

Weekend Show – Politics

December 2, 2023

Unfortunately there is no Political Weekend Show this weekend. Hopefully Al will be back with all of us next weekend.


You can keep the discussion ongoing here!


    Dec 02, 2023 02:05 AM

    It will soon be time to screw done the lid and bury this non-show.

      Dec 02, 2023 02:13 AM

      I AGREE ………. What’s the point of having a show without a host.

        Dec 02, 2023 02:52 PM

        The host had a birthday yesterday…. I doubt he is doing well……. JMO….

        Owl turned the BIG …80…….

        Maybe he is out with his kids…. which would be a good thing… JMO

        I would give him a little slack being so old… time has a way of sneaking up on ya…. “)

          Dec 02, 2023 02:42 PM

          Happy belated birthday Big Al… And Jerry too! I wish you both the best of health and recovery from whatever ails you!

            Dec 03, 2023 03:30 AM

            Thanks Tommy… Hoping you have a wonderful holiday…

        Dec 06, 2023 06:40 PM

        Irish ! Whit all Up’s and Downs i hope you all ok ! Keep informed Boys ! The Elite Never Stop !

      Dec 03, 2023 03:23 AM

      Well, look on the bright side…at least the censoring will come to an end…

    Dec 02, 2023 02:24 AM

    It’s my oppinion , that by the US Govt. aiding Isreal . They are an Accessory to Murder / Genocide / & War Crimes. & need to be held to account alongside Isreal.

    Dec 02, 2023 02:37 AM

    Meanwhile in politics……

      Dec 02, 2023 02:54 AM

      Hi CFS … LOL …. This is so close to the truth , with the NUTTERS you have in your Congress , & their pals in the WEF.

    Dec 02, 2023 02:00 AM

    In reality, however, not so funny….

      Dec 02, 2023 02:16 AM

      CFS ….. There are those of us on this blog who have known about this for years . If memory serves me correct , some of us spoke about it , in the early years of the KER.

        Dec 03, 2023 03:39 AM

        Ditto…….. nothing new….

    Dec 02, 2023 02:55 AM
      Dec 02, 2023 02:55 AM

      …and you boys can download the data…if you want…

      Dec 02, 2023 02:45 AM

      Did any of you boys download the data???

      Tried rsync and received the message “The account 100000239408 is currently inactive.” Thought maybe I had the rsync config set-up wrong, so I tried the Wasabi explorer which is much easier to use and received the same message.

      Any of you boys get that message? Any of you know what’s going on with Kirsch and his data?

        Dec 02, 2023 02:20 AM

        Professor, were you able to get the data? And how? And can you show us the charts you made from it. 🙂 I get the account is inactive message. Posted to Kirsch’s substack in the comments but the comment didn’t show up. Maybe it has to be approved?

          Dec 02, 2023 02:58 PM

          The comment eventually showed up but no response…don’t see anyone else mentioning they had downloaded the data…my guess is none of them have tried….

            Dec 02, 2023 02:02 PM

            When I searched for “The account 100000239408 is currently inactive.” I get this:


            A Phd researcher…so at least one other person is getting that message. My guess is Kirsch has cut off access to the data. Don’t know why he would do that.

            Dec 03, 2023 03:06 AM

            Well, that’s interesting…the search above now returns no results. But when I try to get the data I still get that error.

            But now I see in the comments on Kirsch’s substack other people getting the error…

            Volker Birk
            3 hrs ago

            ERROR : S3 root: error reading source root directory: AccountProblem: “The account 100000239408 is currently inactive”

            Data cannot be downloaded

            5 hrs ago

            I’m getting `The account 100000239408 is currently inactive.` when I try to sync the data

            Dec 03, 2023 03:20 AM

            …maybe Kirsch reached a data transfer limit with Amazon so they inactivated his account?

      Dec 03, 2023 03:42 AM

      Good info… and back up on Covid and Pfizer…..
      USAWATCHDOg…….. has a good review on the Trumpster … saying he might not have known about the scam…. (I call it a scam HOAX from the very beginning)… along with the mask.. (where are our missing past members… 🙂

        Dec 03, 2023 03:53 AM

        Newman says….Donald Trump is not part of the New World Order, and he dismantled much of it during his Presidency. Newman says, “Donald Trump is the first President in a century who did not go to this weird club of elitists such as Bohemian Grove. He never went to Bilderberg. He was never involved with the Council on Foreign Relations. Trump did not participate in the Trilateral Commission. He was not recruited in the ‘Scull and Bones’ at Yale like John Kerry, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. He was just not part of the club. . . . Trump was not controlled by these people. They were able to manipulate him on some key things like the CV19 shots and the MCA, but ultimately, they did not feel like they could control him. He was an outsider. This is why they are absolutely petrified of him coming back now.”

