

Initial Thoughts from Jim McKinney and Big Al on the “infamous”, to some people, memo.

Big Al
February 2, 2018

Our views on the leter from Donald F. McGahnII to The Honorable Devin Nunes

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    Feb 02, 2018 02:46 PM

    The End Of The “Wars On The Cheap” For The United States

      Feb 02, 2018 02:47 PM

      Jim McKinney gets it wrong.

      The Surveillance went on, was ordered at the highest levels, regardless.

      it was only AFTER HILLARY LOST, that there was a cover up. They never really considered Trump could win.
      This is the best description of what happened:

        Feb 02, 2018 02:21 PM

        I agree, the surveillance was ongoing, and was ordered at the highest levels – I will speculate that many in the Obama admin in the last months will surface as abusing FISA and unmasking. I also bet the Russia collusion narrative was the “insurance” policy Strozk an Page discussed. I don’t think I contradict with Dan B at all.

          Feb 03, 2018 03:17 AM


          I’m not sure the real issue here is the Clinton corruption or that Obama abused the power of his office. I think the really dangerous issue is the degree to which the FBI, NSA and DOJ broke the law and have fought tooth and nail to keep that from being obvious to the American people.

          And what is most terrifying is that in general the media and talking heads are supporting the lawbreakers. After all, we know that Clinton stole the election from Sanders, we know Abedin lied under oath to the FBI, we know that Comey lied under oath. No doubt Obama was behind or at the very least, allowed the FISA court to be compromised.

          We have an ongoing Coup d’etat in progress. When you have a stopped up toilet, you have to flush the lines and get rid of the crap. The DOJ, FBI, NSA and most of the media are still crapping in the stopped up toilet rather than cleaning out the system. The US caught Nixon with his hand in the cookie jar and he was sorted out. But either Trump wins and a few hundred corrupt officials go to jail or they whack him and the US officially becomes a criminal state fully supported by the most powerful part of the bureaucracy.

          I think Donal Trump is a blithering idiot bought and paid for by the Zionists but the idea of the Clinton crime family coming back into power would be far worse. This makes Watergate look like a children’s birthday party.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:48 PM

    FBI memo fight puts fresh spotlight on controversial surveillance law

    “FISA warrants typically are big thick documents, 50-60 pages. If the Nunes memo about one is just 4 pages, you can bet it’s a carefully picked bowl of cherries,” former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin tweeted on Wednesday.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:10 PM

      Wait for the Memo on the Inspector General’s report.

      That report is over 1,000 pages and heads will roll if it ever is released to the public.
      Documenting the worst corruption and collusion in he history of the US.
      Since both Republicans and Democrats are named, the report will probably be buried.
      But the stench from the swamp is overpowering.
      We need a “Debt of Honor”…..Arise from the grave Tom C. All is forgiven.

      Feb 03, 2018 03:21 AM


      The FBI broke the law. That’s not cherry picking. What wasn’t in the 50-60 pages was all the information about how the source was totally compromised and the DNC paid for a political hatchet job. So McLaughlin is part of the coverup. Let’s toss his ass in jail too. I don’t care for Trump but he was elected president. So you either support elections the way they work or you allow government agencies to support whoever they care for.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:50 PM
      Feb 02, 2018 02:37 PM

      Right CNBC is a trusted source….

      For Fake news

      Feb 03, 2018 03:24 AM


      Obviously you are confused by the fact that McCabe admitted they didn’t have a legal basis for the warrant. What part of “the FBI broke the law” has you so confused? This isn’t rocket science. The FBI broke the law.

        Feb 03, 2018 03:17 AM

        Robert, every comment AJ has posted here has shown hopeless confusion.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:54 PM
      Feb 03, 2018 03:02 AM


      Parrots do nothing but repeat the stupidity played for them. There is no thinking, it’s just a repeat of sounds they hear.

      Have you not a single original thought in your brain or must we listen to the meaningless drivel you heard some other fool say?

        Feb 03, 2018 03:38 AM

        Common Bob, this site is not about putting members down. Please don’t do that anymore.

          Feb 03, 2018 03:17 PM


          Fill me in, has he said anything original or is it just parroting what others say?

            Feb 03, 2018 03:08 PM

            So what if it is just parroting, Bob?

