014 28:41 PM

    Maybe 2015 could be the year for round figures. My twopennyworth is:

    US Dollar Index to 100
    gold to silver ratio to 100
    gold to 1000
    silver to 10?
    That would be the time for the markets to turn.
    Perhaps one could add Dow 20,000.

    Dec 28, 2014 28:10 PM

    I am wondering is we are going for round figures in 2015:
    USDX 100, gold to silver ratio to 100, gold to 1000, silver to 10?
    Maybe also Dow 20,000?
    Maybe then we could get a turning point.