

Vizsla Silver – More high grade drill results from the Napoleon Prospect of over 2,700g/t Silver Eq expanding the zone by 300 meters

April 14, 2021

Mike Konnert, President and CEO of Vizsla Silver (TSX.V:VZLA – OTCQB:VIZSF) joins me to recap the high grade silver results from the Napoleon Prospect on the Panuco Project. We discuss the growth in size of the mineralized area at just the Napoleon Prospect and potential of the entire project. With 8 rigs on site there is a lot of exploration ongoing.

Please email me with any follow up questions. My email is

Click here to read over the full news release highlighting the drill results.

Upcoming Webinar – April 21th @ 11pm PDT (2pm EDT) – Featuring Aztec Minerals (TSX.V:AZT & OTCQB:AZZTF) upcoming drill programs at the Tombstone Property, in Arizona and Cervantes Property, in Mexico. Simon Dyakowski, President and CEO of Aztec will join me to outline the drill programs and answer any of your questions. Please email me you questions to

Click here to register for the webinar. 

    Apr 14, 2021 14:32 PM

    Really great drill results, as per usual, from Vizsla, and they are continuing to hit paydirt with wider 4 meter + intercepts and that is their average vein width in the system thus far, as pointed out in a prior news release from VZLA. That is a wider vein for silver mining in Mexico, where many veins being mined are 0.5 meters – 2 meters, so it will be easier to mine without so much waste and dilution found in mining the more narrow veins. Very encouraging.


    (VZLA) (VIZSF) Vizsla Continues to Expand Napoleon; 54 Drill Holes Average 4.0 Metres True Width at 441 G/t Silver Equiv.

    6 Apr 2021

      Apr 14, 2021 14:34 PM

      Good comment from a Vizsla investor named (Dreadnought) over at ceo today:

      @Dreadnought – “Maybe a better way to figure out value here would be to compare VZLA to a stand alone silver play like SIL with a market cap of $ 1.5 Billion and P&P reserves of around 100 Million Oz and the same in M & I. SIL’s grade is fantastic at 800 + grams. Our CEO just suggested that the Napoleon vein could be a significant resource on it’s own, possibly 50 to 100 million Oz. in this one vein and I believe we are looking at an average of 400 grams so far. Maybe not as good as SIL in grade but certainly there in size. And although SIL has plenty of blue sky so does VZLA. SIL have been at this a lot longer that VZLA and we have only just scratched the surface. If we keep expanding the resource as we’ve been doing then in a year from now there’s no reason why we shouldn’t start to catch up to SIL.”

        Apr 14, 2021 14:38 PM

        I tend to agree with his point, and the only 2 companies that look like they can become Silvercrest 3.0 are Vizsla and Silver Tiger, based on their continued bonanza grade hits on their veins, large land packages with many veins to explore in a district scale potential, and like Silvercrest, both Vizsla and Silver Tiger look like they have enough high grade goods in the ground to have an economic deposit on their hands. Obviously, we’ll need to see economic studies at both to confirm this, but right now VZLA and SLVR are dishing out result after result of results that remind me of where Silvercrest was 2-3 years ago.

          Apr 14, 2021 14:41 PM

          @Goldfinger pointed out today that on SEDI one of the main backers of the Inventa Capital Group, Craig Parry, bought more than C$250,000 worth of Vizsla stock today at $1.75 per share. That is the conviction bell ringing for those that are hard of hearing: (Ding, ding, ding….)

          Apr 15, 2021 15:16 PM

          Good info.

          Apr 15, 2021 15:21 PM

          I added more Vizsla mostly on Mar 22 and then Silver Viper last week and today Silver Tiger. Thanks for motivating me.

          Apr 15, 2021 15:31 PM

          Blackrock now moving today also.

            Apr 15, 2021 15:39 PM

            Blackrock and Ely working together to obtain claims below 100 meters. Interesting. Some prospectors don’t go that low. Sounds like the little guy working with the big guy with a royalty in between. Interesting.

    Apr 14, 2021 14:45 PM

    Another Silver company that I’m very interested in is the imminent listing of Tier One Silver, the spin-out from Auryn when they were forming Fury Gold with Eastmain.


    Tier One Silver: Listing and Drilling Imminent with CEO Peter Dembicki & Chairman Ivan Bebek

    MiningStockEducation – April 12, 2021

    Curibaya is drill-ready will be drilled immediately after trading commences. Rock grab sampling at the Curibaya project has returned grades of up to 298,000 g/t silver and 934 g/t gold, with samples spread across a 4 x 5 km alteration system. In this interview CEO Peter Dembicki and Chairman Ivan Bebek provides an update on Tier One Silver’s progress, upcoming developments and overall investment value proposition.

    0:00​ Introduction
    1:23​ Listing update
    3:20​ Curibaya drill permit in hand
    7:15​ C$13.45M financing
    11:55​ Implied valuation of Tier One Silver
    21:03​ Final thoughts

      Apr 15, 2021 15:08 AM

      Tier One sounds very interesting. No US listing mentioned so far. Canadian pretty soon.

    Apr 15, 2021 15:32 AM

    Good start today for silver miners…repeat …start

      Apr 15, 2021 15:35 AM

      Switch that to “open”.

      Apr 15, 2021 15:21 PM

      Yeah, nice moves in the both the Silver and Gold stocks today.

      Silver is back to near the $26 level, so that is plenty nice for the Silver producers or the advanced projects of the developers.

    Apr 15, 2021 15:39 AM

    Been really busy so haven’t gotten through reading all the comments …….I’m speculating that Joe must have posted something negative about PM’s as they are up nicely today

      Apr 15, 2021 15:19 PM

      +1 Haha! You are bang on Wolfster!