

Big Al and Jim opine on critical political issues

Big Al
March 24, 2021
Keep whose comments coming Today, Thank you Jerry!
Israel, Term Limits and Coved
    Mar 24, 2021 24:55 PM

    I guess the Troops wouldn’t let Yellen into the treasury. 😂
    Granny is trying to monetize SDR out of desperation. 😂
    You just can’t make this stuff up.

    Mar 24, 2021 24:59 PM

    Europe is slowly staring to go beck in locdown ! You’r next under Biden You tink ?

      Mar 24, 2021 24:04 PM

      Nice to see Jim and AL beck and busting !

    Mar 24, 2021 24:11 PM

    Everybody should read this resignation letter from a British police officer who is quiting after 20 years service. I would imagine a lot of American police officers feel the same.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:17 PM

      BTW…Take a few minutes to read the comment section below this.

        Mar 24, 2021 24:26 PM

        Unfortunately Tony Blair and all succeeding P.Ms have failed to restrict immigration via Europe. London and many major cities in the Midlands and North of England now have Anglo-Saxon minorities. The country is essentially lost to “minorities” and the most intolerant and violent of these minorities have Islam as the cement that holds them together.
        It just demonstrates that without borders a country is lost.

          Mar 24, 2021 24:35 PM

          What is most sad is that Britain will not recover.
          While Islam is currently the minority religion, these people, be they from Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia or Morocco or even Algeria are all breeding faster than the native population and ARE NOT ASSIMILATING.
          Unless Scotland and Wales go fully independent, the whole of Britain will be lost for the original races.

            Mar 24, 2021 24:53 PM

            A win is a win , is a win, EXCEPT when it is a steal.

            The election was stolen, not won.

            Mar 24, 2021 24:56 PM

            Nancy is not so much sharp as devious……prepared to cheat and steal.

        Mar 25, 2021 25:08 AM

        So many feel the same, but are silenced by the very loud few on the left – the leftist media complex is magnifying hate, destroying civil society.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:38 PM

      I have two comments about the supposed police officer resignation:
      1. The source is a known source of propaganda.
      2. I find it interesting when someone with life experience in law enforcement, when he encounters significant and unusual resistance, apparently never thinks of asking if the “law” he is enforcing is reasonable.

      I have spoken with people “making the law” and they are usually very worried about whether they are doing the right thing.
      (I’m not talking about top of the heap politicians….most of those are ruthless power-grabbing non-thinking low-lives.)

    Mar 24, 2021 24:32 PM

    Big Al, it was good to hear from you again, hope your health is ok. Jim, good to hear from you as well. My greatest concerns currently are the trends in America towards socialism and the erosion of the bill of rights. The trend towards elitists currying more and more sway in our country and pushing many in America, who are illiterate on the constitution and the purposes of the bill of rights, is leading to the loss of those rights, especially when there is an event like that which occurred in Colorado with the shooter.

    It will most likely be used to facilitate the elimination of the filibuster in the Senate “never let a tragedy go to waste” so they can act quickly against the 2d amendment.

    If they are truly concerned with the loss of life with these shootings, then what about how many die due to alcohol connected deaths, or any number of other deaths due to any other things? I like what Glenn Beck opined, If all of a sudden some drivers began to drive on sidewalks and began to kill pedestrians, would there be a call to blame the cars or the people? Would they try to eliminate cars? I don’t think so.

    My point is this: throughout history, one thing is clear and that is the attempt to gain and hold power over others. It is the main driving force behind most of what is occurring in our society. If we don’t, as a nation, wake up to this, we are doomed, this is the right kind of “woke” society we need, woke and conversant with the constitution, the bill of rights, and the reasons behind our republic.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:43 PM

      Israel is also experiencing problems with the growthrate of their Arab and non-Jewish population.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:11 AM

      Well said Pardu, we need to wake up from wokeness – and stop the left push for more gov power. We need a gov that works to protect our rights, not take our rights.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:46 AM

      My guess, a combination of the corrupt, the greedy, the ideologues, and those being run by China market aspirations. There are so many, no single grouop – The Clinton cabal, DNC Chair Jamie Harrison, former Chair Tom Perez, (corrupt and greedy) and host of former Obama officials like Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret, etc.(people who don’t think America is a good place) are running the show, funded by the likes of Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and Gates – but Barry O is on the top of the list. Sanders is a stooge, a useful idiot that, grabbed the extremists and brought them into the party. How long can they last? If they get HR1/S1 thru, the nation as we once knew it is thru.

