

An update on the progress of TPP

June 15, 2015


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    Jun 15, 2015 15:17 PM
      Jun 15, 2015 15:56 PM

      Florida is just one big circus, Eddie!

      Jun 15, 2015 15:53 PM

      Swamp dating………..sure not same sex marriage………or headed off to college for the kegger………….U of F………..

    Jun 15, 2015 15:20 PM

    The TPP is more speculative than any market there is out there. We don’t know what it is, congress doesn’t know what it is… Yet, we speculate based on past experiences of always being lied to. One thing is certain. We are certainly being lied to!

    Maybe the dems have stock options with insurance companies? And that’s why the non-affordable health care act was passed? Maybe the non-republics have stock options with the corporations tied to the TPP? And maybe it’s that simple?

    Congress has voted their rights to insider trading, and the corporation continues on the behalf of them selves, at least until the act of 1871 is repealed!
    Get it?? No really , do ya…??

      Jun 15, 2015 15:24 PM


      Sorry but I do not get it Chartster. Fill me in.

      Jun 15, 2015 15:57 PM

      I do get it and agree!

    Jun 15, 2015 15:28 PM

    Go research the act if 1871, Bird.
    Maybe, just maybe it will make sense to ya.

      Jun 15, 2015 15:33 PM

      Same answer I got from Jerry. You guys blather about 1871 but the second anyone asks about it all you guys say is “go research it”. Why waste my time. Just make your damned point.

      Could it be you are both full of beans and blowing hot air about nuthin?

        Jun 15, 2015 15:36 PM

        1871 rhymes with 1971…..anything else i need to know?

          Jun 15, 2015 15:42 PM

          Ya, don’t blow it over this way. Keep it to yourself.

          I’m busy on the slot and rollin dice.

        Jun 15, 2015 15:48 PM

        Ok Bird. The short explanation is that the act of 1871 circumvented the constitution ” for the people”. They swear in to the constitution ” of the United States, which is the corporation of the United States”.
        That’s why you see the gold tassels or fringe around the flag. It would be illegal flag protocol to not re-present.
        That’s why they can change the constitution without getting arrested. Because it’s a corporation, not a government.
        And if you still don’t want to know more? Well, your not alone. Maybe the video game suits you.. Heh heh

          Jun 15, 2015 15:50 PM

          Americans will get what they deserve for being so apathetic and complacent.

            Jun 15, 2015 15:58 PM

            I hope not!

            Jun 15, 2015 15:06 PM

            They can’t handle the truth.

            Red lights are flashing…..

            Sirens sounding………

            Danger…Danger…Will Robinson

            Their ears don’t hear and the eyes
            don’t see.

            THEY DON’T WANT TO SEE OR HEAR !!!

          Jun 15, 2015 15:42 PM

          CHARTSTER YOU ARE A GOOD MAN………… you will need to explain the BERTH CERTIFICATE , maritime law, not the Birth certificate….that will really get them going. We have been talking about this issue for several months……Man what a slow group……

            Jun 16, 2015 16:31 AM

            The clincher was Social Security…

            And by the way, there could never have lawfully been any of this without first the passage of the 14th Amendment, which created a new kind of “citizen” distinct from the freemen who lived in this country prior to the Civil War

            Jun 16, 2015 16:50 AM

            Social security……..working out real well ………as another Ponzi scheme yet to unfold.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:10 AM

            freedom vs. citizenship……….

            Jun 16, 2015 16:36 AM

            Philippians 3:20

            Jun 16, 2015 16:49 AM

            Thanks, J…..Long…..

            The good news is, we are about to have an asset based currency. That’s a great start to going back to being a republic again. The fiat debt system is over……!! (-;

            Jun 16, 2015 16:13 PM

            14TH. Amendment…….obsolete as a 1864 Legal Tender Note.

          Jun 16, 2015 16:20 AM

          Far as I can tell, almost all countries are run as corporations whose boards and directors are made up of a handful of wealthiest and most connected individuals on their own behalf.

          Look how the Oligarchs took over the most important of Russian State assets and filled their own pockets and then transferred the funds abroad. The debt serfs meanwhile get a paycheck (or jail if they put up a fight).

