

Recapping the ECB comments with moves in currencies and treasuries

September 7, 2017

After Mario Draghi did not provide us with any forward guidance on the ECB’s QE program we are seeing some big moves in the Euro and USD. Chris Temple joins me to recap the comments from Draghi and the moves in the markets. Now all eye’s shift to the Fed and if they will address the continued downtrend in the dollar.

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    Sep 07, 2017 07:09 AM

    I found this very interesting but I didn’t understand any of it. I will give it another listen when I am not making my evening meal.

    FWIIW, I suspect a lot of the Euro stuff is BREXIT related.

    It is interesting travelling around Europe only to see a failing and stagnant bloc. The UK is swamped with Italians, Portugeuese, Irish, Germans, Spanish, Latvians, Poles, etc, etc, who are in the UK because the UK has jobs and the EU is in a malaise.

    How the Euro is so strong when the EU economies are so weak is an interesting conundrum.

    Sep 07, 2017 07:16 AM

    From a fundamentalist point of view, the dollar is going down for one reason and one reason only.
    The Federal Reserve is going to print endlessly.
    There is no other choice.
    Taxes are already too high…..they cannot and will not be raised.
    The administration and congress (no caps intended, because they don’t deserve them) have no intention of ever balancing the budget or cutting spending.
    The US dollar will be printed until it disappears into its worthless oblivion.

    Meanwhile Asia is unloading its burden of dollars at a steady pace, while trying to introduce replacement reserve currency (ies).

    Sep 07, 2017 07:24 AM

    Brexit is irrelevant to Europe.
    Little will eventually change tradewise with or without Brexit.
    Europe knows that, even if the Brits don”t. In the meanwhile, nothing much will happen because the useless Tory Party is following an insipid, spineless leader.

    The German economy is strenthening despite its spinless marxist-indoctrinated leader.

      Sep 07, 2017 07:31 AM


    Sep 07, 2017 07:38 AM

    Just as gold begins to break out here comes a new gold ETF……!

    Sep 07, 2017 07:47 AM

    With an opposing point of view…..

    To paraphrase Big Al from a few years ago…..
    Read much, believe little
    or as he out it:
    Read as much information as you can, but don’t believe everything you read.

      Sep 07, 2017 07:20 PM

      Should I believe this 🙂

    Sep 07, 2017 07:24 AM

    CIBC World Markets Inc. raised its position in shares of Kinross Gold Corporation (NYSE:KGC) (TSE:K) by 1.5% in the 2nd quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 15,919,332 shares of the mining company’s stock after purchasing an additional 234,073 shares during the period. CIBC World Markets Inc. owned approximately 1.28% of Kinross Gold Corporation worth $64,792,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.


    Sep 07, 2017 07:18 PM

    If you read the Branson article, I might point out the usefulness of wine cellars….not just for wine any more.
    CFS, Commenting From Sonoma, (the prettiest city in wine country.)