

Recording of our political webinar

July 1, 2015

Here is the recording of our recent webinar with Glen Downs. Thank you to everyone who tuned in. Please let me know what you all think and how we can improve our future recordings.

Click download link to listen on this device: Download Show

    Jul 01, 2015 01:29 PM

    I Have a question for Mr Downs.
    Retired Senator Bob Graham has come out and implicated the House of Saud’s Involvement with financing of the 911 hijackers.
    Does He feel that this could be part of the cancer that is present in the House and Senate?
    Does he think that the redacted pages by President Bush will ever be released?

    Jul 01, 2015 01:42 PM

    Some of the Kennedy papers are still classified because the government doesn’t want to implicate themselves in his capping. You would think they would just shred them and say oops. But that’s gooberment for ya.

      Jul 02, 2015 02:22 AM

      blackmail comes to mind……..when you say, just shred them….Always more to the story than meets the eye….

    Jul 01, 2015 01:43 PM

    I think Bob Graham is trying to be more upbeat re: Congress…if for no other reason that there is a bipartisan bill in the House and Senate calling for the report to be made public. It has gotten some traction…but the Democrat an Republican Leadership teams have been noticeably silent. The PTB are not keen on those 28 pages being made public. Obama told the 911 families that he would declassify them…but that is yet another promise that hasn’t been kept.

    Jul 01, 2015 01:50 PM
      Jul 02, 2015 02:19 AM

      TERM LIMITS………..LIND SAY..bye bye……….take McCain with you………..

    Jul 01, 2015 01:53 PM

    Thank-you Mr Downs for the reply.
    911 We must never forget.

      Jul 01, 2015 01:38 PM

      Mr. Downs:
      I didn’t expect a reply from you,so I phrased the questions for Al or Cory to ask you.
      Thanks again for the response.

    Jul 01, 2015 01:25 PM

    On the activist judge decision, I agree with you very much, Mr. Downs! How long before someone sues the government for invasion of privacy and they take away whatever privacy we have left?

    Jul 01, 2015 01:43 PM

    Dang, missed Glen Downs AND the studio dog. The price of being a wage slave.

    Jul 01, 2015 01:04 PM

    According to today, Obama (rhymes with Osama) stops attacks on ISIS.

    Who is Islamic?

    Jul 01, 2015 01:17 PM

    So who is being the crybaby puss now that needs to grow a set and man up?

    Jul 02, 2015 02:06 AM

    Re: Donald Trump – We once again have a candidate running who has the funds to compete with the “big two”. What do you think of his chances, provided he doesn’t shoot himself in the foot too many times?

    Jul 02, 2015 02:41 AM

    The president was in Nashville, TN yesterday plugging his Health Care plan. I look out my window at the Nashville Airport and watched Air Force 1 land yesterday.

    Since you were trying to locate the Prez…..

      Jul 02, 2015 02:46 AM

      He’s been to Nashville a few times the last year or so, because many people don’t realize this is one of the hubs of Healthcare in the country and most of the PPOs were born in this city. Obama doesn’t have a big support in Tennessee, but Nashville is crucial for him forcing Obamacare through.

        Jul 02, 2015 02:47 AM

        Nashville is like the Washington DC or Brussels of Healthcare. So he was here with his cronies working the lobbyists and decision makers.

          Jul 02, 2015 02:15 AM

          Better get him CORKERED…………..

            Jul 02, 2015 02:16 AM

            Then ship him over to Alcoa…….and get him canned……….

            Jul 02, 2015 02:20 AM

            A little Chattanooga choo choo……..ride on the rails would not hurt either…….

            Jul 02, 2015 02:28 AM

            I am sure he will be glad to have a warm southern welcome from the good ole boyz, the Grand Ole Opera will sing his praises………..Did they take down the flag yet,

    Jul 02, 2015 02:29 AM

    Funny. I go down to Chattanooga quite often. Tons of great food, lots of caves to explore, a bunch of corny touristy stuff, but the mountains there and the rivers and lakes are just awesome.

      Jul 02, 2015 02:34 AM

      Better check out Ruby Falls…..on your way………

        Jul 02, 2015 02:35 AM

        I told you I am a Civil War buff……..

        Jul 02, 2015 02:45 AM

        I’ve been to Ruby Falls and done a few different tours in that cave system. I’ve also been at Halloween when it’s a haunted cave 🙂

        There are other caves like Raccoon Mountain, and many smaller ones that are amazing. Mountains, rivers, lakes, the blue holes, caves, restaurants, and breweries. Chattanooga is a fun place to go. (been there dozens of times over the years).

        As for the civil war, I am a little burnt out on it all actually because I’m surrounded by literally dozens of historical sites like the battlefields in Franklin, Stones River, etc… cemeteries, historical homes, and on and on…… People travel from all over the world to come see it, but I’m ready to move in a year to the west coast for a change of pace and more of a free thinking environment.

          Jul 02, 2015 02:53 AM

          A little goes a long way………….I lived in Charleston, SC for 4 yrs…..a totally different perspective on the war, than Tenn. and culture is totally different.

          Jul 02, 2015 02:26 AM

          Yes, I’ve visited Charleston before, and of course the beaches, (along with Myrtle Beach about 10 times). South Carolina is a different kind of place, but really all states have their own thing going. This is why I really like state law over federal law for deciding their own community destinies.