

Hour 2 – A Look Into China and Afghanistan

November 24, 2018

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  • Segment 1 & 2: Big Al and Josh Phillip discuss China focusing not just on economic issues but also on social issues.
  • Segment 3 & 4: Jim McKinney take a look at his history in Afghanistan and what can be done to improve how the US deals with the Country.

Segment 1

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Segment 2

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Segment 3

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Segment 4

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    Nov 24, 2018 24:46 AM

    Viewed in a historical context, it is almost as if today’s northern Europeans have set out perfectly to imitate the ways in which the Greeks and Romans destroyed themselves. In both Europe and America, patriotic young men slaughtered each other in terrible fratricidal wars. In North America, the descendents of slaves are the majority in many great cities. Both continents have paid for imperial ambitions with mass immigration of aliens. Will we be able to resist the forces that brought down the ancients?

      Nov 24, 2018 24:11 AM

      Amazon workers claim they are slaves, except they can choose to leave but then the personal debt they carry keeps them in chains. In the 1930’s people would work for an employer who gave them shelter and made them buy their food at the company store. The end result was slavery, not much difference between then and now. Our species is not smart enough to understand the con. Robots are becoming so sophisticated that humans will no longer be faced with choices. We won’t be able to compete so that leaves us faced with extinction. DT

        Nov 26, 2018 26:20 AM

        My personal understanding is that the folks at Amazon are actually making a lot of money and the comments about debt slaves is possible but then again how many people in our country are “debt slaves” because of their own personal actions?

        We have warned against that happening for years now. I don’t think that we can blame employers for that. We can blame; however, very lax credit qualifications and therein lies the truth in your comment.

          Nov 26, 2018 26:21 AM

          Back in about 90 minutes when I will address all comments.

      Nov 24, 2018 24:54 AM

      “Both continents have paid for imperial ambitions with mass immigration of aliens.”

      Jerry, you are implying a causal link where there is not much of one.

      The main cause is the desire of the ‘globalist elite’ to destroy national sovereignty in the US and everywhere else, in order to implement their NWO. Traditional white America is not okay with that, so they need to be swamped with groups that can be pitted against them as part of the campaign to break their political power, and whose vote can be bought with government favors. (Another part of the campaign is to use schooling and mass media to demonize traditional America, white men, and Christianity.)

      Where I will admit a link is that the economic imperialism of US ‘elite’ in Latin America has created economic refugees (same, I imagine, with regard to Europe/Africa), and our wars have created refugees from violence. Both have been used to create a bleeding heart constituency in the US supporting ruinous immigration.

      So all those who consider themselves ‘patriotic Americans’, nationalists, etc. need to figure out that aspect of the racket and oppose the economic exploitation of Latin America and the ‘less-developed countries’ (aka ‘3rd world’) in general, and demand an end to all these criminal wars. Which means ending the IMF and World Bank, as well as the Fed.

      Jewish paranoia of persecution has led them to be a, probably even more important, pro-immigration constituency, out of the belief that they are more secure in a multicultural society. This is utterly, neurotically, insane, of course. What could bring more hatred down upon them than waging covert war against the dominant group that welcomed them in and allowed them to become incredibly prosperous?

      But bottom line, immigrants, whether impoverished economic refugees, war refugees, or simply people seeking better opportunity, would not have been allowed to enter in such massive numbers if it did not align with the ‘elites’ interests. It has not been an inevitable consequence of American imperialism.

        Nov 24, 2018 24:58 AM

        I recently commented that Douglas Reed’s ‘The Controversy of Zion’ is essential reading for understanding how we got to where we are at today.

        Carroll Quigley’s book ‘Tragedy and Hope’ would seem to be another of comparable or even greater value. But it’s 1300 pages, so I have not read it yet. However, I just came across a useful synopsis of his work by a guy named Joe Plummer:

        We all have our blind spots. Quigley focuses on the ‘Anglo-American Establisment,’ at the expense, imo, of looking insufficiently at the Jewish angle. Reed, a man who believed in the British Empire, does the opposite. Between them, one gets a pretty good idea of what has driven the past 120 years of history and more. Or so it seems to me.

      Nov 26, 2018 26:16 AM

      That is kind of an interesting point, Jerry. I don’t really agree with your comment about the decedents of slaves.

      Your comment concerning “major cities” is possible, I suppose, but I would really like to see some hard numbers.

    Nov 24, 2018 24:26 AM
      Nov 24, 2018 24:27 AM

      Just thought , you would find it interesting……..J….

