

Thought provoking views from “Charley”

Big Al
July 27, 2015

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Charley aka the Good Doctor has some interesting thoughts on the markets.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:12 AM

    Posted on July 27, 2015 by Martin Armstrong

    Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest tale by raising unrealistic high hopes for China as their savior as they were buying gold and would use it to back their currency. They tout that the emerging middle class will become big buyers of the precious metals, in addition to China emerging as a superpower, quietly stockpiling its own version of Fort Knox in the vaults of the People’s Bank of China in Beijing. They were even claiming that its stockpile was nearing 2,000 tons to rival that of the USA at 3,000 tons.

    All gold sophistry manages to evaporate by leaving behind more losers than winners. They convince people to buy and never sell; the announcement from China shattered that illusion spun by the gold promoters once again. China’s central bank bought only 604 tons of gold over the past six years, amounting to just 1.6% of its reserves. The dream that the yuan would emerge as a gold backed currency exploded. The gold promoters predicted at least three times that amount. These people are worse than used car salesmen are, for at least that trade is now regulated. Nobody regulates the gold promoters so they are the last bastion of the unsupported claims to the “sell anything crowd” we used to call snake-oil salesmen.

    CRUDE-W 7-26-2015 SVNYNF-W 7-262015 GCNYNF-W 7-26-2015

    Even the sophistry about manipulations has contributed to the demise of gold and its fall from grace. If gold is manipulated and prevented from ever rallying, then why buy gold if it can only go down? This simple logic has been emerging from emails we get all the time. You can fool a fool, but you cannot fool everyone all the time.

    The sophistry painted the picture that gold is artificially lowered to somehow support the dollar, despite the fact that gold is such a tiny fraction of the dollar market. Again, the sophistry has hurt a lot of people but this is highly dangerous for it is destroying the investor base for the metals.

    Silver has been even weaker than gold. Crude entered a full-blown Waterfall. Gold actually held up better but its trend is completely in sync with the world’s deflationary trend. The hunt for taxation is causing cost-push inflation as prices rise out of necessity, not demand. The net disposable income is collapsing and these politicians are out to destroy the future. The hunt for any asset, including gold, has transformed what was a freely movable asset into one that is driven underground.

    On Friday, Gold Nearest Futures held our Weekly Bearish Reversal at 1084 closing at 1085.5; this has allowed for a little bounce. But this number also is critical for a monthly closing. So pay attention. Breaking 1084 should confirm that gold would break the $1,000 level.

    This entry was posted in Future Forecasts, Gold and tagged China, Gold, Gold Nearest Futures, Gold Promoters, silver by Martin Armstrong. Bookmark the permalink.
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      Jul 27, 2015 27:14 AM

      Armstrong forgets to mention his focus on a wkly close above $1084.
      Last wk, is within $2 of the 50% 1086 retrace …

      Jul 27, 2015 27:03 PM

      Didn’t this Armstrong guy change his tune on gold in the past 72 hours?

      I thought I saw some posts over the weekend stating that he was now purportedly saying that the bottom for gold was in and that it was going to $5,000? I think someone posted a link to such a blog post on here?

      Jul 27, 2015 27:49 PM

      How can anyone be foolish/ignorant enough to trust a guy who claims that those who are against central banking are FOR Marxism. I don’t care what his past achievements are, comments like that (and there are many) prove that he can’t be trusted.

      Go read 1984.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:55 PM

        1984 – Great book – we are moving closer and closer into that kind of a world. Spooky.

        Yes, central banking policy is the source of most of the world’s economic woes.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:26 PM

          And central banking is necessary for Marxism.

          Gabriel, what good is Socrates if Armstrong can’t be trusted.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:10 PM

        Well if you believe that Socrate can predict the market …

          Jul 27, 2015 27:19 PM

          Martin is intelligent, but he’s not Socrates…..and he has a cult of followers that thinks his algorithm can predict the markets. Not so.

          M.A. has had some wacky comments and positions just as often as good calls, but that’s true of all analysts. He’s just another guy with a proprietary program but with a juicy story of going to jail to keep his secret, and now he’s out to warn the world. Great story, some of it is BS, but again, he is a smart guy and I check out his site from time to time.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:45 PM

            The problem is that a lot of people follow this type of “guru”.
            They can “move the market”.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:22 PM


            Capital flows move markets.

            There are always people more influential than others at some point in time. ALWAYS. A-L-W-A-Y-S.

            Can some pundits move the market for a few min ? Sometimes yes, sure.
            On the long-run ? Me think not.

            If you do, maybe then the most logical course of action to undertake is to stop thinking for yourself and just follow and do what the “guru of the moment” says.

            IMHO, the market will do what it’s gotta do. Whatever Martin Armstrong or anyone else for that matter will say.

            For markets to turn, the MAJORITY has to be wrong. The MAJORITY.
            That’s why I am personally hoping for even lower lows and more negative sentiment on the sector. Only and only then can the market turn up “properly” – coz the majority will start to find itself upside down.

            My 2cts.


            Jul 27, 2015 27:23 PM

            Worth a lot more than 2 cts, my friend!

            Jul 27, 2015 27:32 PM

            Well said LPG.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:13 PM


            Like all markets Gold is manipulated. Since it is really is such a small physical market, banks cannot make money from it, they needed to expand its size. This is one reason why paper derivatives were invented, to increase their fees.
            Physical gold is dug out of the ground then locked in a vault, there is little trading volume, paper gold, which has no resemblance to gold trades at insane volumes. This has led to paper setting the price, which is lucky for stackers and gamblers alike.
            Know which one you are before you buy. If you can think like the banks, then you can trade gold.

            Until the comex breaks, gold stays cheap.
            My advice is to avoid paper, buy bullion a little at a time on these pullbacks.

            “Buying gold is just buying a put against the idiocy of the political cycle. It’s That Simple”

            You have to ask yourself, what is the purpose of some “guru”to say there is “no manipulation” …

            Just my 2 cents comme tu le dis si bien !

            Jul 27, 2015 27:17 PM


            If manipulation there is, in my book, it works both ways.