    Dec 02, 2023 02:48 AM

    Too late comes technology……

    Dec 02, 2023 02:56 AM

    The Chris Hedges Report with Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi on Zionism’s 100-year war against Palestinians.
    The Zionist movement from its inception has used deception, violence, ethnic cleansing and discrimination to solidify its apartheid state. The genocide in Gaza is another chapter in this 100-year war.

      Dec 02, 2023 02:41 AM

      Hi SF . That was a great FACT based interview . Everybody on the blog , should take an hour of their time to watch it, & share with others if they care about what’s happening in Palastine .
      It’s my oppinion that the the World we live in will never have a chance of PEACE , so long as ZIONISTS walk the planet , they control & destroy everything they touch. They need to be below the surface , not walking above it.

        Dec 03, 2023 03:44 AM

        Hodges has always been a great listen…. JMO

          Dec 03, 2023 03:20 PM

          GREAT Breakdown of the conflict… in Gaza……

    Dec 02, 2023 02:14 AM

    Give the Kremlin an Inch and it Will Take Half of Europe

      Dec 02, 2023 02:24 AM

      Yup…Rooskie tanks have just invaded Germany….only a matter of time before they overrun France…all the way to the coast…another Dunkirk…

      Dec 02, 2023 02:30 AM

      Interesting and sad of course that some people cant see propaganda.
      I guess ya gotta know/understand that its used first.
      Alot of people still simply believe their msm.

      I wonder if the west msm will report on the wheat Russia has delivered free of charge to africa.

    Dec 02, 2023 02:15 AM

    There are now more land mines in Ukraine than almost anywhere else on the planet

    Dec 02, 2023 02:01 AM

    The Fools On Capitol Hill
    Washington is run by Israel’s proxies

    Few outside the government itself are likely to be aware of the extent to which the state of Israel and its domestic affiliate-lobby operating out of Washington and New York have corrupted the United States political system, to the point where nurturing and enabling the Jewish state

    Interesting some american people claim their patriotism and support Israel.
    The two views are polar opposites.

    Dec 02, 2023 02:53 AM

    The Ukraine Govermont is know sending Woman to the frond of battel diss is a Human Crime off the Western planing Governments ! And the Western TV no talk diss Soo the western population no talk diss Agin a Western Branniest of Narrative’s !!!!

    Dec 02, 2023 02:45 PM

    The Fools On Capitol Hill
    Washington is run by Israel’s proxies

    Americans remain largely ignorant about the extent to which foreign influence pervades the United States government,………….Few outside the government itself are likely to be aware of the extent to which the state of Israel and its domestic affiliate-lobby operating out of Washington and New York have corrupted the United States political system,……….

    Some americans calling themselves patriots support Israel……….they are polar opposites, makes a person wonder if americans that support Israel should be charged with treason?

      Dec 02, 2023 02:46 PM

      Americans in general are ignorant……..

      With so many perverts in charge, American is the land of the lost souls…
      Way to many non speaking Americans on the shores of “land of the free”… 🙂 JMO

        Dec 02, 2023 02:20 PM

        Iran has it right Jerry, america is the “great satan”.

        I’ve said before, I believe Cayce, “the hope of the world will come from Russia”.
        If the americans dominate the whole world will become slaves.

        “Goyim Were Born Only To Serve Us”: The Moral Wisdom Of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

          Dec 02, 2023 02:47 PM

          American.. MIC… is the BIG SATAN… no doubt about that….

            Dec 03, 2023 03:26 AM

            Perhaps Israel is the great Satan… they seem to be the current great deceiver… and wielding power over the US and UN… with no one able to stop their genocide. -just a thought

      Dec 02, 2023 02:05 PM

      Come on, b….don’t you know this is the United States of Israel? And check out the link posted in the other section…by Matthew…a Whitney Web interview…has a great deal to do with our good friends the Israelies…and remember what Nemarata said…you need Israel more than Israel needs you…

    Dec 02, 2023 02:21 PM

    Dec 03 GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Bob Moriarty: A New High in Gold Will Wake People Up Bob Moriarty GS

    Dec 02, 2023 02:24 PM
      Dec 02, 2023 02:53 PM

      True…but were you able to get the Kirsch data???

    Dec 02, 2023 02:55 PM

    Unbelievable pure scum working in politics and industry. Whatever happened to moral values ?

    Dec 02, 2023 02:54 PM

    Commiefornia…you must understand that the politicians there are first and foremost Fececrats…

    They moved out their beloved feces when Xi came to town…but now the feces are back…

      Dec 02, 2023 02:58 PM

      …and of course…Gabby Nuisance gives his sh*t eating grin and laugh…he loves the feces…for the people he rules…but not for Xi

    Dec 03, 2023 03:59 AM

    Hi EBO …. Is this the info you tried to post. From Kirsch.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:05 AM

    Hi EBO … Is this the info you were trying to post , Re. Kirsch. I allready posted this once , but it was takeing down so i am posting again.