          Feb 04, 2018 04:15 AM


          And if it’s parroting, what’s wrong with pointing it out?

    Feb 02, 2018 02:59 PM

    I have been covering this all morning……so not going to add anything here….

    Feb 02, 2018 02:11 PM
    Feb 02, 2018 02:15 PM
    Feb 02, 2018 02:20 PM

    I really can’t understand how people don’t see how manipulated The US political system is. The FBI, the DOJ, The Republicans, and The DNC are constantly lying to the public.
    The Democratic Party is promoting ugly rumors of a huge radical conspiracy against the government and the institutions of The United States. They all try to hold on to power at any cost so they use their sources in the media to convince reasonable citizens that a Red revolution might begin in The United States next month or next week, but they are not concerned with making the world safe for their political system only with making America safe for themselves. This is not something new this has been going on for 100 years since the end of The Russian Revolution. It is so stupid to even keep repeating this story over and over, no wonder our species is doomed. DT

      Feb 02, 2018 02:33 PM

      Ditto……….Problem with the sheeple is the history…..nobody thinks it is important….

        Feb 02, 2018 02:34 PM

        + 1 on that, OOTB!

      Feb 02, 2018 02:39 PM

      Polarization is very effective at isolating half of the people.
      I think they are the stupid half.
      They think I’m the stupid half.
      That’s how effective polarization works.

      Obama has a lot to hang for.

        Feb 02, 2018 02:42 PM

        Came we hang a Muslim….or just throw him out of a helicopter and burial at sea….

          Feb 02, 2018 02:50 PM

          Can…..not came……

    Feb 02, 2018 02:41 PM
      Feb 02, 2018 02:41 PM

      McCain’s time coming……

        Feb 02, 2018 02:23 PM

        McCain is a traitor and a scumbag.

          Feb 03, 2018 03:26 AM


          I flew with McCain in 1966 in Meridan Mississippi while I was a Marcad. You are totally correct.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:49 PM

      This article also……talks about the train wreck….

        Feb 02, 2018 02:55 PM

        Republicans had death threats prior to the memo release…..they also, had their children on the train with them according to report….

          Feb 02, 2018 02:30 PM

          Do you seriously believe the train wreck was an accident?

          I just take it as proving politicians are incompetent even when it comes to killing the opposition.

            Feb 02, 2018 02:16 PM

            Do you seriously believe the train wreck was an accident?
            Since, I provided you with the info…..Why would you direct the question to me….?

            Feb 02, 2018 02:25 PM

            Go back thru’ Kereport archives and see who first Said “the swamp strikes back”
            when introducing the train wreck just after its happening.

            Feb 02, 2018 02:34 PM

            Did you listen to the SGT report, provided?…….thanks.
            My point was not trying to be the first to report , the train wreck.,
            it, was to provide the extra info. that I had not heard before…,
            concerning the kids and families on the train., and that the injured people continued
            on the train.

            Feb 02, 2018 02:07 PM

            who first Said “the swamp strikes back”…….was that in a “Q” report, because I am not finding it….
            I remember the zerohedge article….and

    Feb 02, 2018 02:52 PM

    b……did you know Karen Hudes was at Camp David….with Trump…..

      Feb 02, 2018 02:30 PM

      not at all, y?
      Maybe she is letting trump know about the gold.

        Feb 02, 2018 02:31 PM

        not that gold is all there is to her.

          Feb 02, 2018 02:22 PM

          I believe , She has all the info , where and who , about the stolen gold

        Feb 02, 2018 02:19 PM

        I just thought you would be interested , the she was there……
        I think Trump is a gold bug…..Like his partner Kyosaki…(sp)

          Feb 02, 2018 02:20 PM

          not the….but that she was there

            Feb 02, 2018 02:54 PM

            @KarenHudes February 2, 2018
            Karen Hudes The truth about Donald Trump is that he is an imposter and not the legitimate President of the United States:……

            Feb 03, 2018 03:51 AM

            I will try to check it out……..thanks……for the follow up……….

            Feb 03, 2018 03:04 AM

            b…..this might be of interest to you….

