

Big Al opines on President Trump as does The Dallas Morning News – Again, thank you Mr. Howe

Big Al
November 20, 2017

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Admit it, Trump has kept some promises


“President Donald Trump’s first year in office has been more consequential than many of his detractors have understood. It’s important to acknowledge that, whether one admires his presidency or not.

It’s true that Trump has had an unusually blank slate when it comes to legislation. His early stumbles and the chaos within the White House have slowed his agenda and help explain his historically low approval ratings.

But Trump has kept promises in three key areas. His success there helps explain why so few Republican politicians who aren’t headed for the exits have clashed openly with him. They are hoping to keep quiet and let his administration advance certain long-held conservative goals.

That calculus was on full display late last month, when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke outside of the White House while standing next to the president.

“The single-most significant thing this President has done to change America is the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,” McConnell said. “But it’s not just the Supreme Court. There are a lot of vacancies at both the circuit court and district court level.”

Already, Trump has sought to fill 18 vacancies on the nation’s influential Court of Appeals. The Senate, where a simple majority suffices to confirm a judicial pick, has already approved eight judges. That’s more than any president in his first year since Richard Nixon.

Like Gorsuch, these eight judges have been extremely conservative, comparatively young and strongly credentialed. A few of the judges not yet confirmed are unusually unprepared. And sadly, among the 18, all but four are men and only two are not white.

Despite our concerns in some of these areas, it’s impossible to conclude Trump hasn’t kept his word to voters that he’d waste no time in reshaping the court with younger and more emphatically conservative judges.

Trump also promised to scale back the nation’s regulatory regime. Many call these regulations job-killers, and we have called for a better balance in some areas. Others have called them a needed defense of the nation’s water, air and workplace safety.

But Trump promised they’d be scaled back, and so far he’s made significant progress in seeing that they are, especially at the EPA, and at the Labor and Interior departments.

How enduring these changes will be is another matter, however. Trump’s efforts have come through edicts and executive orders, rather than through legislation. That leaves them open to revision or outright reversal by whomever is elected to serve as president next.

Trump has kept much of his promise on immigration, too. He hasn’t built a wall, but he has made America less hospitable for immigrants who are in the United States illegally. And he continues to narrow the grounds many immigrants and refugees have relied on in the past to come here legally.

Trump has kept his word on these efforts, whether we like it or not. Not recognizing that makes it easy to underestimate his allure. Refusing to acknowledge it is a mistake for Republicans and Democrats alike.”

    Nov 20, 2017 20:12 PM

    Business was not booming when Obama left office. Now we finally have a businessman who is President. That is a sea change, consider what went before, we had the so called statesman, the philosophic idealist, as the creator of ethics and behavior for American society. Unemployment and debt rolled in the bandwagon down Main Street. Only the 1% managed to climb aboard. Many people were marginalized.

    What could be better than for America the land of business to finally have a businessman as President again. It has been more than seventy long years but we are starting to see change, at last! DT

      Nov 20, 2017 20:21 PM

      I want to see the heyday of the businessman again running America’s society, if America is allowed to be itself and run their country according to business principles, what businessman in their right mind would sanction all these foreign wars, they understand that the way to conquer other nation’s is through their purse strings. DT

        Nov 20, 2017 20:48 PM

        That certainly makes a lot of sense, Mr. Tracy.

        Do you think that business had a bit to do with China supporting us in the case of North Korea? I certainly do!

        Nov 20, 2017 20:20 PM

        Unfortunately “they understand that the way to conquer other nation’s is through their purse strings” is exactly what the owners of our Central Bank know all too well and have exercised for almost 100 years. IMHO many of the wars that our young people spill they blood and/or lose life/limb are to advance this aim under d different banner. I hope Trump’s presidency somehow makes things better….

          Nov 21, 2017 21:38 AM

          As do I, TERRA

      Nov 20, 2017 20:46 PM

      Mr. Tracy,

      Just think how much more he could accomplish if he were simply a better communicator.

        Nov 20, 2017 20:32 PM

        Now Al, you are trying to be politically correct, you must realize that if we keep going down that road we will become vassals of China. Sometimes you take too much of the middle road, I understand where you are coming from but most don’t. DT

          Nov 20, 2017 20:38 PM

          Being Politically correct is not so much as having a thick skin as having a sense of humor. DT

            Nov 21, 2017 21:39 AM

            Probably true, Mr T

          Nov 20, 2017 20:58 PM

          My comment about China supporting us for perhaps business reasons was certainly not in the area of being politically correct. I personally believe that Trump was swinging a big bat and not a Louisville Slugger but a “here a business deal” slugger.

        Nov 20, 2017 20:40 PM

        Trump is just another deep state puppet.
        Should have been obvious to everyone when he kissed the Israeli arse.

          Nov 20, 2017 20:59 PM


          At this point I cannot agree with you. We will soon see!

    Nov 20, 2017 20:17 PM

    This guy is the most hated and most criticized president of all-time not because of his failure on certain policy issues like repealing Obamacare.

