

The power of government

June 7, 2014

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    Jun 07, 2014 07:41 AM

    Thanks as always guys for the tremendous input and integrity of your weekend show. I’m with you Al that of course the fundamentals HAVE to matter longterm, and hold the ultimate sway. Black swans are a a’comin as we al know and the impregnable dollar must get pecked to death without mercy. I’m also with Gary and Doc in thinking the dollar’s demise will be sooner rather than later.
    As for the President sidestepping Congress, he’s been doing that for years now. Would strongly recommend Dr Craig Roberts’ brilliant ‘How America was lost’ to underscore just what a psycho the puppet Obama is turning into. Nor is that a judgment, just a simple observation. His body language and the grin he gave his other G 7 leaders this week is the give-away – his grin now growing as comparably distorted as that of Tony Blair’s when embracing Netanyahu.
    Re Segment 6, Jay Taylor’s response to Wayne is sublime. And absolutely, regardless of whether folk think of themselves as religious or not the Ten Commandments are the bedrock of an individual’s/society’s sanity and integrity.
    Only one person missing Al/Cory from this site, namely Dr Craig Roberts!

    Jun 07, 2014 07:44 AM

    Off-message. Maybe VP Joe Biden’s someone whose word you can trust!!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:41 AM

      I have not looked at your youtube yet, Rev, but when Biden was running for the Senate he plagiarized Tony Blair’s background as growing up and wrote it into his own, and did not even bother to change the words enough that it was found by someone googling a speech……then he lied about it.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:51 AM

        Did not know that, thanks.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:04 AM

          Long time ago. But my memory is long.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:50 AM

      Peggy Noonan, a conservative writer, says he is a good person.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:17 AM

        I don’t personally know much about Biden. I get the impression he is working above his level of competency and is not very bright, although above the intelligence of an average college attendee.
        From Wikipedia:
        Biden was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic US Presidential nominations when it was alleged that he had failed a 1965 introductory law school course on legal methodology due to plagiarism. “Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his Presidential campaign . . . acknowledged ‘a mistake’ in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school. Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ‘malevolent,’ that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully.” Biden withdrew from the race September 23, 1987, and reported the law school incident to the Delaware Supreme Court. The court’s Board of Professional Responsibility cleared him of any allegations.
        Biden was also accused of plagiarizing portions of his speeches, notably those of British Labour leader Neil Kinnock and US Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Biden was forced out of the Presidential race after the Michael Dukakis campaign released a video showing Biden using one of Kinnock’s speeches without properly attributing it. Biden called the charges “much ado about nothing;” it was also revealed that Biden had used and properly cited the Kinnock speech on several other occasions, although he failed to do so on the one instance recorded by the Dukakis campaign.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:52 PM

          Just great Professor, yet another winner politician!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:20 AM

      Joe Biden for President? Oh Man

    Jun 07, 2014 07:09 AM

    Although as Jay T says the Sgt Bergdahl prisoner swap ‘muddies the waters’ it strikes me as both not trivial if not sinister. Just what is Obama doing by releasing an American of dubious loyalty in exchange for five high ranking members of the Taliban? Nixon’s Watergate impeachment pales by comparison.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:42 AM

      Dubious loyalty??? greed in money … greed in gold … frequenly make people saying things they shouldn’t say … what a greed rev u are … if u like gold or money … that’s ok … but to see your fellow american to suffer is too disgusting!!! And to accuse without proof … and to spread unfounded lies against your brother must be a big sin… isnt it rev?

        Jun 07, 2014 07:01 AM

        I obviously don’t agree with your comment about Rev’ s interest in gold because it is just silly.

        Your comment about the soldier’s philosophy is thought provoking.

        We have two very different issues here.

        Bottom line to me is that we should simply not be involved over there. It is not our battle.

        If another 911 type attack occurs, then we take serious and decisive action. To be in a situation where innocent people are getting killed is simply wrong.

        Please someone, convince me that I am wrong.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:28 AM

        You’re a strange one NABAA.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:18 AM

          U mean he is a traitor??? If that’s the case, please accept my apology for my ignorance … i don’t know bergdahl is a traitor… how come the usa gov exchange for his release??? sorry again to REV

            Jun 08, 2014 08:55 AM

            No probs – NABAA. All I hear is that his fellow marines said he defected to the Taliban. Simply walked out on his comrades.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:54 AM

      As I understand it he is a traitor and caused the death of other soldiers. I am anxiously waiting to hear the truth.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:20 AM

        A military court will decide the facts according to their code of law.
        I am awaiting a day the US does not send men and women into theatres of war to support the interests of Wall St. and the monied elite.
        That day will never come despite what has been going down for all of these years.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:53 PM

          Completely agree, Matt

            Jun 08, 2014 08:27 AM

            Matt – totally agree – have been listening to this morning’s service from Portsmouth cathedral commemorating D day: Some very moving anecdotes along with excerpts read from last letters written to loved ones . But I wish to high heaven that the churches would home in on the psychopaths who start the wars. Moving tributes are all very well. But as a Christian I feel it’s high time to up the ante and challenge those overtly evil war-mongers to the point at which they can squirm no longer. That is as much a Christian duty (more so) than all the emotive words and prayers that get spoken at times like these.
            Of course while the Christian faith teaches that we’re all sinners, it can be more of a sin NOT to speak up and venture opinions that go way beyond those of respectable Churchianity.

            I’s like to hear your take on this Al. And thankyou for agreeing to get Dr Craig Roberts on your show.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:32 AM

            Good Morning Reverend,

            Trust me Reverend, I really do try to “walk the walk”. (As do a lot of our friends.)

            Christians and others have been speaking out against wars for a long time.

            I agree with you in that it is time to start aggressively addressing this topic on our forum. Most, if not all, of my friends in politics would agree on this.

            Thanks for the advice. It is well taken.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:50 AM

            Al has a long list of requests for new guests. He gets them sometimes too. A credit to the credibility and the energy of the guys running the show. Martin Armstrong won’t come though. Too many here are hostile to his gold message. I am sure he reads the site from time to time though. Plenty of notable people do.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:56 AM

            Thanks Al, A

        Jun 08, 2014 08:13 AM

        U mean he is a traitor??? If that’s the case, please accept my apology for my ignorance … i don’t know bergdahl is a traitor… how come the usa gov exchange for his release??? sorry again to REV

    Jun 07, 2014 07:48 AM

    What is really interesting to me is to hear that views on the dollar and golds price are about as divisive as sentiments and theory on the inflation versus deflation debate. These are clearly connected though and how we analyze this now will play a big role in our success with investments.

    Those who side with dollar collapse and dollar crisis themes are almost without exception the most bullish on gold whereas those who see a deflation outcome as imminent will be thinking of shifting to bonds, cash, cash equivalents and treasuries.

    Should asset prices fall abruptly and without remorse (anticipated by virtually everyone who understands that all bubbles eventually burst) then it seems clear to me that a deflationary outcome is most probable as the collateral backing so much debt is destroyed.

    We already know from both history and experience how capable consumers were in the credit creation process after their homes and stocks plummeted in value some years back so we hardly need to revisit that in detail.

    Suffice to say that collateral is critical to an economies health and the poor rates of savings mean that much of the middle class depends upon illiquid assets to engage in new borrowing. The faltering of home prices does not auger well and it seems likely we will still see the mean reversion in residential price that has been avoided until now. This time around though there will be hell to pay for commercial and retail space as well owing in part to the contraction in the retail economy.

    So our future winners might justl be those collecting interest in a negative rate environment and those unburdened by debt and in a position of liquidity that thus allows them to acquire that which others can no longer afford.

    One of the more disturbing aspects of the last Great Depression was that many ordinary investors who subsequently became unemployed as a result of the economy faltering, ended up selling off their retirement savings and stocks just to keep their heads above water.

    In other words, they flew with the eagles as stocks soared into 29 but were forced out of the market at its bottom as the economy cratered and job opportunities vanished. There were no safety nets in those days of course so it became much more a daily struggle to survive if you had been leveraged to stocks or deeply in debt just prior to the onset of that economic disruption we call the Depression.

    I side with the deflationists here. It is inconceivable to me that we can blow a multitude of asset bubbles (and keep in mind it is a global phenomenon) at a time when all debt has become excessive and then not expect the eventual reconciliation to result in widespread bankruptcies, impaired collateral and ultimately a deflation spiral.

    And there will not likely be much salvation at hand either. Both governments and central banks are either already tapped out or short on ammo to stimulate. The stimulative effects have ceased working in some cases. The inflation we are getting meanwhile is not the kind that generates income growth but only that which is misery inducing and squeezes discretionary income.

    For the time being though, the inflation numbers give the impression that the economy is functioning OK but I believe this can be very deceptive and lead investors to draw false conclusions about the future. Under the surface, the cumulative total of indebtedness and future obligations is utterly staggering and its growth has shown little sign of abating.

    Obviously it is crucial to everyone with a nut in the game that asset prices remain aloft or the means by which the economy might expand and grow will wither along with the impairment of collateral. This is the key point in my view.

    If we all understand that real estate, homes, business, stocks etcetera are substantially what backs credit expansion where consumers are concerned then how can we not be concerned that the end to an asset bubble will not result in debt reconciliation and failures?

    It is at the point the game ends and a real contraction begins that the importance of cash suddenly becomes apparent. Nobody will even argue that point anymore and the inflationist’s with their various hedges against the wrong devil will probably be nursing wounds and praying for recovery!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:03 AM

      I”l make this point about deflation.

      The huge debt burden has been moved from the private sector to the governments balance sheet. Governments can print money at will. There is no amount of debt that can’t be inflated away. Rick likes to use the quadrillion number. That just means the government has to print 2 quadrillion to service the debt.

      The reason we had deflation in the 30’s is because the money supply was limited by the gold backing. There is no limit to the money supply now and as long as the debt is government debt there is no limit to what they can service with the printing press.

      Think of it this way. Let’s say you have a counterfeiting machine in your basement. Other than the limits imposed by your paper supply is there realistically any limit on your ability to borrow and spend?

      The government owns one of those counterfeiting machines.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:58 AM

        And so dies fiat currency; a death of a thousand cuts….or a thousand billion duplicates or more.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:08 AM

        Gary as Eric Burden said years ago, “just how long can a good thing last!”

        Jun 07, 2014 07:10 AM

        Gary, the US government has liabilities on it’s books listed at around 17 trillion dollars, they might be able to print enough money to cover this debt assuming they can get the money to where it is needed and on time. You can’t draw up plans ahead of time because no one knows how a crash will play out.

        The real problem is not the US government debt as much as it is the derivative market which encompasses anywhere from 600 trillion dollars to 900 trillion dollars or more, and the rest of the World economy which is intertwined. To think that you can have multiple printing presses strategically linked and co-ordinated to act in unison and print your way out seems rather naive and simplistic. The problem wasn’t solved in 2008 it was only delayed.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:55 PM

          That is certainly the general consensus, Machine Gun!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:21 AM

        There is no amount of debt that can’t be inflated away…There is no limit to the money supply now…Think of it this way. Let’s say you have a counterfeiting machine in your basement. Other than the limits imposed by your paper supply is there realistically any limit on your ability to borrow and spend?

        I am so flabbergasted by your response I think it might be best if others challenged your line of reasoning for a change. I will sit this one out for today. Those comments are totally incredible though.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:12 AM

          What’s incredible is you think that debt can be inflated away with a printing press, it has never worked and it never will without destroying the very society it was empowered to protect. Maybe they can also restore confidence in “The Continentals”.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:20 AM

          Also if someone had a counterfeiting machine in their basement they would in time be arrested for currency destruction. When you invest in a stock and a company continually issues shares what do you think happens to their share price, I think you should sit this one out.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:52 PM

            Those were Gary’s comments Dick. They were not mine. I was quoting him directly but neglected to put the quotation marks around his words nor the attribution to the writer. Here…let me repeat this for clarity since you obviously did not read Gary’s post above:

            “There is no amount of debt that can’t be inflated away…There is no limit to the money supply now…Think of it this way. Let’s say you have a counterfeiting machine in your basement. Other than the limits imposed by your paper supply is there realistically any limit on your ability to borrow and spend?” ~~ Gary Savage

          Jun 07, 2014 07:21 PM

          Bird….Which part of , DT’s comment did you NOT understand…I understood it & I agree with what he wrote…….Man for the life of me , I can not understand why? you are so bullish the US dollar……..DT…Keep the common sense comments coming.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:30 PM

            Bird …Shame on you for Plagiarizing GARY…..Are you & Biden related…just kidding , always quote your sources….Other wise you end up with egg on your face..Bird….is there a pun there somewhere ? .

            Jun 07, 2014 07:59 PM

            Probably because it is the prettiest pig in the barnyard. But just wait and a new one will come along!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:28 AM

            If you guys know another currency you would prefer to use for international trade then please tell me what it is. Gold is not one of the options either because there are so many countries with little or none as part of formal reserves.

            It will not therefore, nor can it ever be used that way again without upsetting virtually all the trade agreements signed into existence over the past decades. Why nobody seems to appreciate this is just simply beyond my understanding. The use of gold means that power shifts almost entirely in favour of the richest countries based on a good that has little direct trade value except as a token for other goods that are desired.

            We have seen in the past how almost all the gold ended up in the hands of the US following WWII. That spelled the end of trade. Game over if nobody has any. When we get to that stage then there is no chance for any countries to trade anymore because nobody possesses enough to complete transactions.