      Dec 03, 2023 03:59 AM

      Thanks, Tony. I still get that error. I tried one of the other S3 browsers and it didn’t work. But the mirrored site does work although Kirsch says it may not be as up to date but I am going to take a look at the mirrored data once I get it unzipped.

      Besides the raw data there are some pdfs and some charts. Will be interesting to see what the Professor has to say…

      Dec 03, 2023 03:09 AM

      Thanks, Tony. Tried to respond but got censored and the post never came back.

      Dec 03, 2023 03:11 AM

      Tried to say (in censored post) that I still get the error but the mirrored site works but Kirsch said that data may not be as up to date. Tried to provide a link to it but got censored here.

      There are some charts and pdfs and Word docs at that site with the raw data.

      Dec 03, 2023 03:13 AM

      Here’s a screen image of a spreadsheet from the mirrored site of the NZ poor souls who took the third kill shot….over a million…hopefully this gets past the censors here…will post a link below…hopefully it does not get censored.

        Dec 03, 2023 03:14 AM
        Dec 03, 2023 03:06 PM

        Turns out for the New Zealand Dose 3 there are 1,053,284 data rows (people who got the 3rd Kill Shot.) (The xlsx file maxes out at 1048576 rows as that’s the limit for Excel so not all the data is in that file so you need to look at the csv files.) Of the 1,053,284 data rows 21,873 have a Date of Death value that is not empty meaning 21,873 poor souls died after receiving the 3rd Death Shot.

          Dec 03, 2023 03:28 PM


            Dec 03, 2023 03:58 PM

            I think the file to look at is nz-record-level-data-4m-records.csv. That has over 4 million records and looks to be a per person per dose history and is a consolidation of all the doses. (Some people skipped doses, it appears, which makes sense.) Taking that, determine the percentage of people that died over the period of the earliest date of service through the latest date of service or date of death whichever is latest and compare that death percentage to a similar pre-shot period and pre-covid period death percentage.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:19 AM

    We REALLY NEED to dump the United Nations
    Just listen to USAWatchdog.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:22 AM

    The Congress NEEDS TO LIMIT executive orders from the President.
    Listen to USAWatchdog

    Dec 03, 2023 03:22 AM

    An alternative report on Dublin riots……SGTReport.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:38 AM

    The globalists seem so corrupt……SGTReport

      Dec 03, 2023 03:10 AM

      FLORIDA……. is in DEEP DO DO… on this NEW LAW…. where is DESANTIS on this ISSUE…..
      He must be in bed with the scum bags……… 18 min mark………………

        Dec 03, 2023 03:17 AM

        HOSPITAL JAILS………………CODE ( Of Federal) .. Code 42 part 70 71……….. bureau of justice… law health of correction….. public health… check out…….. 18-19 min mark…..

          Dec 03, 2023 03:38 AM

          HEY CHARTSTER……………………. GO to the 39 min mark….. on trumpster and mark medows…… thanks

            Dec 03, 2023 03:47 AM

            Also…………. check out the info at the 41 min mark……….. Rich Bright FDA, concerning Hydroxycloride ….
            .and.. Janet Woodcox blocked the 76 million does donated to US stock pile.. that Trump authorized….

            Just more details going forward…………. thanks

            Dec 04, 2023 04:02 AM

            Rationing of hydroxychloroquine was occurring at the retail level… Hydroxychloroquine is used long term to treat certain diseases. Knowing such a person, I was aware of their hoarding of hydroxychloroquine… they knew, based on earlier SARS research, that hydroxychloroquine was effective… they had to overdose people in their official trials to prove it was dangerous…

    Dec 03, 2023 03:51 AM

    Well What can I say………. Bye , Bye….. I will keep it civil… maybe…

    Henry Kissinger, Top US Diplomat Responsible for Millions of Deaths, Dies at 100

    Dec 03, 2023 03:53 AM

    AX ASS OF EVIL……………….

    Dec 03, 2023 03:26 AM

    Hitler phones Biden …………….. LOL

      Dec 03, 2023 03:56 AM


    Dec 03, 2023 03:05 AM

    Sunday morning with Maria:

      Dec 03, 2023 03:23 PM

      Sorry she is part of the on going problem….MSN…. JMO

    Dec 03, 2023 03:05 AM
    Will the coward,bought-off president authorize strong retaliation?
    I’m not holding my breath.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:27 PM

    Posted by marcusfenix , over at Zerohedge.

    By the way this also gave Russia extensive, real world combat experience against many of the best weapons platforms that NATO can field. So the sum total of what the west accomplished was to destroy the Ukraine as a country and provide the Russian armed forces whith a multi year training exercise on how to fight against NATO weapons and tactics.all while depleting there own stockpiles.

    Dec 03, 2023 03:09 PM

    This morning, I actually heard a news commentator say that, “Donald Trump changed the laws….to allow the military to arrest civilians.”

    Any idiot should know that Donald Trump has no power to change any actual law.

    Congress, acting in whatever jurisdiction, has exclusive legislative power.