            Best to you,


            Jul 27, 2015 27:09 PM

            I remembered Paul Volcker, who is seen as the great hero central banker, actually expressed in his memoirs just how much control the central bankers have, and he actually regretted not pushing the price of gold down.

            Au plaisir

            Jul 27, 2015 27:41 PM

            However… Gold may still go down further as long as paper gold is easily created and supply is near infinite.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:12 PM

        Marxism and central banking were created by the same people.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:27 PM

          Exactly. Most people are clueless…

    Jul 27, 2015 27:18 AM

    Larry Edelson’s Shocking Forecasts for 2015-2020
    Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. | Monday, July 27, 2015 at 7:30 am

    Martin Weiss
    Last week, when Larry Edelson began his video to announce his shocking forecasts for 2015-2020, he created an uproar here at our Weiss Research headquarters.

    So many people jumped online to watch him that all our servers crashed. Our staff tried frantically to restore them. But it was too late. Our only solution was to send out a letter of apology.

    That had never happened to us before. And it raised several urgent questions:

    What exactly are Larry’s forecasts? Why are they creating such a stir? And what are his strategy recommendations?

    To best answer these questions, I decided to do something I rarely do: I hopped on Skype, called Larry in Bangkok, and conducted an unscheduled in-depth interview (transcript below).

    Larry Edelson’s Shocking Forecasts for 2015-2020

    (Transcript, edited for clarity and brevity)

    Martin Weiss: Larry, you’ve just made the most important forecast of your 37-year career, and it’s causing a sensation here. In fact, so many people showed up for part one of your three-part briefing, our servers went down.

    Larry Edelson
    Larry Edelson: I’m not surprised. What we see today is unprecedented in history.

    Martin: I’m not surprised either. What you’ve been saying is happening, and you’re becoming increasingly well known for the accuracy of your forecasts.

    You correctly warned of the great stock market crash back in 1987, the tech wreck in the late 1990s, the real estate bust of 2007, the stock market crash of 2008, and nearly every one of the major moves in stocks over the past three decades.

    Then there’s gold, the first market where you earned a reputation for forecast accuracy. You urged our readers to buy gold aggressively when it was under $300. And you also told them to close out their positions just within a couple of weeks of the exact top in 2011.

    What would you say is the key to your forecast successes?

    Larry: Several. First, I don’t come from Wall Street and I don’t have a traditional training in economics. But what’s most important is I’m a student of human behavior; and human behavior is cyclical in nature.

    Martin: We’re all familiar with the expression, “History tends to repeat itself.”

    Larry: But most people underestimate how deep that runs. They underestimate how regular and strong our habits are, how predictable our mood swings can be, and how those patterns pervade nearly every move in financial markets of any significance.

    Markets are bipolar. They swing from extreme optimism to extreme pessimism, back to extreme optimism. The key is that those swings are distinct, regular, rhythmic, quantifiable, and, for the most part, predictable.

    Martin: Could you tell us about some of the events that cyclical analysis has helped to predict? I’m not talking just about you personally, but also about other prominent students of cycles.

    Larry: Start with the father of cyclical research, Nikolai Kondratieff. Under Stalin, he studied the Western — and the Soviet — economies. He came to the conclusion that both would eventually collapse. Of course, Stalin didn’t like to hear that. So he sent Kondratieff off to Siberia and later had him executed. But, lo and behold, the Soviet system did collapse.

    Next, fast-forward to Edward R. Dewey in 1930-31, Chief Economic Analyst at the Commerce Department in President Hoover’s administration.

    Dewey became extremely interested in cycles to help Hoover find the true cause of the Depression. So he painstakingly researched everything from cycles in nature to cycles in commodities, business inventories and more.

    He found two cycles that could best forecast the stock market — a 20-year GDP cycle and a 60-year GDP cycle. With these two alone, investors could have side-stepped the stock market collapse and the Great Depression that soon followed. But no one had that information ahead of time. No one predicted the Crash of ’29, except perhaps your father.

    Martin: No, not even my father. Yes, as soon as it happened, he recognized that the entire economy was headed for very hard times. But not before. To our knowledge, no one in history predicted the crash.

    Larry: Cyclical analysis has come a long way since then. Other researchers, including myself, have conducted massive amounts of due diligence on cyclical analysis. But what’s most exciting — and frightening — is that, right now, many very powerful cycles are converging in the same time and place:

    – We have a major aspect of the Kondratieff wave, largely characterized by technological innovation, that’s now turning down, heading into 2020.

    – We have what’s called the Kitchin cycle, named after a French cyclical theorist, Joseph Kitchin, which looks at the business inventory cycles, and is now pointing lower. They are also converging along with the Kondratieff wave, heading lower into 2020.

    – Then there’s the Juglar cycle, also related to business inventories, which is turning down, starting right about now, heading into 2020.

    – On top of all that, you have the original cycles discovered by Mr. Dewey — the 20-year and 60-year GDP cycles — intertwined with stock prices, also converging and heading mostly lower into 2020.

    – And never forget the war cycles, which add an entirely separate layer of powerful forces.

    Economic stress leads to war. It leads to tension. It leads to civil strife, international strife. So it’s all coming together, and that’s what’s so disturbing to me.

    Unfortunately, cycles are still mostly pooh-poohed by Wall Street and Washington. Politicians and central bankers want you to believe that they can smooth out booms and busts. They don’t like the idea that it’s beyond their control. But the more they interfere with cycles, the worse the consequences.

    The Exact Date

    Martin: There’s a finite date associated with your forecast. Please explain.

    Larry: It’s October 7, 2015, when we enter a new phase of the global economy, a phase when everything starts to hit the fan at once. It doesn’t necessarily mean that a precipitous event will occur on that day. There may be, there may not be. But it does mark a line in the sand between two eras:

    * The current era when government debts continue to grow with reckless abandon, when nobody really gives a hoot and …

    * A new era, when we’re all going to have to pay a big price for that government debt.

    It’s a giant shift in the entire economic landscape, a time when governments must finally meet a great day of reckoning. I call it the “Great Convergence.”

    Martin: When’s the last time we’ve seen a convergence point of this magnitude?

