

A little bit about The Patriotic Millionaires

Big Al
April 27, 2017

Big Al says: “I really like these folks! Agree or disagree their hearts are in the right place”


The so-called “traitors to their class” have one thing to say


Washington, DC – Today in response to the President’s new tax plan, the Patriotic Millionaires have released a two-word statement:

“Patently absurd.”

Top economic advisor to Donald Trump Steve Schwarzman has called the Patriotic Millionaires “traitors to their class” for their outspoken views on the economic system. The group first came together in 2010 to demand an end to the Bush tax cuts for millionaires, instantly sparking the public’s attention. They are widely credited for moving the Obama administration to ending the Bush tax cuts. Overnight, the group became a media sensation. Over the last six years, the group has generated hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of media attention, appearing on outlets from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart to the PBS NewsHour; from the front page of the Boston Globe to The History Channel. The Patriotic Millionaires’ reach is so vast that the President of the Czech Republic referenced the group in an address to the Czech Parliament. The largest television station in Japan and a major Swedish magazine both did feature stories on the group. They had the honor of joining the President in the White House in 2012 for his Tax Day address and in 2014 for the signing of the Executive Order raising wages for federal contract employees.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:37 AM

    The Daily Show are neocon/zionist supporters, dont know about pbs nor do I read the Boston globe, its big enough tho Im sure its part of the prestitute media.

    These millionares are using neocon media, and being called traitors….strange.

      Apr 27, 2017 27:40 PM

      It is kind of strange b!

      Apr 27, 2017 27:15 PM

      PBS is garbage too. Supposedly public, and therefore in the ‘public interest’ they get a lot of corporate sponsorship too. They’re cheerleaders for all these zio-wars, just like the rest.

      “These millionares are using neocon media, and being called traitors….strange.”

      It’s especially strange if one harbors the illusion that the system has some integrity left. The only thesis free of internal contradictions is that there is a group directing all this that plays all sides against each other, and their m.o. is deception.

      Once one understands that a small, tight-knit group controls money, information (media, education), and the wars, it all starts to fall into place.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:51 AM

    If these Marxist millionaires were really patriotic, they would have urged Obama to cut more taxes for all citizens and stop the deficit spending on bombing people.

    I think Al needs to spend more time with Jeff Deist.

      Apr 27, 2017 27:41 PM

      Matthew, are you positive that they did not take a stance on bombing people?

        Apr 27, 2017 27:02 PM

        No, Al, but I’d be very surprised if they did. I don’t know how any “good’ American could fall for a bunch pro-theft collectivists who want to make sure that everyone “pays their fair share.”

        Do you believe that most successful people have taken something from society? Your economics degree should help you to see that, overwhelmingly, they did not. In most cases, it’s just the opposite.

        Is it patriotic to punish success so that envious ignoramuses can feel better about themselves?

    Apr 27, 2017 27:02 AM

    I would not call these clowns “traitors to their class” unless I first used a more accurate characterization such as disingenuous fools. These people such as Warren Buffett clamor for and end to income tax cuts while never mentioning their coveted capital gains tax rates. It is easy to argue for an increase to my tax liability which largely arises from
    income taxation, while these guys subsist on capital gains which enjoy much more favorable tax treatment.

      Apr 27, 2017 27:08 AM


      And I disagree with Al’s assertion that their hearts are in the right place.

        Apr 27, 2017 27:00 AM

        Ditto Matthew. These people (billionaires rather than millionaires)are robber barons on a massive scale, whose charm is all part of their deceitful charade.
        C’mon Al, psychopaths are invariably charming!

          Apr 27, 2017 27:44 PM

          I would ask you also Andrew, why are you so sure that they are psychopaths?

            Apr 27, 2017 27:26 PM

            Al psychopaths gravitate towards making mega riches like bees to honey. OK there are degrees of psychopathy, but anyone who cares not for the little guy is well on the way to selling his/her soul.

        Apr 27, 2017 27:43 PM

        Can’t agree with you on this one, Matthew!

