

Thoughts on Well-Being

February 21, 2014

We are not being compensated by either Mr. Tomc or Nordic Naturals. This is not meant to be medical advice and is intended for informational purposes.

    Feb 21, 2014 21:15 PM

    Would Omega be the last word on the subject? That is the question.

      Feb 22, 2014 22:10 AM

      Don’t know, but I am learning.

    Feb 21, 2014 21:25 PM

    Hey Big Al, there are reports that bankers and ex-bankers are whacking themselves, right an left.

    I understand you are an ex-banker. You’re not feeling suicidal, are you?

    But maybe these bankers are not whacking themselves but are being knocked off for what they know. Al, you don’t know too much, do you?

      Feb 21, 2014 21:18 PM

      I know nothing!

        Feb 21, 2014 21:10 PM


        When I saw your comment (“I know nothing!”). I immediatley thought of this show that I watched as a kid.

        In retrospect, there is nothing funny about POWs in German concentrations camps.

        But … Sgt. Schultz still makes me giggle (Does that make me a bad person?)


          Feb 22, 2014 22:09 AM

          He did have some humanity.

    Feb 21, 2014 21:32 PM

    Omega-3 s reduce inflammation, triglycerides and blood pressure.

    The federal government’s latest dietary guidelines, released in early 2011, suggest a specific amount—8 ounces a week—to get an average total daily intake of 250 mg. of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two main types of omega-3s. Here’s a look at some popular fish and shellfish and their approximate total content of those two fatty acids per 4-ounce portion:

    Salmon (Atlantic, Chinook, Coho): 1,200-2,400 mg.
    Anchovies: 2,300-2,400 mg.
    Bluefin tuna: 1,700 mg; yellowfin tuna: 150-350; canned: 150-300 mg.
    Sardines: 1,100-1,600 mg.
    Trout: 1,000-1,100 mg.
    Crab: 200-550 mg.
    Cod: 200 mg.
    Scallops: 200 mg.
    Lobsters: 200 mg.
    Tilapia: 150 mg.
    Shrimp: 100 mg.

    As I stated on this blog a week ago, I eat two meals a day and the majority of one of those meals include fish. (Although I include Shrimp and lobster in the fish category.
    (I used to eat herring until the (expletive deleted) spanish fishermen virtually eliminated them from northern european waters. Herring and mackerel have some of the highest omega-3 content.

      Feb 22, 2014 22:46 AM

      Thanks Professor.

      I am getting pretty interested in this.

      More later.

    Feb 21, 2014 21:38 PM

    So eating fish is great for your body, eating Pacific ocean fish too is great [except Fukushima`s reactor`s many leaks may cause you to glow at night, but hey that`s ok because you are told by our government that its a wonderful life, and everything we eat has been tested by the FDA, and we can `trust` our government].

      Feb 21, 2014 21:12 PM

      Where’s is Franky? I need a Fuki-Sushi fish video

      Feb 22, 2014 22:47 AM

      Certainly a subject that is more than just a little interesting, Dennis!

    Feb 22, 2014 22:25 AM

    Everyday I start the same way – plenty of fruit. I load up on fruit. Then oatmeal with walnut, banana, apple, generous amount of cinnamon and a dab of honey.

    I have the oatmeal with fresh squeezed juice.

    Then I finish with green tea

    I’m good to go the rest of the day.

    I can pick the rest of the day

    A handful of peanuts,pistachios, more tea.

    A bit of cheese now and then.

    Lots of broccoli.

    sardines are great for you – high in omegas, low on the food chain.

    Forks over knives

    Feb 22, 2014 22:50 AM

    Great comment.

    You have obviously been talking with our youngest daughter!

    Feb 22, 2014 22:23 PM

    The Rejuvenation Enzyme
    Dr.Hiromi Shinya
    -No fruit after meals
    Fruit before meals to awaken the processing system and facilitate digestion
    12-15 hour mini-fasts each day-eliminates waste,toxins and fat
    85% grains/fruit/veggies
    minimal meat,fish based diet
    no homogenized dairy products,unless raw and/or goat’s milk