    Everyone reading this should also know that “Executive Orders” pertain only to the personnel and actual dependents of the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and their Subcontractors.

    None of this nonsense, not Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, none of the misbehavior of the “Federal” Corporations — absolutely none of it — has anything to do with this country and our living people.

    The entire stage play or “show” as they call it, is theirs and all the problems and costs attendant to it, too.

    For months and months now, people have been listening to their personal “military sources” telling them to “sit back and enjoy the show”.

    The show they are intending to put on involves hiring foreign mercenaries, importing them into this country in violation of our Public Law and their Public Service Contract, The Constitution of the United States of America — and killing these foreign “immigrants” along with a lot of Americans “sacrificed” as “collateral damage”.

      Dec 03, 2023 03:11 PM

      The only collateral damage we want to see is the forfeiture of these run amok and criminally mismanaged commercial corporations.

      These cretins and criminals wish to appear as the Saviors from the problems they create.

      They actually think that we are too stupid to figure out what they are doing and how they are doing it.

      In the immortal words of PFC USMC Gomer Pyle: “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”

      It is well-past time for all these organizations to straighten up and fly right.

      All their money is our money, a fact that they need to become aware of right about now. That includes any “United States Note” they try to float.

      What Clif High calls “the Splitting Up” has begun. Some major media groups are voting to save their own hides and reporting the actual news about Covid-19.

      As Americans realize what these “government service providers” have done, and how the Territorial and Municipal Corporations have sought to profit themselves from it, there are bound to be profound and severe reactions.

      Indeed, there will be such reactions throughout the world. Grief and outrage lead to anger and anger leads to murder of the guilty parties, whether via a riot and public guillotines (already set up, BTW) or the more sedate route of public courts and military tribunals leading to the same result.

      There are already enough organizations equipped to do what has to be done. We don’t need any public riots.

      Rather, let us be honest, and grieve. Let us contemplate our options and what scientific means can be used to suppress or remove the damage these fools have done.

      Let us gather quietly together and let our rage fuel better things. Not more blood in the streets.

      Don’t give them any satisfaction. Let them be revealed for what they are.

      Apart from bringing the criminals to justice, let us destroy the corporations these men used to bring about these tragic results, and by which they sought to profit themselves.

      The WHO, INC. and the UN CORPORATION, WORLD BANK, USPTO, SERCO, MINDBOX, ALPHABET, MICROSOFT, DOD, PFIZER, MODERNA, ASTRAZENECA, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, NIH, CDC, DARPA, CBS, BBC, UNITED STATES, USA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CHINA, etc., etc. — all need to be destroyed, along with their Territorial Corporation counterparts.

      Every asset any of these corporations ever had needs to be lawfully converted to the land jurisdiction and made subject to the Public Law and Law of the Land and those assets need to be used to find answers and provide comfort to the survivors.

      As the scope of the problem that these corporations have created dawns on the public, and people truly realize that they and their families have been murdered, sterilized, and subjected to medical experimentation by these faceless unaccountable THINGS, that their genome has been permanently damages, and that their very blood has been polluted, they will drill down to the names and faces of the Boards of Directors and the Officers in charge of these corporations, and they will kill them by fair means or foul.

      We all already know this. We know that no public amnesty can save the actual miscreants who did this to profit themselves. Men like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are dead already.

      What our government can do is to offer an organized and rational response to this situation, via the opening of our Public Courts and the application of our Public Law, which will serve to keep the rage organized and properly directed and save other innocent lives from being lost in riots and other kinds of social upheaval.

      We can also draw a line and offer amnesty to protect those who were acting in ignorance or under criminal coercion when they promoted or administered the injections.

      In the interests of peace and what remains of decency, we can serve as a bridge to a better future.

      Everyone reading this in America, please go to:

      This website and movement isn’t about begging and pleading with our employees and subcontractors to behave. It isn’t about reforming them and their operations. It’s about restoring our lawful land jurisdiction government to full functionality.

      People from other countries who are similarly fed up and who have been victimized by these criminals go to: to correct your political status records and start the process of restoring your lawful and traditional government.

      Dec 03, 2023 03:15 PM

      The only collateral damage we want to see is the forfeiture of these run amok and criminally mismanaged commercial corporations.

      These cretins and criminals wish to appear as the Saviors from the problems they create.

      They actually think that we are too stupid to figure out what they are doing and how they are doing it.

      In the immortal words of PFC USMC Gomer Pyle: “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”

      It is well-past time for all these organizations to straighten up and fly right.

      All their money is our money, a fact that they need to become aware of right about now. That includes any “United States Note” they try to float.

      What Clif High calls “the Splitting Up” has begun. Some major media groups are voting to save their own hides and reporting the actual news about Covid-19.

      As Americans realize what these “government service providers” have done, and how the Territorial and Municipal Corporations have sought to profit themselves from it, there are bound to be profound and severe reactions.

