

Big Al and Steve Taylor opine on the question of federal involvement in the internet.

Big Al
January 16, 2012

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    Jan 16, 2012 16:37 PM

    Do not forget they own the internet. It was originally devised for national security. Any time you write on the net or your own computer it is fair game anywhere in the world. Bank on-line at your own risk. – Traderrog

      Jan 16, 2012 16:26 PM

      IN THAT CASE…..I JUST LOVE OBAMA….(how is that)

        Jan 16, 2012 16:53 PM

        Common Man,

        We are a country with free speech. For the record!

        Big Al

      Jan 16, 2012 16:52 PM

      I never thought about that.

      Big Al

    Jan 16, 2012 16:38 PM

    …this is the problem with almost everything these days…there are “laws on the books” already to deal with these problems..just as Lou Dobbs used to say when he was on CNN re: illegal immigration “just enforce the laws already in place on the books”…and now you have Ron Paul building most of his campaign on “return to and follow the Constitution”…seems to me, that this is just more of the Nanny State, Big Brother syndrome…”you little people are all idiots…and our legal enforcement agencies don’t have to do their jobs…so…we’ll just step in and manage things for you”….and we all know where this is leading don’t we?

      Jan 16, 2012 16:54 PM

      Hi Bruce,

      Interesting that President Obama is not supporting this legislation!

      Big Al

    Jan 16, 2012 16:40 PM

    Hi Al,
    Yet another area where the government can control the masses. We are heading down a very scary path!!

      Jan 16, 2012 16:59 PM

      Thanks for that link Karen…kind of says it all …doesn’t it?

      Jan 16, 2012 16:31 PM


      Look up Senate Bill S510 – Food Safety Modernization Act. More and more government control! God bless.


        Jan 16, 2012 16:10 PM

        Hi Ben,
        This bill is the most dangerous with the government having food control. I am sure the evil Monsanto wrote the bill.

        Jan 16, 2012 16:59 PM

        HI Ben,

        Interesting that it passed the Senate about 3 to 1.

        I am reading it again now.

        Big Al

      Jan 16, 2012 16:55 PM

      HI Karen,

      But don’t you find it interesting that the president is not in favor of this legislation?

      Big Al

      Jan 16, 2012 16:15 PM

      By the way, Karen

      Have you ever seen the movie, “Food Inc.”?

      Really a good flick!

      Big Al

        Jan 16, 2012 16:42 PM

        Hi Al,
        I think Obama was for it until a petition against it was sent to the White House. I will get the flick.

          Jan 17, 2012 17:53 AM

          Morning Karen,

          After you watch it, please let me know what you think.


          Big Al

    Jan 16, 2012 16:33 PM

    If the crime crossed state lines, by internet, then it is federal.

      Jan 16, 2012 16:00 PM

      Evening Keep Stacking,

      That is certainly true. Then, it should be handled similar to any other crime falling into this category.


      Big Al

    Jan 16, 2012 16:13 PM

    Al & all
    Here’s a big reason that the government needs more control over the internet. Hillary Clinton clip….about 3.5 minutes long

    Jan 16, 2012 16:08 PM

    Evening Dagen,

    I want to thank you for sending this link.

    My belief is and always has been that people need ALL the information they can get.

    We are in REALLY BIG trouble if there is any censorship of media.

    If the U.S. wants to spend more money to increase its (our) presence in this sector so be it. That is not the problem. The problem only arises when censorship begins to play a role.

    Do you agree?

    Big Al

      Jan 17, 2012 17:01 AM

      Morning Tex,

      I don’t disagree with this thesis as I stated on the show at the beginning of this year.

      Look for a Daily Editorial today with Rog.

      Thanks for the link. Mineweb is a great site.


      Big Al

    Jan 17, 2012 17:25 AM

    Off Subject but regarding “Technical Analysis”, why is it that such technical predictions are so often WRONG? They will deny that, but my estimate is they are wrong 50% of time and right 50% of time. Now of course some technical people will say they are right most of the time, but very few will say they are wrong most of the time, which is it? Are most of the technical people right most of the time or are they just most of the time saying they are right most of the time?

    Because nobody is either right or wrong all of the time, and all people can be either right or wrong all of the time, the difference is more belief than reality. But there is one observation I have seen true more often than not, and that is that Technical people who claim such will admit they were wrong much less often than a fundamental analyst will in admitting they were wrong.

    Charts can be painted and it would be a good exercise for any technician out there to use their expertise to either prove or disprove that. I have not seen any such technical analysis.