

Borealis Mining – Acquisition of Gold Bull Resources, Sandman Project: Economics and Synergies

December 12, 2024

Kelly Malcolm, President and CEO of Borealis Mining (TSX.V: BOGO – FSE: L4B0) joins me to discuss the December 10th announcement of the acquisition of Gold Bull Resources, and the Sandman Project in Nevada. 


Kelly provides a recap of the current resource, released in 2021, and economics from a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) released in 2023. We also discuss how this acquisition fits into the Company’s strategy of acquiring assets too small for major companies, with positive economics, close to the existing infrastructure owned by Borealis. 


Kelly then outlines the work needed to bring this asset to shovel ready and start building the mine. I also ask about potential exploration on the project. 


Please email me any follow up questions you have for Kelly. My email address is


Click here to visit the Borealis Mining website to learn more about the Company.

    Dec 12, 2024 12:25 PM

    A Frenchman named Georges Melies made the first Science Fiction Film. “A Trip To The Moon”, was released in France in 1902. The first great classic of science fiction film cinema was Fritz Lang’s Metropolis released in Germany in 1926.

    Two films after that changed the science fiction world. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s story and George Lucas’s Star Wars. DT

    Dec 13, 2024 13:42 AM