      Indeed, there will be such reactions throughout the world. Grief and outrage lead to anger and anger leads to murder of the guilty parties, whether via a riot and public guillotines (already set up, BTW) or the more sedate route of public courts and military tribunals leading to the same result.

      There are already enough organizations equipped to do what has to be done. We don’t need any public riots.

      Rather, let us be honest, and grieve. Let us contemplate our options and what scientific means can be used to suppress or remove the damage these fools have done.

      Let us gather quietly together and let our rage fuel better things. Not more blood in the streets.

      Don’t give them any satisfaction. Let them be revealed for what they are.

      Apart from bringing the criminals to justice, let us destroy the corporations these men used to bring about these tragic results, and by which they sought to profit themselves.

      The WHO, INC. and the UN CORPORATION, WORLD BANK, USPTO, SERCO, MINDBOX, ALPHABET, MICROSOFT, DOD, PFIZER, MODERNA, ASTRAZENECA, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, NIH, CDC, DARPA, CBS, BBC, UNITED STATES, USA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CHINA, etc., etc. — all need to be destroyed, along with their Territorial Corporation counterparts.

      Every asset any of these corporations ever had needs to be lawfully converted to the land jurisdiction and made subject to the Public Law and Law of the Land and those assets need to be used to find answers and provide comfort to the survivors.

      As the scope of the problem that these corporations have created dawns on the public, and people truly realize that they and their families have been murdered, sterilized, and subjected to medical experimentation by these faceless unaccountable THINGS, that their genome has been permanently damages, and that their very blood has been polluted, they will drill down to the names and faces of the Boards of Directors and the Officers in charge of these corporations, and they will kill them by fair means or foul.

      We all already know this. We know that no public amnesty can save the actual miscreants who did this to profit themselves. Men like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are dead already.

      What our government can do is to offer an organized and rational response to this situation, via the opening of our Public Courts and the application of our Public Law, which will serve to keep the rage organized and properly directed and save other innocent lives from being lost in riots and other kinds of social upheaval.

      We can also draw a line and offer amnesty to protect those who were acting in ignorance or under criminal coercion when they promoted or administered the injections.

      In the interests of peace and what remains of decency, we can serve as a bridge to a better future.

        Dec 03, 2023 03:22 PM

        By Anna Von Reitz

    Dec 03, 2023 03:39 PM

    With allies like Israel, who needs enemies!

    Dec 04, 2023 04:02 AM


    COP28 . No science in demand for end to fossil fuel use.

    Dec 04, 2023 04:25 AM

    The Arcehole who spends all his time flying around the World in private jets , speaks at COP28.

    I would presume the Chinese would tell him to F**KOFF.

    Dec 04, 2023 04:43 AM

    Hey Jerry…If you go to infowars…They report massive escalation by IDF….the trauma is beyond…you can here the screaming from those being bombed…It seems as if this all ensures the bible prophecies of final conflicts location….No way to reverse this sort of hate and trauma and memories…imho

      Dec 04, 2023 04:20 AM

      Thanks larry
      I think you are correct…hate is easy for alot of sheeple

    Dec 04, 2023 04:12 AM

    Anna V R gives public notice and warning to the people.

      Dec 05, 2023 05:00 AM

      Read that as many times as necessary and let it sink in with all its implications.

      “Our” U.S. Military is operated by a foreign corporation as a commercial Mercenary Force.

      The U.S. Military is required to operate lawfully and legally with respect to us, but it can do as it likes with respect to other people and other countries, which is immoral and which creates undisclosed conflicts of interest.

      The Constitution of the United States of America provides them with a Public Service Contract and it
      legalizes their activities with respect to us, but it has been improperly used as cover for them to engage in endless war-for-profit activities having nothing to do with defending our country.

      This particular corporation has shown itself to be in business for itself above and beyond any duties imposed by The Constitution of the United States of America and therein lies the rub.

      They have claimed to be defending our country while engaging in such things as the attack on Libya and the murder of the Libyan President, attacking Iraq on the known pretense of Iraq promoting “weapons of mass destruction”, and so on.

      These are not acts covered by our contract with them, but the cost of these actions were charged to our accounts and credit anyway and our sons and daughters were expended as cheap gun fodder for the illegal and immoral “conquests” these rapacious fools have engaged in; we have protested all these aggressions that have been done in our names and charged back the cost of these war-for-profit actions.

      There is certainly no excuse for any aggression on their parts in our names since 2017.

      Working in collusion with the other Municipal Corporation headquartered in Washington, DC, they have imported more than a million foreign mercenaries from a variety of other countries under the guise of these men being peaceful immigrants.

      Those “immigrants” are now staged throughout The United States poised and ready to begin the largest False Flag in history. The two guilty District of Columbia corporations and the Principals responsible for their operations, have deliberately planted these “immigrants” in our country for purposes of spawning a civil unrest that will allow them to attack civilian targets in this county.

      And it’s all phony. They know precisely where these “immigrants” are located, because they are literally paying for their services. Each one of these men — Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and others imported from various South American countries — is on their payroll.

