

When The New York Times slaps the Democrats, you know that there is trouble brewing.

Big Al
December 11, 2017

Big Al says: “I will now keep reading The New York Times as I think that they got the message”!

Roadkill on Capitol Hill

BY MAUREEN DOWD The New York Times


Alan Simpson was appalled by the injustice of it all.

Back in 1991, during the incendiary Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings, the salty Republican senator from Wyoming was very concerned at the idea that a woman would wait many years after a disturbing encounter and then “come out of the night like a missile and destroy a man.”

It has been a rough spell for men whose primal fear is women coming out of the night like missiles.

Even though then-Sen. Simpson absurdly claimed during those hearings that it was puzzling that Hill had not come forward sooner given that the nation’s capital was “fertile ground” for a woman with a sexual harassment complaint to be treated fairly, it took 26 more years of rampant sexual harassment – and a fortune in secret settlements on Capitol Hill – before women took to the ramparts.

For all the furor surrounding those hearings, male politicians did not learn anything about sexual harassment. Most of the all-male, all-white members of the Judiciary Committee privately – and mistakenly – assumed that Thomas and Hill had had some sort of work romance that soured. So they just went through the motions of looking into it and then got back to business as usual in the men’s club.

It took far too long, but something finally snapped with women. Why had we allowed ourselves to think of abusive behavior as the norm for so long? Maybe it was this pent-up anger that has given the cascading accusations such a feral edge.

“There’s roadkill, yeah,” conceded one Democratic woman in Congress. “People are being forced to resign whose conduct was not as bad as other people’s.” And she believes that a lot more missile-fearing legislators will quietly slink away, opening up a lot of seats for women and minorities and a younger generation.

There is rough justice in this initial barrage of j’accuses, before people work out a hierarchy of sins and due process. That may stem from the decades when so many women accusers – from Anita Hill to Bill Clinton’s inamorata and prey – were treated as collateral damage, smeared and pushed aside so that the careers of powerful men could be preserved.

For the first time, as they shudder watching the reputations and livelihoods of so many high-profile men disappear in a blink, many men are paying close attention to women’s stories of being manhandled and minimized, out of self-preservation if not sympathy.

The more potent lesson of the Hill-Thomas hearings (echoed in the 2000 Florida recount) was that Democrats often lose out because Republicans play to win, and they play rough.

So Al Franken, who is good on women’s rights, resigns for wet kisses and random squeezes while President Donald Trump, who is awful on women’s rights, skips right past his braggadocio on groping. Meanwhile, the accused pervert and pedophile Roy Moore, who is a Neanderthal on women’s rights, leads once more in the Senate race in Alabama, buoyed by the president – who believes in nothing but winning – and the soulless RNC.

There were many women who wanted to save Franken and who complained to the Furies in the Senate, “Why are we killing our own when we’re getting Roy Moore?”

And Nancy Pelosi’s first instinct was to protect John Conyers, because, as she said, he was “an icon in our country.”

But Democrats in Congress want to use Trump and Moore as foils to stamp themselves as the party that sticks up for women.

They can no longer justify the way they defended Bill Clinton’s retrograde treatment of women simply because of his progressive policies toward women. Kirsten Gillibrand knew that when she jettisoned her old patrons, the Clintons, in a recent interview with The New York Times’ podcast “The New Washington.”

They also are aware that they sound tinny hailing Hillary Clinton as a feminist icon when she participated in smear campaigns against Bill’s girlfriends and prey.

Harvey Weinstein took a couple of vile pages out of the Clinton playbook, hiring private investigators to dig up dirt to discredit accusers and floating suggestions that the victims might be a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty.

When the first Times story revealed Ashley Judd’s harrowing experience with Weinstein, the ogre evoked Hillary’s move with Monica when she told people that Bill was merely “ministering” to a troubled young woman, hinting with faux sympathy that Judd was a troubled woman. “I know Ashley Judd is going through a tough time right now,” Weinstein told Page Six’s Emily Smith. “I read her book in which she talks about being the victim of sexual abuse and depression as a child.”

The Times reported Tuesday that Lena Dunham and Tina Brown had cautioned Hillary’s campaign to keep its distance from Weinstein. (“I just want to let you know that Harvey’s a rapist,” Dunham said she warned a Clinton aide.) But Clinton Inc. ignored the advice, preferring to let one of Hillary’s top fundraisers bask in her aura even as he mauled women.

The muddled message of Hillary campaigning as a feminist while being a key cog in Weinstein’s complicity machine was summed up nicely in a tweet Wednesday by The Times’ Amy Chozick. Running the gamut from Bill to Harvey to Trump to Anthony Weiner, Chozick tweeted: “So Hillary, married to an alleged sexual abuser, took $ from an alleged sexual abuser to help her defeat an alleged sexual abuser and ended up losing partly b/c of an alleged sexual abuser.”

That’s no way to be the party that protects women.

    Dec 11, 2017 11:08 PM
      Dec 11, 2017 11:09 PM

      here ya go…….
      Neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution even contains the word “democracy.” In a democracy, the majority rules and individual rights are irrelevant. If the majority votes that half of your income be confiscated before you can even buy groceries, oh well. If the majority votes that you must educate your children in a certain location because you live on a certain side of an arbitrary line, oh well. If the majority votes that you must be disarmed and defenseless against violent criminals, oh well. If the majority votes that your religion be designated an “outlaw religion” and that you and all other practitioners be committed to mental institutions, oh flipping well.