            That was one of the reason the dollar came into popular use in the first place. We need to understand that there is a basic requirement of a fairly even distribution of gold amongst all countries or trade itself will grind to a standstill. But that cannot be achieved in a modern developed world. So then how might poorer nations of South America, Southeast Asia or Africa do business abroad and buy tools, technologies, food and finished goods from the wealthier countries?

            Clearly gold is a hindrance to the free exchange amongst nations. The dollar itself is less than perfect but it works well as a medium of exchange because everyone can possess them without strip mining their lands in search of golden flakes with which to keep doing business.

            The thing is that I just cannot understand the argument of people who believe the dollar must die. They just don’t think through what the dollar really is used for in the first place or why it is important. They system we have now at least attempts to level the playing field amongst nations and enables virtually all the worlds countries to participate in trade that is beneficial to all of them.

            So the dollar is most certainly not at risk from that perspective. Its dominance may recede somewhat as others countries choose to return to more primitive forms of exchange that really amount to no more than barter at a high level. That is what is being implied by Iranian, Chinese and Russia exchanges of oil for goods and technology.

            But obviously trade liquidity is reduced and the action only results in complicated forms of swaps that are not so easy to value while also excluding most other trade partners from engaging in beneficial trade. For example, if China trades aircraft for oil with Russia then what does it later do to acquire commodities from Brazil and Chile?

            Alternatively, if Russia uses consulting services or expenses tourism or buys canned fruit from the Dominican Republic by using Rubles then who will take Rubles when Dominican needs to buy German made canning machines? It should be clear from the outset that virtually nobody wants Rubles in the first place. Gold is fine but Dominican has no gold. So how will it buy pharmaceuticals from France?

            One of the dollars purposes is to eliminate those barriers and enable a smooth functioning system of exchange that does not rely upon somewhat arbitrary measures and comparisons of goods to close deals. It is a system that excludes gold to allow countries without precious metals inclusion into the worlds trading regimes.

            If one single person here can tell me what will replace dollars and actually improve global liquidity then please speak up. I am all ears.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:12 AM

            As always Bird, you make some good points.

            When I talk about gold I am referring not to a contemporary currency, but to a currency of last resort. Secondly, I really think that the issue here is that most agree that an asset backed currency will or at least could very possibly take over the role of the U.S. dollar as it exists today.

            Will that actually happen? Heck I don’t know, but I think that if it did the economies of the world would definitely be stronger.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:30 AM

            Excuse me….Dominican does have gold. Maybe that was not the best example. You will still get my point though no doubt.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:32 AM

        I have to disagree with Gary that the money supply was limited due to gold backing.
        During the first war all the money required was printed with abandon regardless of a gold standard.
        I believe the money supply was limited intentionaly so banks could reposses/forclose and purchase assets as cheaply as possible.
        Banks I believe expand and contract the money supply specifically for their advantage.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:50 AM

          Silver was the world’s currency.
          Britain(and America) destroyed the wealth and currency of the world by instituting a fiat backed by gold.
          Then the world’s gold was stolen(WW2) by Britain and America for continued world fiat dominance.
          Britain printed their wad and now the fiat gig is up and America.
          The rest of the world has determined that America has passed their fiat responsibility due date and will act accordingly.
          Nothing is new under the sun and gold will once again be the cornerstone of fiat relevance.
          My wish is that people read up on SDR’s and recognise those that are advocating it.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:07 PM

        There are some people on this site..not naming names that STILL dont get that point that you made regarding deflationary vs. inflationary forces. Inflation is a monetary phenom pure and simple – more and more fiat dollars chasing less and less goods and serivce. HENCE GOLD GOES UP TO REFLECT THAT IS JUST TAKES MORE WORTHLESS DOLLARS TO BUY AN OUNCE OF GOLD.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:38 PM

          Don’t be shy Marc. Please name names. Some of us are quite confident you know.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:06 PM

          Gold and silver have not gone up to reflect the worthlessness of the dollar. They are still being held down in an attempt to pretend that dollars and other fiat currencies have value.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:06 AM

      Great comment, Bird!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:55 AM

        Folks, you are misinterpreting my reasoning. I didn’t say it would work. Printing unlimited amounts of money has serious consequences. It’s not a get out of jail free card. It leads to a currency crisis. And that takes one down the inflation path, not the deflation path.

        I’m simply dispelling this myth that we are going to see deflation. If there was any realistic chance of that happening we would have seen it in the 70’s. We would have seen it as the financial system collapsed in 2008.

        But we didn’t did we? The reason why is that central bank printing presses are bigger than any debt. We were literally spiraling down into the largest deflationary whirlpool the world has ever seen in 2008. Yet Bernanke turned it on a dime just by cranking up the printing press.

        We have a depression in our future, no doubt about it. But it isn’t going to be a deflationary depression like the 30’s. It will be an inflationary depression like the 70’s.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:02 PM

          Not sure I would call tha t period of time a depression.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:58 PM

        Thank you Al. And thanks to you and Cory for putting together a terrific show this weekend. It was especially great to hear from Lawrence Roulston and Jay Taylor amongst the many others who came by to talk shop. They are a brilliant bunch of guys and I really appreciate they take the time to contribute to your site.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:03 PM

          Good guys and good friends, Bird!

    Jun 07, 2014 07:52 AM

    Obama’s behavior, unfortunately, is totally predictable if one assumes he is an islamic, USA-hating Marxist. With that assumption his behavior becomes totally predictable, as unbelivable as that may seem.
    When he was running for President, Donald Trump offered $5 million dollars to an charity of Obama’s choice if he would open his college and passport records. Obama refused.
    So he clearly had something to hide.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:10 AM

      Good point Professor.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:19 AM

      nah…..the radical left kook aint islamic. Have to look at the big picture what’s going on here; the radical left movement is using its power and influence via the whitehouse to exploit yet again another cause, issue as a way of tackling a much broader agenda. They are using the islamic movement as a way to bring down the jews/israel who control the wealth in the world. They think this movement gives them or gives the perception that they have the moral high ground and thus the right to do what they ultimately want to do. They pose as sympathetic to the islamist plight for these reasons. But like all the other issues they purport to support……….they don’t give two you know whats, it’s what it can do for them elsewhere.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:27 PM

        cib, I do not like to tell people they are wrong. But you are factually incorrect.
        While Obama, himself appears anti-Israel, that is not the case for most of the extreme democrats.
        First some comments on Obama appointees:

        Then I will bring you some youtube clips of Obama using Islamic prayers.
        And finally I will dig out some facts about $1.5 trillion funnelled from Israel to “buy” congress, mostly democrats. (To be precise Israel is intelligent in its use of funds to buy Congress. It channels money to buy things from companies associated with legislative members as well as directly contributing to campaigns. Some of the money is hard to track as to whether from american jews or direct from Israel, because it often is well laundered.)

          Jun 07, 2014 07:34 PM

          Here is a second youtube on Obama muslim brotherhood.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:03 PM

            Does this sound like a Christian:

            Jun 07, 2014 07:06 PM
            Jun 07, 2014 07:22 PM

            You remember Benghazi? A few seals died.

            But have you forgotten the killing of Seal Team 6?
            I will dig out some Israeli stuff later. I’m getting too upset right now. I can’t believe what is happening in this country.
            And don’t forget the Assassination of Michael Hastings, the Rolling Stone reporter.
            The more you dig, the more you realize there is no justice in this country anymore.
            People literally get away with murder, with greed getting $billions.
            There is no press left.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:58 PM

          cfs, I do not think the head kook is christian either. Again, that is just another facade to get re-elected and minimize opposition. The radical left’s religion is liberalism, much like the nazis commies who opposed religion/god and replaced with the state/party. The “state” was all powerful, the state is above everything else including god. Yes congress democrats accept contributions and say they support israel just for that reason……to get money. But it would be naive to think politicians dont lie to their contributors and do the direct opposite of what they want. Look at their actions and not their words. Obama is simply pandering to the islamic movement simply to promote it……direct the narrative…sway public opinion to their cause thereby allowing him/radical liberals to pursue israel nefariously. Hell, they’re allowing Iran to get the bomb! Why do you think they are doing that?! They want to make israel more impotent, rebalance the balance of power. Hell I’d go as far to say nuking isreal is supported if they don’t comply with the elites pulling the strings of the liberal movement.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:10 PM

            Here is an interesting question: who practices religion to a greater extent, liberals or conservatives? I would bet on the conservatives maybe by a magnitude is twenty Cib

            Jun 07, 2014 07:39 PM

            big al, I am referring the radical extreme left not the democratic party of old who believed in god country military families. Democrat party has been over run by extreme radical left for its established infrastructure. They’re god, they’re religion is their ideology which is unfortunately now purported to be what the traditional democratic party represented. Not so.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:15 PM

            But don’t you think it has become something very different.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:06 PM

            cib, What do you mean “Is allowing Israel to get the bomb”
            You do know the US provided the material for Israel to make its first 3 nuclear weapons over a decade ago. Probably 2 decades by now. There was a point in time before S. African Apartheid ended when S. Africa was negotiating to buy one of Israel’s nuclear weapons, but the US stopped that.
            And Yes, It is against the US Law to give any aid of any form to a country that develops nuclear weapons without signing the non-proliferation treaty. And Yes that it just another law that the US ignores.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:45 PM

            cfs, that’s my point…….things have changed drastically my friend. The US govt has undergone a quiet coup and all past policies/values and the constitution are out the window, replaced with a radical left extreme agenda driven by soft tyranny which one of its mainstays is to reel in israel or I’d even go as far as to say destroy. The US of old is gone for all practical purposes and is why the reagan conservative movement is on the rise and attempting to overtake the republican party who has lost their way.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:04 AM

            Cib, in my opinion you are making some very interesting points many of which I happen to agree with. I really don’t particularly care for what we (the U.S.) has evolved into primarily for one reason – I believe that personal incentive is out the window. Wish someone could prove me wrong!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:07 AM

            big al, if you’re referring to the conservatives becoming very different in that religion is more prominent….. i would say no. People of faith have always been a big part of conservatism, i just think the topic of faith has increased recently bcuz its come under attack like never before by this radical left movement

            Jun 08, 2014 08:06 AM

            No cib, I am simply saying that I think that you will find more people with religious values (Christian, Jew, etc) within what we call the conservative groupl

            Jun 08, 2014 08:21 PM

            yes very true al.
            I read earlier that you stated peggy noonan was a conservative…….have to push back a little on this. The civil war going on in the republican party is between the establishment, rino, inside the beltway, incestuous ruling class versus the reagan conservatives (cruz, paul, lee…and others) has been reignited and is a continuation of the fight back when reagan ascended (reagan was hated by establishment…bush’ies ford) to eventually take over party. Noonan and most in mainstream media who are republican are part of that establishment and despise the cruz’s pauls lee’s. This is simply a ruse, a part of a new strategy to confuse the republican electorate that there is no establishment and conservative wings of the party…..”we’re all conservative”. Thinking behind this is the reagan conservatives are making an impact and its scaring the establishment who are concerned only about pleasing special interest therefore, blurring the lines are part of overall strategegy and hence people like noonan who really deep down like big govt and the inside the beltway “perks” are simply part and advocate of this diversion strategy

            Jun 08, 2014 08:08 PM

            Too complicated for this poor soul CFS.

            I just keep remembering that the Beltway Republicans outspent Congressman Walter Jones about 10 to 1 in an attempt to oust him. (As you know it did not happen.)

            Let me tell you sometime about what the PAC under Karl Rove is accomplishing.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:05 AM

    Big Al; I believe there is a problem with a difference between what you and Peter Bockvar and I mean by fundamentals.
    When I use the word fundamentals, I include, manipulation and QE. I do not include sentiment, P/E ratios, growth data, etc, and certainly not cycles theory.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:10 AM

      All of those items are in my m I x Professor.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:05 AM

    What I meant to say above was that I think we are reaching a stage where making the wrong bets on markets can lead to devastating results for investors. Up until now it has been fun and games discussing inflation versus deflation but in the real world it means the difference between winding up broke or being flush with cash depending on whether you guess correctly or not. For anyone who can’t figure it out….then make both bets! That is diversification I suppose.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:24 AM

      You are so right, bird, unfortunately many of the ostriches will be deviststed.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:47 AM

      You know the Big Daddy rule Bird.

      Suppose… should never be used in your vocabulary.

      Where is your Boy anyway….he is still gettin cleaned up.

      He should be walkin in here any minute now.

      I see…. he is not very well house broken.

      You can do better Bird. He looks up to you.

      And don’t tell me how many times he looks up at you.


      Have a good weekend !!!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:12 AM

      Birdman, my counter-point is way OT but only in the sense that people don’t make it an important element of the monetary distress survival equation.

      Believe it or not, its going to be a very wise choice to hold large quantities of both cash (FRN) and gold/silver bullion in the future for either outcome. But even more important than all of that will be the one staple in life that trumps all this shit. BAR-NONE!

      That is food.

      People act as if the access to food will always be available to them. They are utter fools and believe in all assorted levels of childish BS that’s been fed to them for decades through public school indoctrination systems. This goes for all western nations for the most part.

      I shutter to think what 99% of the people here would do after missing only one damn day of not having access to three squares of grub in their belly. Let that turn into two or three days and they would turn into ******* raving, roving, killing animals.

      The ability for the average man/woman to out run the demoralizing effects of job loss, latent starvation both perceived or actual, financial insolvency, currency debasement, excessive taxation along with 100 other govt overreach outcomes will be almost impossible to avoid on any level.

      The inflation/deflation debate and all the rest of this BS, although very important and worth discussing really misses the point as we head into uncharted waters with political maniacs at the helm of nations monetary policies and mindless war machine doctrines being written and implemented by clinically insane fools known as Presidents, Congressmen, Senators and Generals.

