

Investing in the markets

March 19, 2011

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In this show Al discusses:

  • Segment 1 – Al opens the show with Roger Wiegand.
  • Segment 2 – Al continues with Trader Rog discussing the rationale of being in or out of the precious metals’ markets.
  • Segment 3 – Bob Moriarty discusses his overview of the markets.
  • Segment 4 – Dr. Michael Berry discusses investing.
  • Segment 5- Al can’t stay away from politics. In this segment he and Trader Rog discuss Hillary Clinton’s recent comment regarding limiting her time in the Obama administration.
  • Segment 6 – Del Steiner, President of Premium Exploration, provides an update on his company.
  • Segment 7 – Al and Bahman Yamini, President of Cansil Resources provide an update on the company.
  • Segment 8 – Brien Lundin, owner of the New Orleans Gold Show, wraps up the show with his views on the gold market.


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    Mar 19, 2011 19:26 AM

    Geez…. c’mon, guys… ease up on the angst about the UN and the one-world-cabal and all that. It may be true, but if I want rants I can listen to Rush Limbaugh. I appreciate your show because I can get daily updates and thoughts about the resource sector, but it needs to be thoughtful and spoken with a reasoned tone… not emotional diatribes.

      Mar 19, 2011 19:28 PM

      Take your head out of your “sand”.

      Mar 20, 2011 20:19 AM

      I agree with Dirk, I would go even farther and say I don’t agree with Al and Rog
      about the UN and one world govt. etc… I think the world needs more cooperation and the UN was supposed to be the organization to make that happen. It’s been compromised largely by the right wing in this country (think John Bolton) who
      advocate a unilateral approach to foreign policy. The Geo. W. Bush foreign policy was a total disaster and his administration and it’s policies are why we are in such a financial mess right now. Don’t forget that the financial meltdown happened in the waning days of the Bush administration, Obama was left trying to pick up the pieces. I agree Obama has not been nearly tough enough on the big banks (he should have not bailed them out, but let them fail). In that way Obama is just as bad as Bush was.

      I acutally support Obama in his policy toward Libya. He is letting the UN take the lead in this which is exactly the right thing to do. The world must stop madmen like Gaddafi. It is not the US’s business to do this but it is a world problem which is what
      the UN was set up to do. We are contributing but we are not the main military
      power this time, good!

    Mar 19, 2011 19:52 AM

    Big Al praises/respects Hillary but she is the one that is pushed for getting the U.S. into the Libyan no fly zone. The same no fly zone he thinks we should not get our knitting into. Huh?

    Mar 19, 2011 19:15 AM

    Seg 2..AL,,remember the old saying ,don’t put all your eggs in one basket,
    unless you watch it like a hawk.
    Rare coins are like real estate, stocks or bonds,,,, you better know what
    you are doing and just taking ones advice is not always wise.
    Rare coins are just not gold and silver coins. and gold and silver coins
    come and go out of favor ….. The spot price of rare coins is much higher
    than bullion. You need to consider rare coins as a different class of
    investment ,, such as gun, civil war collectors, art and so on..
    Rare coin collectors generally just did not enter into the market yesterday.
    Knowing how to grade coins or buying spot free coins,that are slab graded by
    by PCGS, or equal,, will greatly effect the price. or value to rare coin collectors.

    Mar 19, 2011 19:46 PM

    seg 1:
    Hyper inflation only happens when the private “bankers” start counterfeiting cash – cash that is created and given to themselves and close friends, as opposed to loaning it out. Inflation happens when people default on loans. Are the wages in China going up with food prices? What is their unemployment rate?
    Washington State could convert to its own community currency right now. You would have full employment in the state in two months. What kind of men can’t figure out how to manage their own currency/banking system? Are you under the impression that “money” in a savings account is actually there and somehow growing its self?
    Gold backed currency just keeps the monopoly on creation of currency in the parasitic “bankers” hands, they have most of gold. They are still going to rent out the receipts for gold. They are still going to control how many receipts are in circulation. They are still going to be in control of the economy. Do we really have to continue being the banks bitch?