            Feb 03, 2018 03:54 PM

            b…I think the comment from Karen was in Jan 2017….I think she was at the Camp David meeting after that date……
            She had made some interesting comments…..concerning History….and the Act of 1871…

            Feb 03, 2018 03:51 PM

            Nice if she has it figured out.

            Why not? Somebody has to.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:19 PM

    The public is duped by the two party system. Trump didn’t know whether he was a Republican or a Democrat until the campaign began. The bosses inspired choice was neither Trump or Hillary, it was little Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush. Both of them met the requirements they were looking for. DT

    Feb 02, 2018 02:21 PM

    Trump is a New York Democrat, regardless of what label he puts on his ticket.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:09 PM

      That would be a Marxist……….

    Feb 02, 2018 02:39 PM

    Trump IS the Rebubilic! Most sheeple are too stupid to realize it.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:41 PM

    Ya know, the rule of law…?!
    Never would have seen it with anyone else! Get it!?

    Feb 02, 2018 02:03 PM

    One Day in February 2, 2018, the DJIA dropped -666. This bull market has been going on for a long time. Could stocks slip a good deal more. Business according to government statistics is good. Maybe the devil has something to do with the 666, that is his calling card. But if I were you I would wait a while to see what happens. Bitcoin’s fall could be the impetus to crash this market. What say you? DT

    Feb 02, 2018 02:14 PM

    The Big Bull Market has been encouraged by Donald Trump and people like to listen when things are going their way with so much invested in stocks. Of course it would be foolish to suggest otherwise. But if you have a lot riding on the markets would you want to suggest otherwise. DT

    Feb 02, 2018 02:54 PM

    Sessions needs to go.

    He’s bought and paid for or an total deep state operative.

    Feb 03, 2018 03:38 AM

    There is a higher probability Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice or money laundering than collusion with Russia.

    Obstruction of justice:
    1) Coming up with the fake adoption story about the meeting between his son and Russians when they were looking for dirt on Hillary
    2) Firing Comey

    And you can be guilty of obstructing an investigation even if the investigation is of a crime that wasn’t committed.

    Money Laundering:

    Trump in his owns words “You know the closest I came to Russia, I bought a house a number of years ago in Palm Beach … for $40 million, and I sold it to a Russian for $100 million.”

    The Russian billionaire who bought Trump’s property at one time was actually accused of murder but was acquitted.

      Feb 03, 2018 03:55 PM


      Collecting dirt on your opposition is part of every political campaign and that’s been true for thousands of years. Getting government agencies to do your dirty work is treason.

      I don’t doubt for a moment that Trump is dirty. If you are a big real estate typhoon in New York, you cheat on your taxes, you bribe government officials, you party with the Mafia and cheat your subcontractors. They all do.

      But all of the FBI/CIA/Clinton crime family supporters make exactly the same mistake Hillary Clinton made during the election. While the American people understand that Trump is dirty, those who want to oust him from office are clearly more dirty. The FBI and DOJ need to be flushed.

      The FISA court put out a full and complete 1000 page report and they said the FBI broke the law. That’s not an opinion of mine, it’s an opinion of the FISA court. And McCabe admitted that without the fake Russian report, there would have been no reason to go to the FISA court.

        Feb 04, 2018 04:02 AM


        There’s enough circumstantial evidence that would justify an investigation of Trump and Russia whether there is a bias against him or not.

        1) Donald publicly encouraging Russia to help him:

        “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing …… I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

        2) Fake political ads placed on Facebook and Twitter that have been traced back to Russians

        3) Trump employing people like Manafort/Flynn who have a history with Russia

        4) Real Estate transactions including Russian tenants in Trump Tower

          Feb 04, 2018 04:53 PM


          Screw a bunch of circumstantial evidence. We have hard evidence the DNC, HC, the FBI and the DOJ were in bed with the Russians.

          There is not even a shred of evidence Trump did anything illegal with the Russians. The US pretending that the Russians influenced the election on behalf of Trump is absurd when the US interfears with everyone’s elections. We know Hillary violated the law, we know Huma Abadin violated the law, we know Comey and McCabe violated the law and we know the FBI and DOJ have been working overtime to cover for them.

          That’s treason. I could care less if Trump did real estate deals with Russians or hired people with connections to Russia. That’s all perfectly legal however you are simply ignoring a government agency trying to fix a national election on behalf of a particular candidate. That’s treason.

