

We wish the Constitution still payed a roll in American politics

June 25, 2015

Chris Temple joins us to chat about the move away from the Constitution in the US over the past several years.

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    Jun 25, 2015 25:04 AM

    Well, I guess that sums up why the govt. has the lowest ratings in 50 yrs.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:04 AM

    Chris is right as far as I can tell.
    Its called fascism as Mussolini described.
    As most here already know Celente/PCR and others have been screaming that for years now. Nobody really cares.
    When people do start to care it will be when they are hungry, not due to the type of government they have, just my guess.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:54 PM

      The problem with Celente is that he thinks socialism is “egalitarianism.” He is dead wrong. Fascism and socialism are not opposites at all. Both are forms of collectivism and that means both are based on theft and force. Both sacrifice individual rights for the collective or the so-called “greater good.” Both are systems in which an elite few prosper at the expense of the many. Both ultimately result in poverty and misery being spread as widely as possible.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:04 AM

    The cat is out of the bag…………..down hill from here……….

    Jun 25, 2015 25:06 AM

    FINALLY COMES TO LIGHT……all truth will be uncovered…….

    Jun 25, 2015 25:15 AM

    Al, a trend has started?
    Chris is a little off as to when it started, Woodrow Wilson was put in place as president to install the federal reserve. Played a big part in getting ww 1 going too.

    People didn’t understand what was being done 100 years ago and they don’t understand now, but its the same stuff. Obama merely plays his part, pretty much the same as just about every president before him.
    The presidents don’t really count for much, theyre just tools.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:17 AM

    Good point – and we can even go before that to the aftermath of the War of Northern Aggression which – far beyond what was advertised – set the stage for the ever-more-powerful federal government, and the rendering of the 50 states as subservient, etc.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:28 AM

    Yup Chris, I think that’s right too, the “money changer” game has been going on for a long time, but for myself, I know more beginning at ww 1.
    Well, Napoleon/ Wellington and Rothchild, the Zar and Julius Ceaser opposed them but who can know everything? lol

    Jun 25, 2015 25:40 AM

    Well..after 10 yrs of conversation…….we have come full circle……..MONEY CHANGER IN CHARGE………………WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT………WARNING was given in the ROMAN TIMES,,,,,should have kept my subscription…. 🙂

    Jun 25, 2015 25:53 AM

    Watch the gay marriage challenge result in federalization striking down state bans.

    Watch all forms of protest being defined as hate speech.

    We will lose the First Amendment.

    Churches will lose their tax-free status.

    The Devil Incarnate will destroy the U.S. as we know it.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:04 PM

      BINGO……….DONE DEAL………….

        Jun 25, 2015 25:22 PM

        Cant say I disagree with churches losing tax free status.

        Protest being defined as hate speech? Its a police state, of course something along those lines will happen.
        Lose first amendment?, constitution is already meaningless.
        Destroy the U.S. a we knew it? It was illusion all along, no one alive today has ever known it any other way. They just didn’t see it.
        George Carlin did tho.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:54 AM

    Sure was Frank, and Jesus was not first to give warning. He was just aware of it, but nobody listened to him either, never have. (being fair, I believe his warnings got a little twisted) People are slow to change I guess.
    Even if things got explained clearly, he would have been called a conspiracy theorist anyway. lol

      Jun 25, 2015 25:08 PM

      Some have listened to him, but religion got in the way.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:01 PM

    On the bright side:

    The U.S. is being into bankruptcy much faster than most people imagine.
    Unless all the illegal immigration saturates out the independent spirit of the American people, come the revolution, a new Constitution will arise out of the ashes that will limit the powers of the corrupt politicians by including a balanced budget clause.
    And.the federal powers more restricted.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:29 PM

