

It appears that now criminals are able to run for political office. Can you believe this?

Big Al
January 22, 2018

As if Americans don’t have enough problems dealing with the skewed views of progressives as to how the election of a president works and how that person operates in office – we are now looking forward (sort of) to the fact that a real traitor plans to run for the Senate. And it’s possible the left (read that Democrats) will support that candidacy and the individual might just win.

I can hardly wait to see how they’ll justify that. Then again, I can wait, and the whole scenario disgusts me.

There’s no doubt we live in a world that is changing around us and anyone who tries to hang on to “tradition” is fighting a losing battle. What was right is wrong. What was true is false. What was up is down. It never ends and just gets worse.

Treason used to be something regarded as reprehensible and, in fact, the guilty party was usually quickly dispatched, without too many, if any, formalities. There were no tears and no regrets.

The person, if referred to in history, did not have their life story burnished and changed for posterity. In those days, once a traitor, always a traitor.

It’s different now – case in point, Bradley Manning. Manning is an American soldier, a 21-year-old private first class, who, while serving in Iraq, stole thousands of classified files and leaked them to WikiLeaks and, in turn, to the Russians.

He was found out and charged with espionage, fraud and theft. He pleaded to some charges and faced trial on others, was found guilty and on Aug. 21, 2013, was sentenced to 35 years in prison, forfeiture of pay and a dishonorable discharge.

The end, right? Justice served, right?

Uh, no. Not in today’s world.

While in in midst of all those legalities, Bradley decided to go public with his belief that he was (is) transgender and wanted to have the government pay for his hormone treatments. Long story short, it happened. So now Bradley is no more, and in his place is Chelsea – a 5’2,” blue-eyed blond, female.

She was still in prison and garnering as many headlines as she was able to finesse – when the president at the time, Barack Obama, decided to put his two cents in and gain support from the transgender “community.”

On Jan. 17, 2017, Obama commuted her (his) sentence to time served (seven years) and, with that, Chelsea Manning was released from prison on May 17, 2017. She’s now 30.

So much for espionage.

That garnered a lot of headlines, and one might have thought that Manning would move along with her life and leave us alone.

Uh, no. Not in today’s world.

If you want to find out about her, Google the name. She’s there and described as – are you ready? – “an American activist and politician”! It does take your breath away.

What you also find out is that she has officially declared herself a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Maryland, the state where she now lives.

Manning is trying to unseat two-term Democrat Sen. Ben Carden, who has enormous support and, it’s said, a war chest of more than $2 million.

Manning is trying to raise money and has under $50,000, two “staff” volunteers and a large Twitter following. She has just released her first video commercial – a tough-sounding screed that says she focuses on criminal justice, immigration and health care. She presents herself as strong and tough, and she already has said, many times, that what she did with those stolen documents was “courageous.”

The word from Maryland is that Manning meets all the qualifications to run for the Senate seat, and there is nothing in the law that says an ex-con and traitor – even one who didn’t serve the full sentence and got released as a special favor from the president – is qualified to be a candidate.

This whole circus is just getting started, so keep an eye on it.

But, keep in mind that virtually every elected Democrat has trashed Donald Trump for everything he’s said or done, or not said or done.

They have accused him of just about every infraction of morality they can think of, to the point of trying to convince us that he is mentally ill. It is shameful.

Imagine what will happen if anyone makes reference to Chelsea Manning being transgender. Truth be known, that will not be “allowed.” In fact, any criticism of her will be framed as hate speech.

It’s bad enough that she’s running, that she is allowed to run, given her background. The worst of it is, if she were to win, it would be OK to have a convicted traitor to our country in the Congress of the United States.

If that day comes, we can kiss the country goodbye. We have enough crooks and scam artists there now. We don’t need to be electing people with public criminal records.

The standards for candidates need to be re-evaluated and changed as soon as possible.

The problem is, if Donald Trump or a Republican attempts to do it now, they will be pilloried.

And the Democrats don’t have the guts.


    Jan 22, 2018 22:05 PM

    We already have hundreds of traitors to the US in Congress. What possible damage would it do to have one more?

    Here is what the Constitution says. “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

    Giving aid and comfort to our enemies is treason and done on a daily basis by both houses of Congress.

      Jan 22, 2018 22:38 PM

      Bob: You beat me to it……I was thinking the same thing: One more, so what?
      Bradley or Snowden neither one fit the standard profile for treason IMO.

      Jan 22, 2018 22:59 PM

      Like I said, Bob, I am not surprised that you live where you do.

        Jan 22, 2018 22:47 PM


        We have Congressmen comparing the FBI to the KGB. I just saw it a long time before anyone else did.

        The US is now a police state where citizens have no rights and if the deep state doesn’t like the president, they boot him out. Or kill him.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:13 PM

    Obama……..should be shot first…..Muslim Brotherhood lover.
    He was a FAKE President, Liar, with a Fake BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

      Jan 22, 2018 22:18 PM

      Time to release his “so called school records”

        Jan 22, 2018 22:55 PM

        I can’t guarantee a lot of things, but I can guarantee that the release of records will never happen

      Jan 22, 2018 22:20 PM

      Ok, do not shoot him, …give him 6 months with Hilly……..

        Jan 22, 2018 22:40 PM


        Sorry but six months with Hillary is out as punishment. The Bill of Rights also forbids cruel and unusual punishment and six months with HC would qualify as both.

