

How Much Is Tax Reform Responsible For The Rising Markets?

January 17, 2018

With the US equity markets continuing to rise Michael Eastham, President of Fellowship Financial Group joins me to discuss the potential correlation between tax reform and the equity rise. We look at the markets and the economy in terms of growth now that there is some clarity on taxes even if it was not everything that people hoped for.

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    Jan 17, 2018 17:42 AM

    WMT has a P/E of 23.

    This is a blow-off top.

      Jan 17, 2018 17:45 AM
        Jan 17, 2018 17:49 AM

        CFS is blind to Zionist evil, he only sees evil in Muslims. Like all religions they have giant flaws but to be blind to evil is to support that evil.

        The US is paying for the bullets Israel uses to shoot children. Now that’s evil. Don’t expect CFS to pay any attention to it. He’s fine with the president of the US selling out the country and Americans paying for it.

        Israeli Police State Harshness

          Jan 17, 2018 17:57 AM

          The MSM has made sure that hundreds of millions more are equally blind.

          Jan 17, 2018 17:58 AM

          Memo to self: Ignore R.M.

          Jan 17, 2018 17:04 AM

          I guess its understandable to single out cfs about the zionists, but lets not forget the american, british, canadian etc people themselves that bend over for Israel.
          Heck, how many christians are there? a billion? thats alot of support for the zionists.

          Remember, the last guy that was openly opposing zionism is considered the most evil person in history.

      Jan 17, 2018 17:47 AM
        Jan 17, 2018 17:54 AM

        And what happened in 2001?

        Insanity can continue for a while, however.

          Jan 17, 2018 17:57 AM

          WMT was more of a growth stock in 1999, I believe.

          It’s hard to know how bricks and mortar stores will fair, although WMT has a strong on-line presence.

            Jan 17, 2018 17:59 AM

            In 2001, WMT shares were 30% higher despite the general market action.

      Jan 17, 2018 17:55 AM

      Thanks cheap compared to Amazon.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:46 AM

    Peoplere is little alternative as the Fede are buying stocks, only because the Fed is stealing peoples’ money by the ridiculous interest rates.
    Just wait until commodity inflation hits.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:48 AM

    People are buying stocks, only because the Fed…..
    My computer is strange this morning.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:54 AM

    I pulled the pin on ANX this morning, I don’t like being in reverse splits, but I intend on buying back after the dust settles. DT

      Jan 17, 2018 17:15 AM

      That’s a good plan. I trimmed a bit yesterday thinking about the reverse split, but am in a much lower levels and so left most of the core position in place. However once the dust settles post consolidation, I’ll be adding that portion back as well.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:19 AM

    I know why Hillary is sick.

    Hillary knows what’s in those 32,000 deleted emails. It’s enough to ruin her career, kill her presidential campaign, and send her to prison. It’s like a ticking time bomb. And it’s eating away at her. The weight of the world is on Hillary’s shoulders.

    That’s precisely why Hillary deleted these 32,000 emails. They weren’t “personal.” Does she think we’re all idiots? Does she think we were all born yesterday? Those 32,000 emails she deleted had nothing to do with personal issues. They had everything to do with her many crimes, fraud, extortion, pay-for-play and cover-ups at the Clinton Foundation.

    Those 32,000 deleted emails were proof of her many crimes against the American people. Those emails can send her to prison for a long time. That’s why we now know she deleted them AFTER she found out the FBI was demanding she turn them over. She destroyed evidence of her crimes.

    Now we get to the stress part that is causing her body to literally fall apart and collapse. Hillary knows what I know. It’s the worst kept secret in Washington DC. Julian Assange of Wikileaks has all of her 32,000 emails. The evidence of her crimes wasn’t destroyed. He has all the evidence. He’s waiting until a week or two before the election to release the smoking gun…the bombshell…the final nail in the coffin…that blows her career to smithereens.

    Worst of all, Hillary knows how bad this is going to be. That’s simply because she knows what’s in those emails…

    Because she wrote them.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:19 AM

    The craziest stock ride I’ve been watching today is St Georges Eco-Mining corp.

    I stumbled across their stock a few months back when looking for St George Mining Ltd, and this company Ste Georges Eco- mining was doing the Nickel, Platinum, Gold, and Lithium. Just a short while ago they also got into “Blockchain” and their shares soared.

    Now today the air has come out of the balloon in epic fashion. It’s crazy to watch.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:41 AM

    I wonder if Spock’s Canamex has gotten crushed since he was trying to tie it to block-chain. Might be a buying opportunity.

      Jan 17, 2018 17:42 PM

      Interesting thought and correlation…. and yes it got swept up in the low tide.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:41 AM

    Mostly due to block chain migration.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:46 AM

    Yes it did….now down 11 percent on the day.

      Jan 17, 2018 17:41 PM

      Interesting. It is odd how a crypto currency like Bitcoin can drag down unrelated block chain companies in its’ wake. Good eye and correlation for Canamex along with everyone else today in that space.

    Jan 17, 2018 17:16 PM

    Recent Wave Of Looting Shows Extent Of Hunger In Venezuela

    “In January alone, nearly 400 small protests and more than 100 instances of looting have taken place across 19 states…and prostitutes are accepting food as payment for their services.”