      They are charging the cost of all this to our credit accounts in violation of commercial law and our Declaration of Flag.

      They have created this problem in collusion with the Biden Administration and the Federal Civil Service Agencies, and now propose to start a cozy little self-made civil war using imported foreign mercenaries to do it.

      We are issuing this Public International Notice to fully inform all nations and all international police and peacekeeping forces that this dangerous Farce is ongoing in this country and is in violation of our Public Service Contract with these Persons and their Principals.

      We are requesting that all funding of these private corporations be shut down and the corporations themselves be liquidated.

      We are requesting that they deliver up the names and locations of their foreign agents subject to immediate deportation and that their intended False Flag be converted into a peaceful roundup of illegal immigrants.

      All illegal immigrants are to be rounded up and deported without further delay. This is the only service we will pay for connected with this deplorable employee-sponsored plot against the peace of our nation. The cost of returning these men and women to their home countries is to be paid by the offending corporations that imported them.

      We have made it clear that we will pay to defend our borders and to arrest criminal miscreants.

      We will not pay for nor tolerate any further self-interested game-playing by foreign commercial corporations acting in Breach of Trust and their Public Service Contract.

      These are criminal acts being sponsored by the city states of Rome, Washington, DC, and the Inner City of London operating as commercial corporations.

      Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

        Dec 06, 2023 06:19 AM

        Thanks Chartster and Jerry.

        Those “immigrants” are now staged throughout The United States poised and ready to begin the largest False Flag in history.
        They know precisely where these “immigrants” are located, because they are literally paying for their services.

          Dec 06, 2023 06:59 AM

          Ditto Tommy…… they get a check every month…so you are spot on…

    Dec 04, 2023 04:36 AM

    In a world where common sense, is not common.

    Dec 04, 2023 04:39 AM

    Gold made a 125.00$ swing in todays trade.
    And made an all time high.

    Sucking em in? Or breakout to new highs?

      Dec 04, 2023 04:19 AM

      Already broke wind….up she goes…
      Reason ,..Brics..and Saudi just joined them

      Dec 04, 2023 04:19 PM

      Gold looks like it has formed a continuation head and shoulders pattern… Very bullish (but perhap will pause a bit to shake out weak hands)… fundamentals and technicals be are in sync… As Jerry said, “up she goes” !

        Dec 04, 2023 04:49 PM

        A quadruple top followed by a 150.00$ drop.
        The daily chart looks like a blowoff top.
        But we need to see what the rest of the week brings.
        If it does a blowoff top for the week, lots of gold bugs will be disappointed, yet again.
        It could get real ugly.

          Dec 04, 2023 04:14 PM

          Long term gold bug are not wrong…long term….J the Long..💲😁😆😆😆😆
          Been right for Over 20 years
          Would not surprise me if they take a stick to it…and beat it around …thanks Tommy 👍

          Dec 04, 2023 04:24 PM

          Never heard of a quadruple top… If it exists, it probably just indicates a temporary pause… Idk… Do you have a reference?

            Dec 04, 2023 04:48 PM

            I know of zero reference to quad top. But gold did triple top, then took a moon shot and just hit all time highs, then it just made a huge wick and bearish engulfing candle. (shooting star candle)
            Everyone got long last week, and are bag holding now. (and mr. market humbles many)
            People in the mining stocks had no chance.
            But the short term futures traders and binary options traders made bank.

            Dec 04, 2023 04:37 PM

            Thanks Chartster… I must agree that the daily chart looks like a disaster… I usually don’t pay much attention to daily action… need to see how the week goes… volatility can be expected during these crazy times…

    Dec 04, 2023 04:54 AM

    The crazy U.S. is using $2 million missiles to shoot down crude drones.
    A lesson of HOW TO GO BROKE fighting a war !

    Why don’t these ass-h*les take out the Iranian launch sites.
    Oh. I forgot, the senile president has Islamic traitor Obama advisors.

    Dec 04, 2023 04:09 AM
    Lying – impeach – lying “leader”

    Dec 04, 2023 04:19 PM

    Tucker Carlson says what is really scary……

    Dec 05, 2023 05:06 AM

    The “Blame Ukraine” Narrative Has Arrived in Full

    It’s obvious now the US doesn’t want Ukraine to win.

    Dec 05, 2023 05:11 PM

    And then the winds don’t blow and th suns don’t shine…..
    But you will own nothing and you will be happy.

    Dec 05, 2023 05:55 PM

    Europe is toast!
    Americans better learn from those morons.
    Close the F’ing boarder already!!!

      Dec 05, 2023 05:19 PM

      Not a hope the U.S. that voted for the commie Biden and his assinine policies
      Heck e are giving Zelenski citizenship and moving him her. How stupid.

    Dec 05, 2023 05:24 PM

    Of course the crook Joe Biden knows nothing of Hunter’s crooked deals…….