      The average person stunningly and consistently miscalculates the dynamics of a resource finite strained world where everything is scarce and nothing can be valued correctly because the fiat currencies have been distorted or destroyed beyond any reasonable value based recognition. Food and other perishables along with water are intractable parts of any financial diversification analysis.

      In short, food and clean water is going to be the most precious commodities available to man in the future. The old saying we’ve all heard before…….in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, well that’s true.

      Tomorrows world will be, in the land of the paper and metal bugs and every other assorted misfit, the man with, or access to, a plate of food will be Emperor!

      Just some food for thought.


        Jun 07, 2014 07:37 AM

        V, hungry people will do pretty much anything to feed their kids that’s true, but don’t you think we are likely to see actual bread lines before we see people turn into raving zombie like creatures?

        Another point to your scenario is your assuming the facists lose enough control to get to that point. My guess is the fema camps would be filled before that happens.

        I do think it wise to have enough food and supplies on hand to wait out supply disruptions tho. especially medications

        Jun 07, 2014 07:16 AM

        Good reminder V

        Jun 07, 2014 07:12 AM

        Thanks Vortex. I guess when one feels in a minority of one (no there’s one or two more over here – e.g. Bob UK and Irish Tony) it’s very hard to envision how bad things might become here in the UK. But as we all know what goes on in the States always arrives here: Movies, KFCs, MacDonalds, stretch limos for passing out parades and school proms, the list is endless. But there’s hardly a voice in the land (apart from say bloggers like Americans Max and Stacy Keiser) who gets steamed about anything.

        Nor does anyone seem to feel the faintest need for prepping. So apart from taking the cautionary measures like having PMs, and stocking up on tinned foods are there any other Brits out there with some extended game-plan?

      Jun 07, 2014 07:36 AM

      If the system goes down long enough….few will survive.


      Just having precious metals, food and water ..oh and funny money.

      GUESS WHAT….your in for a hell of a surprise.

      Just like when gold makes its big move…..SURPRISE

      Answer. ….If you don’t want a surprise peeing down your
      leg when it happens …get informed now.

      Assuming and guess work will not prevail.

      It amazes me how ignorant people are.

      Survival is much more complicated that assuming food, water etc
      is going to do …jack.

      For one …gangs form, and you will be taken out so quick with all your
      protection etc……you won’t survive but a few weeks.

      Survival is an art. If you don’t know that then you are a real idiot.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:13 AM

      Yes it certainly is Bird and, call me stupid if you like, that is exactly what I am doing.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:11 AM

        I am really happy to hear that Al. Good call. It makes at least two of us. No way do I want to end up short if we do one day suffer a spiral into a deflation. Cash is the most overlooked and shunned of all forms of investments. The mantra is just yield, yield, and more yield with no fear of the risks or hazards. It is therefore a contrarian bet that those who keep an allocation there will be in the catbird seat following another economic crisis like 2008. My choices of currency and investment are the US and Canadian dollars over all others. By my reckoning, if those two bedrocks fail then it only means the entire global system of currencies has utterly collapsed. Some of the cycle material I have read suggests we are at a multi-century peak in credit and asset prices though and that is very worrisome. The nearest equivalent might be the South Seas bust which ended in a multi-decade period of depression. Like I noted on another thread, if real estate bubbles can emerge even in countries of East Africa that have virtually no credit facilities whatsoever then nowhere on the planet is safe for wealth preservation. This coming period could well be the most challenging that people have had to endure in the past several hundred years.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:14 PM

          How about of all time, Bird?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:38 AM

            We are lucky to live in such interesting times!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:20 AM

            Yes we certainly are Bird, but they are also frightening to Big Al because of the huge downside potential. I mean, common man, the downside possibility is bigger than almost anything that I have ever seen.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:13 AM

    I understood what you meant, Birdman. This is a very dangerous time, where a linear projection of the future, without protection could easily wipe folks out.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:09 AM

      Thanks CFS. I knew you did. I guess we are finally getting to where the proverbial rubber meets the road. What I worry about is that as this grand economic experiment winds down we will finally be approaching that moment when stocks will meet their Waterloo. Whether it is this year or in two years is not even the question….only that we know it must come. And when it does will we look at the landscape and suddenly say “Holy Mackerel, man” I should have seen this coming and taken more sensible evasive actions before hand? My view is that what will be in shortest supply is assets that are fully paid up, bank accounts that are flush with savings and an assortment of quality collateral alternatives that will carry the day at a time when all those around us are being ruined by excess credit, leverage and debt from the past. I really believe we have not seen our deflation yet. The real crisis was merely aborted and thus delayed to a later date is all.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:44 AM

        I agree with you Bird. A person could take both bets, they could also just stay out of the market.
        There is a chance the whole thing shuts down and you don’t get a dime of what you had with a broker no matter which way you bet.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:19 AM

        Not really sure, Bird, that assets in the bank are a good thing’

          Jun 07, 2014 07:47 AM

          I agree Al. Perhaps the idea of a fat bank account should be expressed more symbolically. Especially as it is looking more and more probable that we will all get bail-in haircuts one fine day. Ricks shoebox idea is great…..just don’t tell anyone!

          To repeat though, it is the issue of collateral which has me most concerned.

          I mean collateral of all kinds but most especially those which form the underpinnings of what we invest in. Would it not be a horrible shock to discover that the vaulted gold fund we put our money into turned out to have mostly tungsten filled bars? Nothing would surprise me anymore. Corruption and greed are now rampant everywhere.

          There is a fair worry over rehypothecation issues as well. Just look at what has happened in China this past week where it was discovered warehoused metals including copper, gold and other commodities were discovered to have been pledged multiple times.

          Greed knows no bounds nor does desperation where money is concerned. And there are hardly safeguards against these types of shenanigans either. I am pretty sure it is easier to forge a warehouse receipt than it is to print your own money! If a company can acquire more than a single set of those receipts to be used as backing for a loan what we really have on our hands is a form of counterfeiting and theft.

          Of course we had the same fraud here on these shores in the past. What were bundled securities containing mostly high risk junk if not a form of fraudulently passing losses off on unsuspecting buyers. What of mortgage backed securities that lost so much value the Fed itself had to step in and take them off the hands of institutions on put them on the public ledger?

          We need to be very careful at a time like this when assets keep inflating. The day WILL come when they deflate again and anyone stuck holding the bag may wind up with nothing but irredeemable paper in some cases that have a market value as low as nothing. Junk bonds and Muni’s immediately spring to mind. But they are hardly the only hazards.

          Most of us here have engaged in using derivatives markets directly even if some did not realize it. ETF’s and ETN’s are a form of derivative in many cases where they can represent little more than an index based on the underlying assets they trade against. But they have no claim to the asset itself. There is a time and place to know that sometimes you are better off with ownership in hand than a leveraged claim against a product or asset that could abruptly move against you.

          And what of the outcomes where the assets disappear altogether as happened to Chinese copper or gold stores or in cases where there are multiple competing claims against the same assets? A dogs breakfast no doubt and a nightmare for those who hold the claims to said warehoused materials.

          But the system is supposed to function on trust and I think what is now happening there is the first cracks are being opened where confidence is being shaken much as it was when housing blew up in the US.

          That is without even getting into the topic of the Wealth Management Ponzi in China which is sure to be what finally breaks the system. The preposterous rates being paid out at a time when real estate is finally coming under serious strains there is beyond belief. A day of reckoning is surely on the horizon and my view is this is one area that needs to be watched closely for trouble.

          So yes, cash and near cash equivalents are an important element of a portfolio even if they do not offer performance. These are after all the most basic form of insurance against systemic risk. Of all the things that might keep me awake at night it is the aspect of interventionist policy that causes assets to inflate that is the most worrisome.

          The problem has now manifest itself all across the world. Even here in Africa the signs are present. But the developed world has much more to fear from the deflation that is coming. From London to New York and from Singapore to Hong Kong we see real estate prices completely detached from reality on a wide variety of metrics and we know they are sustained by little more than faith alone.

          What goes up usually comes down. If it is indeed relevant that we live in a world that has bid up prices to levels that are technically unsustainable long term then we are in for a lot of hurt as they come back to earth. And as the assets that now prop up and form the core of our current economy begin to unravel we do not want to be stuck holding those instruments that can devalue quickly as a rush for the exits ensues.

          That is when cash matters again (or gold for you guys who love the shiny stuff). And the cash you want is the one issued by a country that usually gets stronger as trouble erupts. I have no fear whatsoever of US Dollars.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:24 PM

            I think the big problem is that the system is assumed to function on trust and honesty.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:06 AM

            You bet Al. Trust is at the core of everything. We could not have a functioning financial system without it. And yet here we are now learning how some Chinese firms are actively cheating Western Banks on low rate loans by providing fraudulent documentation of commodities collateral. They need little more than a photocopy machine to pull this stunt off and the cooperation of insiders to just shut up and say nothing. For a good primer on the topic we have an article on ZeroHedge today discussing the fraud in minute detail. Western Banks are scrambling to ensure their claims on underlying assets are secure. They had better hurry because, sadly….they are probably not. Rehypothecation, outright theft and petty corruption which lie at the heart of commodity financing deals is looking more and more like it is getting out of control and will leave a wake of losses in their path. A crackdown is already underway in China but this only signals that trust has been broken and that commodity financing is coming to an end with serious repercussions for the resource markets. Maybe even for gold prices.

            From ZeroHedge:

            “….An unwind of Chinese commodity financing deals would likely result in an increase in availability of physical inventory (physical selling), and an increase in futures buying (buying back the hedge) – thereby resulting in a lower physical price than futures price, as well as resulting in a lower overall price curve.”

            Western Banks Scramble As China’s “Rehypothecation Evaporation” Goes Global. ~ Zerohedge

          Jun 07, 2014 07:11 PM

          Maybe better in a safe deposit box at the bank, rather than loaned to the bank.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:25 PM

            I personally would not involve a bank.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:19 PM

            The bank shuts down you may not be able to get to a box.
            Also, in England I think, I read that the authorities felt illegal gains were held in safety boxes, I guess they cleaned out all the boxes in at least one bank.
            Maybe Andrew would have more details.
            In fine print of the agreements there are also retrictions as to what can be kept in boxes.
            Boxes might not be as secure as some people believe.
            Fireproof safes might be an option.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:02 AM

            Sorry bb – can’t help on that one. I know where I keep my PMs!

    Jun 07, 2014 07:54 AM

    Jay Taylor and Bob Moriarty are great guests.

    The ten commandments or similar rules are necessary for the development of a cohesive society. It is necessary to have some structural rules for society; it matters not whether they originate out of religion, or 4,000 years of civilization and development of mankind.
    I personally believe in the golden rule, as over-riding. Indeed, one might even consider 9 of the 10 commandments simply originating out of the golden rule.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:41 AM

      The rule of law is what you are talking about. The 10 Commandments were a foundation of western civilization but recently those opposed to the idea of a Creator have demanded they be taken down from court house walls.

      I do not think the question of whether the 10-Commands were divinely issued is a trivial question. What I have found from atheistic free market objectivists who follow Ayn Rand is that they will find a way to bend the laws if when it benefits them with little concern for what it does to society as a whole. That is easy to do if you believe that the individual is the ultimate being.

      Hence, it was not difficult for Alan Greenspan, one of Rand’s disciples to knowingly find an excuse to engage in a massive theft by printing money so long as it promoted his own standing within the 4 dimensions of time and space. We know from what Ron Paul has said that as recently as 2002 or 2003 (I forget exactly when) Greenspan told Dr. Paul that he still believed what he wrote in 1966 in Rand’s publication that fiat money is systemic theft. Yet feeling no allegiance to a supreme being, Greenspan had no problem with enabling a major confiscation of wealth through the issuance of trillions of fraudulent dollars while at the Fed.

      So I do not think believing or not believing in a Creator makes no difference. Indeed, our state run schools are programming all of us to believe there is no Creator. In that way we look to Obama or Bush or Stalin or Hitler or Mao as our big daddy in the sky.

      What I meant to say in my discussion with Al and Cory is that a belief in a Creator cannot be dictated but must be something that is arrived at (or not) by each individual. But what I also firmly believe is that if masses of Americans did believe that those 10-commandments were divinely inspired, it would make all the difference in the world for our families, counties, states, national governments and ultimately our world.

      Indeed America was once much more of an exceptional country when a larger percentage of our population did believe in God and the 10 commandments. But having slipped away from that belief it has been easy for the powers behind the throne who own the Fed and other institutions that rule over us, to print money to finance socialism and an American military that has run amok as those in power seek to establish a one world government and in a very real way replace the Creator in the hearts and minds of the masses.

