

Glen Downs and Rick Ungar on Bernie Sanders’ big wins in this weekend’s primaries

March 30, 2016

Here is Glen’s latest appearance on Newsmax.

Glen Downs, former congressional chief of staff, and Rick Ungar, political commentator, come together for a left-right discussion about Bernie Sanders’ big wins in this weekend’s primaries. Can he ride the wave to victory? Plus reports say the FBI is close to calling Hillary Clinton in for an interview about her private email server. Could this be the final straw that wrecks her campaign?

    Mar 30, 2016 30:45 AM

    That’s a wasted 7 minutes.

    Mar 30, 2016 30:56 AM

    If the FBI does question Hillary, and she tells lies, as we know she will, she will hang her self. After that, she will chirp like a bird..

    Ungar is a political hack! Made me naucious..

    Mar 30, 2016 30:32 AM

    This investigation could have happened three years ago. If anything, in my view, this investigation is a fabrication to bolster Clinton though an appearance of attacks from right that fizzle into nothing again.

      Mar 30, 2016 30:49 AM

      Public opinion is not a lost cause, at some point and I believe we are seeing this in these primaries, it will be expressed. There is a lot of dissatisfaction with lawbreakers particularly in high political levels. DT