          It’s really no different anywhere except that in some cases it is not so obvious. But for African countries we have the likes of the Mugabes, Ghadaffi’s, Mubaraks and many others. Some call them dictators but in all honest they were businessmen with the power of thre military to enforce their ownership and rights.

          Egypt is a Republic too but that does not stop the military and its leaders from controlling and holding monopolies on most facets of the economy. Mubarak was rumored to have made off with as much as 30 billion dollars before his downfall. That is no hourly wage.

          Meanwhile, look at Putin, ostensibly the richest man on earth. And people on this site often openly worship the guy just to prove how confused they are while they knock down their own political system and leaders. Too damned funny.

          But look around the world. The Chinese Communist party is not a political philosophy. It is a business franchise that works to benefit a few players at the top. And they don’t stand for competition as we have witnessed their anti-corruption drive sometimes sends billionaires and the wealthy to the gallows.

          So I guess I don’t know what the big deal about 1871 is about because in the big scheme of things politics is still pretty tame in America and the wealth, while focused in the hands of a few percent still manages to get distributed amongst more than 500 billionaires rather than the usual one or two many other countries call their Leader.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:36 AM

            Well said, Birdman – I have known a lot of people who obsess over the minutiae and details of HOW the masters of the global plantation got to where they did, and by their various theories and legal arguments marginalize themselves. I know, because I used to think the world revolved around the Act of 1871, etc. too.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:11 AM

            I think its a case of political reality that comes in conflict with some peoples desire for a utopian form of governance that they deem fair and equal for all. Granted, there are countries that have risen to the challenge and do offer good forms of parliamentary democracy and legal codes that the vast majority accept….but those are rare exceptions where the process works in a way most people don’t object too.

            On another note, I finally got around to reading the full text of the Magna Carta. It’s been waiting for me for 800 years or so! But it was worth the time and helps make sense of all the commentary that I have read about it this past week. Here is one version…….

            The Magna Carta — Full Text — Constitution Society

            Jun 16, 2015 16:44 AM

            So, you think it’s ok because everyone else does it too?
            By the way, China is an oligarchy moving towards being a republic. There is only two forms of government, Bird. A republic or an oligarchy.


            It’s quite comical YOU talk about all this minutiae. The problem ” still IS the act of 1871 “.
            And I don’t think the world revolves around it. I just understand the problem and talk about it. I would rather talk about a solution, than talk in circles.
            Maybe you should have kept holding the torch of freedom, Chris.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:02 AM

            +1 Chartster. If people marginalize themselves by pointing out important facts, it’s only because most people are stupid.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:04 AM

            My agreement has nothing to do with it Chartster.

            It’s a fact of life is all I am saying and the process is old as the history of recorded civilization itself. Who do you think the Pharaohs were? Did they really have the power of the Gods as people then believed?

            How about Genghis Khan, Peter the Great, the Caesars of Rome, the Tsars of Russia, the Church itself and their leadership etc etc,. Those were all business people who most effectively controlled the resources, land, taxation and labour to their own benefit.

            Think of Roman’s, Byzantium, Inca’s, Japans Shogun’s as other examples. There are thousands more. Do you really think America is different from that perspective? The world and its people have been dominated by their leaders since day one and maybe you just noticed you also live in a similar system?

            I think you are swimming against the tide. The trick is to learn to live successfully within the political constructs we humans have ourselves created since the very beginning of time.

            What the hell difference does 1871 mean in the big picture?

            Jun 16, 2015 16:08 AM

            If you are calling me stupid Matthew you just earned yourself a big failing grade. Don’t test my patience.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:11 AM

            No Bird. I meant exactly what I said. Nothing more. Don’t test MY patience.

            Jun 16, 2015 16:18 AM

            You are forgiven. I misunderstood you.

    Jun 15, 2015 15:36 PM

    I’m short gold going into Tuesday.
    Very small position. I like it.

    But not a whole lot. Odds are not bad.

    Its more entertainment than anything.

      Jun 15, 2015 15:15 PM

      I listened in and Chris T. said there was going to be an election in 2016.