    Mar 19, 2011 19:37 PM

    Hello fellow investors. In my opinion, you can’t really understand what’s going on in the world, unless you have a solid understanding of economics and a healthy assessment of basic “human nature”. Geo-political events, gov. actions, decisions to go to war, bank, monetary, and societal shenanigans and collapses, etc.. are all tied together. You can’t view these events in isolation. They are all connected. The three main motivators in life are the desire for Power, Prestige/Position, and Wealth(the “lust” of the eyes, the “lust” of the flesh, and the “pride” of life). When these or any combination thereof become all important, there’s gonna be trouble! Blessings.

      Mar 20, 2011 20:36 PM

      well put , good post

    Mar 19, 2011 19:18 PM

    seg 5:
    You’re really stickin’ to your guns believin’ Hillary isn’t just playin’ a manipulation game. Hillary being more “conservative” than Obama? I guess she’s a “right” winger now. Your sayn’ the UN is runnin’ America but you can’t believe communism has conquered? Whoooowheeee! You gotta know what is edible This is one world government – the “bank” is the dictator. Are you a patriot? Would you be willing to risk everything to put this country on the right track? Not sayin’ you’re dumb(yet) but “bank run” is the smartest thing you’ve said yet. “They” don’t have to evacuate Tokyo. “They” can watch them all die for all “they” care. You don’t have to let dumb bitches run your life.

      Mar 19, 2011 19:53 PM

      Easier for Americans to swallow saying UK and France are leading.

      India, China, Russia sit back and watch us waste our resources and go deeper in debt.

      Mar 20, 2011 20:47 AM

      And, if you are willing to die for the right of private “bankers” to continue parasiting and controlling our economy, you have been played.

        Mar 21, 2011 21:29 PM

        Exxon starts drilling of the cost of Libya next week for oil. Ding Ding.

    Mar 20, 2011 20:19 AM

    Congratulations AmeroCons. Ya got yerselves yet another “splendid little war.” To tell you the truth I’ve lost track of all your wars. Heck, as far as I know you’re still in Bosnia. 15 years plus for that splendid little war.

    This song and video make as much sense as the neocons and shows where your empire is headed:

    Mar 20, 2011 20:54 PM

    Greetings fellow travellers and Truth seekers,
    Interesting debate about war and who is responsible. Some may be visiting this blogsite for the first time. OK, you are visiting a site, where many of us, who are regular listeners to Al and Rog, from what I can deduce from the blogs, are fiercely independent thinkers, contrarians, Patriots of the old virtues and values of America, lovers of Liberty and free-market principles, generous, intolerant of evil and wrong-headed thinking and principles that destroy people, but not haters of people themselves. Most of us would not desire war and do not approve of many of the wars we are currently involved in, especially when there is no clear reason for going to war in the first place, no clear objective, and no plan for ending them quickly and victoriously, with as few casualties as possible. No one that I know of, wants endless nor senseless wars. True, the world is in a state of anarchy and chaos. I know there is much despair. Regime’s are tumbling and I fear worse one’s are replacing them in many cases. Time will tell. Food prices are soaring due to inflation and failing currencies, and supply/demand factors in combo. Monetary systems are collapsing as gov’ts implode. “Nation against nation, people against people”. Why? All this has been fortold. Many, not all, have turned their back on their Creator, and have kicked the Bible, Prayer, and the Ten Commandments out of school, culture, and even thought. Chaos has followed. Where is God, people ask? Well, God, being the Gentleman that He is, said, “O.K., you don’t want to have anything to do with me”, and has backed away from us as a nation, and now we and many nations around the world are reaping the consequences of removing GOD and HIS subsequent Blessings, from our lives. But GOD, in HIS mercy still says: “Come unto ME, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” and also, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. IIChronicles 7:14. There is coming a much better day, when there will be no more war! Ahhhh, can’t wait!