      Nov 24, 2018 24:04 AM

      I believe Hudson conceptually erred in assigning blame to usury (or interest). I firmly believe always blame lies with excessive taxation.
      Any system, in the mathematical sense, is reduced in its potential by dampening.
      (This may be necessary in some circumstances to achieve stability). I look upon taxation (and interest) as damping factors. The difference, however, is that while excessive interest may be obvious to all, taxation is always excused by politicians as necessary… help the poor, to defend the country, to pay for previous over-spending, whatever the politically-motivated cause du jour may be.

    Nov 24, 2018 24:48 AM

    I usually do not agree with McKinney, …..but, he is spot on in his comments concerning Trump in Sect 4…….AND I agree with him…………..JMO

      Nov 25, 2018 25:48 AM

      +1 Jerry. Very much in agreement.

      Where I differ: like an enraged bull, the US has been set up by deceptive means time after time after time to go out and right some wrong in the world. Whether it is with a false flag, with false war propaganda, or the string-pullers setting up real atrocities to demand our attention.

      USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Kuwaiti babies being torn from incubators, 9/11. And on and on it goes.

      The US never fails to go after the red cape, but has never gored the bullfighter yet.

      I do not believe Al or Jim have put enough energy into probing the roots of the situation. Operations Northwoods and Gladio come to mind.

      As for Trump, I agree very much with Jim’s assessment about why Trump was hired. What Trump IS, I’m much less sure about.

        Nov 26, 2018 26:50 PM

        GH…….you might want to read Matthew’s post below……concerning Red Flag….
        it is interesting concerning Trump’s language on gun take away……….JMO

          Nov 26, 2018 26:06 PM

          Conxn too slow for YouTube…I spend more time on history than current events lately…that said, given Trump’s associations, affections, and multiple bankruptcies, there is no reason to trust him.

          Putting a Trojan horse into office while creating a show of controversy is hardly a new game in politics.

            Nov 26, 2018 26:15 PM

            I spend a lot of time on history as well, …but, one needs to keep current, so you know who to avoid …….But, I have to agree with you on the Trojan Horse.,,,just wishing and hoping it was different.

    Nov 24, 2018 24:50 AM

    Is not it interesting that society ultimately needs several things in order to flourish:
    1. It needs a mutually agreed set of ethics……e.g. The Ten Commandments or similar.
    2. Ultimately individuals need to believe they have some degree of freedom of choice.
    They are prepared to act cohesively for the common good only until they perceive excessive or intolerable inequities. (That is why politicians of all stripes talk about “equality”.)

    That is why Communism always fails in the end.
    That is why citizens always s eventually revolt against totalitarianism.

    The innate need for freedom is ultimately why the capitalist system works well.
    (until too much wealth or power is individually attained so that the system becomes monopolistic or authoritarian.)

    Nov 24, 2018 24:09 AM

    Was not Jim McKinney simply stating that Sharia Law and hardline Islamic concepts are antithetical to modern civilization?

    Nov 24, 2018 24:46 AM

    I was not a particularly strong Trump supporter at the out set. ( Certainly I detested the corruption and anti-American behavior of Hillary rotten Clinton.)
    But I understand that it is inappropriate for Trump to telegraph his future plans extensively so that they may be thwarted by Democrats or the imbedded deep state. (That, perhaps, he may appear to be a poor communicator.) I truly believe he is working in the best interests, not of the Republican Party, not of the Military Industrial Complex, not of Big Business, and most certainly not of his own self-interest, but of the U.S. people and country as a whole. I am considerably impressed by his efforts to date. He has for the most part made promises AND KEPT THEM. I do not agree with every minute detail of his policies. e.g. I would place water cannon ar probable border hot spots, rather than authorize lethal force in extremis, as he did yesterday. With 90% of the press acting in opposition to his presidency, by unreporting, misreporting or distorting his actions, the President must have great difficulty in even performing his duties. Combine this with the unconstitutionally biased judiciary (especially in the 9th circuit) that impedes his every step and it amazes me that Mr. Trump has achieved as much as he has.
    I look forward to December 5th when some of the traitorous behavior of deep state operatives will finally begin to be revealed. I hope Huber has been working as hard as I suspect he has behind the scenes and I pray that all future attempts on Trump’s life continue to fail.

    Nov 24, 2018 24:31 PM

    Still in the boonies…let’s see if I can download McKinney’s interview.

    Off topic: A while ago someone offered Doc a remedy for poison ivy. Could you post it again? I have the same reaction to mango sap/resin (to the resin in the cashew nut pod, too).