      I’m sorry and forgive me but I couldn’t stop laughing.

        Jun 15, 2015 15:19 PM

        ALLLL ABOARD !!!!!

        I can’t leave here fast enough.

          Jun 15, 2015 15:29 PM

          What’s a kobie thatcher? A thatched kobie?

            Jun 15, 2015 15:35 PM

            She’s a good catch !!!

            For some young pup.

            Jun 15, 2015 15:35 PM

            Eddie, you’re a caution.

            Jun 15, 2015 15:37 PM

            Sorry Mr. Heavy, never heard of that chicky before. What is her claim to fame?

            Jun 15, 2015 15:54 PM

            Blonde’s have more fun !!!! 🙂

      Jun 16, 2015 16:51 AM

      I just covered my short. Nice small profit.

      The pig probably has further fo go but
      in these markets you take your money
      and run.

      Odds were not that great either. Not how
      I like em near 100 %.

      Wraps up another successful trade.

        Jun 16, 2015 16:02 AM

        Ha…glad I got out the pig is
        moving back up.

        What…a…P.O.S. !!!!!

    Jun 15, 2015 15:05 PM

    Hopefully this TPP doesn’t get through this time. But I’m afraid the rapscallions will do what they always do and that is sneak pieces of it through in various other billers over time.

      Jun 15, 2015 15:00 PM

      Might be tough to do that at this time!

    Jun 15, 2015 15:08 PM

    Maybe just maybe the tide of events are turning against TPP. Is human nature beginning to show a new side. The compulsion for unity in the democratic party is gone and division is starting to take it’s place. Now just maybe realism is in the ascendant. One can only hope that change is the new order in particular towards this trade bill. DT

    Jun 15, 2015 15:37 PM

    It’s easy to tell when Paul Ryan is lying cause his lips are moving.

      Jun 16, 2015 16:37 AM

      Very true!

    Jun 15, 2015 15:44 PM

    The Republicans can’t drop this because their owner operators won’t allow it; and as you suggest, will probably try to repackage it in the Senate and bring it back to the House–not because the senators are more reasonable but because the Senate is a millionaires club who got their $millions by being obedient.

      Jun 15, 2015 15:55 PM

      It’s theater BJ. Both parties have the same owners.

        Jun 17, 2015 17:35 AM

        True, and now comes Donald Trump..

        What makes him different is that he is rich enough to be totally independent. He buys and owns politicians unlike the rest of the filed of candidates on either side. He is also strong on America first for a change–instead of the rape and pillage of our economy by the multinationalists who also owner operators of our elected officials and the aristocracy within the various bureaucracies. I watched his speech in total and agree with him on almost everything. He did not mix words, parse sentences or pull punches. Simply put, he more of a nationalist than a multinationalist, which is why the corporate media is attacking him full force in high pitched voices.

        Trump spoke for nearly an hour taking on all the major issues of the day. But not surprisingly, the self-proclaimed ‘pundits’ on ALL the networks pulled one or two 5 second sound bites out of his near hour long speech to launch into ad homonym attacks on Trump in their “analysis. I suppose Trumps proposals and explanations were to involved for the your garden variety political hacks who populate the networks. Obviously the multinationals see Trump as a real threat, and thus the full court press of trash talk in the media.

    Jun 15, 2015 15:51 PM

    Wiki leaks has published sections of the TPP.

    Jun 15, 2015 15:15 PM

    The TPP was also discussed on
    It appears that many parts of the TPP give power to large companies to set some of the rules.

    There is also still a provision that the actual TPP be classified for four years after passage.
    Since its provisions will be enforced by courts set up by the organization itself, normal US legal action is circumvented.
    FOIA could not be used.
    To me, the secrecy stinks.

    The opportunity for corruption to go undetected abounds.

    Jun 16, 2015 16:08 AM

    So what happens if the European powers headed up by Brussels actually declares a state of emergency in Greece? And what exactly are their powers? We have heard today that the situation is now so dire in that country that serious shortages of medications, fuels and other key resources are threatening to destabilize Greece and could lead to civil unrest.