        Mar 25, 2021 25:49 AM

        Oops, posted the above in the wrong place – was a response to CFS’s question who is running the show, the really big shoeee

    Mar 24, 2021 24:41 PM

    On March 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm,
    irishtony says:

    Guns Dont Kill People…..But Big Pharma Needle Points Do , When they are placed in the hands of UNTHINKING IDIOTS……Click on any of the pictures to get the story behind them……This is worth your time…IMO.

    Mar 24, 2021 24:43 PM

    On March 24, 2021 at 1:16 pm,
    OOTB Jerry says:

    IRISH…… is a sick world out there……Nitty is an idiot…..scum bag killer….

      Mar 24, 2021 24:45 PM

      irishtony says:

      Hi Jerry…..Teflon Nitty Nutty….Has been under investagation for corruption , for years, & yet nothing has happened to him. Now it looks like he will steal the current election , again , as he has done in the past……He & his OINK faced wife , & their offspring , have done more damage to ordinary Isrealies , than their neigbours accross the border

    Mar 24, 2021 24:08 PM

    Why are ” THESE ” people always drawn to each other like magnets…..As singles they are nobodys , as a group , they think they are special , & have somthing important to say….
    MONEY TALKS !!!!!!!!!!!.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:09 PM

      Still Report:

      Finally someone asks about therapeutic treatment of covid-19

      CDC HEADS should roll. The WHO should be stripped of funds for incompetence.

        Mar 25, 2021 25:42 AM

        NO……….FAUCI AND GATES should be hung…..
        Crimes against humanity…..

    Mar 24, 2021 24:08 PM

    Kamala wants to go to precisely Trump’s border policies, but refuses to say so.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:17 PM

      cfs….The Dems….Find it Hard / Difficult / & Impossable , to admit Thump had the right policy , with regards the southern border.

    Mar 24, 2021 24:37 PM

    Without comment…………………………

    Mar 24, 2021 24:42 PM

    State Of Their Union………………….LOL

    Mar 24, 2021 24:48 PM

    This is how ” THEY “…..See the ordinary people.

    Mar 24, 2021 24:49 PM

    The government CANNOT DO ANYTHING WELL:

    Time to open USPS to competition.

    Fedex and UPS actually make profits.

      Mar 24, 2021 24:14 PM

      Finally Bill Still Says something I have been jumoing up and done about for months.

      Hundreds of thousands of people have died UNNECESSARILY.

      What is truly amazing, is that only a very few countries told the truth and acted in the best interest of their citizens.

        Mar 24, 2021 24:36 PM

        Bill Still…does not…stand still…for anyone.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:51 AM

      HA………………I TOLD YOU SO………
      PEOPLE are really stupid……
      The info. was ALL PROVIDE ……as I said NO BODY was paying attention….

        Mar 25, 2021 25:53 AM

        oops………forgot the “D”….. humm. and so did everyone else…

    Mar 24, 2021 24:34 PM


    Mar 24, 2021 24:35 PM

    You boys know comrade Sanders says he was a waiter…and not a very good one…so the failed waiter became a politician…where he waits on special interests…

    Mar 24, 2021 24:07 PM

    There is a difference between legal and illegal imigrants…..They should be treated differently.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:32 AM

    And you thought Buffett was a kindly old man….What a laugh.
    It turns out Warren Buffett offered the Pretendent financial backing for the Pretendent if he would close down the pipeline.
    So following Russia, the CCP, who have used covert bribery to gain influence, it turns out Warren Buffett did exactly the same.
    Buffett will gain MILLIONS of dollars in transporting oil by rail……all coming out of the pockets of Americans in higher costs.
    Welcome to the real world of corruption and rich scum, where bribery makes them richer and the average citizen poorer; where goverment empowered to create and maintain a level playing field just tilts it to enrich politicians.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:59 AM

    And now we know about Pence, the American Traitor:

      Mar 25, 2021 25:37 AM

      I TOLD YOU SO>>>>>>>>verify it in my notes and past comments… 🙂

        Mar 25, 2021 25:39 AM

        Pence needs to be grilled…………

    Mar 25, 2021 25:33 AM

    Did I miss Something ?
    Did we hold a secret elevation of President to Absolute Dictator ?