      As it is now, accept for divine intervention, I believe our government is totally out of control and will continue down its same path until the system breaks down. Then there may some hope for a return on the part of a larger number of Americans toward a Creator and a reconstruction of liberty that is rapidly being lost.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:15 AM

        I listen to you every Tuesday, Jay.
        I am not a Christian, but do consider my self more ethical than most supposed “religious” people. Society must have rules and structure, but more than that it must have moral values and ethics. Not only do the 10 commandments form a basis in western society, but also included show be the concept of sins and virtues.
        I personally live my life by the Golden Rule, but also know that non-Christian societies have developed outside of western influence that adopt similar mores and customs.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:16 AM

          should not show

          Jun 07, 2014 07:37 AM

          Everyone must go either to Heaven or to Hell. Since Christ is the only way to Heaven, you must be going to Hell. Therefore, while it is still Today, repent and believe the good news. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”

          From Joseph Alleine: Salvation “does not lie in MORAL RIGHTEOUSNESS. This does not exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, and therefore cannot bring us to the kingdom of God (Matt 5:20). Paul, while unconverted, touching the righteousness which is in the law was blameless (Phil 3:6). The Pharisee could say, ‘I am no extortioner, adulterer, unjust’, etc. (Luke 18:11). You must have something more than all this to show, or else, however you may justify yourself, God will condemn you. I do not condemn morality—but I warn you not to rest in it. Piety includes morality—but morality does not insure piety.” Therefore, rest in Christ.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:20 AM

            Yes but we’re also saved by grace Wayne. Too many texts out of context csn create precepts for saying who is or who is not going to heaven/hell.
            But of course I wholly agree that piety alone won’t save us. Reminds me of the little ditty about the guy who ‘was dead, dead right as he went along, but he was just as dead as though he were wrong’. Sorry however that I can’t back this up with a scriptural text! Best wishes, Andrew

            Jun 07, 2014 07:34 AM

            First of all who has made you the Vice Generate oF God, CFS is more on right on the issue of Morals and Values then you are ,Let me give you my moral values there are only 2 I follow: 1) Keep all your promises 2)Don’t aggress against another person or there property ! There you think you can follow those ; I don’t need a Religion or a Government leader to tell me how to lead my life in fact the worlds problems revolve around them

            Jun 07, 2014 07:06 PM

            Thanks JOE. Am unclear to whom you’re speaking. But me I’m no Vice-Generate of God. I’m way too puny! Best, A

            Jun 07, 2014 07:47 AM

            Amazing Wayne.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:40 AM

            I happen to believe that_ Wayne

            Jun 07, 2014 07:47 PM

            Missed it…..there is a post gone?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:48 PM

            Joe says he doesn’t need religion, but first he gives us his Two Commandments. Sorry, Joe, but you don’t get to make the law. You have no more right to make the law than to decide the value of the gravitational constant. The law is the Creator’s prerogative alone. It is unfortunate that the ubiquitous Communist press often uses the term “lawmakers” for our leaders. They are supposed to be ministers of the law, period!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:20 AM

        Jay, you are TOP NOTCH. You are extremely articulate and spot on in almost everything you address..IMO…heck, not my opinion…you are just FLAT OUT RIGHT!

          Jun 07, 2014 07:53 AM

          Totally agree Marc. Jay T is sublimely articulate. Whilst I have no time for most atheists (the sheer arrogance of their saying that there is no Creator), I have all the time in the world for agnostics (the one who don’t know). After all meaningful faith only arises when folk walk into the unknown not knowing, because they are not afflicted with that odious condition of certitude. Times many I feel that the truly religious are not those who claim to have all the answers, but those who have no choice other than to walk humbly through the sheer mystery of life itself. Whether folks walk with the Lord their God or without that assurance isn’t the main issue here. Humility comes from knowing that none of knows, although few would disagree with what Fromm said ‘Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of our human existence’.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:15 PM

            Fromm was really not the first one who said that!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:30 AM

            Absolutely Al – John 3,16!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:22 AM

        God bless you and Theressa, Jay!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:06 AM

        Moral relavitism is a slippery slope to chaos.
        If there is no absolute then anything goes.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:16 PM

          I would agree with your comment, M.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:42 AM

        You re absolutely right… because a person who believes in God … a true believer, not just by claiming to be .. will certainly avoid doing sins , even when he’s alone, even when there is nobody around him … because he knows God has full knowledge , and watches what he’s doing… even whatever passing his heart, either good or bad intentions… he knows that all are encompassed within God’s knowledge and eyes … in detail!!! So whoever loves, has hopes and afraid of the REAL punishment from his God… will truely becomes a good person, while if, human are just bounded by etique, moral or human’s law… well there’s no guarantee … and if its true that some atheist are good people, what’s good is it for them??? While a believer, not only has deep faith, yet he always asks himself if he is on the right path, or if he’s doing it right as accepted by God, and he’s continously seeks truth, if ever he is wrong, because he knows that he’s just a creation, for whaever intelligence or capabilities he has, he didn’t own it by ‘his own deeds’, because he knows that, when he was born… he has zero, while a moment before, he does not exist, and doesnt even has a name for himself before his parents, named him … people like this will surely make the world better, but God already knows what group we each of us are in. …. just a preach, take it or leave it, anyone choice… yet advice will always be repeated, for whatever responds one may gets

          Jun 09, 2014 09:58 AM

          If we arrived here by the randomness of chance of the sloshing around of some primordial soup then chaos reigns the day.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:19 AM

            I really can’t believe that we arrived here by the randomness of chance of the sloshing, Dennis M.

            That is my strong opinion. It is all about faith isn’t it!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:24 PM

            The ultimate question is whether we were designed or whether we are the result of random events.
            Design means designer.
            The faithless prefer random chance,

            Jun 09, 2014 09:35 PM

            I personally feel sorry for them, Dennis M!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:56 AM

      Many thanks for bringing up the Golden Rule, CFS. It was my lesson for the day to refresh and reread those words of wisdom. We could all learn something by keeping that message in the back of our minds.

      The Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12
      So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:02 AM

    Re: Bergdahl.

    The 30 days notice is a minor issue. The law against aiding the enemy is.
    Clearly the President does NOT legally have unilateral power to release terrorists, without first pardon their convictions. Since they have not yet stood trial, does he have the right to release?
    Clearly the President needs to be put on trial (Impeached) to determine this issue.

    The legislative branch has ceded powers to the President, because the vast majority of legislators are ONLY interested in one thing; not the good of the country, but simply getting re-elected.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:24 AM

      Amen Professor.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:06 AM

    What is the appropriate behaviour for removal/conviction of commander-in-chief of an army if he deliberately aids the enemy in time of war?

    Jun 07, 2014 07:09 AM

    A court Martial would be appropriate for a general, but our founding fathers never thought a President could be traitorous.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:22 AM

      If Obama was deemed a traitor to those that run the show he would have already suffered the same fate as Bob and John.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:13 AM

    Those were really interesting comments from Jay on what is capital and why debauching it is so damaging for all of us.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:34 AM

    Birdman, Unlike the president, I believe the Fed and the Treasury are trying to do their best to keep the country running. (One could argue that their economy theory is in error, since I thought Keynesianism long proven incorrect.)
    That being the case, I make the assumption that if something can’t happen. it won’t.
    I don’t believe they can taper QE without turning the stock market. So I make the assumption that QE will continue until another problem arises.
    The problem with perpetual QE is that it will collapse the dollar, but that will not happen quickly. So I just see money pumping until the dollar collapses, if ever.
    If this is the case, is it possible for the stock market to collapse, or will it just have minor corrections?
    I don’t know the answer to that. I have looked at Wiemar and Argentina and Zimbabwe and they are different. Since the German Reich was the closest to being a major power I tend to place that country as the closest parallel. If that turns out to be true, then the stock market climbs for a long time yet.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:27 AM

      I cannot disagree Professor. Remember that I have said many times, I hope it works, I just don’t see how it can!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:13 PM

      I guess all I can say to that CFS is that crashes are a major feature of most of our markets whether they be stocks or bonds or housing or gold. The cycle lengths differ for each asset class but all of them one by one will rise and peak or go parabolic before returning back from whence they came. It is that certainty in the business cycle and the pricing mechanism that creates both risks and opportunity so we need to acknowledge there is an inevitability to the conclusion of each. We now face stock markets that defy gravity and according to some experts they will run strong a great many months more before finally coming to an end. This particular conclusion to the good times will probably be a little more traumatic than most though as I suspect it will ruin the pensions of much of the middle class and most deeply impact the retiring baby boom generation. We do not want to be on the wrong side of the trade the day it all unravels though so this debate over inflation versus deflation suggests ominous consequences for those who are reading the tea leaves wrong.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:49 AM

      Fed and treasury are trying? Doing their best? Wow! What a supportive statement there… while we all know they’re the bad guys….lol

    Jun 07, 2014 07:12 AM

    From my point of you if the dow/s&p start rolling over in the next weeks or months then I’m going US dollar long. There is no way a sell off or correction in equities makes dollar go lower. Money will exit and look for safe haven of which commodities and dollar will be the chosen entity’s.

    On the other hand if dollar starts heading lower I see equities continuing to rise into fall. Gold then neutral to slightly higher. Interesting times.

    My point guys is I do not see both equities and dollar heading lower.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:10 AM

      Think gain. During the initial stage of a bear market both stocks and the currency crash together. This is the period where capital panics into the commodity markets for protection.$SPX&p=D&st=2006-06-07&en=2009-03-01&id=p10541529063&a=354339366&listNum=1

        Jun 07, 2014 07:58 AM

        You need to still convince. …. WHIPPIN BOY

        Not being very well house broken and also
        he reads only what he wants to see that suits
        him and him alone.

        Now his set in his ways and should have been trained
        properly from the very beginning. This never transpired.

        Lets see if Bird can fix this up. So far not impressed, not even
        a little.

        Too bad about Skeeta. Big disappointment. Hoping for another
        gutless useless coward…not so. This is a real man.

        The more gutless the better makes for the best kind of ..WHIPPIN BOY

        When the filth comes spewing out of their mouth is the first sign and
        direct insults on others.


        I will make them my lifes work. I also discovered clowns
        are very funny too. Its thoroughly entertaining.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:41 AM

        While what you say may be true, Gary, I would comment I did not get that impression from Reinhart and Rogoff, for Germany in the 30s.

        The German stock market did not really crash.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:09 PM

          While we may get an initial crash from a parabolic top I don’t think we are likely to see a 90% decline like in 32. The Fed will fight the bear tooth and nail and the next bear market will likely be a very complex market somewhat similar to the silver market over the last three years. I doubt we will see a lower low below 666 as the government will print too much money for that to occur.

          A complex and erratic move below 1000 is very possible though IMO.

          My guess for what may be in store. Something similar to the 37-42 market.


    Jun 07, 2014 07:44 AM

    Playing “”armed chair generals”” behind the computer
    posting all the possiblites will have the least odds of survival.

    Worrying about yourself all the time is asking for major health

    Take a deep breath and go to the chill grill. Live life like everyday
    is your last.

    Find a hobby, healthy activites and get off the damn pot here.

    Life doesn’t start and begin here.

    Although a new…WHIPPIN BOY….would be nice.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:12 AM

    Why would you WRITE calls when the VIX goes to 9.

    Great way to get slaughtered!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:15 AM

      I think he meant buy calls on the VIX.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:32 AM

    Typically 10% corrections happen about every 18 months in a non-manipulated stock market. We are now 31 or 32 months since the last 10% correction.
    Some cycles people/chartist would take this as overdue, and hence down-turn imminent.
    But the market is manipulated. The Fed has added $1.5 trillion to its assets on the books since 2009. The Fed does not provide clear data.
    But that is just part of the data causing the market rise.
    Now add in Japan effects.
    Between now and next March Abe has said will add over $500 billion to Japan’s QE.
    As long as the Yen is falling relative to the dollar, it makes sense to convert Yen into dollars and hold it in dollars. But that money is invested….in bonds and stocks. This carry trade has had observable effects in driving up US stocks and Treasuries and even corporate bonds. Add in leverage and one would be surprised how large the effects of QE can be.
    Let the market tell you what it is doing: stay alert, and be prepared to adapt.
    This is a big world and money is sloshing around all over the place right now.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:02 AM

    Al & Cory

    Having Peter Brockvar on with the others ,in my opinion, has really upped the credibility of an already very credible site. In many ways he is the whispering voice behind Wall Street and his morning note is often referenced by some of the most important players in the game.

    I find it interesting that Peter is also looking at the PM’s as a “back up the truck” investment with the termination of QE. I personally believe that tremors will start to hit the market by July earnings report and GDp as well as the July taper. Traders will attempt to push the public in for one last climb “BTFD ” into October and then the stool will get kicked out and the terminal fall begins.

    The PM’s will be the benifactors because when all else fails people return to norms

    Gold and Silver has been and will always continue to be important . That’s why we all follow it… That’s why besides the major indexes and bond rates its value is posted every 45 seconds on tv

    It won’t matter till it matters and then it will matter a lot

    Money doesn’t leave the index and go to money heaven as Gary says. It will find a place to nest

    I believe we see gold and silver as that home by this fall

      Jun 07, 2014 07:32 AM

      Mr Goldman,

      I personally am sticking to my diversification guns.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:26 AM

    Bird, I have to be true to my nom de plume…..

    With supply ratio of silver to gold being currently about 3:1
    (in terms of above-ground amounts)
    With the price ratio being about 1:65
    don’t you think that reverting to the norm, together with supply-demand balancing
    silver will out-perform gold by up to possibly an order of magnitude?

      Jun 07, 2014 07:27 PM

      Yes CFS. It is my belief that silvers eventual rise will be nothing less than stunning. At the moment I am negative on both precious metals for all the reasons I have mentioned in the past however the day will come when both perform magnificently. I just don’t know when so am playing it month by month.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:28 AM

    I wonder what the significance is of having an outfit like this suggest buying gold……–why-now-is-the-time-to-buy-gold

    Jun 07, 2014 07:30 AM

    I like J taylor. I agree with him that government is not there to create wealth and should pretty much stay out of the way and people should have liberty and the opportunity to create their own wealth.

    My thinking is this governments intention is to control the people to the point they become slaves. They are already cannon fodder and happy to be. Amazes me people cheer the destruction of other nations and are so proud of those that do the killing.