    Nov 24, 2018 24:50 PM

    Cucumber calms the rash slices or paste
    Banana peel cools the itch, some people say watermelon rind
    Apple cider vinegar kills the poison, soak brown paper put it on rash
    Baking soda speeds up recovery
    3 teaspoons baking soda and 1 teaspoon water, apply paste to the affected areas. When it dries, the baking soda will flake off. If the blisters are oozing, mix 2 teaspoons baking soda in 1 quart (or 1 liter) water and use it to saturate a few sterile gauze pads. Cover the blisters with the wet pads for 10 minutes, four times a day. Do not apply on or near your eyes. (A less potentially messy way to get relief: Soak in a cool bath with 1 cup of baking soda mixed in.)
    Oatmeal bath soothes the itch
    Aloe vera beats the burn
    Rubbing alcohol prevents spreading
    Lemon juice eliminates oil
    Running water lessens severity
    cool running water (and soap if it’s handy) immediately after contact can help minimize the size and severity. avoid hot water
    Cold compresses reduce rash

      Nov 24, 2018 24:42 PM

      Thanks b, will try and report results.

    Nov 24, 2018 24:11 PM

    Latest Catherine Austin-Fitts:

      Nov 25, 2018 25:03 AM
      Nov 25, 2018 25:26 AM

      Fitts is spot on concerning Trump…….check out the 11;15 min mark,….this is what most people , who think they know it all,…can not wrap their heads around…….

    Nov 24, 2018 24:18 PM

    silver/gold options end Nov 27.

    Nov 25, 2018 25:30 AM

    Physic Sharon Michelle Patreon Update snippet –

    The “migrant” hoard at the southern boarder is NOT what we are being told. It is a coordinated invasion force from several countries hidden within the cover of so called civilian asylum seekers. These true civilian “freedom” seekers are however the minority as integrated within this group are many foreign military, terrorist types and criminals. The true civilians have been propagandized and lied to telling them the US will welcome them with open arms or that the US is unwilling or unable to protect the boarder or to stop them. The woman and children are placed out front and used as a tool to gain sympathy (spirit says they are being used as “decoys”) for the nefarious ones hidden within.

    This group will soon be larger and become more aggressive as they try to force their way across the boarder. They believe by trying to cross the boarder around the holidays they will appeal to our sympathies and think we will be weak politically and just let them pass unhindered or unable or unwilling to protect the US boarders, after all, how wold it look to turn the poor huddled masses away at the holidays?

    This will cause more market instability.

    Nov 25, 2018 25:52 AM

    Forget Nordstream 2, Turkstream is the Prize

    Nov 23, 2018 / Tom Luongo

    “While the Trump Administration still thinks it can play enough games to derail the Nordstream 2 pipeline via sanctions and threats, the impotence of its position geopolitically was on display the other day as the final pipe of the first train of the Turkstream pipeline entered the waters of the Black Sea.”

    “The pipe was sanctioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who shared a public stage and held bilateral talks afterwards.”

    “And Turkey is the key player in the region, geographically, culturally and politically. Erdogan and Putin know this. And they also know that Turkey being the transit corridor of energy for Eastern Europe opens those countries up to economic and political power they haven’t enjoyed in a long time.”

    “The first train of Turkstream will serve Turkey directly. Over the next couple of years the second train will be built which will serve as a jumping off point for bringing gas to Eastern and Southern Europe.”

    Nov 25, 2018 25:02 AM

    Al, no doubt about it, you are very diplomatic.

    But I’d suggest that, if it were you elected by the ‘red counties’ to promote the agenda for which they elected Trump, then no matter how diplomatically you might try to go about it, the press would demonize you and make you look like a villain.

    The press can make a demon look like an angel and vice versa.

    They are the most accomplished liars alive, and they are there to serve an agenda that has nothing to do with traditional American values.

    This is not an opinion, as it has been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt in many documentaries.

    Of course they twist the facts of the ‘news’ and thus falsifying the present and the past.

    E.g., youtube:

    Manufacturing Consent (Chomsky, Herman)
    (These are a bit dry, but important for those not aware)

    But beyond that, they work insidiously to twist our values and culture. I consider these to be essential & shocking viewing/listening (again, youtube):

    Myron Fagan – Red Stars Over Hollywood
    Wash Your Mind
    Illuminati in the Music Industry (title may be off a bit…by Farkahn)
    The Great Subliminal Message Deception

    No one with a righteous agenda will be treated fairly by the press.

    That said, you’re right of course–Trump’s communication style leaves much to be desired.

