

Something that Big Al is doing that will enrich his life and it isn’t costing him a dime!

Big Al
November 18, 2017
Dear Mr. Korelin,

As I’m sure you’re aware, serious tax reform is under consideration in Congress. Many believe tax relief will make America more business-friendly, ease the financial burden on American families, and improve the lives of Americans. And as you know, Hillsdale teaches the fundamental principles of freedom, which are required for free-enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit to flourish.

For the past decade, many of our economic policies have defied basic free-market principles. What’s worse, these policies represent a return to the idea repudiated by the American Revolution—that some are equipped by nature or training to manage the lives of others without their consent.

I had the privilege of teaching on this subject in one of our online courses, “Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics.” I thought I would share this free course with you to deepen your understanding as Congress votes in the coming weeks.

I hope this course enriches you as our country continues to work towards freer markets and economic prosperity.

You can enroll in this course now here:

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn                                                      Related image
President, Hillsdale College
    Nov 20, 2017 20:44 AM

    Big Al, I have subscribed and donated to Hillsdale College for quite some time, as I believe in what they are doing in teaching the principles of the constitution and good government. We need them to enlighten the rising generation. Their efforts will lead to the betterment of our society.

    Nov 23, 2017 23:57 AM

    Thanks for the offer and the link, Big Al. I had to learn Austrian economics myself after graduating from college.