    Larry: In 1929.

    Martin: Does that mean that the events that ensue after this convergence will be similar to those that happened after 1929?

    Larry: In magnitude, yes. In substance, no. They’ll be different from 1929 because we have a different monetary system. We no longer have the gold standard, for example. No matter what, the key is that mankind will finally have to pay the piper for decades of government excesses.

    Martin: Which governments in particular are you talking about?

    Larry: Western Europe, Japan, and the United States — modern, semi-socialist societies that are committed to trillions of dollars in payments to the infirm and the unemployed, to veterans and retirees, and more.

    We’ve already seen the decline and collapse of socialist structures in the Soviet Union. We’ve also seen socialism fade dramatically in China. The next shoe to drop will be the semi-socialist societies of the West and Japan. They will officially default on their obligations. Or they will simply fail to deliver on their promises, while swearing that they have not defaulted.

    In the European Union alone, there are 28 countries. Nearly all have massive debts. And most of those debts are patently unpayable.

    Martin: As in Greece.

    Larry: Greece is small potatoes. The main reason Greece is important is because it’s the canary in the coal mine — the harbinger of doom for any government in Europe that has followed the primrose path of false promises, any government that has embarked on crazy spending to fulfill the promises, anyone who has accumulated massive, unpayable debts to cover that spending.

    Martin: They’ve used public debt to buy personal power.

    Larry: Yes. And as we shift into the new era, they’re going to fight for their lives to keep their jobs. The house of cards they created is going to crumble right before their eyes. Spain, Italy, Portugal will be next.

    Martin: I disagree. First, I think you’re going to see countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia go south.

    Larry: Sure. Absolutely. Go back to the 1930s. You’ll see that nearly all of Europe went bankrupt, reneged on its debts. That’s what really caused the Great Depression — not the stock market crash. Stock market crashes don’t always translate into a depression.

    In fact, percentage-wise, the Crash of 1987 was worse than the Crash of 1929. But it didn’t cause a recession — let alone a depression.

    Martin: Tell our readers what does cause a depression more directly.

    Larry: I already have. It’s the sovereign debt going bad; and globally, the sovereign debt monster is 15 times the size of stock markets.

    Martin: What happens in that scenario?

    Larry: Bankrupt governments behave like cornered animals. They raise taxes. They resort to confiscatory tactics — like we’ve seen in Poland where pensions were seized. They slap on capital controls — like we’re already seeing in parts of Europe, where ATM withdrawals are severely limited. Worst of all, they effectively wage war against their citizens.

    Ultimately, more countries begin to look like Greece, where banks were shut down and capital was severely controlled.

    The telltale sign: Government bond markets crash.

    Martin: They’re already starting to fall.

    Larry: Yes, and over the next several years, government bond markets will be a disaster zone. For investors to own government debt will be suicidal.

    Martin: That should come as no surprise. That’s where you’d expect the sovereign debt crisis to rear its ugly head — in the form of falling bond prices, as investors vote with their money and get the heck away.

    Larry: And that’s where you’ll find one of the big profit opportunities.

    Martin: Yes, I know. In 1930, my father borrowed $500 from his mother and used it to short the stock market. But things have changed a lot since then. Back then, outright short-selling was the only vehicle for profiting from a crisis. Now —

    Larry: Now we have a lot more vehicles, lots more flexibility, many more ways to play falling markets with clearly defined risk. Not just for stocks. Also for virtually every market and sector.

    But the more important difference with 1929 is the sequence of events: Europe will go down first, then Japan. The U.S. will be among the last to fall.

    The catastrophes in Europe and Japan will make our economy and stock markets look good in the interim, as foreign capital flows to our shores, as the U.S. dollar continues to rise, as our blue chip stocks move higher.

    Martin: What exactly do you see coming? Please paint a word picture for us.

    Larry: A five-year roller-coaster through hell — wild, euphoric rides up the hill … and devastating falls that could scare the living dickens out of you.

    Investors who have loaned money to governments will start snapping their wallets shut. You’re going to see governments shed hundreds of thousands of employees. Anyone with a business that depends on government contracts is going to get hurt badly.

    Social Security will be on ice. Medicare will be fried. Welfare, food stamps, slashed. Philosophically speaking, that’s actually a change for the better. But everyone is so addicted to government safety nets and government promises, it will cause civil unrest as it hits larger segments of the population, especially the middle classes.

    Martin: How do you see governments responding to this crisis?

    Larry: There’s nothing on earth more dangerous than a government that’s fighting for its survival, a government that’s like a cornered rat.

    Throughout history, whenever governments have been confronted with this kind of crisis, they’ve turned against their own citizens.

    That’s what’s coming here too.

    Any vestiges of privacy we enjoy will be in jeopardy. The government will track your money like never before. There will be ever tighter capital controls. Wiring money out of the country will be increasingly more difficult. Large cash transactions will become largely extinct, and major steps will be taken to shift toward a mostly electronic currency. Some of that is already underway in Europe.

    Martin: They’re moving towards electronic currency?

    Larry: They sure are! If the currency is electronic, it’s far easier to tax and track. This is what Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff is advocating. Plus, it makes it easier for the authorities to shut down the banking system — almost instantly.

    Meanwhile, here in the U.S., the IRS is going to get increasingly more authority to seize assets. Already, every U.S. citizen has to report his overseas banking and brokerage accounts, regardless of the funding source.

    Martin: Approximately when does the crisis begin?

    Larry: There will be four distinct phases. And each phase will generate enormous opportunities to grow your wealth.

    We’re in Phase 1 right now. Much like an approaching hurricane, you have the opportunity to prepare ahead of time.

    Savvy European investors are already doing it — dumping their euros, buying dollars, and then using those dollars to invest in U.S. stocks, real estate, and even entire U.S. businesses.

    Phase 2 is set to begin in October. That’s the phase when you’ll see the Greek crisis spread, the euro experiment begin to unravel. That’s also the phase when the flight of capital from Europe is going to accelerate and we should see the Dow finally break out above 18,500, beginning a long, two-year ascent.

