

Our recap of the Primaries yesterday

April 6, 2016

We have Glen Downs on with us today to discuss the results of the Wisconsin Primaries. What do the results mean as we get closer to nominees being selected and are the any shifts of momentum happening that could change who the nominees are?

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    Apr 06, 2016 06:07 AM

    Trump is a wheeler-dealing democrat. God help America if the choices are The Lying Hillary or Trump.

      Apr 06, 2016 06:24 PM

      And Cruz doesn’t improve the mix! JMHO

    Apr 06, 2016 06:26 AM
    Apr 06, 2016 06:53 PM

    The Biblical principles upon which the Constitution was founded, and the Constitution itself has been under attack. May the Lord lead “We the People” to the person and team of people who aren’t afraid to stand for both.

    Apr 06, 2016 06:44 PM

    I will be surprised if Cruz or Trump get in, the fix is in and that means Paul Ryan.

      Apr 06, 2016 06:50 PM


      They won’t. It is a dog and pony show to infuriate the masses when Hillary gets in without getting arrested.

    Apr 06, 2016 06:59 PM

    I doubt Hillary will ever face charges on the Email scandal. If anything that is just being used as a tool by the powers that be to reign her in should she become president. Its because Hillary is fairly headstrong and such an insider that there needs to be a check on her and this issue with her servers is the sword of Damocles that will hang over her for the first time should she step out of line.

    Apr 06, 2016 06:57 PM

    trump has no ground game . cruz is working hard behind the scenes . conventions are not easy to control. . Harding become our worst president in 1920 election , due to grid lock after lots of back room talk Harding was himself suprised to be offered the job. he was nieve [and a drinker] and it was good luck that he died in office after about a year as lots of scandals were just breaking.