

Are we entering a “stagflation lite” environment?

May 8, 2015

Chris thinks so. Listen to find out why and what it will mean for the markets and underlying companies.

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    May 08, 2015 08:13 PM

    Guys just wondering if you have any more thoughts on the bond situation? Gary is calling a major top in bonds, Yellen is saying they’re overpriced but she knows a bond implosion would bring the whole house of cards down. … Not sure what to think myself here

    May 08, 2015 08:32 PM

    We are entering “the hair pulling out stage” of the market.
    This the stage where frustration intensifies to the maximum for the precious metals investor.
    Endure the hair pulling out stage or become the classic bag holder who lightens up at a the bottom.

    May 08, 2015 08:50 PM


    May 08, 2015 08:51 PM

    Record 93,194,000 Americans Not In Labor Force…
    Record 56,167,000 Women Not Working…
    Most gains go to immigrants…
    100% of job gains among women…

    And if you are a contractor working for Uncle Sam you are either Idian, Chinese, or from south of the border. I know, I hire them. 🙂

      May 08, 2015 08:35 PM

      If unemployment is only 5.4%, interest will no be 0. Look at what they do not what they say. If Baltimore youth is happily employed, why do they revolt?

    May 08, 2015 08:59 PM

    You boyz otta see this…pretty much sums it up….

    May 08, 2015 08:48 PM

    Good show today Al / Cory/ Chris. Good discussion on Stagflation, the tug of war to no man’s land. I do agree with you guys that in this environment, the narrative for Precious Metals will change, and the whole commodity sector will be re-rated as much more valuable because it is real stuff.

    I am also curious to see how the Energy Sector plays out as there are a lot of different stories at different parts in their cycles. In the Energy space, think about what different trajectories some of them are on (Oil, Coal, Nat Gas, Uranium, Solar, Wind, Lithium Battery, Hydrogen Cells, Utilities).

    Good luck to all in their investing!

      May 08, 2015 08:56 PM

      I also think Food & Agriculture & Fertilizer will be an area of increased growth.