    Cory mentions “rat” on your niegbour, (step by step), the other day I mentioned the government is now encouraging “ratting” on family members.(step by step)
    Nobody remember this from the facists of the 30s and 40s?

    The issue I have with the founding fathers of the U.S. is they intended liberty for protestant white males only, this is obvious as the writer of the declaration owned slaves.
    So, liberty for white man, slavery for the black man and genocide for the red man.
    They kinda got off with a wrong start imo.
    As we look throughout history we see that not much ever changed with American government thinking, now of course, they impoverish and imo enslave their own people yet again. Maybe now white men will take notice.

    I think a creater exists,I happen to agree very much with what Jesus talked about, but the religion? Just another tool to perpetuate slavery and war.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:33 PM

      I missed your post on the government encouraging ratting. What was the context? Is it advertising of some kind? On TV..on billboards…elsewhere? Sorry I have not heard this before and am not living there no so maybe fill me in a little if you don’t mind.

      To Cory…Wow! You totally blew my mind with those stats on US tax increases. I had no idea they were so large. Is anything similar in the pipe in Canada? The changes to capital gains and Estates is really pretty shocking. I would not mind hearing more on the topic.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:35 PM

        Apperantly there are signs posted to report “suspisious” behaviour, as well as a campaign in schools to reprimand family members about inappropriate attitudes at home. (concerning prejudice speech) Kids are supposed to mention it to family members that its unacceptable.
        Once that’s common behaviour or socially acceptable it will be easily adjusted to whatever is required to report. All part of the brainwashing.
        That is what the facists of the 30s and 40s did. And it works.
        It got so bad a person could not trust neighbours and even their own families.

        Sorry I have no links Bird, this is old news now.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:12 PM

          OK. Thanks BB. It may be old news but it is all new to me as I have never seen the posters or ads.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:46 AM

    No opinion deflation vs inflation and its outcome, I’ll let the chart action suggest the road to profits not my opinion.

    This is why I’ve been adding to my short, Gold, Silver and the miners on every little upswing since mid-March…the boyz that create the charts are selling into any strength.

    Short covering can create nice pops but they don’t last because the shorts maybe covering but they are NOT following thru buying longs positions and that’s whats needed for any market to head higher.

    Dan Norcini, a “Pro” investor highlights the action….facts vs opinions

      Jun 07, 2014 07:54 AM

      This chart if history continues shows why THE low in gold and the miners could well be in 2015 (June-July) until then I trade the action from both the short and long side. Notice how a 36 cent devaluation of $Yen sent the Nikkei up 95% while Gold and the Hui continued to fall.

      All you Goldbugs, want to see gold head towards $1900 again, simply just get the $Yen to increase its value by 48 cents…(2007-2011-Golds high)… think what ABE has planed for Japan is going to strengthen the Yen?….Good Luck!

      CFS, you keep your keen eye on Japan!….well done!$XJY&p=W&yr=20&mn=0&dy=0&id=p59540068940&a=327691327&listNum=1

        Jun 07, 2014 07:09 AM

        Where is Birds stamp of approval on these articles with trader dan

        What’s going on here. That’s what I would like to know.

        Your late too. Being off the clock like this Bird
        should be using more disciplinary measures.

        I like my anaylsis on a timely basis. I could be
        losing money on a trade.

        Being late is not 24/7 service. I got bills to pay !!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Jun 07, 2014 07:33 PM

          Dan almost always gets my stamp of approval. Smart is as smart does and he rarely disappoints.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:24 PM

            He forgot to stamp it after you reviewed all the documents.

            Always a first. No one is perfect.

            The tardiness though …few demerits lost there.

            A kind word with him regarding this matter might in order.

            My subscription is due soon and I will forgive the oversight this time.

            Thank you for your kind reply and cooperation.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:52 AM

    Bb… u said : I think a creater exists … …..??? A creator ? Not the creator? Not the religion? So if the (a) creator… exists…. are all these free? No task? No duty? No responsibility? Just like that? Please make up your mind… and take your 2nd step … just an advice … to disbelieve in God is the greatest loss ever compared to any loss one may experienced in this just a short ‘moment’ in life

      Jun 07, 2014 07:36 AM

      I happen to agree with you Nur

      Jun 07, 2014 07:09 AM

      Nur, who says all the gods don’t exist?
      Yes, I think a creater exists, just my opinion.
      “THE” creater, ok, sure.
      imo religion is just deception Im afraid.
      I have no idea what you mean by task,duty or responsibility in this regard.
      But to each his own Nur, liberty, a person is free to worship any god, goddess,deity,demon or devil that is right for them as far as Im concerned.
      Liberty is the point to me, should this idea ever be implemented peace and prosperity would break out all over the world regardless of any worshipping.

      Nur, just so you know, I take what Jesus or Mohamed or anything the “gods” or prophets talked about to be entirely seperate from what the religions are.
      I happen to agree very much with them, but for me, I have seen enough evidence to prove to myself the religions are deceptions intended only to control people.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:06 AM

        Christianity can be and has been and no doubt is being used even now to control people. But to your point, that was not the message of Jesus nor is it the message of Judaism either. Both provide free will so you can either accept or reject the Creator, but that doesn’t mean there may not be consequences to your decision because the laws of “natures God” prevails. Or so I believe.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:41 AM

          I agree with you Mr Taylor. My point is that the control of people thru religion has nothing to do with what Jesus talked about, to me, they are seperate things.

          I can not tell you how much I respect and admire, even envy sometimes the knowledge and abilities of Jesus and those like him, but Im not ever going to agree with religions and most parts of their institutions.

          That does not mean I don’t understand there are some very good people within them.
          But I feel these religions and their institutions deceive.

          What can I say? I wish it were otherwise.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:54 AM

    HEAVYHITTER…..glad you are back……most people are stuck where they are and not in your shoes to have a house on wheels, etc.

    1) does 6/22/14 have significance? it’s being put out there.

    2) how does one physically survive….what are you doing?

      Jun 07, 2014 07:43 AM

      Really nice to see ya Fred.

      Hope your doing well too. Well, got a big shin dig planned
      in paradise for all the gold comrads …at gold 2000.

      Life here is the same as it was 6 months ago. I know what
      I want and its really not anything material. No worries because
      I’m not chasing anything.

      In a nut shell….I’M ON CRUISE CONTROL. Just enjoy the
      show everywhere I go. Thats the very brief of it.

      Got my big spread and houses have been liquidated. All in
      resources, all high end juniors no more large caps, hard assets
      Land etc. Land is undervalued in ag. and housing is inflated.

      As far as dates don’t play it but a very strong astro cycle for the metals
      is due and will last a few years taking out 3000 gold maybe.

      Last question the less I worry the better. If you go visit a hospital you
      will find most of the time stress and working to much got them there.

      Who is the culprit. ….chasing materisl things and like now I have all
      the resources to buy lots but dealing with defective things and shopping
      is a lot of stress. Maintenance on the toys and all new acquisitions etc.
      etc. will …at least with me was time consuming and felt like a slave.

      People think there is joy in it all only to bring lots more misery and keeping
      up all the bills will not ring in all the pleasures people ignorantly think it

      Lots of experience under my belt with all of it and I can win a debate against
      it …anytime…anywhere.

      Not many know this…only the savy and very wise.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:10 AM

        HEAVYHITTER….thanks….I’m doing well….Glory to God…. would like to experience that big shin dig in paradise……spiritual experience… would be a first……agree on the material possessions stress…..don’t want, don’t need……keep writing.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:25 AM

          I’m already signed up Fred!! Could be a serious laugh with HH!

            Jun 07, 2014 07:46 AM

            Andrew….with your big heart of gold and all the other golden hearts
            meeting up….

            Maybe its not such a good idea.


            Probably by then all my dry humor will get old.

            But the native girls may fall head over heels for us.

            All we can do is stick around and find out.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:36 AM

          Can’t agree more Fred. Its really a blessing to hear you talk this way.

          Staying out of trouble with the dog and pony show out there is the first
          step…..actually back up…God is.

          This paradise dig is focused on having everyone feel as comfortable as
          possibly and most definitely treated like…gold everyone that attends.
          Very happy campers in a spectacular atmosphere all 5 star accommodations.

          I’m hoping maybe to get to meet The General there too You know James
          because I believe he has a big heart. Thats the kind of company I love.
          You too Fred. Big heart of gold.

          It all chimes…..GOLD 2000 …golden hearts of gold.

          Wise quote from The General……”focus on the prize. ”

          STAY THE COARSE.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:40 AM

            Regarding the GOLD 2000 SPECIAL EVENT

            Breakfast, lunch and dinner served on a timely basis
            as live entertainment will accompany fine dining
            experience. All invited special guests will have the
            opportunity to enjoy meals with each other or they
            can eat at different times as well. You choose what
            you want to do and freely experience everything there
            is to offer. I’m organizing the event so its as comfortable
            as possible without anything conditional. The diningroom
            with fine food 3 times a day is where most of the socializing
            will take place including live entertainment. Activities will be
            planned but there is the freedom of choice to do whatever you
            want. So its going to be easy going because I do like my rest.

            You might even catch me napping on the beach. However,
            I do like to eat and live entertainment gets my attention.
            Nice soft live singing with a voice that makes you melt
            …….dining away in a spectacular setting.

            THATS MY IDEA OF FUN…..

            THE GOLD 2000 SPECIAL EVENT !!!!!!!!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:54 PM

        ditto HH………

          Jun 07, 2014 07:59 PM

          Hope to see ya there Jerry.

          If nothin else you’re goona love the food and entertainment.

          Now we are all waiting for gold…. lol

            Jun 07, 2014 07:21 PM

            You meant waiting for Godot…..I presume.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:59 AM

    Norcini is an armenian … he came from the same place that the previous 4 and latest chairmen of federal reserves come from … the gog and magog … the 13th ( lol there are only 12 of them) tribe of israel … pretending-to-be-jews

    Jun 07, 2014 07:22 AM

    The taxpayer is NOT your husband. But this is the way society functions now.

    Stop stealing from those who produce and calling it ‘fair’. Reduce taxes and reduce government.

    Communism means people work and government takes and decides everything. That is the perversion we have. Enough.


    “Diversity” means being chased out of your neighborhood.
    “Diversity” means being chased out of your school.
    “Diversity” means being chased out of your job.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:19 PM

      You live in Mississippi or Texas by any chance, Cecil?

    Jun 07, 2014 07:47 AM

    GDXJ closed yesterday at the May 23rd pre-gapdown close (to the penny). Interestingly and bullishly, the SCTR indicator has turned up sharply. Note that the big (probably short covering) rally last summer came with no similar rise in that indicator until GDXJ was up 40% ($33-$47). Coming off the December low, the SCTR turned up sooner, but not nearly as quickly as it did this time.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:56 AM

    Dear Al,
    Great show! More than that,Al,I find that your site is providing feedback to my own views ,feedback that I can’t get from friends or elsewhere. It really helps to solidify my views and to make investment decisions.People I know either do not know what they do not know or they are living on another planet.Thank you for your commitment.It does make a difference.That goes to your guests as well.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:16 PM

      Thanks Laurence.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:16 AM

    May 29th audio interview with Jim Richards – Enjoy

      Jun 07, 2014 07:18 AM

      Jim Rickards – maybe I should spell his name right….

    Jun 07, 2014 07:45 AM

    Everyone I know is filled with Orwellian pessimism. Until Glass-Steagall is reinstated by the west, or impeachment, the FED and ECB have no solution. In order to diversify, in addition to PM’s, how and where can we convert US$’s and CDN$’s to rubles or yuan and buy stocks on the MICEX or Shanghai or even S. Korea or India? Schwab offers Global Accounts that converts US$’s to local currencies to buy their stocks like Norway, but oddly not for Russia or China etc.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:54 AM

    Its time to repent.

    I’m a gold buggerroooooo.


    It has to…. The GOLD 2000 SPECIAL EVENT….is planned.

    It must and it will…….why ….because King Gold told me so.

    GODZILLA….is going to be runnin around ….HEADLESS

    Or he could go…….POOOOF !!!!!!!

    Amen…….I know…I’m bad.. but at least I repent. Godzilla is old anyway
    and he’s a very mean bastard.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:08 PM

    Anyway what happened to Wayne’s post? Did he decide to pull it Al/Cory?

      Jun 07, 2014 07:29 PM

      Hey!….now one of my posts just vanished. What gives? A few others got taken down too and they were all normal enough….who is Wayne by the way? Where is this post Andrew refers too?

        Jun 07, 2014 07:36 PM

        Woop!….my mistake. Must be old age. The posts were earlier in the thread. Sorry.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:50 PM

          Please NEVER USE THE TERM OLD AGE in that context again. If you do I will have to come over to Africa and kick the living g daylights out of you. Get it? Now it’s time for some rest. Again!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:45 AM

            Geez, you are feisty for an old guy. How about we just go splits on a bottle of red and call it a day?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:22 AM

            I called it a day yesterday early afternoon and went and chemically cleaned our deck. Can’t believe how tired I got. Now today (Sunday) I am on my way to buy the stain, etc. At least the “little blonde (kind of) lady will be working alongside! Maybe afterwards (take away the maybe) some “red”.

            Best to you man!

        Jun 07, 2014 07:40 PM

        Wayne is a guy that figures cfs is going to burn in hell for all eternity.
        Me too Im sure.
        His post is about half way up I think, was there when I checked.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:25 PM

          Thanks BB. Now I get to go for an eyesight appointment and order some new glasses.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:34 AM

        Wayne’s the one with the scriptural texts Birdman, the guy who makes me feel I’m falling short!