    Dec 05, 2023 05:38 PM

    Posted by .. oligarch#2 over at Zerohedge’s comment section.

    Even Fake News Fox News is figuring it out ….. Maybe CNN is next.
    60 years of Democrat/RINO Uniparty run CORRUPT politics and …

    Your Justice Department is Corrupt
    Your Country is involved in endless Wars you never wanted or voted for
    Your Cost of Living is outrageous
    Your Children are being molested in the public schools
    Your Cities are littered with mentally deranged ‘tent people’ randomly screaming at the sky
    Your Cost of Housing is at all time highs
    Your Taxes are outrageous
    Your Cost of Energy is at all time highs
    Your Medical/Pharma System has been Corrupted
    Your Cost of Insurance is at all time highs
    Your Police are retiring/resigning in droves
    Your Retail stores are getting cleaned out by thieves who are never prosecuted
    Your Cost of Medical care is at all time highs
    Your Schools Suck
    Your Cities have been turned into crime/drug infested smelly shhit holes
    Your Cost of Food is at all time highs
    Your Election system is BROKEN
    Your Government is more Corrupt than ever
    Your Cost of Gasoline is near all time highs
    Your FBI is Corrupt
    And last but not least, YOUR COUNTRY IS FLAT AZSS BROKE

    Have I covered everything ??? Better start finding a different type of person to vote for and start voting differently otherwise you get what you deserve.

      Dec 05, 2023 05:33 PM

      Great summary…… and it is the TRUTH…………..

    Dec 05, 2023 05:04 PM

    …dang…another live Schiff show….in an hour…

    Dec 05, 2023 05:38 PM

    The democrat leaders have been paid off and we are being invaded by the Chinese CCP. It seems we have traitors as leaders.

    Dec 06, 2023 06:40 PM

    “Washigton firmly under the control of Israel and its supporters in the U.S.”

    US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor Reveals TRUTH About Israel

      Dec 06, 2023 06:13 PM

      b, what else can we expect??? This is the United States of Israel…as P. Buchanan said long ago…DC is occupied territory…

    Dec 06, 2023 06:49 PM
    Dec 07, 2023 07:02 AM
    Dec 07, 2023 07:05 AM
    Dec 07, 2023 07:20 AM

    The D.U.M.B. M.I.C. Not so dumb………

    Dec 07, 2023 07:24 AM

    The scum democrats want you imprisoned in cities and controlled….

    Dec 07, 2023 07:32 AM

    Your traitorous scum democrats want to take away the U.S.A. You know……
    All for their retention of POWER..

    Dec 07, 2023 07:22 AM

    Donald J. Trump
    Illegal immigration costs the United States more than 200 Billion Dollars a year. How was this allowed to happen?
    6:55 AM · Dec 18, 2018

    It is currently estimated to be $350 Billion for fiscal year 2023, although offset by taxes paid by illegal imigrants of over $20 billion.
    What is uncertain is education/schools cost involved and how much this is covered by local (non-federal) taxes paid by illegals.

    Dec 07, 2023 07:40 AM

    Texas judge grants pregnant woman permission to get an abortion despite state’s ban

    Dec 07, 2023 07:57 AM

    rfk jr will run as an independent.

    the majority of comments for the article were they have no intention of voting for a zionist.

    Slowly people are figuring things out, when will enuff people realise they ALL have to go?

    Dec 07, 2023 07:31 PM

    If I were a Canadian, I’d be mad as hell…….

      Dec 07, 2023 07:15 PM

      I cant say i agree with everything he says.
      Rents and housing should continue moving up.

    Dec 07, 2023 07:35 PM
    Dec 07, 2023 07:03 PM

    Woozymansh*ts….wonder how her Awan buddies in crime are doing…of course they got away…no consequences for their crimes whatsoever….business as usual…in the District of Criminals…

    Dec 07, 2023 07:31 PM

    McDuff on tonight… talk live…

    Dec 07, 2023 07:33 PM

    US,.. is going to hell in a hand basket… sheeple better get honed in….
    Open up more communication lines in lieu of sleepy time…

    Dec 07, 2023 07:18 PM
    Dec 08, 2023 08:37 AM

    FREAKY FRIDAY AGAIN……………WORLD SUCKS starting with the WHO…. World Healthlollollol

      Dec 08, 2023 08:19 AM


      Dec 08, 2023 08:21 PM

      Finish on a positive mood…😀

    Dec 08, 2023 08:25 AM

    WARNING OR NOT…………………… maybe you should read it….. from Anna Von Reitz….

    Friday, December 8, 2023
    Urgent Alert — Situation Update for Americans
    By Anna Von Reitz

    Here is the— unfortunately well-documented — expectation: a massive credit crisis and dollar devaluation will begin hitting on December 14th-15th.

    All currencies in the western model will reset on a 1:1 exchange rate that is artificial. The idea behind this is to create buying power parity for all the national currencies and ‘retire’ the FRN from serving as the “Reserve Currency”.

