

Another opinion on Iran, this time from Paul Craig Roberts

Big Al
April 8, 2015

The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law

Paul Craig Roberts

The Israel Lobby and its associated neocon war criminals will block if they can the
nuclear energy agreement, worked out by Putin, Iran, and Obama, which has the promise of bringing to an end the US orchestrated crisis over Iran’s development of nuclear energy.

Please click here to finish reading this  article.

I  have to say   that I take exception  to Mr. Robert’s  seventh paragraph  regarding  the  second World War. That is, in  my opinion, totally  stretching the meaning of that particular issue. Perhaps couldn’t  one say that the Germans started the  war by their systematic extermination  of the Jews? Makes sense  to  me.

I also totally disagree with  Mr. Robert’s final  two paragraphs. So just what should the U.S. have  done in this case?

I would appreciate all of your answers to my question.  Thank you.



    Apr 08, 2015 08:00 PM

    Iran belongs to and adheres to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty. They have no nuclear weapons program and no nuclear weapons.

    Israel does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty. They do have a nuclear weapons program and hundreds of nuclear weapons.

    It’s just one of those minor technical details but Iran has all the legal right in the world to the peaceful use of nuclear research and nuclear power. The US and Israel both recognize that Iran has no nuclear weapons program. That Israel has managed to control the narrative and to pretend there is something going on behind the scenes is nothing less than an admission that the press is totally one sided and controlled in the US. It’s OK for the Mossad to presume Americans are too stupid to think for themselves but we don’t have to prove that. Stupidity on this issue is voluntary.

    Why don’t we discuss the very real nuclear threat from Israel that we know DOES exist?

    And while there are various theories about how and why WW II started, no one has ever suggested that it started because the Germans were killing Jews. Even if that was true and there is very real debate about that, no one cared. England, France and the US didn’t declare war on Germany because of the Jews.

      Apr 09, 2015 09:01 PM

      As you and I discussed earlier today over the phone.

    Apr 08, 2015 08:31 PM

    Im sure it was a slip of the tongue Bob but it was Germany that declared war on the states.
    The U.S. actually profited big time supporting Germany up until then.
    Prescot Bush made huge dollars if I recall.

    Also, most people don’t know it but Hitler was offering to move Jews to Israel from 1933 under the Haavara Agreement. This option did not end until Germany declared war on the states as they needed their ships at that point. So, from 1933-1941.

    There are discrepancy’s when researching as to how much a person could invest and get once he moved to Israel, due to sanctions from the first war there were a few “twists” involved but basically the person would deposit their cash in an account, that cash was used for farming equipment and sold in Israel, upon arrival in Israel the person was givin his investment plus profit in cash.
    The way it worked it was a win win situation for the people moving from Germany to Israel, German farming equipment manufacturers and Israel itself.

    So, I agree the U.S. France and Britain declaring war had nothing to do with the Jews, other than the Zionist involvement of course.
    Their meddling actually played a big part in the U.S. getting involved in the first war.

      Apr 08, 2015 08:03 PM

      It wasn’t a slip of the tongue that the US, UK and France declared war on Germany. I didn’t comment on who declared war first, I think it’s meaningless but war didn’t start because Germany was killing Jews. We did declare war on Germany after they declared war on us but we for certain declared war on them.

        Apr 08, 2015 08:21 PM

        Yup Bob, the U.S. did declare alright.
        And no, the U.S. declaring had about zero to do with Germany killing Jews.
        The U.S. declaring was all about war being declared on them.
        Before that, the nazi party was a legitimate political party in the U.S. and American companies made a lot of money supporting the Germans.
        Had Hitler not declared there is a good argument the U.S. may not have even entered in Europe.
        Arguably just one of a few errors Hitler made.