    Phase 3 should begin next year, possibly in the second half. That’s when I expect Japan will become the next domino, generating a second source of flight capital to the United States.

    Here’s the key: Between the flight capital from Europe and from Japan, you could see the Dow move all the way up to the 30,000-to-32,000 range by the end of Phase 3.

    Martin: Amazing. But why Japan? Isn’t it showing some strength right now?

    Larry: Some upticks in some sectors, perhaps. But that’s almost entirely because the yen has depreciated so abruptly, giving a temporary shot in the arm to their exports. The dire reality is that deflation is still a big drag, and Japan is still feeling the effects of its fifth recession since 2000.

    What’s worse, the malaise is driven by two powerful long-term factors:

    Number one, Japan’s social spending programs are enormous. More people are on the government dole in Japan than are actually paying taxes. The government debt is over one quadrillion yen. That’s a one followed by 15 zeros. And it’s 238% of GDP, by far the highest of any modern economy.

    The second problem is the deeply embedded aging of the population.

    Martin: I know. I lived in Japan from 1979 to 1981, and Japan specialists were warning about it back then. But politicians didn’t care. It was too far into the future for them to even think about. But now here we are. Roreika (aging of the population) has devastated Japan.

    Larry: That’s another canary in the coal mine. But it’s far worse in Europe. You have 50% unemployment among the youth in Greece; close to 25% youth unemployment in several other European countries.

    This is the backdrop in Japan and Europe. But center stage, again is the trillions of yen and euros that are going to head for safer shores — mostly to the United States.

    The U.S. and the U.S. dollar will continue to win the global contest for the “least ugly.” Despite all its faults, the U.S. has the deepest, most liquid markets on the planet. We have financially healthy multinational companies offering a combination of stability, dividends and appreciation that are far better than what you can get in virtually any other type of investment.

    These are the qualities that today’s global money managers and savvy investors crave the most.

    Martin: Let’s fast forward to the end of the cycle. You get the tsunami of flight capital into U.S. assets. You have the Dow at lofty levels. What next?

    Larry: That’s when we move in to Phase 4. And that’s a time of peak risk for U.S. investors.

    Look. During this entire bull market period, while the U.S. stock market is moving sharply higher, the U.S. economy will still be growing at a snail’s pace of maybe 2%, 2.5% tops.

    So the primary bull market driver is not growth. It’s flight capital from Europe and Japan. That’s not a sustainable kind of bull market.

    Yet, at that point, most U.S. investors will think it’s all about how wonderful the U.S. economy is. They will be lulled into a false sense of security. That’s my biggest worry. The gains will be real. But that’s only if you take them off the table.

    As America’s own problems come home to roost, much of that flight capital can disappear. That’s when Phase 4 strikes hard, when the U.S. economy, the last major Western market standing, begins to roll over.

    The official debt total in the U.S. is relatively small — $18 trillion. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

    Washington also has at least another $100 trillion in obligations for Medicare, Social Security, Veterans Benefits and more. One Harvard economist says it’s closer to $200 trillion. That makes us the biggest debtor in the history of civilization. So when the sovereign debt cancer reaches the United States, we switch from summer daylight to the equivalent of a dark nuclear winter.

    Martin: Based on your analysis, that’s still years away. So let’s save it for a future discussion. Right now, please share with us your strategy recommendations for Phase 1.

    Larry: If you haven’t done so already, your first priority is to get out of all government bonds. Just clean them out 100%.

    Martin: What about inflation-adjusted Treasury bonds?

    Larry: Any kind of bonds.

    Martin: And five-year Treasury notes?

    Larry: Get out. The only things worth holding, for the ultimate in liquidity, are some 13-week Treasury bills and T-bill money funds, as we’ve said all along.

    Martin: What about municipal bonds?

    Larry: I would not touch ‘em with a 10-foot pole. We’ve already seen the bankruptcy of Detroit and big troubles in Puerto Rico. Chicago could be next. Remember, municipalities won’t be able to rely on the federal government to bail them out.

    Later in this crisis, they’ll get crushed. But I wouldn’t wait until then. I would get out of any kind of bond — including triple-A corporates — because anything of a bond nature, government, municipal or corporate, is going to get killed at this stage.

    Next, your second priority in Phase 1 is to profit from Europe’s decline. How? One very handy vehicle is specialized exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are designed to go up when European markets go down.

    Martin: Inverse ETFs on Europe.

    Larry: Exactly.

    Martin: Since you’re known as a leading advocate for gold, one thing that has surprised some people is your outspokenly bearish stance on the precious metals in recent years. While practically every other gold bug on the planet has been stuck in the mantra of buy-buy-buy, you’ve told your subscribers to sell. Long term, you’re still a gold bull.

    But on a medium-term basis, you’ve been the lone wolf in that crowd who’s often warned people away from gold, who’s helped protect investors from big gold corrections.

    Larry: The best leverage in any market is to buy near the bottoms. That tactic, just by itself, can multiply your profits.

    Martin: When do you see the next bottom in gold?

    Larry: I’m looking at a time window between November of this year and January of next. No matter what, gold is going to be one of the best plays throughout Phases 2, 3, and 4.

    Martin: Last year, you predicted another major decline in gold, and a

    lot of people were very unhappy about that. They felt you betrayed them. Now, though, many are thanking you. I can see some of the comments right on your blog, which say, in essence: “Thank you for getting me out of gold last year, Larry. You saved me a bundle.”

    Equally important is the opportunity you’ve given them to buy gold at much lower prices. Like you said, that’s the best kind of leverage to enhance your profit potential.

    Larry: And gold could be, by far, the most consistent big winner in Phase 4. The critical period will be between 2017 to 2020. To deal with the chaos, I suspect the G20 will have to get together, shut down everything, and reinvent the entire monetary system.

    Martin: Are you saying that the G20 could effectively declare a banking and market holiday of some sort?

    Larry: It’s a distinct possibility.

    Martin: That’s what we just saw happen in Greece. But the G20!?

    The G20 includes the United States and Canada …. the UK, Germany, France and Italy … Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa … Japan and Australia … plus seven other major nations. Are you saying that what’s just happened in Greece could ultimately happen in many of those countries too? Why?