    Foreign countries will have to conduct business in their own currency, except for a few expenses.

    I don’t have the computer programs to calculate the exact devaluation, but we are basically being blasted back to 1965. This, then, is creating a massive credit crunch as the banks are unwilling to extend loans at current values and have them paid back with devalued currency.

    This is also collapsing the mortgage market. Wells Fargo is dumping AAA mortgages onto secondary market investors without full disclosure. And of course the mortgage derivatives market is going kabluey, too. All those mortgage backed securities will be in oblivion, which will kill the pension fund association investments.

    In other words, it’s another dodge. They can’t dump the debt back onto the victims via bankruptcy fraud, so they are doing it by devaluing the currency, killing the credit market, and tanking the stock market.

    We have four days left.

    Americans are advised to get daily screenshots of their account balances and/or ATM account balance receipts so that their parity claims can be made good after the fact.

    Except for those already in process, it is too late to access the Safety Vault.

    This is going to make the Great Depression look like a cake walk, but don’t despair. Remember the other side of the ledger. Your off-ledger assets. Your pre-paid credit.

    They could have avoided all of this, simply by the process of lawful conversion. Now they will be liable for the unlawful conversion, and no matter what they do, they will be wiped out.

    Sadly, many innocent people will suffer, too. Don’t be panicked. Take a jaunt to the grocery store and the drug store and do what you can to secure your position and prepare your families.

    The Post Office should continue to function.

    The Bilateral Bank System will be distributing Prosperity Cards and other instruments that will allow you to access your American Federation Dollars and prepaid credit.

    Stay away from Washington, DC, and also avoid the District of Columbia if at all possible. Take a clue from the members of Congress who will all be conveniently absent when this giant, hairy, ball of wax is let loose.

      Dec 08, 2023 08:22 AM

      in 4 days…..scary….Thanks Jerry!

        Dec 08, 2023 08:42 AM

        larry…………..FEAR NOT………….. listen to the below video…… on freedom concerning the reset…
        brent johnson

    Dec 08, 2023 08:28 AM

    For those who want to know about YOUR CONSTITUTION……… AND LAW…. not BAR LAW but COMMON LAW… which has not been practiced because of the CROWN, helped by your
    FAKE US GOVT… from 1868….
    You might want to listen to the above “wealth transfer ” post above…

      Dec 08, 2023 08:30 AM

      South Carolina Governor McCalister announcing Nesara/Gesara spending cards to transform the financial future of everyone. Has anyone else seen this video?

    Dec 08, 2023 08:17 AM

    Go to the 49 min mark………. for those WHO THINK tHEY KNOW ABOUT >>>>> INCOME TAX…. lMAO…

      Dec 08, 2023 08:42 AM

      “All interest shall be paid in gold…and you can’t pay it because you can’t pay the interest with a debt note…Feral Reserve…parent corporation of Dept of the Treasury which is a private corporation…IRS is the grandchild of the Feral Reserve…which is private corporation…debt based currency…”

      We are just debt and tax serfs…and Greg H said today Lord Austin said they may need to send your grandkids to fight the Rooskies…if the corrupt politicians don’t give Zelinsky hundreds of billions more of your dollars…so get back to work…tax serfs…ruled by evil, mass murdering criminals…

        Dec 08, 2023 08:45 AM

        You might want to listen to the entire tape… concerning YOUR REAL STATUS… u

          Dec 08, 2023 08:20 PM

          Yes…we are not only tax cattle to our rulers…but we are also collateral for our rulers debt…

    Dec 08, 2023 08:01 AM

    this site is almost dead, i wonder if Al has any kind of plan to revive it.
    A decent guest would help, might be kinda tuf tho now that he said he supports the genocide of the Palistinians.

    Guess we find out this saturday.

      Dec 08, 2023 08:43 AM

      ….maybe we can go to your blog??? If I recall correctly…Mr. Big Al Korelin once said you have a blog…

        Dec 08, 2023 08:57 AM

        I have never had a blog Eb. I wouldnt even know how to start one.

          Dec 08, 2023 08:31 PM

          I am sorry to hear that…I think you should start one…

      Dec 08, 2023 08:42 AM

      Boys Stay on the blog ! Al and Jimmy A relazing What day stand fore ! The US will wake up ! And it will note be Nice !

        Dec 08, 2023 08:51 AM

        Ditto Franky….. The sheeple will not know what hit them

          Dec 08, 2023 08:22 PM

          Jerry Boys ! USA 61 Billion $ to Ukraine Pay the oligarchs USA ore we will send your Children ! When Bankers prind Money and Policy sends Money you’r in Big DoDo western World ! So Ugly what”s coming !

            Dec 08, 2023 08:24 PM

            Franky you should read the article I posted today above and you should listen to the video as well… you will be way ahead of the curve….
            🦉 should leave this site open,so those who have insight can share with those who are a step behind…and nobody knows it all…
            Ukraine is over….imo