          Apr 09, 2015 09:25 AM

          Actually the US was, for all practical purposes, very much at war against Germany and Japan long before Pearl Harbor and any official declarations of war. Here’s Hitler’s own statements regarding Roosevelt’s acts of war against Germany way before Pearl Harbor and Germany’s declaration of war against the US:

            Apr 09, 2015 09:03 AM



            How the Allied multinationals supplied Nazi Germany throughout World War II

            From “Trading With the Enemy”

            ” American businessmen and government officials who dealt with the Nazis for profit or through conviction throughout the Second World War: Ford. Standard Oil, Chase Bank and members of the State Department were among those who shared in the spoils. Meticulously documented and dispassionately told, this is an alarming story. At its centre is ‘The Fraternity’, an influential international group associated with the Rockefeller or Morgan banks and linked by the ideology of Business as Usual.

            Standard Oil shipping enemy fuel through Switzerland for the Nazi occupation forces in France; Ford trucks transporting German troops; I.T.T. helping supply the rocket bombs that marauded much of London ; and I.T.T. building the Focke-Wulfs. Long is the list of diplomats and businessmen alike who had their own ways of profiting from the war.”

            Its a bit lengthy so I only posted a “teaser”.

            FDR did support the “allies” prior to Hitler declaring war, fighter planes were taken to the Canadian boarder and pulled across with ropes so they could say they were not delivered.
            This book makes it clear Americans played both sides right up to the end and after the war with the division of “Nazi” gold including from Jewish teeth.

            This gives lists of American companies that didn’t care in the least they were profiting from killing “allied” troops including Americans.

            So much for he “good ol days” lol

            Apr 09, 2015 09:05 PM

            Thanks, John

      Apr 09, 2015 09:03 PM

      Apparently so, but I find that so very hard to believe

    Apr 08, 2015 08:49 PM

    I would appreciate all of your answers to my question.

    Who is I?

    So just what should the U.S. have done in this case?

    Why should the U.S. do anything? Why must the American taxpayer always bear the burden of every damn thing going on in the world? And you wonder why the country is past bankrupt and running on economic fumes and smoke and mirrors.

    Apr 08, 2015 08:52 PM

    I agree with Bob. The starting of the war had nothing to do with the Jews. Hitler and the Stalin were going to duke it out one way or another, even if Germany and Britain and France had never gone to war which they did but not because of Hitler and the Jews.

    Apr 08, 2015 08:02 PM

    7th paragraph.
    I don’t know enough concerning the first sentence to comment on it.

    But, Germany did not start the war, a false flag was used to get the people to back the invasion of Poland, but the argument is that Britain declared war on Germany, which is true, not the other way around.
    Some people feel that if Britain didn’t declare war the 2nd war would not have happened.
    Hitler didn’t want to fight Britain, (ideology) the evidence of that is he did not invade Britain when the British were totally defenceless after Dunkirk, he moved east, which was always his intention. Mein Kampf.

    In the east Japan was of course forced to attack Japan over oil and sanctions.
    So, the argument goes, it was the states and Britain that actually wanted the war.
    They all had pretty much the same banks by the way, Hitlers personal banker was Dutch for example and just for laughs, one of his personal friends and drivers was a Jew. Go figure eh.

      Apr 08, 2015 08:04 PM

      Yes, you are right that Hitler didn’t want war with Britain. And there is pretty clear evidence that Stalin was going to attack Germany and Hitler just managed to get in the first punch (and it was a pretty devastating first punch).

      Apr 08, 2015 08:06 PM

      Hitler and Stalin had the largest armies and air forces in the world at the time. They were bound to go to war.

        Apr 09, 2015 09:01 AM

        Saw the Barbarosa episode of World at War last night. Any of you boys remember that series, World at War? BBC put it out around 1973.

        Anywho, it was stated that in 1941 Stalin’s army and air force was larger than ALL the other armies and airforces in the world put together.

          Apr 09, 2015 09:26 AM

          Yup, excellent series.
          Lots more on the net now if a person is interested, ever see
          “the greatest story never told”?
          Its about 6 hours of film @ “The Event Chronicle” website.

          Information there that’s hard to find anywhere else.

      Apr 08, 2015 08:25 PM

      oops, Japan was forced to attack the states, not themselves.