          Jun 08, 2014 08:34 PM

          Your not falling short Andrew, nobody is expected to do better than they can.
          These guilt trips are ment to control, nothing more.
          My advice to a Christian about this guilt, focus on what Jesus talked about, learn to recognise the differance between what he said is recorded and what is distorted or mistranslated etc.
          I do not recall Jesus laying any “guilt trips” on anybody. The guilt is deception, it hinders what Jesus intended. Just my opinion I guess, but what I can tell about you Andrew is your a good man, no need for this “falling short” feeling.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:19 PM

            You too are a pretty smart guy bb. I really appreciate your presence and input here. Thank you.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:46 PM

      I certainly did not pull it and he can’t.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:31 PM

    You’re about to hear an incredible special interview with….KING GOLD

    This is…..King Gold News.

    Joining us now and without further delay …here is….Mr. King Gold

    HH……that last time we talked off air KG you said you were training intensively
    with your round house kicks and left and right hooks to crush the USD into
    submission and possibly breaking him in two. Please explain because USD is
    apparently doing very well. We are all anxious to know how you will accomplish

    KG…… you know in 2011, I was the champ and its been downhill ever since. I’ve
    learned a lot over the last 2 years. I got spoiled being so rich and got lazy. Thats all
    changed now I got clobbered last 2 years and built lots of strong character. My last
    roumd hose kick didn’t go so well 2 years ago.

    HH…..So how did USD overcome your roumd house kick because I know its very
    powerful a year or so ago. Please explain and how are you going to break his bones

    KG…….through trial and experience HH. Last time he got a hold of my leg on that
    round house kick and I went down hard broke my shoulder. I know better now.

    HH…….So hows it going to be better now and tell us how you will smash his head in.
    Please explain.

    KG……..there is a lot of story here and will keep it brief as possible. When I get him on
    the ropes he covers his head and acts like he’s hurt. He’s a really good liar so he
    has a way to dance around missing my right and left hooks. Even to hit him lower
    center is difficult and the referee’s have his back. I have no support at all and he
    has all the advantages. He can lie and everyone believes him.

    HH……So now what are you going to do KG. We would all like to know.

    KG………to start with I’m going to make sure I knock him hard against the ropes
    this time really hard and he won’t have the balance to cover his head. Thats when
    I come in with a very powerful right and left hook to his head I’ll immediately go
    into a round house kick extremely devastating almost rippin off his head. He’s not
    going to like it because he’s going down very hard this time. I’ll never forget what he
    did to my leg and its pay back time.

    HH…….sounds very brutal and I don’t think the USD is going to be the same. You sound
    terribly upset KG because of what he did to your leg not long ago. Whats your final word.

    KG…….enjoy your stay in the bone yard USD. You’ll never get up again to cause me pain
    in my leg.


    All right reserved. Thanks for nothing and don’t come back here again.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:16 PM

      Ha Ha! Very nice Mr HH. You are a really creative guy with a good sense of humour. I just wish you were friendlier to some of the other great people here.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:25 PM

        Birdman, you’ll enjoy this. Its coming as sure as death and taxes

          Jun 07, 2014 07:04 PM

          Thanks JJ. The small part of the interview that I could access was fascinating. Al really needs to get on top of this now. I have been trying to push a little in that direction for topics because it is becoming so important for everyone here (and by everyone I mean the entire global population). Developing and Third World nations are already embracing cashless systems and in our own home environment we have been on a similar trajectory for years that began with the introduction of plastic credit and debit cards many years ago. It is only a short port over to joining the mobile money of much of Africa, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere whether people like to hear that or not. These new innovations are taking the system by storm. And these are also the test plots and ground zero for the electronic money of the future. They are being widely embraced and accepted already. So what makes any sane person think the West will be immune to the ease of access and charms of what is being disseminated and quickly accepted by millions in the developing world? Clearly nothing stands in the way except the interests and dominance of the major transaction and financial players whose names are well known to us already. That will change. Eventually one of them will break ranks and the competition for subscribers and expansion will go hot just as it has done here already. The point is that the world will go cashless far more quickly than most realize. It is underway now and coming to a scanner near you soon. So stock up on good clean cash now before none is available anymore. In the brave new world of pure electronic money the one thing that will still hold value might just be old fashioned paper dollars. Good as gold. And how else will you be able to chat up Marnie from accounting without your wife knowing you have designs on another gal?

            Jun 07, 2014 07:53 PM

            Its all about the G7 agreeing to hunt down taxes, from corporations, to private bank accounts to the massive Untaxed underground economies avoiding taxation using cash.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:52 PM

            We wil, we will Bird. I don’t disagree with you.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:12 AM

            Good to hear Al. This is really virgin territory where topics are concerned so you guys will be leading the wider public discussion if you take it up in interviews. Most of the discussion on this topic is still confined to technical journals though and there is little appreciation or understanding of the idea in the West thus far. I talked a lot about M-Pesa last week. Mostly because I was pretty sure nobody here had even heard of it before. But the thing is that this system has come to absolutely dominate Kenyan transactions in just six short years. Cashless systems run by mobile and cellular phones are already fully implemented and being used today so this is not some pie-in-the-sky speculation about how the future will unfold. It is here and now already and being used by millions of people daily even as we speak. As many as 2000 similar systems are in trials around the world. So this is happening very, very quickly. It needs public discussion. Obviously there are people who object. But keep in mind that the M-Pesa system has already become so entrenched in Kenyan culture that it is soon going to be illegal to use cash in certain settings. We cannot afford to ignore the ramifications of what that really means for all of us. Who knows…..maybe this is really the sign of the beast that was prophesied. The time when none of us would be able to participate in society unless we had “the mark” which in this case is a Sim card and a pin number. I really don’t know. What I do know is that we are going cashless and it is happening quickly. So strap on your helmet and get ready. It is almost here already (even if you never heard of it before).

            Jun 08, 2014 08:27 AM

            Just sent Cory an e-mail on this topic and we are on it.


            Jun 08, 2014 08:26 AM

            And just as a side note…..not even Casey Research or International Man has picked up on this M-Pesa thing yet and usually they are at the forefront of discussions where cash, gold and transacting internationalizing assets is concerned. So this is your chance to get the scoop before your competitors (er…friends!). Ha!

            By the way…about Marnie from accounting. She is sooo soooo hot. She might even wreck your marriage. I did not explain why electronic money is a problem when getting to know her a little better on the sly though. Have you ever had to explain to your spouse a transaction on your Mastercard bill that is a mystery to her? Well then try to imagine explaining away the two lattes and pastries you bought at lunch one afternoon especially after the wife quizzes your co-workers about what you were doing that day. Yup…the second cuppa at Starbucks was for Marnie of course. And I bet you all thought the government was your big concern. Nope…it will be your spouse as she peruses your daily spending habits on your phone and catches you in all those little white lies. Might just as well fess up and face the music. Oh Marnie! It’s just you and me baby! Nobody will ever know. Another cheese Croissant baby? Cashless systems are oh so transparent.

          Jun 07, 2014 07:20 PM

          JJ, I know Birdman is a smart guy and he loves the thought of cashless economies and cashless transactions. I could not disagree more with that line of thought. I simply shake my head when I see people advocate this as a positive event.

          If you are pissed off now at the lack of control and freedom in general, you will not believe what the tramatic results will be from allowing a govt entity to have control over and know all your eletronic money transactions world wide.

          God help us all if this is where the world is headed. Cashless money controlled by the State. Seriously, people think this is good?

            Jun 07, 2014 07:58 PM

            Hey Vortex, it like so many actions the governments of the world have taken these past few years we have no alternative.

            I’ve never stated that a cashless society is good, I just agreed with Birdman a few weeks ago when CFS said no-way it will ever take place, that it will.

            Its coming within 3 years, I’m afraid….it is what it is.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:13 PM

            Realistically, Original, stop and think about it. We pretty much have a cashless society today!!

            Jun 07, 2014 07:37 PM

            A cashless society is inevitable,
            Not something I want to see happen…but we won’t get a choice.
            Not entirely sure it’ll get done in JJ’s timeframe of 3 years ?…but maybe ?
            I’m pretty sure it’ll be forced upon us within the next decade though.

            Jun 07, 2014 07:38 PM

            I agree V, cashless is not a good thing, people think their every move is tracked now.
            But, I doubt we have a choice.
            Besides, a tracking chip could be put in every bill anyway.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:02 AM

            Interesting point, bb, about the chip in every bill!

            Jun 07, 2014 07:31 PM

            Google…cashless society pros and cons

            Lots to read, the good, bad and ugly

            Jun 08, 2014 08:26 AM

            Vortex, if anything I am merely standing in a the deliverer of the message. This is coming though. It is a fact already. Mostly I have been impressed by how readily it was accepted by the public. I was also impressed by its convenience and ease of use. Like a credit card except better. But there are some dark overtones. Certainly criminals, organized crime, terrorists and subversives will be worried with good cause. Nobody gets to fly under the radar anymore. Do not think for a minute that we can ignore this topic and it will go away though. It is the future and it is coming to America so we had best start discussing it openly now.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:28 AM

            I kind of think that it is already here Bird. In a different form but already here.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:40 AM

            Of all the reasons to own gold this is perhaps the most important one. Up until now it has still been possible to acquire precious metals in bar and coin privately without that being known by the government or tax authorities. Some people have their reasons for privacy in that regard. That will all change as cash is eliminated though. Keep that in mind. Privacy will be a thing of the past where money usage is concerned. This is really an incredible subject on so many fronts. Let me give you just one other example of where it will make a difference. Say for example a brother or sister of yours falls on hard times. They apply for welfare and a host of social benefits out of need. The government searches its records and quickly discovers that in fact they have substantial resources at their disposal which is proven by both spending history and income. You see these mobile systems both send and receive money. It is all on record. So what do you think happens next when all privacy related to the use of electronic money is gone? Well this is no longer just a theory about how the future will unfold. They already track the bad guys by phone in Africa and physical cash is indeed being eliminated step by step. So if you want to own gold and silver and not let anyone know about it then it is best you acquire it now. In five years time that option will no longer exist in much of the connected world.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:53 AM

            With a cashless society, how will hsbc launder the cartel money?

            I wonder if that has anything to do with it not being used in north america yet.
            There were rumours in 09 about cartel cash being pretty important to liquidity for a time.
            Just a thought, I can see the cartels being “ticked” about it, they love to hoard and use bills.
            Maybe its not only that they have more money than they know what to do with thats causeing them to buy mining operations, maybe they have to get legal, the mobs had to make the same transition.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:52 PM

        Out of all due respect Bird even if you disagree I am your friend and everyone on here.

        Don’t forget……paddy. ..paddy…paddy…..that hurts Bird.

        Never knew you could be so cruel.

        But I do forgive and don’t hold grudges.

        Whether you like it or not….I CAME HERE TO LIVE WITH YOU.

        I’m trying to find a new….WHIPPIN BOY…..thats the reason why we come here.

        Happy hunting Bird. There is enough WHIPPIN BOYS here for both of us.

        So lets live in peace.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:23 PM

    W.B. another “Pro” trader who has been long side trading the S&P these past few years and calls Gold&Silver as he see’s it….reality vs hope!

    This is why I’ll add to my short positions:

      Jun 07, 2014 07:14 PM

      Another $1000 opinion. Thx jj.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:30 PM

      I don’t think I would be adding to short positions 22 weeks into an intermediate cycle. The time to do that was back on Mar. 17th.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:56 PM

        Correct Gary the largest % of my short positions were done at $1350 gold level…I’ve been adding as key levels have fallen, $1312…$1290 etc

          Jun 07, 2014 07:56 PM

          A close below $1240 I’ll add again……….

    Jun 07, 2014 07:45 PM

    Big Al, 3 suggestions

    1) you said this week that sometimes the daily events get you down….why not take a week off on a beach without a computer and re-group…all this shit will be here when you return…when was the last time you and your wife took a decent holiday?

    2) create an opinion section for all the God fearing posters here so they can compare notes

    3) set up another section for nuts and whack jobs who talk to themselves and those that applaud what a mere 6 year old would write

    Leave the section under your excellent guests which I understand the reason why you have them is to make money off their input for those that add real value inline with what your guests are relating too, not way off topic crap!

    This place has turned into a freak show of opinions!

      Jun 07, 2014 07:56 PM

      Please elaborate on your secs to the last paragraph. Thanks.

        Jun 07, 2014 07:20 PM

        Al you’ve got a great web-site here, and you along with Cory on a daily basis put fourth a real effort in dealing with what we all on this tiny planet must deal with regarding protecting our investments.

        You have some top notch commentary during the week especially following the daily action within the markets I just find it insulting to those who speak of golds action or oil or the US equities that many here seem to think its a platform to preach religious opinions, spout off about topics that are in no way related to your guests commentary or immature talk towards others who are trying to add to your guests opinions, market calls.

        Is this not a site to guide investors on how to keep their wealth and if fortunate enough increase their portfolio’s value? I thought it was by the guests you interview.

        So lets have intelligent forum speech under your guests commentary and set up a post about anything and nothing somewhere else, call it the Circus Tent….lol

        Its obviously your site Al and if you think the comments made by the likes of HH add value then so be it, I don’t need to be here its just a shame public posters can’t keep up with the high level of guests you bring here.