    Can the Union actually take measures to intervene? Is the Tsipras government in a position to rebuff interventions that are effectively Federal in the same way that Washington might intervene in the affairs of a State that is beset by crisis or under a state of emergency?

    We have to wonder.

    Tsipras is now claiming that the powers in Europe are undermining his government. How much more might his government feel emasculated should a state of emergency actually be declared.

    If I am not mistaken there are agreements in place already that were signed on to at the outset of the formation of the European Union that deal precisely with such events although I don’t know them in detail.

    Tsipras may be close to triggering some of those clauses that would then require the other members of the Union to respond to protect the peace and stability of the country just as if his government were acting as a force of destabilization.

    You could say this is getting interesting.

    Jun 16, 2015 16:40 AM

    The European Convention on Human Rights comes to mind as one example where state to state issues can be resolved in the courts or other processes. Most people are not familiar with the vast body of law that guides the EU. There are endless pages of protocols, agreements, MOU’s, Acts and Treaties that outline the rights and responsibilities of member states and deal with almost every aspect of how they function as a group. It is hardly far-fetched to imagine that Greece now borders on a genuine political crisis if any clauses are deemed to have been violated or if responsible governance is in question. This is really what Tsipras and his party need be concerned about now unless they are prepared to abrogate and abolish all past agreements signed by his country. And that is why a Greek exit might become a reality if the party decides to over-ride the conventions in protecting itself. There really is no sovereignty left in Europe in case Mr Tsipras and his Finance Minister are not yet aware of it. Interventions can come from the Union they are part of and they can come in the most unexpected ways during an emergency. Thus far there has not been a test of *Federal* resolve but I now believe one may be coming if violence and social instability break out due to genuine shortages or if a crisis breaks out on the ground. The rest of the Union will then be obligated to “assist” and this could indeed spell the end of the Syriza Government.

    Jun 16, 2015 16:23 AM

    And just in case anyone here is scratching their heads and wondering what the hell I am talking about or why the nature of this story is about to change then you should read the following short article. it is a prelude and forewarning of what may come as Greece appears verging on the ledge of social unrest due to lack of capital and shortages. Germany’s EU Commissioner, Guenther Oettinger, has reportedly stated that plans need to be drawn up to confront an impending Greek state of emergency. Exactly what that entails is anyone’s guess however emergency interventions cannot be ruled out should the Tsipras Government fail to fulfill its social responsibilities to the population. We won’t imagine anything like air drops of food and medicine of course but whatever happens will surely be deeply humiliating for the current government if, for example, we witness Lorry loads of critical medical supplies delivering goods to Greek hospitals similar to those seen when Russia sent truckloads of aid to Ukraine.

    Oettinger: EU needs to prepare for ‘state of emergency’ in Greece–business.html;_ylt=A0LEVjU1EoBVLw4AjmEnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–

    Jun 16, 2015 16:02 AM

    Go out on the street and what do you see, people clutching their cell phones as if they are holding a real person. Ask some what they do for a living and you may here this I’m collecting disability, well why? “I have a bad back.” How can you afford a cell phone, “everyone has one are you trying to single me out.”
    The world we live in now is all about me, forget others or the quality of life when people actually cared for each other through personal contact. Our world now bears no resemblance to the days when movies were made about real life people living out their day to day existence. Now it is about the terminator and electronics. Artificial intelligence is replacing human values. DT

      Jun 16, 2015 16:16 AM

      Seriously Dick, you would LOVE Africa. One day you must come if you are still young and healthy enough for travel. Over here the pretense is stripped away because most people are poor but they are all poor together. There are the usual status items like cell phones and cars of course but life is completely different from back home. I have mentioned this many times before about how refreshing it is to live in a place where drugs, porn, guns, cigarettes and alcohol are all seriously frowned upon. You can only see that by living with people who are still in their normal state without the benefits of dope, pharmaceuticals and whacko therapy distorting their minds and bending their reality. And it is religious. Very seriously Christian where I am. I was pretty shocked at first and thought this must be the last place on the planet where God still lives because it’s genuine.

        Jun 16, 2015 16:54 AM

        Bird, the art of conversation is not lost on you, that is another one of my regrets. DT