Fury Gold Mines – Initial Drill Results From Eau Claire, Expanding The Hinge Zone and Confirming Targeting For Future Discovery Holes
On August 3rd, Fury Gold Mines (TSX.FURY – NYSE:FURY) released the initial results (3 holes) from the 2023 drill program at the Eau Claire Project in Quebec. Holes 63 and 64 expanded gold mineralization at the Hinge Zone 50m up-dip and 75m to the west. Hole 62 was the first of a series of infill holes.
Tim Clark, President and CEO and Bryan Atkinson, Senior VP of Exploration at Fury Gold Mines joins me to discuss these results and look ahead to where the drills are turning currently. As Tim and Bryan state, these results both expand the Hinge Zone and confirm the Company’s exploration model for targeting future drill holes.
If you have any follow up questions for the team at Fury please email me at Fleck@kereport.com.
Click here to read over the full news release.
Another parallel between now and the 1920’s is the over production of goods particularly from China due to the advancement of industry by technological leaps and bounds that is happening every day. It is also hard to find new buyers with the debt loads that consumers are facing.
The factories will have to be run on an unprofitable basis until consumers buying power returns and that will force a drastic slowdown in The Asian economies. A Depression is the only mirror that hasn’t unveiled itself, but it will. DT