    Appreciate your final comments that this didn’t start with Obama. However, I’m glad this wasn’t the way to crash Obamacare. As Roberts said, it would have created a real chaotic moment by taking the subsidies from part of the population. If you want to repeal it, do it through the same process that created it.
    I want to make it clear, I’m beyond the age where it affects me directly and I don’t like the result of forcing the American people into the hands of the insurance people. But, (there’s always one of those, isn’t there?)Congress sat on its duff for far too many years, allowing the corporate medical industry to set the rules and prices. And we’re too hogtied in this country with conservative dogma to ever try something where CEO’s weren’t in control of people’s lives. Obamacare became what it is because the votes for a single payer system couldn’t be had. So what do we have: The most expensive, but far from the best healthcare system in the world and it continues to get worse. Likely half the country is one sickness away from bankruptcy, even if they have some insurance because of co-insurance and high deductibles.
    I happen to believe that a healthy population is a major part of a growing civilized society and ideas to achieve and maintain that ought to be a part of government responsibility. If never achieved, it will drag us down much further than we are. And a second point is that we all pay for it. Here in Idaho the counties are the payer of last resort. As a former County Commissioner, I was forced by state law to pay many a medical bill because the person didn’t have the resources to pay himself. That went against everyone’s property taxes so we all paid.
    Worse than the creation of Obama care was the drug bill for Seniors that was passed under Bush 2. The drug companies managed to rope and hogtie everyone to the system and the Gov’t gave up the right to negotiate drug prices so we today have a drug induced senior society shoveling their meager resources to the insurance companies who in turn dump the balance after keeping their cut to the pharmaceutical companies. Ah hell, running out of energy to continue debating the impossible. Maybe it will all go down together and somebody can start anew.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:48 PM

      great comments Silverdollar………….

      Jun 25, 2015 25:58 PM

      The U.S. will have nationalize healthcare eventually, because the ACA is too expensive and will collapse.

      Jun 26, 2015 26:49 PM

      I’m surprised everyone out here is given ChiefJustice Roberts a pass on this–voting twice in favor of Obamacare. First, because it was a tax; then because it wasn’t! What a buffoon.

      …And second place goes to Sen Mitch McConnell. When a few Rs lead by Sen Cruz in the US Senate tried to stop the implementation of Obamacare, he cyt deal with Reed (D). Now he howls about Obamacare. Gotta love the theather–a dramatic comedy.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:59 PM

    I’m moving to Lonely County, TX when I retire so I can grow my own popcorn and watch the country implode on sat. TV. That’s assuming I can make it to age 57 before the meltdown. I’m only 40 now so I am not getting my hopes up.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:03 PM

      I don’t think popcorn grows like that 😉

    Jun 25, 2015 25:32 PM

    So funny, another video at silver doc, guy trys to sell a 10 once silver bar for 10$, no takers, nobody wants it for $5 or 99 cents, not interested for even a half a coffee.
    Well, they say the market for PMs is tiny.
    I see these videos as evidence that pot would have more value than PMs as barter if things ever did get Mad Max like.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:38 PM

      I always said tobacco and whiskey would do better….maybe pot also.

        Jun 25, 2015 25:52 PM

        Yup, tobacco and whickey, good point.
        Antibiotics might be good too, guess there are a few advantageous things.

          Jun 25, 2015 25:13 PM

          I attach no meaning whatsoever to stories like that, except that people are wiser than most give them credit for.

          I would NOT give some guy on the street $10 for a 10 oz silver bar; nor would I give him $10 for a $100 bill. UNLESS given the opportunity to check the goods first.

          As I see it, this has less to do with knowing the value of PMs, and more to do with trusting a stranger.

          I recall similar stories of reporters trying to trade a $20 bill for $1 back in the dirty thirties. No takers – and no surprise to me. If I’m relying on that one dollar to feed my family tonite, I’m not going to take the chance that the guy is a fool – giving me a $20 for $1.

            Jun 25, 2015 25:23 PM

            The video is in front of a coin store, the guy repeatedly says they could go in the store and check it out, they all say no.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:46 AM

            Isn’t that like a used car salesman saying, “this car is in excellent condition – OUR mechanic checked it out”?

            I would want to take the car to MY mechanic first.

            Similarly, I would suspect the guy trying to sell the silver is in cahoots with the guy in the coin store. This is no different than buying a lottery ticket. You throw your money at it and hope it works. One in a million will win – odds aren’t good though.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:10 PM

            Let’s see, 99 cents. Looks like silver. Feels like silver. Can have it verified as such, or sell it directly, in coin store. Value if real, say $155. Even at $10 it’s a very good risk:reward ratio.

            Inability to assess risk:reward ratio may be what keeps most people poor!!

      Jun 25, 2015 25:23 PM

      The implications of that video are nothing but bullish. At the top of the market, far fewer people will be so clueless. It is also significant that the metals are as liquid as they are despite the cluelessness of the majority. Imagine what will happen when just 5% of the population wakes up.

      Mark my words, whiskey, tobacco and pot will have greatly underperformed silver when the final top is in place.

      Mad Max?