    It’s his horrible disgusting personality. The constant deriding of anyone who disagrees with him or criticizes him. His unwillingness to unite the country. The lack of transparency and honesty.

    If Mike Pence were President. Or Cruz. Or Rubio. I guarantee you the liberal media would not be as critical, Democrats would be willing to work with the President, and the overall divisiveness in the country would be a lot lower. At least they are respectable human beings, which Trump isn’t, that Republican would rally around and Democrats would be willing to work with.

      Nov 20, 2017 20:31 PM

      PF, you really are self absorbed, try thinking beyond me, myself, and I. DT

      Nov 20, 2017 20:49 PM

      I have to completely agree PF1

    Nov 20, 2017 20:38 PM

    Trump’s personality is not particularly disgusting, but neither is it particularly great.

    He appears to be the most criticised President simply because the Public Media is heavily biased to the left. Probably more polarized than at any time in history; certainly in my longish lifetime.

    Let’s face it; we had a lousy choice of candidates.
    Hillary is a disgrace to the human race as a crooked “leader”.
    I still believe that she will eventually be prosecuted on fraudulent charity tax evasion, rather than the treasonous Uranium sales.
    But Trump is what was left after all other significantly qualified Republican candidates were destroyed by the left-wing media.
    He is what he is and always displayed himself to be: a TV personality and a fairly successful businessman.
    He is not stupid, but neither is he gifted with the great public speaking skills of Obama.
    Trump is also, unfortunately fairly set in his ways, being on the older side; and clearly he is not a professional politician, able to craft his lies with ease. He is, somewhat unfortunately, an abrasive New Yoker; that will not change.

    The media will criticise President Trump as long as he is President, with or without cause. Get used to it, for that will not change.

      Nov 20, 2017 20:04 PM

      CFS, I personally believe that he could change that if he set his mind to it. And, I also believe that would be beneficial to both himself and the country.

      Believe it or not, I am sensing a change in philosophy with the stories about sex scandals run in both the Washington Post and more recently The New Your Times.

        Nov 20, 2017 20:49 PM

        I do not know many people that have fundamentally changed their character at an age of 70.
        Trump was born and bred a New Yorker. Incivility is part of human nature in the Big Apple.

        That’s just life. West Coast people simply behave and think differently.

          Nov 21, 2017 21:41 AM

          So true Prof

        Nov 20, 2017 20:04 PM

        His desire for change would depend on the people within his bubble. To this point in time, Trump has mostly associated with family and business friends for his advisers.
        I’m not sure his advisers would prompt or even dare to suggest change.
        Trump does not appear to take criticism (even constructive criticism) well.
        He tends to react quickly, before taking time for full analysis.

          Nov 21, 2017 21:42 AM

          Yup and that is a “short suit”

    Nov 20, 2017 20:12 PM

    I will always be grateful to Trump for saving us from the odious Clintons and for making the left so miserable.

      Nov 20, 2017 20:27 PM


      Nov 20, 2017 20:40 PM

      Think about your history, when was it great and why?

      Nov 20, 2017 20:10 PM

      As far as a glorious place in history, the Clinton’s are done. (If I had even one affair, my girls would never talk to me again. But then again neither of them are like Chelsea, thank God. I know that you can say that a true Christian must forgive, but then again we are not talking about a single incident we are talking about breaking a commandment numerous times. And, we are talking about not coveting but actually taking it to the next level!

      The Clinton’s seem to be the definitive example of “the prettiest baby in the nursery”

        Nov 21, 2017 21:40 AM

        Chelsea…….is not Bill’s……according to some info……. 🙂

    Nov 20, 2017 20:47 PM

    That I think we agree on DT, I have not found a time when the U.S was “great”, maybe the idea of liberty was once, but that was a lie as it turned out.
    I think if the people understood what liberty really is they would have never fought for it.

      Nov 20, 2017 20:49 PM

      America was founded by people that wanted to escape the religious and political oppression of Europe. That usually comes with an overbearing government. Now those principles have been comprised to the point where they continually fight foreign wars to pretend that their way of life has been preserved. They have forgotten the principles that established their country, and are now becoming the very society they sought to escape.

      Nov 20, 2017 20:11 PM

      How about WWII, DT?

    Nov 20, 2017 20:38 PM

    The trouble with people like Big Al is that initially they see indignation at the scandals of which there have been many but then there is only indignation at the rumors of the scandals, and then the indignation is confined to the rumors. That is the problem with being politically correct. DT

    Nov 20, 2017 20:14 PM

    DT, please understand that there is a big difference between being polite and being politically correct.

      Nov 21, 2017 21:01 AM

      Our efforts are now focused not on solving core problems but on covering up core problems, as if covering up problems is a substitute for solving them. Down this path lies madness, for this substitution of false narratives for reality erodes our ability to distinguish not just between reality and fantasy but our ability to distinguish between moral rights and wrongs.