    Where does the President get the power to stop journalist from viewing children in cages.
    IT IS THE MEDIA, the Fourth Estate, that is supposed to keep politicians in line.

    Now I know most of the media is biased, but EVEN the PRETENDER does NOT have the right to muzzle the press.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:02 AM

      Nobody is objecting……..the sheeple are still grazing…..

    Mar 25, 2021 25:41 AM

    Dana Carvey gets the Pretendent…..(turn on sound)

    Mar 25, 2021 25:54 AM

    The REAL question is WHO is pulling the puppet Pretendent’s strings ?

    I don’t believe Biden is fully aware…….So WHO exactly is IN CONTROL ?

    This is not obvious at this point in time to me.
    It’s not Bernie. It is not Schumer. It is not AOC.. Is it just an anonymous faction of the Swamp ?

      Mar 25, 2021 25:06 AM

      400 people who you do not know the names of……..
      Secret society members…..Not that hard to figure out.
      The USSA,Inc. …..has been taken over since 1871.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:47 AM

      My guess, a combination of the corrupt, the greedy, the ideologues, and those being run by China market aspirations. There are so many, no single grouop – The Clinton cabal, DNC Chair Jamie Harrison, former Chair Tom Perez, (corrupt and greedy) and host of former Obama officials like Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret, etc.(people who don’t think America is a good place) are running the show, funded by the likes of Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and Gates – but Barry O is on the top of the list. Sanders is a stooge, a useful idiot that, grabbed the extremists and brought them into the party. How long can they last? If they get HR1/S1 thru, the nation as we once knew it is thru.

        Mar 25, 2021 25:52 AM

        Just the beginning of a turn around…………..all has been exposed……

          Mar 25, 2021 25:53 AM

          The PRETEND CONGRESS…… VOID………….void of understanding….

            Mar 25, 2021 25:09 AM

            The DC elite, including Repubs and SCOTUS conservatives, read WAPO, NYT and fail to understand the frustration in the hinterlands – the entire rest of the country! Push back is coming.

            Mar 25, 2021 25:28 AM

            I said there would be push back months ago……

        Mar 25, 2021 25:07 AM

        I totally agree, Jim.

        Americans today are just as brainwashed as the German people were just before Hitler started his killing crusade.

          Mar 25, 2021 25:06 PM

          Brainwashed and lost…… exactly correct……No clue what so ever…..

        Mar 25, 2021 25:19 AM

        There must be a person or small group writing the Pretendent’s speeches, but, looking at whitehouselogs, it is not Obama or any of the usual suspects, as far as I can tell.
        But maybe the Pretendent is not actually in the White House.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:22 AM

    If the fraudulent election is not reversed and deemed corrupt, this country (and the world) is cooked for hundreds of years.
    This war between good and evil has hit the apex of the curve. What happens in the next few months shapes the world for hundreds of years. I pray we the people do the right thing and God has favor with us.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:29 AM

      Yep…….. I agree……… THe sheeple better not turn in the guns…..

      Mar 25, 2021 25:08 PM

      “If the fraudulent election is not reversed and deemed corrupt, this country (and the world) is cooked for hundreds of years.”

      I disagree,

      the next century belongs to China, the plans they have are remarkable to say the least.

      The american bullying will stop and the world will work together to further our common goals.

      The future for humanity is bright, it only looks bad when you see things with american or western eyes.

      But all that is, is the reserve currency changing again.
      The change is undoubtedly going to be ruff especially for americans but all the other nations that had and lost it adjusted and so will the americans.

      We have no idea the advancements that are going to be made.

      If you ever watched star trek they had a thing called warp drive, well lo and behold it has become possible.
      Of course its years away, but its going to happen, the future is incredibly bright.

      That is if the americans dont decide to nuke us all for armagedden.

      Which they might, the rapture is a pretty big deal in some circles.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:31 AM

    I see the Pretendent is AGAIN taking credit for Trump’s production of vaccines.
    Lies, lies again. His B12 shot is working well today.

