

Editorial One on “The Secret Life.

Big Al
February 18, 2019

Here you go Mr. Ebolan. I felt that the introduction was the best place to start these editorials.

    Feb 18, 2019 18:26 PM

    Wow! That’s great. Thank you, Mr. Big Al Korelin.

    I look forward to all the chapters, especially 4 and 5. I am sure everyone here will be listening carefully.

      Feb 18, 2019 18:48 PM

      That was a great idea, Ed. Unfortunately now I will have to do similar editorials to all the books that I recommend. THAT PROBABLY I A GOOD IDEA.

    Feb 18, 2019 18:49 PM

    I just bought the audio CD. Don’t have time to sit and read a book but i do enjoy listening to audio books while driving.

    Feb 18, 2019 18:49 PM

    From what I have read so far Ron, I don’t think that you will regret your purchase. Keep me posted ad thank you.

    Feb 19, 2019 19:38 AM

    More evidence of Clinton election meddling, as calls for investigation grow louder

    And Clinton Foundation colluding with foreign oligarchs.

    Feb 19, 2019 19:24 AM

    You boys ready for the socialist revolution?

    Bernie Sanders enters 2020 presidential race: ‘Complete the revolution’

      Feb 19, 2019 19:00 AM

      I think the left will be burnt down in effigy so that the clueless distracted masses gladly accept an increasingly leftist (totalitarian) government served up by the make-believe right.
      That’s what the right has been doing for decades and Lincoln was the worst.

      The following is from a Berkeley socialist:

      Lincoln Socialism

      Let’s consider the Lincoln record. During just one term (plus 45 days), Lincoln managed to do the following “socialist-communist” acts:

      Taxed the Wealth Creators. In 1861, Lincoln signed a law enacting the nation’s first personal income tax. Eventually, those earning between $600 and $10,000 a year paid 3% and those making more paid a higher rate. This was the first move toward “progressive taxation” of individual effort and we still live with such taxes today.

      Exploded Deficit Spending. When Lincoln took over from James Buchanan, the U.S. debt was $65 million; in 1865, it reached $2.7 billion — a 4000 percent increase!

      Led a Federal Takeover of Currency and Banking. Lincoln’s Legal Tender Act of 1862 created “greenbacks,” Federal paper money that Americans had to accept in place of gold and silver coins. And then the banking laws of 1863 and 1864 established a system of federally-chartered banks that undercut state-chartered institutions, in disregard of the 10th Amendment.

      Forced People to Work for the Federal Government. Lincoln instituted the first national conscription act, forcing American men to give up their farms and to follow the orders of his generals. Lincoln also allowed men to buy their way out of the draft with a $300 fee, exacting more money for the Federal government.

      Indulged in Government Giveaways to Special Interests. Lincoln gave away huge chunks of valuable national property to vested interests:

      (1) Colleges: In 1862, Lincoln signed the Land Grant act, previously vetoed by President Buchanan; it gave away 300,000 acres (or the cash equivalent) to northern states for each of their congressional representatives to be used to establish colleges that would teach agriculture, engineering, and military tactics. Today, universities like U.C. Berkeley exist on that gift, teaching subjects like sociology and Arabic.

      (2) Railroads: The Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864 signed by Lincoln authorized the federal government to give away land and to go into debt selling bonds in order to finance the first transcontinental railroad.

      (3) Land-Grabbers: In 1862, Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, also previously vetoed by President Buchanan. It eventually gave away 420,000 square miles — 10% of all American land — to squatters. Moreover, the Homestead Act generated a lot of waste, fraud and abuse.

      Expropriated Private Property for Redistribution. With the stroke of a pen and no constitutional authority, Lincoln expropriated about $4 billion worth of private property (in the form of human chattel), today equal in value to at least $100 billion, and handed it over to poor blacks (the human chattel themselves). Not even FDR was as redistributionist as that!

      Yet Republitards love Lincoln.

      Feb 19, 2019 19:24 AM

      Ed this is not news to me. Does it scare me? No. as he will not win.

      It will be interesting to see who his running mate is.

      Feb 19, 2019 19:41 PM

      Did you read the editorIial today in the WSJ regarding the topic o socialism it was part of the editorial on Bernie Sanders. Pretty interesting.