        Thanks for taking the time to reply……………

          Jun 08, 2014 08:40 AM

          I do appreciate all the commentary on here, and think something like a forum for this site would be the next step in organizing commentary. Are you requesting a forum, JJ?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:33 AM

            Sure why not, Forum 1) for those responding to what the topic is that Al’s guests provide which is mostly technical, cycles and trends during the week 2) for all those wishing to preach and prey and highlight just how insane the world has become 3) for all those wishing to make ignorant comments towards Al’s guest who are trying to guide listeners here with their investments and those responding with intelligence

            I’ll be at forum #1 and everyone else can be at #2&3…

            I really don’t care wiseguy, I don’t need to be here its Al’s site who am I to suggest anything…don’t like the channel turn off the tv…bothered!

    Jun 07, 2014 07:06 PM

    Al and Cory, in the past 2 months I have come across a concept designated the fair tax; it’s a consumption tax of up to 23% with a prebate in place whereby individuals and families all get the same which you have to be making over $2 million to come close to paying 23% tax. Those families of four making under 31k US would pay effectively no tax. I hope you view it and we can all discuss it. Check it out.

      Jun 07, 2014 07:58 PM

      I will.

      I am very much in favor of user taxes which are, in effect, consumption taxes.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:45 AM

        Too late. Consumption is in decline. That idea needed to be embraced thirty years ago.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:09 PM

    it eliminates all other taxes and the irs, so criminals would also be paying the same tax…the idea is eliminating production taxes and taxing consumption. This one is more in depth.

    Jun 07, 2014 07:11 PM

    Question Gary, you’ve nailed topping action in gold with your cycles approach, do you ever carry a short position while the downward trend plays out?

    Your eventually looking for a huge dump in the US equity markets, will you short that trend?


    Jun 07, 2014 07:03 PM

    Nice show this weekend guys, thanks:)

      Jun 07, 2014 07:14 PM

      Many thanks Skeeta!

        Jun 08, 2014 08:20 AM

        No thank you Big Al & Cory !
        Appreciate all you do to put it all on.

        …would you both mind if some of us suggested some possible prospective guests for the show ?…please let us know.

        Cheers !

          Jun 08, 2014 08:07 AM

          That would be just great Skeeta!

    Jun 07, 2014 07:06 PM

    You gotta admit this is the best place to turn into a….


    Have a stroke or heart attack ….knock yourselves out.

    Fred if you’re resding this… we all know life will change
    but even worse is to end up a pimple or wart on someone’s
    ugly nose.


    Set the cruise control and live life while you still can.

    There are a lot of sorry folks who forgot to live while
    they still can and failed to realize that their time was
    up prematurely or lost their health most likely due to

    Time is more precious than money. Lots of people dying
    of cancer right now at young ages.


    Jun 08, 2014 08:39 AM

    Catch you later HH. Take it slow and may God bless you! A

      Jun 08, 2014 08:12 AM

      Thanks Andrew and same to you. I’ll be back I just don’t
      stay too long. Sometimes I feel the need to drown out
      Or dilute the disinformation on here with truth. No time
      to keep it up as there are too many subjects. However,
      cashless society has nothing to do with anything its
      been here and when the system fails people will welcome
      it with open arms to go a 100 percent. Life will continue
      and so will investments. Survival too if the system goes
      down long enough you can’t survive with ideas posted here.
      I’ve done extensive research on it and its role playing. You
      can’t appear to have anything and people with gold, guns will
      be the first to be slaughtered. Since the rich have been so selfish
      not all.. but most the gangs will not only rob them but torture them.

      I will leave it there. You take very good care and be wise.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:34 AM

        I will add too… people who love material things
        and all their possessions have no clue of the
        great pain that might come to them. Mother
        nature or God sometimes will even the playing
        field. Once was so wonderful could become
        a curse. I don’t rule it out either.

        Be careful what you wish for. The opposite could occur.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:08 AM

        My number one prayer HH. Wisdom is better than pearls.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:26 AM

          Its great to highlight and be aware of all the evil in the world, the big bad banksters, government corruption etc, etc, but if one doesn’t make any money with their investments how are you going to help those that have no chance of surviving , words alone may comfort but that’s it, one can’t survive eating the bible 3 times a day or sitting around complaining about have insane the world is, wealth removes one from needing the system to survive and it provides for the less fortunate.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:51 PM

            Wow this site has become a soap box for religious and political hacks!…toss in a bunch of long and wrong goldbugs, and complete the mix with outright nut jobs!

            Why is it every public posting site always brings in opinions that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand…..gotta love the charts, NO opinions, just facts!

            What a freak show circus!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:03 PM

            It has been this way for several years………, if you do not like to read on the subjects ………..JUST SKIP OVER IT……………respectfully………

            Jun 08, 2014 08:06 PM

            jj, the name of the site is Korelin Economics Report. Does that not suggest the topics are economics, which must involve politics, taxation and other matters which are directly changed by which party is in power or likely to gain power. It is not named the Korelin Gold Report or Precious metals report.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:16 PM

            CFS your soooo right!………I’ve been in the wrong place the last 3 months.


            Jun 08, 2014 08:37 PM

            Jesus is…..RETURNING…..THE RAPTURE IS HERE.

            GOLD TO DA MOON….

            Once I was blind…now i can see……

            The bible is a weapon and has power against evil men.

            It will cause them great pain just thinging about it.

            Long live and may he rain forever and ever…


            He shed his blood at Calvary and paid the price.

            DON’T FORGET IT !!!!!!!!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:16 PM

            CFS………Hang in there……..I appreciate your comments………respectfully……..jerry

            Jun 08, 2014 08:15 PM

            I second, third and fourth that Jerry!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:17 PM

            You know Professor, you are definitely one of the ten smartest people who I know. And that, my friend, is God’s honest truth!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:30 PM

            Maybe I once would have been, but after my brain operation, I know I’m just a shadow of what I used to be.
            But I can’t complain, since it has been 9+ years since my doctor told me to get my affairs in order in the next few months.
            He was over-optimistic though……I haven’t had an affair in my life!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:41 PM

            That’s a great line, Professor!

            By the way, neither have I!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:39 PM

            Nor me but more by grace than any natural virtue Al!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:22 AM
            Jun 09, 2014 09:51 AM


            How much ransom was given to the Haqqani to release Berdahl? Rumors abound between $5 million up to $20 million,

            Jun 09, 2014 09:06 AM

            Icahn goes after Dollar General, DG (up 15%) who is going after Family Dollar, FDO, up 30%

            Jun 09, 2014 09:26 AM

            Interesting article on antibiotics.
            Even more interesting is the impact of regulatory authorities on drug development.

            And, of course, ultimately Obamacare has had a terrible impact, because of the uncertainty.

            Lacking in the Forbes article is the impact of biogenetic research on pharmaceuticals, and while prevention may be better than cure, the incredible strides being made in big pharma and start-up little pharma remind me of 25 years ago in silicon valley and dotcoms.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:13 AM

            So, Professor, you are implying “positive investment opportunities?

            Jun 09, 2014 09:27 AM

            Look at ACHN, IDIX today for example. (They are both overbought)

            But as long as the S&P or DOW continues upward, the ETFs will go upwards.
            e.g. PBE, IBB, XBI, maybe XLV…..they are all getting towards overbought, but so is the DOW.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:31 AM

            I question the business model, Dollar General…… the neighborhoods which they select is ripe for the thieves, in the” HOOD.”………..hard to have a thriving business, with high crime, and sticky fingers……

            Jun 09, 2014 09:36 AM

            Ghetto property is hard to collect, when the customer is short on cash……..and who’s store policy is do not apprehend or go after the thief……..It is now common knowledge that the COMPANY POLICY IS ………”do not go after the thief”……

            Jun 09, 2014 09:43 AM

            J, I’m beginning to channel franky….


            Jun 09, 2014 09:11 AM

            cfs………….franky……should enjoy the show……….

            Jun 09, 2014 09:35 PM

            Yes nice i Did not know dis ! Thanks !

            Jun 09, 2014 09:44 PM
            Jun 08, 2014 08:01 PM

            I’m betting you have been a philander if you haven’t had an affair.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:08 PM

            You would lose that bet. One marriage was enough and since that unfortunately failed I’ve chosen not to inflict more damage on myself or any one else.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:56 PM

            Here’s another story about money also paid for Bergdahl release:

            Jun 08, 2014 08:28 PM

            A human tragedy in making as television programs in Mexico, Guatemala and other central america countries advertise that families will not be sent out of USA for illegal entry.
            Strain on cities, schools, hospitals overwhelming.



            Jun 08, 2014 08:02 PM

            One problem:


            “Diversity” means being chased out of your neighborhood.
            “Diversity” means being chased out of your school.
            “Diversity” means being chased out of your job.
            “Diversity” Means Chasing Down the Last White Person.
            “Diversity” means White Genocide

            Anti-whites expect an entire race to disappear from the face of the earth without even mentioning, not even whispering about it.

            Nobody’s flooding Africa with Non-Africans and giving them free health care, affirmative action and special privileges.

            Only White Countries are doing it, only White children are affected, and only White politicians are allowing it.

            Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:50 PM

            You obviously feel really strongly about this issue. Obviously you have a point, but we have to help all those who we can. (Assuming that you believe in Jesus’ greatest commandment.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:05 PM

            As I am sure you are completely aware, CFS, that is just crazy!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:10 PM

            I went back for a second shot 40 years ago. Guess what, it has definitely worked!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:40 PM

            DT You’ve got me bang to rights there!!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:31 AM

            Andrew, in 1993 I worked in a large church attic upgrading retrofitting their lighting and if anyone thinks that Peyton Place rocked I’ve got some very interesting stories that I should probably take with me unless of course someone is interested in the movie rights, oh well enough said.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:53 AM

            Material for a book DT? Have you read my ‘A Candle for Lucifer’ (Amazon e-book? Only asking because I’ve known one or two psycho vicars in real life!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:09 AM

            I will have a look, Iately I have been reading more and watching less tely, thanks.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:09 AM

            rev………I thought it was called “A Flaming A..hole”

            Jun 10, 2014 10:21 AM

            OOOPs ootb!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:17 AM

            bang to rights, Reverend?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:02 PM

            At the time I commented Cameron might have got it right.
            Moderate austerity and moderate tax increases going towards a balanced budget.
            (In particular he held corporate tax rates stable)
            Now Lagarde agress….

            (I personally might have had zero QE and zero tax rate change, or even a tax rate cut.
            Remember cutting a high tax rate actually increases the amount of money received in tax collection. But politicians and ignorant reporters don’t understand that fact.)

            Jun 08, 2014 08:01 PM

            Congratulations on cheating death for 9+ years CFS.
            All the best for continued health too


            Jun 08, 2014 08:32 PM

            Skeeta, did you see my question about BeToGold Papillon merger…..What do you think?
            I like BTG management, but know nothing about Papillon in Oz. (Supposed to have great resources)

            Jun 08, 2014 08:40 PM

            Skeeta…..saw your answer, thanks.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:33 PM

            Thank the best experimental medicals money can buy.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:04 PM

            You talking about the reasons behind where you are today given where you were a number of years back?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:28 PM

            Well okay Original.

            I don’t agree though. You might take a look at what CFS wrote about this. He is a pretty smart dude! (As I might add, you also seem to be!)

            Jun 08, 2014 08:37 PM

            Come on jj lighten up. Take care, A

            Jun 08, 2014 08:37 PM

            Of course you make a great point, Original!

          Jun 08, 2014 08:01 AM

          Eternal wisdom and you bet.

          You’re a great brother in Christ Andrew

            Jun 08, 2014 08:29 PM

            Thank you HH – It’s consoling to find brothers and sisters on this site who believe that ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’. I find very few over here who seem to express their faith with passion underscored by intelligence. Lots of born-agains of course but not so many who choose to think beyond the platitudes.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:15 AM

            As far as religion is concerned, thinking beyond platitudes is extremely important.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:38 PM

          By an infinite amount Reverend.

          Isn’t that, in a sense, what we are promoting on this site? I always thought that it was!

    Jun 08, 2014 08:40 AM

    If anyone here thinks a cashless society is creating a footprint on every individual on the planet that is nothing compared to the robotics that are replacing jobs previously done by humans. These aren’t dangerous jobs anymore, Amazon will have 10,000 robots working in their distribution centers by the end of this year. At 50,000$ each and only needing a battery change and minimal maintenance, they have many advantages over human labor. In five years their price will be around $10,000 each and they will be capable of so much more. It’s one thing to talk about being tracked by electronic banking but it’s quite another matter for most people who will never be able to compete for jobs with robotic intelligence. Humans are not that special anymore in the course of evolution.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:41 AM

      Sounds like courses in robotic maintenance might be a good idea for young people.

        Jun 08, 2014 08:56 AM

        When something that is electronic malfunctions they simply replace the whole unit it is not profitable to hire humans to repair electronics anymore. Electronic departments for repair are gone. I used to work with these people and their whole department has been shut down. Take a new tv they have two units inside, if they malfunction in the first year the manufacturer replaces the entire tv. If they stop working after one year and you have paid for an extended warranty they simply send out a repair person who replaces one or the other units. No longer do they have repairmen who read electronic schematics at your home and then take the tv apart to repair it, this is simply too costly.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:43 AM

      So true Dick, I have a friend who was running a technology department for MOT we used to get into some very heated discussions about exactly what your saying, I’m not a techie and that was his biggest argument those outside the world of technology are slow to adapt….his tune changed when he lost his job and all under him as the same technology he worked on replaced his worth to the company.

      How many jobs did the ATM machines replace in the banking system, how many jobs will a Cashless society within the banking system be lost, its all about profit, not employment.

      I’m sure there are many sectors that have created many, many jobs with new technology, but its those that need the average paying job the most who have fallen into the cracks from robotics.