        Apr 08, 2015 08:57 PM

        Yeah. And I guess Japan was forced to invade China a brutally murder millions of people.

          Apr 08, 2015 08:08 PM

          No Jay, they wernt, they had no choice but to attack pearl tho.
          Which is what I said. I didn’t say anything about attacking China.
          Who knows how far back that dispute went actually, Lawrence maybe.

    Apr 08, 2015 08:17 PM

    I havnt yet read about Stalin preparing to attack Germany, but Ive heard of it.
    Interesting thing about the Wafen SS, they were multicultural, all religions and colours, didn’t notice blacks but browns were in it. Germany allied with Asians, negotiated Tureky joining them and supported Latins in Spain.
    So much for “white is right” eh? lol
    The victors write the history, its not always the way they tell it.

    Apr 08, 2015 08:07 PM


    Stalin was the biggest mass murderer in the world and we didn’t feel any need to attack him. He was our ally and we didn’t care about the blood on his hands. I’m not sure what required us to attack Japan regardless of who they invaded.

    Apr 09, 2015 09:55 AM

    Every half-baked statement you make reduces your credibility. That someone would present the totally fabricated idea that the persecution of Jews was the cause of the breakout of war is just plain embarassing. If you don’t know the origins of WWII, you should stay quiet. If you want to comment, then go and do some reading of the history books.

      Apr 09, 2015 09:13 PM

      Harry, this should have Ben addressed to me.

      I have to B-) believe that the systematic eradication of the Jews played some kind of role. I would at least hope so. The world had to know the personality of the enemy. History is rather clear that the “final solution” was not a definitive cause. I find that to be appalling.

        Apr 09, 2015 09:20 PM

        The large-scale systematic extermination of the Jews began after the start of WWII ie. when the Nazis could get their hands on Jews in newly occupied territory in Europe. Jews were being persecuted and killed in Germany before the start of the war but the trigger for the war was the invasion of Poland. Neither Britain nor France justified the declaration of war based on the persecution of the Jews.

    Apr 09, 2015 09:48 AM

    Is Iran really a legitimate government ?? Agreement or treaty its all a delay ,hopr for local change in gov. of Iran . No good can come from Iran having enriched uranium around as its way ti potent for fuel rids to make electricity. Its all a mess. pray for peace. love to all S

      Apr 09, 2015 09:46 AM

      R Scott:

      You can stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Iran is not a threat. Israel is the biggest threat in the Middle East followed closely by Saudi Arabia who financed the Pakis nuclear weapons program and who can buy a nuke any time they want.

      You are allowed to think for yourself, you do not have to parrot what you are told by those who specialize in disinformation.

      Of course Iran is a legitimate government. They took power through a democratic election, unlike Israel where only half the people who live there can vote.

        Apr 09, 2015 09:15 PM

        I believe that you are correct, Bob.

        We may disapprove of their “lifestyle” but that is a different issue.

    Apr 09, 2015 09:19 PM

    The large-scale systematic extermination of the Jews began after the start of WWII ie. when the Nazis could get their hands on Jews in newly occupied territory in Europe. Jews were being persecuted and killed in Germany before the start of the war but the trigger for the war was the invasion of Poland. Neither Britain nor France justified the declaration of war based on the persecution of the Jews.

      Apr 10, 2015 10:47 AM

      Why are the Jews always claiming to be the victims when they are the greatest perpetrators of mass murder in the history of the world???? The great Russian writer Solzhenitzyn wrote in his books that he estimated that the Russian Bolshevik Jews had killed 60 million Russian Christians. The Germans and their allies had tried to put an end to the Jewish Bolshevik cabal that ruled over Russia and threatened all of Europe, but unfortunately, we backed the Bolsheviks in WWII. Patton correctly said after the war that we had fought the wrong enemy, which is probably one reason the OSS killed Patton as they didn’t want the truth to get out.

        Apr 11, 2015 11:22 PM

        Patton was an idiot.