      Governments are not part of civilization; they exist at civilization’s expense. So why would anyone think that a collapse of government would result in a “Mad Max” scenario? If we do get something resembling Mad Max, it will be due to the opposite occurring. It would be due to the rise of total government not the absence of government. Furthermore, it would be what the government wanted and facilitated.

      A true collapse of government would result in turmoil followed by people cooperating and reorganizing. Government debts would have no value so Federal Reserve notes would be unlikely to either.
      The PTB will do everything in their power to prevent such a power void from opening up.

        Jun 26, 2015 26:21 PM

        Mad Max seems to have a hold on peoples’ imaginations.

        But I would think a more likely scenario is continuing adjustment downward in the typical Americans’ standard of living. Increased socialism. Increased police state. Ready to impose martial law where necessary.

        Most would prefer martial law to chaos in the streets, if it comes to that. Never mind if the real roots of the problem are the very folks who would be imposing martial law!

        From what I can see, most Americans’ minds are so indoctrinated by schooling and corporate media propaganda, that they are far from being able to understand what is happening, defend themselves, or join together to return to, or create, a better system. I hope I’m wrong!

      Jun 25, 2015 25:57 PM

      I won’t buy it either since I feel it is too good to be true. It must be a setup

        Jun 25, 2015 25:58 PM

        On the other hand if by bank offers me the deal I will take it in a second.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:05 PM

    Its actually just kinda funny Mathew, he might not be showing people that say “excellent!” and scoop it.

    I have for a long time said that pot is more liquid and desired than silver.
    For example count the pot stores opening in Vancouver, Waay outnumber PM stores.
    Guess the same thing could be said about shoe stores tho.

    PM is a small market, might even be called niche, and it will get big if people decide to buy it, just as when people go crazy for Pokémon/Magic cards etc it passes, but if you got the cards they can be very profitable when they “hot”.

    We used to say, “getem while theyre hot” the reason of course is when they not “hot” they not worth nuthin. lol

      Jun 25, 2015 25:54 PM

      I agree that he is editing out those who do get it, but that doesn’t diminish the stupidity of all the rest who are clueless.

      Water is more liquid (joke) and desired than just about anything, but that doesn’t make it a better store of value than gold or silver. None of us would own any of the resource investments that we do if we judged them based on what the incredibly ignorant masses think they desire.
      If you agree that more people desire cell phones or computers than weed, then you should know that, by extension, more people want silver than pot. They’re just too stupid to know it. Big surprise.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:05 PM

    Good discussion today.

    I don’t watch much of the boob tube, however, a friend asked me to watch ” Mr.Robot ” last night. It was the best show I’ve seen in quite a while. The first of the series was last night. It comes on at 10 PM EST on the USA channel. It’s completely worth the watch and has everything to do with what is going on in todays world.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:30 PM

      Chris, where is Moody’s Investors Service in this, surely they should be telling us ” how much of a readjustment may be required to place the stock market in a sound position”. Maybe they don’t want to talk about intermediate declines being overdue as it might cause a feeling of recession or something worse. Mr. Robot is something I have been talking about for a while on this site but few take it seriously, but maybe this is going to change.DT

    Jun 25, 2015 25:08 PM

    Mr.Robot. 10 PM EST Wednesday’s on USA
    Worth the watch!

      Jun 25, 2015 25:53 PM

      Will look into Mr. Robot. Watching Wayward Pines tonight at 9pm EST, FOX.
      Interesting show.

        Jun 25, 2015 25:02 PM

        Artificial Intelligence is everywhere in our society it has caused the demise of the middle class and now it is starting to effect the highly skilled positions those which have Dr. in front of their names. The lower class which is increasing exponentially will be kept alive by food banks and government programs. This is serious stuff but most people don’t want to look beyond themselves until it is too late. DT

          Jun 25, 2015 25:06 PM

          You can’t stop technology it gives an advantage to societies that embrace it but humans are the big losers here, we are the first species to invent and promote our decline. DT

          Jun 26, 2015 26:41 AM

          Socialism/central banking/fiat money is to blame for the destruction of the middle class, not technology. Technology works to expand the middle class.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:30 AM

            I agree with you Matthew about fiat money, socialism, and central banking but one of the big points and most people miss this is artificial intelligence. This is a game changer and if people don’t have jobs because machines can out think them where does that leave us, humans will know longer be in charge and you really have to ask yourself will they then need us. I don’t agree that this time we will share the benefits,but the elite will.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:30 PM

            Yes, the elite will benefit disproportionately because they will use their control (over money and government) to transfer the gains to themselves. As they do so, the masses will blame everything but them, as usual.