    Larry: For the very same reason I stated at the outset: Because of governments that are overloaded with unpayable debt, governments that will go bankrupt, governments that will respond with desperate measures, and populations that will revolt against them.

    And whether it reaches the extremes we’ve seen in Greece or not, one thing is certain: The sovereign debt crisis is a fundamentally powerful bullish force for gold.

    Martin: So where do you see an ounce of gold ultimately going in a global sovereign debt crisis?

    Larry: At least to $5,000, possibly to $7,000.

    Martin: What about silver?

    Larry: Right now, I’m more bearish on silver than gold. I expect silver to bottom out around $12 per ounce. That means it has another $2.50 to $3 to fall, another 20% or so.

    But on the upside silver also has much more potential because it can easily go to $100 or $125 by 2020.

    Traders call silver the devil’s metal — and for good reason: Because of its volatile swings. That’s a key reason why I tend to favor gold. Its rise will be steadier, more reliable. I recommend silver primarily for trading; gold for both trading and long-term investing.

    Martin: Before we part, tell me more about your report, “Convergence.”

    Larry: Today, I’ve given you just a sampling of my forecasts — some of the highlights. In Convergence, I give you all my forecasts for 2015 to 2020. I give you a play-by-play description of each of the four phases. I lay out my strategy and tactics for each. And I name 17 investments that I’ve specifically selected to protect your wealth and grow your money between now and 2020.

    I want to do everything I possibly can to help readers not only protect your wealth, but to really grow it. That’s from the bottom of my heart. I know what’s happening. I can see it coming and I want to help as many people as I can.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:04 PM

      Thanks for your effort in posting this Bobby!

        Jul 27, 2015 27:35 PM

        Thanks, Bobby. I was getting antsy to buy some TGD, PVG, and MUX, but now I guess I’ll wait till November. Doc thinks SLW is going under 10 so I’ll wait till he says “all clear.”

      Jul 27, 2015 27:24 PM

      Like CFS, I have always found Edelson’s insights enlightening; the same with Weiss’

      Jul 28, 2015 28:40 AM

      Martin contradicts himself. Can’t have ever increasing capital controls and the flight of capital too.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:45 AM

    I just got stopped out of BBC, so I guess biotechs are doing badly today!

    Jul 27, 2015 27:47 AM

    Thanks for this Bobby.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:24 PM

      Thx Bobby, a good read.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:00 PM


    Please allow me to re-post below the beginning of my comment re: being informed.
    I have capitalized what the key message I was trying to convey.
    Apologies if it wasn’t clear in the first place.


    It’s just that I FEEL SOMETHING IS ALWAYS MISSING when I hear that.
    Let me explain quickly:

    So I wholeheartedly concur with you when you say “you have to stay informed”. This is what I meant by “it is a pre-requesite”.
    However, I just think that this is not ENOUGH to be successful – hence my comment that I feel something is missing when I hear “stay nimble and informed”.

    Hope this clarifies.

    Best as always,


    Jul 27, 2015 27:00 PM

    Bob Moriarity from …..we r in capitulation…maybe,……I guess….buy buy buy…I bought gold at 1160……now at 1095 who really cares……..65 bucks per ounce what a joke….HAHA!!

    Jul 27, 2015 27:15 PM

    Rye Patch was holding steady this A.M but now trading 10% down near the close. Any thoughts Doc or anyone?

      Jul 27, 2015 27:59 PM

      Dai Uy; I mentioned that you should see a low in the mining stocks the end of July or early August. However, that being said; many of them could get a bounce but no one knows whether it will be a short term bounce or the low. My belief is that we see a short term bounce and then settle one more time for the lows. However, I’m very tempted to take a position in one of the ETFS soon for at least a bounce—-most likely early August is the time.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:06 PM

        Dai Uy—-there is another possibility—-the MACD on the weekly chart holds out the possibility that these stocks could plunge yet for another 4 weeks for the ultimate low. That would stretch the intermediate cycle but isn’t out of the realm of possibilities. Either way, when we reach the lows I don’t believe we’ll see them reverse dramatically right away but they may settle into a long term trading range which should allow everyone to take positions at their leisure. However, if we would get a large sell off in the conventional markets in August the Fed will in all likelihood hedge their talk on raising interest rates. Then if the markets continue to move down, they may start throwing hints out there about more monetary stimulus. If that happens, it would in all likelihood put a floor under the stocks and PMs and we might get a good rally. It’s all conjecture at this point in time. Doc.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:29 PM

          Good thoughts Doc. I think we’ll get a short term bounce in the stocks, but will ultimately settle lower for the major low in later in the year or early 2016 now. I thought Gold had a good chance of bottoming this summer, but it hasn’t pulled back enough to convince me at $1077-1076. Sentiment is not washed out enough, like it would be at $1000-$1050 or a dip below into the high $900s.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:03 PM

            Shad, I agree with your comments.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:59 PM

            I have a feeling that the Chinese will soon announce massive QE in order to prop up their stockmarket once again – kick the can down the road once again. They have learnt that from Europe and the US.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:25 PM

            +1 Shad.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:02 PM

            Cheers Doc & LPG!

          Jul 27, 2015 27:34 PM

          Thanks Doc.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:27 PM

        I agree that an August correction is in the cards. There are just too many people talking September for my liking. That idea has risen to the status of market fact as if it is somehow guaranteed….and so it must be front-run which means anyone going off on holidays and relaxing while waiting for a September fall is going to get left behind the lines. I would go so far as to say the correction has already begun.

        Why August will be the worst time to take a holiday this year. — The Telegraph

      Jul 27, 2015 27:16 PM

      Only down 3.57% at close Dai ULY.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:01 PM

      Yeh, people don’t seem to realize value when they see it!

    Jul 27, 2015 27:48 PM

    Off Topic:

    While our Dictator destroys the US Navy, arguably at its lowest capability since WWII, Russia and China are building their navies……This time it’s Russia’s turn:

    Jul 27, 2015 27:53 PM

    Meanwhile the US goes to Hell ?

