

A New Guest Discusses The Disconnect between Markets and Main Street

March 7, 2018

Pedro Adao, Founder of, Fortress Financial Group, and #1 Best Selling Author of, Retired and Free joins me for the first time on our show. We look at the growing disconnect between markets and the US economy. The recent tariffs are considered as well as how central banks are contributing to the disconnect.

As a special offer you can get Pedro’s book for free by calling 1-800-828-1821.

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      Mar 07, 2018 07:13 AM
      Mar 07, 2018 07:16 AM

      EBO………..not yet , but I will………..

        Mar 07, 2018 07:20 AM

        On President Donald Trump, Fitts says he’s not going away. Fitts points out, “Clearly, purges are happening, and this looks like a major purge is on the way. We don’t know what it means yet. I will say this, it seems to me Trump’s position is stronger . . . and one of the reasons it’s strengthening is if you look at the promises he’s made, he’s doing quite an extraordinary job given the difficulties on delivering on many of those promises. The challenge is the way he talks and the way he communicates is not presidential. .

    Mar 07, 2018 07:14 PM
      Mar 07, 2018 07:25 PM

      Wasn’t it supposedly the ‘best and brightest’ that gave us Vietnam?

    Mar 07, 2018 07:35 PM

    Trump is considering doing something in Syria again.

    I watched a “Press TV” interview in Syria today, the Syrian solder said they are fighting the terrorists and the zionist that supply and fortify them.

    That would be us that he is talking about.

      Mar 07, 2018 07:40 PM

      Deep state…….the ones who stole $21 Trillion, ……
      Ebo, posted a good article from usawatchdog…..CA FITTS goes over some of the details

      Mar 08, 2018 08:50 AM

      GOOD FOR STOCKMAN…….for speaking out……..Goldman Sakers, should never be allowed in the White House Again……..

    Mar 08, 2018 08:49 AM

    Hi Cory & Team,
    I would be curious to hear Mr Adao’s comments on bonds as a mix when balancing risk.
    Numerous other commentators have said the long bond cycle has ended – if so how do retirees best balance risk at this point in their lives?
    In talking to my ‘dumb money’ peers ( normal hard working saver$ ), they’ve heard the stock / bonds ratio for so many decades that they are heavy bonds as they approach retirement. It seems the bond cycle is so long that ‘normal’ people don’t seem to know that it is cyclical. If this is true then I shutter to think of good folks loosing their retirement $.

    I welcome your comments and would like to hear Mr Adao’s thoughts on this as well.
    Best wishes,
    – Xriva