          Jan 22, 2018 22:45 PM

          Bob… are right…..Let’s just ship him off to the Russian Space Lab for life….

        Jan 22, 2018 22:48 PM

        Give’em Swanson TV dinners and water! Right, Mr. Big Al? 🙂

      Jan 22, 2018 22:57 PM

      Not sure I can completely agree Jerry, but it would appear that his agenda backfired on him and certainly on Clinton.

      By the way the video with the particle from The Atlantic is well worth watching and i will t4y to post it shortle.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:22 PM

    Snowden too I guess, Someone wanted to charge assange with treason, then figured out he wasnt american.

    Its a funny thing this treason, I wonder if we would consider a guard from auschwitz a treasonous guy or a hero if he told us what was happening.

    but, expose the americans, and it doesnt matter what nationality you are someone in the american gov wants to charge you with treason.

    I do think Manning and Snowden were treasonous, but not to their god.

    Their mistake was thinking people would care enough to do something.
    Foolish mortals.

      Jan 22, 2018 22:53 PM

      Your last two paragraphs tell the tale, b!

    Jan 22, 2018 22:52 PM

    It appears that now criminals are able to run for political office.

    Mais bien sûr! You have to be a criminal to get elected. Don’t you know elections are advanced auctions of stolen goods?

    Jan 22, 2018 22:20 PM

    On January 22, 2018 at 5:15 am,
    irishtony says:

    If by any chance any Congressman/woman is reading this & you would like to leak this document you could do it tru me . All it would take is to go to an internet cafe, or public library where you would get access to a computor.You could email it to me & i would make sure it goes virol. Reply yes to this message & i will post my phone number which you could use to get my email.

      Jan 22, 2018 22:24 PM

      What pissis me off is , we have these congressmen coming out & saying the American public should have access to this memo………Well leak it, you knobheads.

        Jan 22, 2018 22:34 PM

        I am sure that will happen, Tony!!

          Jan 22, 2018 22:51 PM

          AL. If these people cared anything about the public who pay their wages,they all should have leaked it at the same time.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:22 PM

    The memo will be released and the criminality of those perps will be exposed. In fact, it’s being exposed now. When they feel the sheeple are mentally ready, they will open the can of worms. And let the perp walk begin!

    Jan 22, 2018 22:52 PM

    The truth is starting to hit the boob tube. The sheeple only know ” as seen on TV “.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:30 PM
    Jan 22, 2018 22:18 PM

    Why is this coming out of Russia, instead of US Media?

      Jan 22, 2018 22:43 PM

      Does it matter? It is out!

        Jan 23, 2018 23:43 AM

        Of course it matters, Al.

        It matters because the US media is mis- and dis-informing Americans. That makes them an enemy of the American people, and it casts doubt on EVERYTHING Americans think they know.

          Jan 23, 2018 23:11 AM


      Jan 22, 2018 22:32 PM

      Pretty pathetic when you gotta go to the Rooskies to get it straight…all you will hear from the lamestream media in the US is “…nothing to see here, move along now, folks…and if you don’t you’re a tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theory spreading nut job.”

      Jan 22, 2018 22:32 PM

      Professor, This is definitely one of the most interesting times that I have ever seen in recent history. By the way one of your prior posts, was on our Forum before it made Druge. Congratulations, my good friend!

        Jan 22, 2018 22:53 PM

        What can I say, I’m a news junkie.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:44 PM

    NSA can identify you just by hearing your voice – Snowden leak docs

    Treason.@sgt report

      Jan 22, 2018 22:20 PM

      Out of legitimate concern for his legal future, Strzok hired David Boies, Esq, who charges $700 an hour.

      If he’s picking up that tab himself, Strzok must fear jail time.

      Jan 23, 2018 23:48 AM

      We all know there is voice recognition technology.

      But every time I deal with one of these phone-answering machines all it does is waste my time because it can’t understand my very basic replies half the time.

      I wonder how much they spoof us about just how awesome the technology is that the spooks and military have.

        Jan 23, 2018 23:23 AM

        td waterhouse uses voice tech, i like it, i dont have to answer questions or remember passwords.
        i hate passwords.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:04 PM

    Believe it not there have been icy conditions early in the morning in mid-California, which cannot have helped in stopping capability. Heavy Hoarfrost as may be seen in the photograph.

    Jan 22, 2018 22:30 PM

    In the not to distant future we will be reading the history of the days in which we now live. We will have new national heroes.
    Benedict around will have a lot of corrupt conspiratorial company.
    I will devote extensive effort to rehabilitate the tragic story of Senator Joseph McCarthy. His name by strategic Marxists method was morphed into a tool of ridicule. An adjective from which today we are repulsed.
    Upcoming events will demonstrate he was correct.
    He received so much negativity his end was sad.
    The reason he was so thoroughly pilloried was he was flying over the target.
    You receive the most flack when the bombardier needs to focus on the sights.
    Trump, Admiral Rodgers Q and company are as I type directly over the target.
    Soon wee will know that Sen. McCarthy was right all along.
    Enemies are and have been in our midst,
    Senator McCarthy’s legacy will be restored.

    Now a little JC….Qs theme song:

    “You may throw your rock.
    Hide your hand.
    Working in the dark against your fellow man.
    But as sure as God made black and white.
    What is done in the dark will be brought to the light.”


    Jan 23, 2018 23:24 PM

    Hey Al, How about that convicted criminal Joe Arpaio running for office? And the madman Trump pardoning him don’t count!