    Only in America !

    Christian items not allowed on public land, but devil worship apparently OK.
    (Where’s Obama’s statue?)

      Jul 27, 2015 27:29 PM

      And so for one of Obama’s favorites, Planned Parenthood who are in the business of selling “uncrushed” aborted fetal parts to the highest bidder. And just when I think that the madness will stop, it only gets worse!

        Jul 27, 2015 27:23 PM

        Yep, it kind of does!

        Jul 27, 2015 27:33 PM

        Day Uy, please CITE your SOURCES on this.

          Jul 28, 2015 28:54 PM


          The story has been told for the past two weeks on all the major news outlets including the MSM and Fox with now the 3rd release of the horrifying videotapes. And PP has been caught flat footed unable to refute any of the serious accusations which may be criminal. Congress is currently conducting hearings to de-fund Planned Parenthood of the 500 million of taxpayer dollars that PP currently receives annually and PP is screaming like stuck pigs.The sale of baby parts is a large source of their income.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:07 PM

      That is absolutely unbelievable,Professor!

      I really don’t blame Obama though, I blame our society for letting this happen.

      Now really, don’t you too?

        Jul 27, 2015 27:05 PM

        Big Al…Sorry to stick my nose in here but have to respond to
        “I really don’t blame Obama though, I blame our society for letting this happen.”
        Who the heck is leading this society if it isn’t the Marxist hoodlum in the White House and his Marxist inept administration..this poor excuse for a president is destroying this country and it is totally on his shoulders…yes society elected him but he is the one enacting the destruction…

    Jul 27, 2015 27:04 PM

    What happened to the First Amendment to the Constitution?

    Jul 27, 2015 27:08 PM
    Jul 27, 2015 27:48 PM

    We are heading lower in the metals folks. Gold should have been up 2% or more today along with the metal companies. With the Chinese market crash and problems in the Europe (and likely leaking into other areas like the Australia and other markets) we should be seeing the metals rally..especially given the fact that they are at such depressed levels. Things are going to get even uglier.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:04 PM

      I hate to say it, Tom, but I believe you’re correct—-whether it’s a sudden catharsis or slow death I believe we’re eventually going lower.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:27 PM

      If people in China are getting margin calls then perhaps we are going to see more forced sellers of gold.

      It wouldn’t surprise me if we see another overnight couple of billion bucks worth of gold anytime soon.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:14 PM

        That number would surprise me, UK!

        Jul 28, 2015 28:08 AM

        Chinese mostly buy jewelries. Hard to put a margin call on that. Off course there are some traders but most of them are to take delivery. Shanghai two weeks delivery equals COMEX whole year.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:11 PM

      Big Al happens to agree with you, Tom!

    Jul 27, 2015 27:22 PM

    If anyone can trust Edelson…. if Im allowed to post this..?

      Jul 27, 2015 27:12 PM

      Notice that he has not been on our Show for a long time now.

      Jul 28, 2015 28:52 AM

      TRUST NO ONE……….Dr. WEISS AND DR. ZUESS. ….anyone know how his million dollar challenge came out?

        Jul 28, 2015 28:54 AM

        No offense to BOBBY………I enjoyed his many years of contribution, and I am glad to see him back…………thank for the post Bobby………………………….j the long.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:25 PM

    Bit surprised that RIG did not fall more in line with oil today.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:43 PM

    ‘China losing control as stocks crash despite emergency measures’

    Margin debt on the Chinese stock market has reached is $1.2 trillion.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:51 PM

      ‘…For the rest of the world, it is a tense moment. China consumes 50pc of global coal, 43pc of industrial metals and 23pc of grains, according to World Bank data.

      Brazil, Russia, South Africa and a string of commodity states face a double-barrelled stress test. The Chinese are freezing imports just as the US Federal Reserve drains worldwide dollar liquidity and prepares to raise rates, calling time on emerging markets that have together borrowed $4.5 trillion in US currency…’

        Jul 27, 2015 27:07 PM

        Yep, these next few years are going to be a “better buckle up” ride in many markets Bob.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:12 PM

          I think it is the next few days and weeks Skeeta.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:17 PM

          Amen, Skeeta!

          Jul 27, 2015 27:54 PM

          Good one Skeeta…..”better buckle up” for the ride fo sho…….

        Jul 28, 2015 28:13 AM

        I feel we will not do well in most hard commodities except PM and Oil. They have huge over production problem due to price have been way above cost for a long long time. Soft commodities may do OK but it is hard to store cattle for example so price is always wild.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:15 PM

      Gonna be an interesting week isn’t it UK?

    Jul 27, 2015 27:09 PM

    Point 1
    Dennis Gartman is always changing his mind.

    Which indicates he really doesn’t know his mind.

    Stay away from this flip flopping bankroll killer.

    Point 2
    The propaganda main stream media is using China as an excuse for our own failing and falling markets and economy.

    We are in just as sad shape as China.

    This is not a case of China infecting us.

    Everyone is already infected.

    Point 3
    Again let’s stop this you have to stay nimble nonsense

    And no you are not supposed to stay informed by listening to everyone.


    I know you are in a sense self promoting since you’re blog is dedicated to providing information.

    However I’ve been saying for years you have to do your own thing, not listen to every opinion under the sun.

    Good Lord, do I really want to listen to every shill, cheerleader, FED head, CNBC hack and every other so called “expert” that comes down the pike.

    I would be wiped out in a month.

    Have of these guys should be in jail.

    Point 4
    Gary likes to use the FED manipulation as his fall back excuse when he is wrong.


    Do you really believe the FED is as omnipotent as he makes them out to be?

    If they were then what the hell are we doing here.

    As Doc rightly points out, there will come a time when Mr. Market will surface and the FED be damned.


    So where are we?

    Stocks are starting to show chinks in the armor.
    All things gold continue to get hammered.

    Everything is sick, including RICKS BELOVED DOLLAR.

    We could have a deflationary depression where even the dollar goes down.

    Far as gold is concerned – gold and silver were in extreme bubbles and they popped.
    Once bubbles pop they don’t re inflate, unless of course the central planners want them to, like real estate and stocks.