      World’s a changing one must change with the dance tune or sit in the corner watching all the fun!

    Jun 08, 2014 08:23 AM

    Skeeta, Since you’re in Oz, what do you think of the BeToGold Papillon merger?

    Jun 08, 2014 08:45 AM

    Well Armstrong states his view of Inflation vs. Deflation.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:50 AM

      Comment from that interview with Armstrong….this Cashless society is picking up speed:

      Today it appears that we will first eliminate the paper currencies and move to a new electronic version to make avoiding taxes impossible. Hence people will flee to tangible assets and the velocity of money will decline taking the economy with it. That will most likely then result in civil unrest/war and then we will see a new type of Bretton Woods rebuilding the global economy adopting some new electronic world reserve currency.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:29 AM

    Everywhere I turn I see commentaries about how the economy is improving.
    Do these commentators expect me to believe them?

    I seem to be living on a different planet, because it goes against my observations.

    I know I am currently in the US, but I do seem to travel more than the commentators.
    I was recently in Spain and Turkey and I have never seem them in worse shape in the last decade.
    Neither the midwest nor California look in good shape either, with maybe the exception of Silicon valley which seems busy as ever. (Although I only saw a couple of Ferraris and a Lamborghini. Lots of Teslas though. Judging by zerohedge New York does seem to be doing that well.

    I think the statistics are being manipulated and undermined by a gross misstatement of inflation.
    If your numbers are too low for inflation then much of the “growth” becomes totally false.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:37 PM

      Betcha things are pretty good in Sonoma!

    Jun 08, 2014 08:24 AM
      Jun 08, 2014 08:25 PM

      Bobby, thinking it thru I come up with the same conclusion either way, that’s to own hard assets.
      The sdr is mearly an attempt to continue giving nations an excuse to accept the dollar,
      remember Rickards other possibility? 2 dollars, one for domestic use and one for international use.
      No matter how it ends up hard assets play a role in a portfolio imo.
      The way I see it, even with the world moving towards business without the dollar the change will be gradual, just as the last time the reserve currency changed.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:40 AM

    I switched on the radio this morning to hear that Hillary Clinton was now in a commanding lead for the 2016 election…..

    It seems a little bit soon to me, especially as she is cut out of the same lying piece of scum that many politicians in the US come from.

    As an equal opportunity offender , I distressfully present her lying ways:

    Some obvious or admitted lies:

    Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (Chelsea later said she was in bed watching it on TV.)
    Hillary claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. ( He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth, and was unknown before that.)
    She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (The only chance was when a girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp. No sound of shots.)
    She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn’t cover the market back then.) If it isn’t obvious this is political corruption, what does it take?

    Some misstatements She doesn’t Confess to:

    She didn’t know about the FALN pardons.
    She didn’t know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.
    Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error. (We can watch what Obama does too)
    She didn’t know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.
    She didn’t know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.
    She opposed NAFTA at the time the Bill was passed. (Not in agreement with any other published statement.)
    She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.
    She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.
    She played a role in the ’90s economic recovery. (I guess Gingrich had nothing to do with it.)
    The law firm billing records showed up on their own. After they were of no interest.)
    She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke. (Can you remember how many other females who reported having affairs with Bill? And the women who claimed he raped them?)
    She was always a Yankees fan. (But attended Cubs games in Chicago?)

    She stated negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

    W e will have to see how many lies were told about Benghazi, if/when there is an investigation.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:33 PM

      Jesus Christ CFS…we get it. You and Al and a lot of the people who come here every day have a huge political agenda and you make it more and more obvious all the time. But here is the thing. Some of us out there really don’t give a shit about all this crap. Very sorry to say Al but the partisan crap makes me seriously ill and I do not care for more of it. I mean …who gives a fu#k what Hilary or Bill or Bush or Obama or anyone else did or might do in the future? They are all just puppets. All politicians are the same under one roof too so you just waste your breathe and waste the time of readers blathering on about a lot of political crap that is just spent energy. Give it a f#cking break will you (CFS especially since you are making me nuts and don’t know sh#t about politics).

        Jun 08, 2014 08:42 PM

        Sorry if that sounded hostile. I apologize to all who are offended. I really don’t give a f#ck what the political class does though and it is just spinning wheels trying to affix blame to one person or another……. Christ, nobody is free of blame here. Are they? If you guys hate the elected class so much then bring a candidate that will make a difference and ask for donations to support your cause. I really find all this political garbage and the third grade accusations and childish bullshit a big distraction and a waste of time. Maybe we can get back on track and discuss commodities, cash, currencies and gold again. Infuriating bore!!!!!

          Jun 08, 2014 08:45 PM

          Actually, I am so FCKING irritated by all this shit I swear I will quit this site for good. And good riddance CFS….you bloody idiot.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:09 PM

            Bird………if you do not like what he writes……….JUST SKIP OVER IT……….respectfully…..

            Jun 08, 2014 08:22 PM

            Yep, getting your blood pressure raised because of someone else’s opinion does not make a lot of sense and you, Bird, are way too intelligent to let that happen.

            Here is a bit of a confession, I was definitely not that smart in the past. Know what I am at least 80% of the time now.

            Jun 08, 2014 08:13 PM

            Bird, you and jj are probly right.
            Ultimately we hope to make profitable investments, no body is going to change anything anyway.
            Maybe Putin can change things and maybe the americans will kill everybody, what difference does it really make?

            On the other hand, knowing what was going on might have brought us to the conclusion to make the profitable decision to buy Russian stocks instead of being long gold.

            So, there might be an argument for both sides, maybe people just need to focus on political events that help determine investing decisions, but once they have been identified, whats the point of discussing to the point of redundancy?

            Jun 08, 2014 08:30 PM

            That’s really funny! You and CFS are incredibly bright in my opinion. We’re not measuring who has the biggest xxxxx here are we? Common man you are way above feeling that way!

            Jun 09, 2014 09:31 AM

            What’s with the name-calling, Birdman? As usual, YOU make things personal. You’re a delusional and petty little tyrant.

          Jun 08, 2014 08:31 PM

          And the concept of cashless society which Cory and I are currently researching!

        Jun 08, 2014 08:56 PM

        and some of us do…………

          Jun 08, 2014 08:58 PM

          I should have said………some of us do care about politics….since we live in the USA

            Jun 08, 2014 08:01 PM

            SOME do not understand that we have the TWO HEADED SNAKE and there is no difference between the parties, and some issues just have to be explained to the beginners……..

            Jun 08, 2014 08:23 PM

            Absolutely correct Jerry. And you know what? I learned that from a well respected and highly placed politician. Or should I say two highly respected and highly placed politicians!

            Jun 08, 2014 08:57 PM

            Jerry, it sounds to me that you like twins, would that be brunettes or blondes.

            Jun 09, 2014 09:37 AM

            DT…The twins I like are GOLD AND PLATINUM…………

      Jun 08, 2014 08:35 PM

      Sounds like you’re not going to support her CFS!

      Here is a big surprise, neither am I!

    Jun 08, 2014 08:55 PM

    The markets are 100% manipulated and JJ sells himself off as the only sane poster.
    Worse,he might -MIGHT-even believe himself.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:05 PM

      Its complete idiots like you and SandiegoMarc oh and toss in the complete nut job HH that has me leaving this circus….you ever traded for a living marc?…I have so I understand manipulation….go ahead think I’m the fool I’m the only guy here short $100 higher in gold while you guys pump the same crap for the past 3 years! Even the expert guests who call lower gold don’t make money on the way down #$@!!!

      The guy whos really sad is CFS the guy must be completely delusional owns Dali’s and Picaso’s really!! your that well off yet you spend your time posting 24/7….and you clowns drink the Kool-Aid

      Yup I’m completely whacko alright…………………

        Jun 08, 2014 08:49 PM

        Sorry to see you go Original. But with your attitude it is a good thing. Best of luck always!

        Jun 08, 2014 08:18 PM

        By the way, Original, I simply don’t understand Heavy Hitter. Is he trying to sell a product or what?

      Jun 09, 2014 09:19 AM

      Matt, JJ is narrow minded and ignorant, but I believe he is relatively sane.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:12 PM

    Trust me….BOY

    you will back. ….Bird has to much invested in you

    He would never allow you to walk off the job.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:38 PM

    Just as propellor planes transitioned into jet planes, wind turbines are about to undergo a transition:

    (Slow loading site, but most interesting.)

    Jun 08, 2014 08:40 PM

    It has been pretty common knowledge over here that Papillon were looking for someone to come along.
    personally, I’m disappointed…as they are selling at the low when the gold price is shizen…I think they would of got a much larger slice in another two years +.

    I sold my Pappilon shares last friday…& after brokerage walk away with a 9% profit…a little disappointing…but still a profit.


      Jun 08, 2014 08:38 PM

      Thanks, I know it’s a pain with low price takeovers.

      I bought more BTG on Thursday I think it was.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:36 PM

    Breaking news: Reported on BBC radio 4, Oliver North is claiming Obama also paid $5,000,000 for the Bergdahl-5terrorists swap.
    Terrorists reported to be free in Villas in Qatar with wives/girlfriends

      Jun 08, 2014 08:09 PM

      Really would like a source on this one CFS

        Jun 09, 2014 09:28 AM

        Daily Mail (UK)

    Jun 08, 2014 08:43 PM

    Yes CFS,
    I answered above earlier but my answer slipped down the page a bit from your question.
    Pappilon (PIR) is listed on the ASX ( I sold my shares last fiday)
    Its resources arent over here though.
    Political instability fears kept my investment in them small (less than 10k $)
    B2G arent too fussed, as the resources that PIR hold are a significant way from the instability (their words).
    Personally I like to invest where I THINK there is less chance of trouble if I’m going to use significant sums of my money.
    That said though, I do hold several smallish mining investments that are listed on the ASX in troubled areas…but I don’t put more than 10k $ into any of them.

    Jun 08, 2014 08:58 PM

    I like Jim Sinclair’s website and read it daily, as do many on this site. He rarely makes factual mistakes. I do want to correct a mis-impression I’ve noticed on and with many commentaries about D-Day.
    Jim Sinclair states we owe a great debt to Russia, who were pleading for help.
    Of course we do.
    Commentators have also said that D-Day landings were lucky or well-planned.
    No mention is given to what happened of significance before.

    General Eisenhower was a great General, who sometimes made mistakes of doing what his political masters required. (That’s my personal view to which I will return later.)
    Eisenhower certainly recognized the difficulty of a massive cross-channel landing of forces. In the Fall of 1943 with Russia begging the Allies to open a second northern European front to relieve pressure, Eisenhower agreed, although he was worried it was premature. Montgomery was totally opposed as too premature, so he was sent off to North Africa, and, indeed an attempt at opening a second front/ practice for the later D-Day attempt was made.
    This sometimes is known as the Dieppe Raid. (You can google it for more information)
    Anyway an attempt was made in August (from memory) 1942 to land a significant force in France to relieve pressure on Russia and start a second front. It did not go well and many British and Canadian troops and ships were lost.
    It is my belief that this attempt caused the later D-Day landings to be in Normandy and be much better prepared.
    Back to the obeying political masters part:
    In 1945 with the War in Europealmost won, it was quite clear that the allies could have easily pushed past Berlin. However, Eisenhower yielded to political decisions and we ended up with a divided Berlin and divided Germany and the cold war.
    A tragedy for millions of Germans, who lived under the yolk of communism for decades.

      Jun 08, 2014 08:02 PM

      Thanks CFS.

      I hope that participants understand the correlation here between the U.S. and Russia and perhaps why we are where we are today.So much for trying to convince people that there is a correlation between economics/finance and politics.

      Right! Or maybe I should say right?

    Jun 08, 2014 08:54 PM
      Jun 08, 2014 08:17 PM

      Here is an interesting story:

      Our youngest daughter graduated from Univ of Montana.

      She wanted to write a term paper on why mining was good for Montana and her professor refused to let her do that saying that the mining industry was raping the earth and inhabited by a bunch of environmental criminals.

      I was going to fly back to Missoula to give the professor’s boss a piece of my mind and Steph said, “Dad, please don’t do that. I need the A. I asked her what she was going to do. She replied, “I am going to write a paper on “illegal immigration and why it should not be illegal.”

      I asked her if she knew where this “educator” stood on this issue.

      Her reply was, “you bet your ass”.

      Guess what grade she got in this glass. And, more importantly, guess who won the war?

    Jun 08, 2014 08:44 PM

    Re above comment – seems to have descended to the bottom. I’m talking marital fidelity. Now that’s quite enough of this preening virtue. Let’s get back to Obama bashing!

    Jun 08, 2014 08:45 PM

    Last post seems to have vanished off the radar. The site’s getting overloaded???

    Jun 09, 2014 09:20 AM
    Jun 09, 2014 09:46 AM

    So the Haqqani, not the Taliban had Bergdahl:

    Jun 09, 2014 09:57 AM

    And after this article on the financial crisis follows one that is positive for precious metals, so, jj, skip the first one to get to “relevance”

    Jun 09, 2014 09:02 AM

    Is it Icahn or Buffet going after Family Dollar stores?
    FDO is the symbol.

      Jun 09, 2014 09:14 AM

      And, who says you don’t effectively discuss financial issues!

      Thanks for the tips, man!

    Jun 09, 2014 09:04 AM
    Jun 09, 2014 09:43 AM

    It’s not so much the power of governments that is the problem, it is more the laziness and stupidity of the masses they lord over that lets them get away with it. Hey what’s on tv?