

Potentially a very “Bad Day at Blackrock” for the Progressives. Could be a great day for our country and its integrity.

Big Al
January 23, 2018

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    Jan 23, 2018 23:11 PM

    HERE WE GO AGAIN ! Put Bankers in Prison and STOP LOOKING TV FRAUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jan 23, 2018 23:26 PM

    Big Al, I think the bigger question is not “Is this the beginning of the end for the Democrat Party”, but is this evidence that there is much more wrong in the republic at large and our society at large? Are these revelations an indication of some rotting within and a reflection of the downward spiral of the republic and society?

    This is reminiscent of the downfall of the Roman republic which became an empire and then a fallen state.

    I found an interesting mirror to what we are seeing reflected in scripture, which was written as a warning for our day…”Nevertheless, there some (lawyers) among them who thought to question them (the prophets)that by their cunning devices they might catch them in their words, that they might find witness against them…and that they (prophets) might be slain or cast into prison, according to the crime which they (lawyers and cunning individuals)could “make appear” or witness against them.” “Make appear” is tho operative phrase.

    This scripture was written describing a time when those who sought to catch the prophets in their words by twisting what the prophets said in a way to make it appear they had said something which could be adjudicated and have the prophets slain or cast into prison.

    This scripture later warns us in our day not to let it happen to us and thereby, lead to the downfall of our society.

    Isn’t that exactly what is being done by so many cunning individuals in our day and society, who seek to make it appear those they hate are guilty of some trumped up charges by twisting their words or by making unfounded accusations to destroy their opposition?

    It isn’t only the left that does this, but many in our society, in an effort to get power or gain or to blacken those they are at odds with.

    Such behavior preceded the fall of the Roman republic/empire and such has proceeded the fall of other societies in the scriptures as well as in history outside of the scriptures.

    This is a wakeup call to all Americans to not let those cunning individuals, who seek to destroy others or their political opponents for their own ends. If we as a people, allow such to break the law and to do what they do because they are well connected and think they will never be brought to account for their actions, we will reap the consequences of our neglect.

    I believe we see in the Clinton’s and other like examples, the very thing warned against in the scriptures. They think they are above the law and are so well connected and powerful that they will never answer for their crimes. Hopefully, we will enforce the notion that all are treated equally before the law and not allow those who are powerful and well connected to escape because of their power.

    Just an observation from one who has studied a bit of history and the scriptural accounts and who takes very seriously the warnings and would like to see our great nation survive such cancers. History doesn’t repeat itself, but human nature does.

      Jan 23, 2018 23:17 PM

      Thanks much Pardu for your very eloquent and well written opinion.

      By the way, I happen to agree with you on this one!

    Jan 23, 2018 23:28 PM

    And hopefully the beginning of very good days for America, Americans and rest of the world !!! Amen !

    Jan 23, 2018 23:33 PM

    If Jim McKinney is correct about Mueller “being a good guy” perhaps Jim might explain why Mueller lied at least 3 times in Congressional hearings.
    My opinion: Mueller is politicized partizan Democrat hack, just like many of his buddies.
    When he is found guilty of perjury, I trust he will receive appropriate punishment.

    Will this be the end of the Democrat Party?
    Not a hoe. AS long as the media is biased in that direction and the general public both apathetic and pathetic, the Democrat Party will long survive. Alas, the same will not be true for the U.S. as we knew it.

    Jan 23, 2018 23:35 PM

    hoe > hope