    But even then they won’t stay re inflated.

    My advice is not to stay nimble, but either be prepared to go down with the gold and silver ship and if people get stupid again over gold and silver get the hell out at the first opportunity, they are sh*tty investments.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:49 PM

    Hey James
    Shitty investment? Was buying gold and gold stocks back in 2000- 2001 and well from $300 to $1800 I am pretty happy, cashed in the right time but still up and happy on my shitty investment.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:50 PM

    Now is the time to reload! on gold and gold miners.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:12 PM

    I would say that at least 90% of Canadians don’t even know what fiat currency is. The same 90% don’t know The Federal Reserve, is a private banking institution, with all the information out there these days it has not changed the ability of humans to think critically or to think at all, I’m afraid most of them will wake up some day and find out that cell phones are no longer safe but they won’t understand why?

      Jul 27, 2015 27:57 PM

      Sad but true DT.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:22 PM

    It is easy for a democratic government to take away people’s rights because most of the electorate think the government is them. DT

      Jul 27, 2015 27:25 PM

      I just wonder how long it will be before candidates which aren’t mainstream are refused to participate in political elections.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:03 PM

    Dick Tracy, Did you watch the attacks on Ted Cruz in the Senate? And on the weekend “TV shows”?
    Just because Ted Cruz told the truth.

      Jul 27, 2015 27:16 PM

      No, I didn’t but I wonder who they will allow and not allow to participate in the upcoming Republican debates.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:21 PM

        That is getting silly, isn’t?

          Jul 27, 2015 27:41 PM

          Try serious, and consider how Ron Paul was allowed to participate in the last election but somehow he kept getting this annoying screech in his audio hook up. They clearly have a specific agenda that of controlling our information. DT

    Jul 27, 2015 27:32 PM
      Jul 27, 2015 27:11 PM

      Maybe a bounce, but I doubt even that.

      “The Canadian dollar is sitting at 76 cents US, on its way to 74, analysts say. This is because of oil, natch, but also because while there’s a 50% chance our central bank will cut rates again, there’s a 100% chance the US will raise them. Goodbye, loonie.”

      From here:

        Jul 27, 2015 27:32 PM

        Now there is this,The Province of Ontario, Canada is now the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower. With twice the debt of California:

          Jul 27, 2015 27:38 PM

          And This, Toronto residential land prices reach new highs, boom chick a boom don’t you just love it:

            Jul 27, 2015 27:41 PM

            A real SHTF moment is coming. None of this is good DT. Ontario has been a debt basketcase for years already though. I recall reading about the California comparison back in 2012 or thereabouts so not a lot has changed.

            So are they on the way to being a have-not province?

            Jul 27, 2015 27:01 PM

            A Listener,I have been crying wolf, but the wolf only shows up at the door, turns and runs away. If you talk to the man in the street he will tell you prosperity is here to stay. Nothing short of a major disaster will stop what is going on. In economics as in physics the higher they go the harder they fall and they have built quite an inverted pyramid. I am certainly not in the camp that thinks they will riggle out of this mess without having to reset the books and that will leave them with less then nothing so although it still looks good it can’t last as we all know.

            Jul 27, 2015 27:25 PM

            You are doing a good job of expressing my personal worries Dick. Yesterday I read that London real estate prices had increased by 16% during 2014. SIXTEEN PERCENT for crying out loud!!!

            Now London is not Toronto or Vancouver of course but the theme is the same.

            We know factually that real estate mean-reverts to average inflation rates over time. We also know that some Canadian housing markets have been rising in excess of 10% annually.

            Well if real inflation is running in the small single digits both in England and in Canada then how the hell can any of this have a good outcome in the end? I will admit I am baffled that this has gone on as long as it has. None of it computes in a way that makes me think there will be a soft landing after the fall.

            Mean reversion is telling us that housing has a massive decline in store for it once it begins and the only way to avert that crisis is if inflation itself rages out of control and makes up the difference on the chart.

            EG, housing can stay inflated if average inflation rates rise substantially to meet the falling price line for housing when that day comes. But that’s crazy of course. The reason is that inflation on the rise is usually negative for house prices and other assets exactly as sharply higher interest rates can kill demand for debt.

            I guess in our hearts we know this will not end well. But we just cannot predict when the end will come. After ten years of steadily rising prices in Toronto and Vancouver I have given up trying to understand where the bubble meets its Waterloo.

            Jul 28, 2015 28:18 AM

            Listener, I feel this is by design. Housing happens to be the way BOC injects QE into the system. It will keep going.

        Jul 27, 2015 27:19 PM

        Could be, Irwin, but I still think it’s near a tradeable low if not THE low. As many have pointed out for years, there will be no obvious reason for the turn when it finally does come. If it goes to .62, most analysts will just lower their targets.
        I won’t be shocked if I’m wrong though.

          Jul 27, 2015 27:44 PM

          I really hope you are right Matthew. But if it breaks below I will be hedging for the downfall. Truth is I just cannot call this one yet. My gut tells me to worry though….that we don’t bounce far after reaching 74

      Jul 27, 2015 27:21 PM

      OK, that’s a pretty good chart Matthew. Its really interesting to me anyway. My question though is how the Fibs on both sides of the chart arrived at exactly 76.28? What I mean (and I am not the most mathematical guy around) is it just coincidence that the right hand set of fibs and the left hand set both came to the same conclusion? Or did StockCharts do that automatically or did you input both halves and they came out the way they did?

        Jul 27, 2015 27:09 PM

        The highest and lowest lines are controlled by the stockcharts user so it’s nothing but the price low (which I have corrected to 76.32).

          Jul 27, 2015 27:38 PM

          The only thing is that 76.32 does not make sense to me. I get that it hits the Fib retracements but I am looking down to the .74 region as the last line in the sand. Below that I will have to rethink everything should support fail. It would indicate a disaster coming for gold (in my view)….and oil too.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:00 PM

    Honestly folks,

    I don’t know why any of this insane crazy economic fictional data and Geo-political anarchy is anything new or worthy of a hide in your bunker moment now or even in the next few months. These unfolding sequence of events have long been clear and overt for all to view, study and understand its dire lethality to the social and monetary order.