        Dec 11, 2017 11:13 PM

        That is assuming that elections are held for all these issues! Good hearing from you OOTB as always.

          Dec 11, 2017 11:21 PM

          Thanks Owl……….

    Dec 11, 2017 11:20 PM
      Dec 11, 2017 11:34 PM

      Like a massive migration, Professor!

    Dec 11, 2017 11:22 PM

    ( SMART METERS ) The Prison !

      Dec 11, 2017 11:26 PM

      Looks interesting Franky, I will watch it when I get back later this afternoon.


    Dec 11, 2017 11:54 PM

    Maybe America is finally on the road to convalescence, women’s rights have taken a long time to be accepted, this mirrors a society that is improving in moral values when we start to recognize how men are still treating women as sex objects. This time it is for real, our society is waking up to equality. DT

      Dec 11, 2017 11:51 PM

      If they are equal, why do you use different words to describe them? If men and women are equal, is it alright if I call you a woman?

        Dec 11, 2017 11:22 PM

        Wayne, you are an idiot and should be banned from this sight. DT

      Dec 11, 2017 11:21 PM

      Humans understand behavior, when a man or a woman confesses that they are sorry for inappropriate sexual behavior after they have been found out, what they really mean is that they are sorry that they have been caught. DT

        Dec 11, 2017 11:36 PM

        Of course, “they are sorry that they have been caught”!

      Dec 11, 2017 11:35 PM

      It certainly appears to be “for real” Dick and it is about time in my opinion!

      Dec 12, 2017 12:00 AM

      Some men treat women as sex toys.

      Some women treat men as money trees.

      It takes two to tango, and women are no better than men.

      2/3 of divorces are initiated by women. Do you think, if they weren’t favored in the courts, that women would be twice as likely as men to rip a family apart, so that they can collect a check without the inconveniences of marriage?

      Thankfully I haven’t gone through that, but there are no shortage of men that have.

      The gender wars–another tactic for the weakening of Western culture so that it can be thoroughly re-shaped as part of the globalist NWO.

      Dec 12, 2017 12:10 AM

      You ought to study up on a bit of MGTOW, Dick Tracy.

      I’m not a MGTOWer myself, but they make plenty of good points about female nature, and ‘gynocentric’ aspects of Western culture. You’re what they’d call a ‘White Knight’.

      Beware, their perspective might give you a conniption. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t right about some things.

      Dec 11, 2017 11:40 PM

      People better wake up…….

      Dec 11, 2017 11:41 PM

      Would you agree with me when I say, that it seems to be getting better for our side, Jerry?

        Dec 11, 2017 11:46 PM

        Always darkest before the dawn…….. 🙂

          Dec 11, 2017 11:50 PM

          There is a whole lot more that needs to be changed…….

          Dec 11, 2017 11:38 PM

          Yeh, until I saw the latest sexual allegations against Trump about 15 minutes ago.

            Dec 11, 2017 11:00 PM

            Deep State at work………..

      Dec 12, 2017 12:22 AM

      How could Morell possibly not have thought about the implications of a highly-placed intelligence official publicly opposing a newly elected President?

      Is he a liar, or just stupid?

    Dec 12, 2017 12:50 AM

    Big Al says: “I will now keep reading The New York Times as I think that they got the message”

    With all due respect, Al, the NYT has been, is, and will continue to be a propaganda organ for America’s owners.

    You know, the ones who normalize constant warfare and financial crime.

    How does this blizzard of women stepping forward with their ‘me too’ stories fit in?

    A few things I noticed about the Weinstein story.

    1. It followed hard on the heels of the Vegas shooting, the official narrative of which was totally unbelievable. So it was convenient to have a new scandal to take the spotlight off of Vegas.

    2. Hard on the heels of the Weinstein story came the blizzard of ‘Me Too!’.

    The Weinstein story could break open the story of rampant perversion and sexual abuse that is common at the heart of the Jewish Zionist controlled Media/ Entertainment industry. From there, people might actually look into all the Satanic imagery and toxic ideas that these low-lives are pumping out full time. From there they might clue into the fact that this same crowd is providing cover for the Banksters raping us all, and for the war mongers dragging our ethics and our national reputation into the sewer, and burying us in debt.

    That could lead to renewed interest in Pizzagate/Pedogate. Have you noticed that the Fake News campaign of the Clintons/DNC kicked into high gear once that bombshell hit the internet?

    But instead it was deflected into a case study of ‘men bad, women victims’. Which is an old trope of Jewish Cultural Marxism.

    How ’bout that. Even when they lose, they win.

      Dec 12, 2017 12:59 AM

      Let me express my closing idea a little more clearly:

      But instead, the Weinstein scandal was deflected, by the Mass Media itself, into a case study of ‘men bad, women victims’. Which is an old trope of Jewish Cultural Marxism.

      When you leave the Mass Media to try itself in the court of public opinion, of course anything that reflects badly on Mass Media will be lost in the shuffle.

    Dec 12, 2017 12:10 AM

    ‘Gender’ is being used in the same underhanded, divisive way as ‘Race’.

    Dec 12, 2017 12:27 AM