            What you are advocating for is “make-work.” Contrary to Keynesian thought (do Keynesians think?), make-work holds society and the economy back.

            History is full of game changers, especially modern history. This is why most of today’s “poor” enjoy higher living standards than kings of the past.

    Jun 25, 2015 25:58 PM

    There is no fundamental reason why robotics should promote the decline of society.
    In theory it allows for greater productivity and hence more wealth, more leisure time for the average worker.
    An attitude against robotics is Ludditism.

      Jun 25, 2015 25:58 PM

      You have it backwards the humans become the “Luddites” because they can’t adapt nearly as fast as the machines can change. The machines are now designing themselves.

    Jun 26, 2015 26:48 AM Australian develops robot bricklayer that can build a whole house in two days, there goes 6000 years of human bricklaying!

    Jun 26, 2015 26:59 AM

    Workers lay bricks for $4-$5 per day in Indonesia.
    Talked to workers making $30 per month laying bricks in Cambodia.
    Doubtful the robot makes any global impact.

    Jun 26, 2015 26:56 AM

    2.5 billion people in China and India.
    Not such an issue on a global scale.
    The robot makers got you going ,DT.

      Jun 26, 2015 26:15 AM

      Matt, China, India and Indonesia if you like do not have an advantage anymore with cheap labor, machines are taking this away from them as well, artificial intelligence means they will have to adapt as well and their problem is bigger than Canada’s. The headaches being faced by supporting 2.5 billion people pale in comparison to 35 million. Robots are just a term so that the sheeple will know what they are up against, artificial intelligence is rarely identifiable to the untrained eye that is why most people don’t see it as a game changer. DT

        Jun 26, 2015 26:31 AM

        DT, I guess you are assuming Chinese and Indians have lower intelligence and less manufacturing capability. So only advantage they have is cheap labour. It is not true. If you go to China (not sure about India) you can see a lot of things that Canada cannot make. Robotics is starting to be an active area which people pay attention in China, much more so than in Canada. I can see that robots might be made in China in the future. I already see things like the vacuum cleaners and other more simple special task robots. There was even robot servers in restaurants in China, it was reported several times. Robots will replace only simple and repetitive work but people can learn more complex work. Since I have been to both countries, Canadians seem to be relatively more lay back. You can see the entrance exams in China super competitive even the admission rate is around 30%, same rate like in Canada.

          Jun 26, 2015 26:52 AM

          You can confirm what I said by going into any Canadian university engineering department and see what is the percentage of Asian students and what is the percentage their shares of population. Robots will be made by engineering.

          Jun 26, 2015 26:58 AM

          Lawrence, where did I say that I thought that Chinese and Indians have lower intelligence, all I said was they have now lost their biggest advantage of cheap labor and given that they will be our competitors it will be much harder for them to care for 2.5 billion people now that the playing field has been leveled. I think you need to do some reading as artificial intelligence is taking away jobs from Doctors. I don’t think you could have read one of my last posts where I stated that Proctor and Gamble have a machine that replaces anesthetist’s, once you become a Doctor you must take a further four year course to become an anesthetist.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:09 AM

            I don’t believe AI and Robots will compete with human in a major way. This theory assume people don’t learn and improve themselves. People cries wolf many times in hostory when machine was been mass made. Machine and Robots are both helping people to do more. Productivity improved 100 fold since machenes have been used. Things like in movie Matrix are more for entertainment.

            By the way, Chinese labor is no longer cheap.

            Jun 26, 2015 26:16 AM

            Lawrence, you owe me an apology for even assuming that I think one race is better then another, I’m waiting………. DT!

            Jun 26, 2015 26:22 AM

            I may misunderstood your point about cheap labor issue but I still believe robotics will be a nice add on to human productivity. I am thinking to let my son to learn AI.

    Jun 26, 2015 26:31 AM

    WELL THE SURPREME COURT RULES 5 TO 4……….OK with Gay marriage.,,,,does that mean the judges can COME OUT OF THE CLOSET.

      Jun 26, 2015 26:34 AM

      WHAT happens if we decide we like machines better than the judges, …do we just push the button , and get a 3 D printed judge…….I think the judges can be replace rather easily by computers now………Judging by the quality of work they have established.

        Jun 26, 2015 26:48 AM

        Ha ha, sooner the better!