

Post 600+ Drop In The Dow – What’s The Significance Of The Follow Through

February 5, 2018

Chris Temple joins me to share his comments on the importance of today after the big drops we saw on Friday. The market was trying to recover after being down almost 400 points earlier in the day but has already turned back down. This dip is not being bought for a number of reasons that we discuss, both fundamentally and politically.

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    Feb 05, 2018 05:09 AM

    Impact silver–the path of least resistance is down, Breakdown imminent:

    Feb 05, 2018 05:10 AM

    For those who can see it–GCC (unweighted commodity index ETF) monthly chart.

    For all of the dollar’s decline in the last year and all of the nonsense talk of rising inflation, commodities haven’t done jack squat. They have been in a very tight consolidation since peaking in mid-2016. The bollinger bands are getting extremely tight. Would be too perfect for the complex to break down from here as the dollar rebounds out of its nosedive. That would certainly create another massive tailwind for the stock market to head to enormous new highs. This is also what the pathetic mining stocks are most likely signaling–another massive leg down in the commodity bear is about to begin.

    Feb 05, 2018 05:35 AM

    You boyz see this? Our rulers are mixing it up with the Rooskies, again.

    One of their proxies caught a Rooskie Frogfoot flat footed, so to speak, and shot it down (with a US supplie Manpad). Killed the pilot, too.

    Now do you think the Rooskies are just going to stand around and do nothing with people shooting at their Frogfeet manpads? Think they will be caught flat footed again? I don’t think so. Things could escalate very easily. And think what that would do to oil and gold.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:05 AM

      Everything We Know About The Russian Su-25 Frogfoot Jet Shot Down in Syria

        Feb 05, 2018 05:34 AM

        The issue in Syria is the Turks saying they are going to kill americans if they are in the way of clearing out the Kurds.

        I think its Jordan thats getting a few people protesting Turkeys actions.

        The Russians have only determined the sam was either american or one of their own.

        The important issue with the americans, and everyone else really, is the americans have changed their nuclear posture to “first strike”.

        All we can say to the americans is “thanks guys”.

        PCR has been writing about this, he is actually kind of upset.

          Feb 05, 2018 05:38 AM

          Forgot to say, the Russians in retaliation to their downed su 25, focused a few volleys of missiles from their ships.

          I guess they were as accurate as ever.

          Feb 05, 2018 05:56 AM

          Manpads, Frogfeet, frog legs, Turks, Kurds, Syrians, Russians, Iranians, Iraqis, ISIS, YPG, PKK, FSA…the list is endless. What a giant mess! The US should stay the Hell out. But the Zionists, neocons, etc. want to create chaos in that part of the world (divide and conquer) and the MIC will make a fortune off it. And as usual, the hapless Ameroconned tax surf gets stuck paying for it.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:13 AM

            You ever see “The Life of Brian”?
            The scene where Brian talks to the group on the stairs, names of all the dif groups, the mid east is like that.

            The Russians long ago gave the americans the opportunity to reveal “their” moderates, the americans couldnt do that as these guys keep changing names and groups they belong to.
            So, the Russians started killing them all.

            The americans did almost nothing.

            But their intention is to stay in Syria, they are now using the Kurds as their own army/mercenaries.

            The Syrians havnt gotten around to killing the Kurds yet (they will)

            Turkey wants them dead now, so have moved into Afrin to kill them.

            Thing is, there are americans wearing the Kurds uniform.

            Kind of a “sticky wicket” as the americans and Turkey are allies.

            With friends like the americans who needs enemys?

            Obviously the west should never have gotten involved in the mid east, but we must serve Israel.

            People should just accept that. Why BS about it?

            Feb 05, 2018 05:14 PM


            A Captain in the Marines would have to obey all legal orders from an Army Major if the Army puke was in his chain of command.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:28 PM

            A Captain in the Marines would have to obey all legal orders from an Army Major if the Army puke was in his chain of command.