      Nov 26, 2018 26:01 AM

      Video title correction:

      Instead of ‘Illuminati in the music industry’, it is ‘Illuminati & the music
      industry exposed’ (Farhank)

      A briefer intro to similar:

      ‘Exposed – Satanism in the Industry’

    Nov 25, 2018 25:49 PM

    As for ‘negative comments on people in the military’, and people misconstruing Jim as an enthusiastic member of the military industrial complex…

    You sometimes miss, and misconstrue, the nuance of what people are getting at, Al.

    I haven’t noticed a lot of bad-mouthing of military men. I do recall some very negative comments about ‘nation builders’. Afghanistan–17 years and counting. How much longer? A reluctant nation builder or an enthusiastic nation builder is still a nation builder.

    The angry comments I remember were in the context of a missile strike in retaliation for an alleged gas attack by Assad’s forces in Syria.

    The anger, on my part, and as I perceived it from others, is that both you and Jim McKinney were un-critically accepting stories like the alleged gas attacks and the Skripal incident when, in fact, there is substatial evidence that these have been deceptions. Yet neither of you gave any airing to that aspect of the matter.

    So yes, that is angering. Syrian lives, American lives, and American solvency are at stake. We’re in the hole about $6 Trillion for the counter-productive wars since 9/11, as I understand it. Debt destroys nations, and it is painfully obvious at this point that debt is one of the key offensives against America.

    You often say one should listen to all sides, yet you consistently present the ‘establishment’ side from writers acceptable to obvious Deep State organs like the Washington Post.

    A few weeks back I suggested a number of other views on Syria that you might also present, if you were serious about listening to all sides. Someone said, ‘Al will never bring those people on,’ and you responded, ‘fair enough.’ I took that to mean that you are not actually serious about presenting or listening to all sides. Was I wrong?

    This kind of un-critical acceptance of official propagana has led us into many disastrous wars in the past, and is very likely to do so in the future.

    As for it being a matter of opinion whether or not we should be trying to right wrongs on the other side of the world or not, you are correct. It is a matter of opinion, and everyone is entitled.

    What is NOT a matter of opinion is that, up until the World Wars, Americans were overwhelmingly against the kind of involvement you two advocate. Opposition to involvement in Old World intrigue was only overcome through deception by those surrounding Wilson and Roosevelt–people who, beyond any shadow of a doubt, were enemies of America.

    So yes, you and Jim are entitled to your opinions. But neither of you has demonstrated any understanding of the case for the contrary, much less countered the arguments of that point of view.

    You are both on the wrong side of history, where American tradition is concerned. The historical facts on this matter are clear.

      Nov 26, 2018 26:30 AM

      “EUROPE has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation . Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns…Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

      Thus spoke the sage GEORGE WASHINGTON, Father of His Country, in his Farewell Address to the People of the United States, in which he declined being considered as a candidate for the Presidency, in September, 1796. (Vol. 5, Page 704 of the original edition of “The Life of George Washington” by John Marshall, published by C. P. Wayne, Philadelphia, 1807.)

      From “The Man Behind The Men Behind the President”

      If Washington was correct about US relations to Europe, how much more so to those with Asia?

      17 years in Afghanistan, I said. But I misspoke. In truth it is more than 30 years that the US has had its fingers in that unfortunate country, from the time the CIA trained the mujahideen (including Osama bin Laden) to fight the USSR in the 1980s. In the late 60s Afghanistan was a stable and advancing country. What happened?

      If Jim and Al want to advocate continued nation building there, then responsibility and basic decency demand that they also discuss what role the shadowy powers that run the US, without representing regular Amercicans’ interests, may have played in creating the tragic situation there today; that is, the very situation that leads Jim to conclude our continued presence is necessary, without any acknowledgement of concepts like blowback and unintended consequences.

    Nov 25, 2018 25:03 PM

    I really do enjoy reading some posts, most likely the ones I agree with.

    We are not hated because we kill peoples children, they hate us for our freedom.

    We know that to be true, our government would never lie to us.

    Nov 26, 2018 26:37 AM

    Fake Republican Trump (FaRT?) says take the guns first and worry about due process later:

    Nov 26, 2018 26:55 PM

    Someone have to explain to me why US has to be in Afghanistan. Doing what?

      Nov 26, 2018 26:58 PM

      Saving Afghan women and preventing Afghan terrorist attacks in the US, of course!

      Just more blarney from Big Al and McKinney.

    Nov 26, 2018 26:36 PM

    ..oh..just cultivating some poppy fields and bombing some mountains to put pipelines that can flow megatons of oil…
    It’s in the “best interest” of the brainwashed, and those who ‘brainwash’ 😉