

Jeff Christian – A Focus On The Platinum Group Metals, Main Drivers Balanced With Investment Demand Down To The Stocks

July 27, 2022

Jeff Christian, Managing Partner at the CPM Group joins us to focus on the Platinum Group Metals. The CPM Group has just released its PGE Yearbook which focus on investment demand and macro factors that drive the sector. We also break down the different opportunities for each of the PGE metals as well as the overall health of the underlying PGE equities.




Click here to find out more on the PGE Yearbook.

1 Comment
    Jul 27, 2022 27:51 PM

    The stocks appear to be recovering, the investing public does not want the Wall Street Party to end. Gradually money is beginning to find it’s way more plentiful into speculative use despite the miniscule barriers raised by The Federal Reserve. There is a lot of restiveness out there.

    This is important, if the advance in prices on the conventional markets begins once more, as if nothing has happened, The Reserve Authorities will be beaten. DT