            Thanks, Bob. Interesting. In an inter-service chain of command would it be possible for a Marine Corp Captain to be giving orders to an Army Major? Could a inter-service chain of command exist where an officer of an inferior rank “out ranked” an officer of s superior rank in a different service branch?

          Feb 05, 2018 05:32 AM


          There is a video I have seen on the web showing a bunch of the rag heads running up to a rock. A grenade goes off that had to have killed half a dozen of them and it’s already been claimed that the pilot killed two of them with his pistol. Good for him. Pilots in combat know they are the first captured and killed and taking a bunch of them with him works for me.

          The Russians weren’t handing out man pads and should they determine with the Turks that the US needs a lesson, they are going to be flying fully loaded C-141s into Dover at night every thirty minutes for a week.

          There is no legal basis for US troops being in Syria other than our masters in Israel told Trump to do it. The world isn’t going to care if Turkey and Russia solve the problem by themselves.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:45 AM

            The Russians weren’t handing out man pads and should they determine with the Turks that the US needs a lesson, they are going to be flying fully loaded C-141s into Dover at night every thirty minutes for a week.

            Do you think that would stop the zionists and neocons? I think they are determined to fight until the last American and the last American dollar.

            And I got a question for you, Bob. Would a captain in the Marine Corp have to obey an order from a major in the Army?

            Feb 05, 2018 05:03 PM

            I saw the vid, Ive been following Syrian events for years.

            Syrian girl was incredibly informative until u tube removed her.

            It is so bloody obvious we are serving Israel its actually not funny.

            I dont believe the challenge has anything to do with reason or logics.

            People actually believe building 7 came down due to a waste can fire under the desk of an office employee.
            They honestly believe that.

            The tribe follows witch doctors faster than they will any chief.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:08 PM

            It is so bloody obvious we are serving Israel its actually not funny.

            Exactly. That is why I refer to the US as the United States of Israel and you should hear the Hell I catch for saying that.

            And one day they may very well trigger a war with the Rooskies…you ever read the book Johnny Got His Gun…well, if things keep going like this you’re going to see Johnny Got His Manpad.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:10 PM

            Johnny Got His Manpad to shoot at Frogfeet…. 🙁

            Feb 05, 2018 05:43 PM

            By saying that, you are an anti semite.
            You wish all jews dead yadda yadda

            I find it funny that people scream end the fed.

            Now, Hitler did exactly that, but to say it is anti semite. lol
            its laughable.
            People actually believe they fixed their nation by stealing from people.

            People believe as they are told to believe, I dont think its stupid or lazy etc, I think its just human.

            We serve the zionists, we serve Israel. We will sacrifice our own children to do so.

            They are going to sacrifice their religion too, aint that a hoot?

            Feb 05, 2018 05:50 PM

            I tell ya b, there are so many warring factions in that region you gotta have a program to keep’em all straight.

            And you sure gotta know your frog feet from your man pads!

            Man pads? Sounds like something a metrosexual would wear. You gotta admit, whoever thinks up these names has a helluva sense of humor.

            Feb 05, 2018 05:58 PM

            Hey b…do you know if the French have boots on the ground there? I bet they do…Foreign Legion, probably…If so, there’s your frog legs. 🙂

            Feb 05, 2018 05:21 PM

            French are in Mali last I read. I havnt seen anything about French in Syria.

            All these groups with whatever name they call themselves are the same thing.
            They trade with and supply each other, the american and saudi supply them and Im sure other countries do to.
            So possible weapons from Mali end up in Syria.

            There is really no point to any of it other than war, war is profitable.

            You might hear its about a pipeline or who suplies what to whom, but the real profits are in the warring itself.

            The americans are obviously the biggest warmongers on the planet at this time, they serve the zionists who own the banks that lend the mic the money to buy and manufacture the weapons etc etc

            There will be no stopping it until the christians open their eyes.

            Its just plain too profitable.