    I can’t wait for the revolution, though.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:36 AM

      He(BIDEN) can claim the deaths as well 🙂

        Mar 25, 2021 25:46 AM

        Hi Jerry……..Do you mean all the ” FAKE ” covid deaths ?

          Mar 25, 2021 25:58 AM

          lol…… Hi IRISH….

            Mar 25, 2021 25:00 AM

            Unfortunately……..the one’s getting stuck now, will be victims later….as the immune system is being compromised….(see larry’s material)

    Mar 25, 2021 25:04 AM

    The Pretendent did well. He was better prepared and less senile than I expected.
    A little bit lost at times, but a great performance.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:27 AM

      Glad you watched ….. could not stand to listen…
      I will watch to comic club later.

        Mar 25, 2021 25:37 PM

        It was amazing how quiet it was.
        Only 10 reporters allowed to ask questions. Not a single conservative reporter.
        I was surprized Joe managed for just over an hour, even if flagging towards the end.

        The reporters were great, in that they never piled on to get Joe flustered. Joe kept his cool throughout.
        I’ve noticed how Trump could get sidetracked by reporters shouting out questions. Didn’t happen this time……quiet and orderly.

          Mar 25, 2021 25:53 PM

          Agree it could have been worse, but it was orchestrated CFS, he barely made it past 3 reporters before he got lost – he did not inspire confidence, the fake media can’t keep this up. He did inspire enemies, they know this is a puppet – and he blew it on his response to seeking re-election, major mistake you can’t announce until you file – he has not filed – FEC compliant to kick it off.

            Mar 25, 2021 25:03 PM

            Poor Joe……… a lost ball in high weeds……….in his case wacky weeds….

    Mar 25, 2021 25:09 AM

    Of course, the questions were miostly softball. No mention of Hunter or money received by Joe from Moscow or CCP.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:17 AM

    One question he was NOT asked, of course:
    When will you debate Vladimir Putin?

    Mar 25, 2021 25:22 AM

    There were lots of questions not asked about Hunter’s use of Joe’s coattails:
    Where influence was used/abused.

    Mar 25, 2021 25:25 AM

    The Pretendent was never asked about raising minimum wage leading to higher unemployment.

    Generally the Press did not push him at all as they did with Trump. The Press sat so quietly.


    Mar 25, 2021 25:54 AM

    When talking about the filibuster he clearly lost his train of thought.

    When talking about going to “make an outrageous statement” old Joe forgot what he was about to say.

    Clearly ALL QUESTIONS WERE KNOWN and scripted.
    (It would not be the first time that happened….Remember Hillary having been given questions ?)
    All answers WERE WELL SCRIPTED, and no impromptu questioning was allowed.
    When Joe got to the end of his list, he walked out. (Clearing tiring.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:54 PM

      They pulled away the mic to protect him. this was pure theater, of the absurd

      Mar 25, 2021 25:04 PM

      Thanks for the update guys………. I did not miss a thing……..

      Mar 26, 2021 26:12 AM

      There was a “press conference?” Yawn.

        Mar 26, 2021 26:03 PM

        More like DEPRESSED Conference….. lol 🙂

    Mar 25, 2021 25:36 PM

    The professional time wasters are interviewing FB, Google and twitter today. And as usual, nothing is going to happen. But hey, they look like they are doing something, right?

    Mar 25, 2021 25:07 PM

    As you know PBS is totally pro-democrat:

    Joe, moral and decnt…..Sure if you totally ignore his taking bribes via Hunter.
    If you ignore his pressure on Ukraine Prosecutors, and BLACKMAIL.
    If you his IGNORE his history of graft and corruption over 30 years, helping his family.

      Mar 25, 2021 25:43 PM

      Cfs………is correct………PBS……is bought and paid for by the Demwhits and the controllers of the MSN…..THEY ARE A TOTAL JOKE……Read between the lines…

    Mar 30, 2021 30:14 AM

    Vaccine Refusal:
    NOTICE: By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.
    The United States Government has prosecuted, convicted and executed Medical Doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
    Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg Crimes are equally guilty and have also been prosecuted, convicted, and executed.
    Francis A. Boyle