    All of this and more has been talked about for over two years on big Al’s blog by many of us that are here today.

    The SHTF phase is well understood and the reasons why it will take place even more so.

    Everything we are witnessing today starts and ends with the unpayable worldwide debt edifice that will never be serviced or made good on.

    Before this is over, Mad Max beyond Thunder Dome will no-longer be just a movie of our wild imaginations. It will be real life imitating and a once scoffed at fictional event.

    In short, the current financial systems used by date has expired, the system is beyond dead. World governments through control, hubris and utter terror against their citizens are just prolonging the day when its official announcement of Chapter 11 bankruptcy is broadcast in the open.


    Jul 27, 2015 27:15 PM

    That’s a ways away yet Vortex, Spain,Porugal,Italy maybe even France will go down before the U.S.
    Besides, some congressman (forget his name) has introduced rounding up dissenters, extremists etc Lotsa FEMA camps to fill before order is lost.

    Heck, Trump could win the election and save everything, the guy is magic Ive heard.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:39 PM

    Oh yeah BB, I agree completely my friend. I wasn’t implying that the US implosion was right around the corner. The degradation will happen in phases until such time as full scale panic sets in.

    For sure, just as you stated Spain, Portugal, Italy and France are in deep trouble but you left out Japan which is beyond ugly. Think Greece but on steroids and with nothing but old people and with an hidden and covered-up expanding radiation waste-land in the mix.

    I was just setting the record straight that this stuff is great to talk about, and we should. But none of whats coming our way is or should be a surprise to any of us here at big Al’s place.

    Now on the other hand, my family in the US and most everyone else around them have not one idea of whats coming and they don’t care to know. I could personally deliver a box of a 1,000 free clues to all of them and most couldn’t be bothered to take even one.

    So in the meantime I stay alert and informed and hope for divine intervention.


    Jul 27, 2015 27:52 PM

    OK, I forgot Japan, lol, there are so many its hard to remember them all.

    I find the same thing about people not caring to know anything really, altho, I had a person ask me the other day about gold, Greece got her scared for some reason.

    I am not too certain about panic setting in, I have no idea of course, Im just not sure of it. Sure, the grocery shelves will empty quick etc, but look at Katrina, and if I recall something happened in NJ? People had it ruff, but there really wasn’t panic, individuals sure, but over all, the communities held together. So, Im just not too sure of outright mad max scenarios setting in.

    Basic preparation could very well be enough, ya never know.

    Jul 27, 2015 27:08 PM

    BB, I guess the best way to approach this coming worldwide bankruptcy is to try and be as really for it as best one can, and don’t take anything as a possibility off the table.

    The most dangerous events in your future life and those daily events of your family are going to come through force from the barrel of a govt gun. And don’t you ever forget that.


    Jul 28, 2015 28:42 AM

    MY new Theory…………..GOLD AND/OR THE GLUE FACTORY…………the Claw

      Jul 28, 2015 28:48 AM

      THERE will always be GOLD,,and there will always be glue. The clue will be which one you have in your pocket, when the lid comes off.

    Jul 28, 2015 28:05 AM

    Gabriel I think that is fallacy to believe armstrong moves any market….

      Jul 28, 2015 28:09 AM

      There are a lot of propaganda. Martin is not the worst one. Every mainstream financial advising organization is controlled by Wall Street.

      Jul 28, 2015 28:24 AM

      Thanks Agatha,

      This is what Gary said last friday:

      On July 24, 2015 at 9:32 am,
      gary says:

      “From my blog this moring:

      Here’s the thing. Armstrong has a weekly close at 1084 that triggers a bounce for two weeks and then a resumption down to the ICL. He’s followed closely by a big majority of investors, as he has convinced the world that his computer program really can predict the market (it does no such thing BTW).

      But he’s gained elite guru status so the market will move on his calls. It’s happened many times in the past where a guru becomes so popular that he moves markets. David Tepper caused a mini sell off a year or so ago with a comment about not being heavily long stocks.

      So the odds are at least decent that traders close gold above 1084 today and then the market follows through on Armstrong’s call for a bounce. Not because he predicted it, but because he caused it. ”

      When I wrote:
      “The problem is that a lot of people follow this type of “guru”.
      They can “move the market”.”.

      Let say they can have a BIG influence on the market if you prefer :).

      “The problem is that a lot of people follow this type of “guru”.
      They can “move the market” .”.

        Jul 28, 2015 28:34 AM

        I have no major problem with Martin. But his call on gold is way too late. I remember he was bullish in 2011-2012. He became increasingly bearish as price goes down. His early followers may get out big part of their holdings but they also risk missing the opportunities, if he is wrong at the timing by over a year when price turns. He is right since 2012 but I have been doing the opposite except for miners.

          Jul 28, 2015 28:40 AM

          Let’s hope for a rally quick soon … 2016 = 5000$

          After a long analysis of the economic history of gold, Mr. Armstrong predicted: ‘We should see a temporary high in 2010-11 with a retest of support in 2012-13 with a rally into 2016.’ He also got the ‘explosive rally’ of 2011 spot on target.

          ‘The interesting factor compared to the 1980 rally,’ Mr. Armstrong writes, ‘is that where new mines were opening up and production was rising, here we have production from the mines and even South Africa declining. So for those supply/demand fundamentalists, the supply is declining while demand is rising, and there is scarcely enough gold to go around in a real economic crisis.’

          He’s not written very much on gold as far as this author could discover for the past 18 months or longer. But if we are to see gold at $5,000 an ounce next year then we ought to start seeing some sort of serious price breakout very soon. In order to get such an exponential price movement gold would first have to hack its way back to its 2011 all-time high of $1,923 and then go ballistic”

      Jul 28, 2015 28:22 AM

      The kim jongun……….looks like a panda in search of a tree to climb……..

        Jul 28, 2015 28:24 AM

        The longest living panda is now in captivity ………..psb news ….panda’s live twice as long in a jail cell………………………………………………………ootb