    Feb 05, 2018 05:36 AM

    Stuporbowl…just more bread and circuses…I didn’t watch it this year…poor me….and to think I missed a chance to watch Justin Plywoodpond at halftime…

      Feb 05, 2018 05:51 AM

      I took advantage of the dead space where they featured that “entertainer” to change locales…didn’t miss any of the game, though.

        Feb 05, 2018 05:42 AM

        Saw a picture in the paper of Timberlake in the outfit he wore for that half time show…looked like he was run over by a paint truck…and Timberlake…gotta be a fake name…Plywoodpond is more like it.

          Feb 05, 2018 05:48 AM

          But I will admit the NFL, Plywoodpond, etc. did their jobs…they distracted the masses from the disasters their rulers are creating for them.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:57 AM

      Football badly needs affirmative action.(for me to care). I would need to see 70℅ white foak on the field at all-time

    Feb 05, 2018 05:05 AM

    Shakeout or smart money ditching trash? I’m leaning towards the latter right now.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:13 AM

      Of course you are leaning toward the latter; you don’t know what trash is.

    Feb 05, 2018 05:11 AM

    SLV’s 200 DMA crosses below the 600 DMA. That’s always a bullish signal.

    Feb 05, 2018 05:19 AM

    Read this, then watch the video.
    This is what your Government / Bankers / & MIC…do for a living & “PROFIT”

      Feb 05, 2018 05:36 AM

      Yup…and we the taxpaying surfs have to pay for it all…tax season is starting up…so fill out that shiny 1040 to pay for the murderous Government / Bankers / & MIC…and if you don’t pay all the money the 1040 says you “owe” people with guns will come to put you in a cage quite possibly with violent inmates and if you resist all this you will be killed…but hey, our rulers tell us taxation is voluntary…

        Feb 05, 2018 05:58 AM

        Gooberment is the biggest rip-off there is…

      Feb 05, 2018 05:39 AM

      Time should be up for the warmongers…..MIC….CIA…
      People should already be awake…..but, they are not….Yet….

        Feb 05, 2018 05:40 AM

        I read the CIA main office is in Switzerland…..

        Feb 05, 2018 05:59 AM

        but, they are not….Yet….

        They never will, at least the majority won’t. And the minority who do…well if they do anything about it…like refuse to pay taxes…then they will be crushed like bugs.

          Feb 05, 2018 05:07 AM

          Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar……but, one has to look at that real close to see what Jesus was talking about…

            Feb 05, 2018 05:08 AM

            should be Caesar’s

          Feb 05, 2018 05:09 AM

          You do not have to worry about paying taxes, they get it at every turn…..

    Feb 05, 2018 05:44 AM

    Wild partisan palotics will make arriveing at a compromise on the budget and many other items short term immposible . This means a protracted week or more gov shut down . People who live in maryland and virginia will suffer the most as thier economys depend on gov paychecks . Also those in tourism and who work near national parks or national forests can loose thier jobs. pray for sanity. S

      Feb 05, 2018 05:48 AM

      I am not sure I can feel sorry for the govt workers………
      Govt workers are not going to starve……

        Feb 05, 2018 05:49 AM

        Besides the blotted govt needs to lay off about 50% of these overpaid people…..jmo

          Feb 05, 2018 05:17 PM

          Maybe 80%…

        Feb 05, 2018 05:00 AM

        They love government shutdowns…they don’t have to go to work but they get paid for those days once the shut down is over…Karen K was on Ernie Hancock’s show and she said that’s the way it was when she worked in gooberment.

          Feb 05, 2018 05:03 AM

          I agree……govt workers are secure……Look at the McCabe as an example….

          Feb 05, 2018 05:05 AM

          People miss a couple of pay checks, then they might be concerned…..

    Feb 05, 2018 05:58 AM

    Would be nice to get the $INDU down to the 200 mda. One can hope.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:01 PM


    Feb 05, 2018 05:04 PM

    Dang, Dow down over 787, a little over 3%. Maybe Yellen got out of Dodge just in time. I still think the CB’s will do all they can to prop the markets up if this fall gets out of hand.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:14 PM

      Just look at all the gooberment pensions in this country. These markets have to keep climbing or all those pensions get blown to Hell. Most of them die if the market doesn’t return at least 7% per year.