      The efforts of those in positions of power are now focused on obscuring the truth, marginalizing critics, blaming malevolent external forces, cloaking self-interest with virtue signaling and staking claims to victimhood. These are the five dynamics that are powering the nation’s descent into madness and dysfunction.

        Nov 21, 2017 21:46 AM

        Makes sense, Jerry

      Nov 21, 2017 21:48 AM

      “not on solving core problems but on covering up core problems, as if covering up problems is a substitute for solving them”

      The vast majority of political discussion in the US amounts to the above.

        Nov 21, 2017 21:54 AM

        NEED for TERM LIMITS……..enough is enough

    Nov 21, 2017 21:45 AM
    Nov 21, 2017 21:53 AM

    Bitcoin ……….8330

    Nov 21, 2017 21:57 AM

    Oops……..more perverts pop out ……….congress has it’s share………

      Nov 21, 2017 21:58 AM

      cozy congress, and media……..get some shake up time………

        Nov 21, 2017 21:00 AM

        ow, thanks to Buzzfeed News, the mystery Democrat has been identified as Michigan Rep. John Conyers, the ranking member on the powerful House Judiciary Committee and the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives. In 2014, a former Conyers staffer filed a complaint claiming she was fired for refusing his sexual advances, and that she had been subsequently blackballed from working with Congress.

          Nov 21, 2017 21:01 AM

          longest-serving member of the House of Representatives.

            Nov 21, 2017 21:01 AM

            How about some TERM LIMITS

    Nov 21, 2017 21:35 AM

    off topic:

    I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help you. What utter crap!

    Pardon the language, but we deserve a Revolution. we NEED a REVOLT.

    Did you see the education report on the Baltimore school system last week?

    To you actually going and reading the fine print, here are some more facts……

    No elected politician sends his own children to any Baltimore PUBLIC school…..that should really tell you what a great job politicians are doing.

    Oh you say, Baltimore is a Democrat City and poor.

    Spending on Public schools in Baltimore exceeds $16,000 per student per year, which considerably exceeds the national average for public schools in the US, AND CONSIDERABLY EXCEEDS the cost of private schools in Baltimore.

    And yet the political scum in Baltimore refuse to consider any voucher system!

    I am so sorry for the stupid people of Baltimore that keep electing the Democratic scum, and preserving their total failure of an educational system.
    If the general population was not so ill-educated the revolution might have happened several decades ago.

      Nov 21, 2017 21:41 AM

      Baltimore………just needs to give the kids $16,000 and let them HOMESCHOOL…..

        Nov 21, 2017 21:56 AM

        A little less SPORTS and a lot more education on the finer things ……..

        Nov 21, 2017 21:50 AM

        Yeh, right! just what we need: STUPID parents educating!

          Nov 21, 2017 21:26 AM

          Do not forget , you were a parent at one time……… 🙂

            Nov 21, 2017 21:14 PM

            I still am a parent, and a grand parent.

            (may the Gods forgive me for producing a well-educated off-spring, and not an ill-educated, welfare-dependent dolt.)

        Nov 21, 2017 21:50 AM

        We too did not send our kid’s to public schools

          Nov 21, 2017 21:05 PM

          The professor is Old school……the system has changed and he is not aware …..

            Nov 21, 2017 21:08 PM

            I am too aware, I fear, of the changing (and collapsing) system.

    Nov 21, 2017 21:40 AM
      Nov 21, 2017 21:59 AM

      Oh, ….I am not calling anyone here a gold tard……. 🙂

      Nov 21, 2017 21:20 PM

      Bitcoin and its ilk may be the future, but we are far short of a multi-trillion dollar monetary replacement system as of right now.
      That is not saving we won’t get there eventually. (I pray that we do, because the alternative is most scary, since I’m too old to enjoy a Mad Max world.)

    Nov 21, 2017 21:24 AM
      Nov 21, 2017 21:44 AM


      Nov 21, 2017 21:48 AM

      he should have been assassinated decades ago, when his corruption became ridiculous.
      would perhaps have saved the country the country from the destruction of hyperinflation, and certainly would have taught a lesson to his successors that such a great amount of corruption will not be tolerated.

    Nov 21, 2017 21:56 AM

    I’ll be so happy when Mugabe, the Clintons, John McCain, Al Gore, Al Franken, G.H.W. Bush, and Angela Merkel have finally left the building!

    Nov 21, 2017 21:56 AM

    October 29th I wrote a letter to Senator Fanken asking him if it wasn’t about time he started being honest with the voting public.
    One week later Leeann Tweeden came out and accused him of sexual assault.
    I wonder if he read my letter?

    Nov 21, 2017 21:01 AM


    Nov 21, 2017 21:02 AM

    The Clinton’s are done.
    I’m concentrating on those still in elected office.

    Nov 21, 2017 21:31 AM

    I also penned a letter to President Trump reminding him how hard I worked while in Texas to educate Texans as to exactly who Ted Cruz’s wife is.
    Boy did I take some heat down in Texas.

      Nov 21, 2017 21:02 PM

      Cruz…… going bye bye…….eventually……..