            Feb 04, 2018 04:55 PM

            Of course, what you describe Bob, is definitely treason.

            Feb 04, 2018 04:29 PM


            I never thought that I would say this, but the environment is getting so scary and, perhaps more importantly, confusing to me that I too am considering a change of address. AND MY FRIEND THAT BOTHERS ME A LOT!

            I don’t like to be in situations that I simply cannot understand.

    Feb 03, 2018 03:44 AM

    Even if the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, you have to admit that they were interested and willing to consider it.

    Otherwise, Don Jr., Kushner, and Manafort would not have showed up at the “adoption” meeting looking for dirt on HRC.

    And does anyone really believe that Donald had no knowledge of this meeting.

      Feb 03, 2018 03:04 AM


      The news of importance is the FBI, CIA, DNC, the Clinton Crime family and the NSA trying to steal a national election. The Russian story doesn’t have even a sliver of backing and by now even the last to get it, get it.

        Feb 03, 2018 03:34 AM

        Bob, the Clintons and the DNC are both situation which are easily solved. The FBI and the CIA are both very troubling to me because each represents the very core of our nation.

          Feb 03, 2018 03:21 PM


          Yes indeed.

          When agencies of the government begin to get involved in the political process of elections, your democracy is finished.

          It will only get worse until eventually people decide they don’t want to live in a police state and a revolution takes place. I don’t advocate for it, but that is the end game.

            Feb 03, 2018 03:07 PM

            Of course that is the end game. ie the end of free and impartial elections!

            Feb 04, 2018 04:58 PM


            Give me a break. You don’t really believe we have free and impartial elections do you? Politics is a dirty game and all elections are little more than advance auctions on stolen goods. There are no more impartial elections than there are financial markets that are not manipulated.

            However in all of US history there has never been such a bliant attempt by government agencies to fix elections and when they failed, to overthrow the elected president.

            I don’t like Trump but the fact remains that the American people elected him and get to live with the consequences.

            The FBI and DOJ have totally destroyed their credibility as have the main stream media. The American people are ignorant but like the Kennedy assignation, eventually they wake up. We either toss a bunch of these lying criminals in jail or the next move will be a military takeover and tribunals. You don’t want to live under that form of government.

            Feb 04, 2018 04:25 PM

            I was using the term in the literal sense, Bob.

            Do I approve of the electoral process in American or do I approve of foreign involvement in the electoral processes of others’? Absolutely not.

            By the way, we were having dinner at the Club last night and we were joined by two former Navy attorneys. Of course we began discussing politics. I asked Lane what he felt the root problem in the middle East was, in his opinion. After pondering the question for about 1/2 second he said: “Without a doubt Israel”!

            These people are definitely not a couple of wild and crazy supporters of The Military Industrial Couples, but two very concerned folks who live in Semi because they don’t want to be involved in future hassels. Remember that Kathy said that we really needed to move away from the Portland area because large urban centers frightened her and she did not want to live in one ever again.

          Feb 03, 2018 03:38 PM

          “each represents the very core[-uption] of our nation.”

          Fixed it 🙂

      Feb 03, 2018 03:57 PM

      Anyone know of an office , the main office , of the CIA….is in Switzerland….read this on on Karen Hudes sight…..according to the World Bank.

    Feb 03, 2018 03:41 PM


    It’s a very simple issue and defined in the Constitution. It’s called Treason and those who support it are just as guilty. There are no two sides to the issue any more than there are two sides to rape. It’s treason.

    GOP Reps Seek Criminal Prosecution Of FBI, DOJ Officials For “Full Throated” Illegal Misconduct And “Treason”

    The traitors either get a fair trial and go to jail or the American exercise in democracy is over.

    Feb 04, 2018 04:50 AM

    On Friday, Rep. Devin Nunes, the House intelligence committee chairman, released a controversial and long-awaited memo alleging surveillance abuses by the Justice Department and FBI against Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. In this special edition of the Lawfare Podcast, Quinta Jurecic, Orin Kerr, David Kris and Benjamin Wittes unpack the memo, its charges, and what those charges mean for the Mueller investigation and the future of surveillance oversight.