      Where I live we got an army of retired and soon to retire gooberment employees that will just go ballistic if that happens. You try telling a cop where I live that he ain’t getting his six figure for life pension at age 53 and he will f’ing shoot you. I kid you not.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:17 PM

      Dang, now down over 870…

      Feb 05, 2018 05:18 PM

      Check my note to OWL………..

        Feb 05, 2018 05:21 PM


          Feb 05, 2018 05:23 PM

          Next page……….I also, posted it Sunday……..

        Feb 05, 2018 05:21 PM

        oops……..OVER A 1000…………

          Feb 05, 2018 05:36 PM

          It was down over 1500 at one point…wouldn’t surprise me if the PPT showed up right about then…

            Feb 05, 2018 05:45 PM

            Tomorrow will be interesting……

    Feb 05, 2018 05:57 PM

    Major Filippov, I salute you:

    “Major Filippov’s last stand: 34yo Russian pilot who detonated grenade not to surrender to terrorists”

    Whatever your views of the conflict and the rightness or wrongness of the issues involved … the bravery of those that deliver their “last full measure of devotion” compels my utter respect.

    (I happened to know a hero of Normandy personally, before he went to his eternal reward … he never sought recognition and never spoke of his contribultion … he was a mean son-of-a-bitch … and I loved him)

    Feb 05, 2018 05:48 PM

    Looks like Schiff was correct on today’s drop in the markets.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:04 PM

      Big deal….he was not the only one……

    Feb 05, 2018 05:07 PM

    Wild talk about the GOOD of laying off government workers is caca . what if you are a grocery store clerk and all clerks in USA were layed off would that be GOOD ?? This hatered of government workers is a major theme of REPUBS and some othera country CANT be great by firing everybody. A great country with 330 million people cant be great if we have a tiny weak govenment . Growj up all of you . S

      Feb 05, 2018 05:16 PM

      A great country with 330 million people cant be great if we have a tiny weak govenment .

      That’s hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

        Feb 05, 2018 05:31 PM

        I believe Russell is a govt. worker……….he did say he was in the Navy, at one time..

          Feb 05, 2018 05:14 PM

          McHale’s Navy? 🙂

          Feb 05, 2018 05:31 PM

          I believe Russell is a govt. worker…

          Don’t call them workers…they are government employees…

        Feb 06, 2018 06:26 AM

        Russell needs to grow up and learn economics. Government workers come at society’s expense — they are a drag on prosperity.
        It is ridiculous that this guy calls himself a libertarian when he is really just your usual ignorant lefty.

      Feb 05, 2018 05:25 PM

      Russell, you went to the extreme…..No one said “all”… your example.

        Feb 05, 2018 05:26 PM

        Not all of us HATE the GOVT…..what we hate is a CORRUPT GOVT>

      Feb 06, 2018 06:01 AM

      I don’t hate government workers, Russell. I hate bloated government.

      Much of what the Feds do should be done by state and local government, as well.

      And a great deal of it should not be done at all.

      We all know plenty about how the Fed gov’t works Russell–we’ve either worked or contracted for them or we know those who do. The waste is incredible. And that’s when they’re not bombing someplace or doing something unconstitutional.

      There is plenty of productive work for superfluous gov’t employees to be doing.

        Feb 06, 2018 06:05 AM

        I meant to say:

        Much of what the Feds do should be done by state and local government, *instead*.

        (e.g. schooling, to the extent it is not private.)

        Feb 06, 2018 06:11 AM

        Not sure if it’s the same in the states but in Canada it’s become a secure job for life with pay equal to those in the private sector who can be let go or have company go insolvent. Also has the best benefits and retirement packages anywhere and also the least productive so yes there are too many government workers and it’s a burden on the middle class taxpayers