      Apr 27, 2017 27:43 PM

      Are you sure that they are dependent on capital gains?

        Apr 27, 2017 27:06 PM

        This is from page 1 of their web site:

        Because my country -our country- means more than my money.

        Charlie Fink, Former AOL Executive

        This guy most certainly is dependent on investment income as opposed to wages, salary or commission which are taxed at punitive rates. That goofball Warren Buffett (I derisively refer to him as Mr. Magoo in lieu of vulgar language) said we need higher income tax rates because his secretary has a higher marginal rate then he does. Well he and many of the Patriotic Millionaires rely on capital gains not earned income.

        I was so mad at being exposed to this pathetic group that my earlier posts lacked proper syntax.

      Apr 27, 2017 27:55 PM

      “capital gains tax rates”. Mark. Don’t the Buffets of the world represent their shareholders and don’t they have a fiduciary responsibility to be advocates for those shareholders.

        Apr 28, 2017 28:01 AM

        of course they have a fiduciary responsibility to advocate for their shareholders, but he is a disingenuous dope when he advocates for an increase to my income tax rates by using a false comparison between his secretary who is a wage earner such as myself, to his personal situation in which he derives his personal earnings via capital gains. If he is worried about the welfare of the federal government he can either donate his own money or if he wants a tax law change that would extract more money from him he can advocate for an increase in the capital gains tax rate.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:13 AM

    “Who we are” tells it all..

      Apr 27, 2017 27:47 PM

      I guess, Chartster. I guess that I could be construed as being a Pollyanna, but I don’t think so.

        Apr 27, 2017 27:44 PM

        You’re certainly not a Pollyanna. Being an optimist is a good thing. These folks are high powered progressives. They are looking to climb the globalist ladder. And they ultimately will find out, they are on the wrong side of things.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:42 AM

    “Spending creates deficits – and it is big spenders who fight hardest against cutting tax rates.” — Thomas Sowell

    Apr 27, 2017 27:43 AM

    “The fraudulence of the left’s concern about poverty is exposed by their utter lack of interest in ways of increasing the nation’s wealth.” — Thomas Sowell

    Apr 27, 2017 27:08 AM

    Trump’s tax cuts stand to add as much as $7 trillion in debt.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:16 AM

    Editorial: The lessons Trump should learn from Kansas’ experiment in tax reform

    Apr 27, 2017 27:41 AM

    Every time I hear someone say “their hearts are in the right place” and their position causes me harm, my first reaction is to ask “how in the hell do you know where their hearts are”?

    Apr 27, 2017 27:51 AM

    I just went to the Patriotic Millionaire web site and for this gem – This tax plan reveals a profound ignorance to the real problems facing real Americans, and cannot be allowed to become reality. We can’t let the tax code to be tipped even further in favor of the wealthy and powerful.

    I cannot believe any person with a sound mind and a moral soul speaking words like this. They insinuate that because I worked hard throughout my life, studied my craft and struggled to make a 1% income that I am not a “real American” with real problems. I earned every dime of my income despite the regulatory burden of government and confiscatory taxation (which is a euphemism for theft) and in an ethical, moral world I would be entitled to keep it. These people are reprehensible by lobbying for continued government plunder of my income and Jeff Deist might say donate as much of your money to the government as you wish but leave me the hell alone.

      Apr 27, 2017 27:49 PM

      I would agree with what Jeff could very well say.

    Apr 27, 2017 27:00 PM

    These people are just as “patriotic” as the patriot act. Why don’t they call themselves what they really are? Progressive millionaires. Oh, that’s right, progressive=socialist=communist= nutjob..

    Apr 27, 2017 27:14 PM

    Mr. Big Al Korelin,

    These members of the Patriotic Millionaire club feel that people like them are not taxed enough, apparently.

    If that is true, every year when they submit there 1040’s they could always write out an additional check to the US Treasury to reduce the public debt. Please see

    How many of these Patriotic Millionaires do that?

      Apr 27, 2017 27:15 PM

      And if they don’t do that could you ask them why?