

End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!

July 29, 2014

by Ron Paul

Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, “we don’t torture people”? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, “this government does not torture people”? We knew then it was not true because we had already seen the photos of Iraqis tortured at Abu Ghraib prison four years earlier. 

Full article here.




    Jul 29, 2014 29:14 AM
    Jul 29, 2014 29:17 AM
      Jul 29, 2014 29:49 AM


        Jul 29, 2014 29:32 AM

        Your a good man and mean well…however ‘That being said’, The Weekly Standard is a neo-conservative propaganda machine…you deserve better.

          Jul 29, 2014 29:06 PM

          Fair enough.

    Jul 29, 2014 29:26 AM

    The liberties and freedom from tyranny that so many millions died for in WW2 seem to have been thrown away over the last 70 years and with the introduction of the Internet at an increasingly rapid rate – very worrying, very worrying indeed!

      Jul 29, 2014 29:44 AM

      Nigel, I don’t believe there ever was “liberty and freedom from tyranny” that whole war was fought for banks and started with false flags.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:49 AM

      Yes it is, Nigel

      Jul 29, 2014 29:31 PM

      World war ll was fought so the khazar zionist jews could steal Israel, from blood n treasure of the genital slaves

        Jul 29, 2014 29:01 PM


        Jul 29, 2014 29:05 PM

        Sorry ugly,

        That is the craziest thing that I have ever heard!

          Jul 29, 2014 29:51 PM

          You think maybe he was trying to spell Gentile?

    Jul 29, 2014 29:38 AM

    For myself, Im boycotting Isreal.

    “We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘Drive them out!”
    — Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

    “[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs.”

    — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the ‘Beasts,”‘ New Statesman, June 25, 1982

    It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.”

    — Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998

    An interesting point, the Isrealis killing the palistinian children are using ammunition paid for by the americans.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:58 AM

      Strange…If I’m reading your post correctly you are advocating a boycott of a country that is trying to defend itself against terrorist rockets and hiding among children and civilians while doing so…..Very strange choice of boycott……

        Jul 29, 2014 29:19 AM

        I understand your thinking Gator, I disagree with it.
        I will never agree with justifying slavery, pedophilia or torture murder etc.
        I honestly will never understand how people can but they do.
        I believe those that do don’t know what they support, they are confused/deceived.
        There is no justification for tortureing anyone Gator, much less children.

        An example of “hiding’ the 4 children murdered by the Isreali ship as they were playing on a WIDE OPEN BEACH.

        I think to understand the Jewish religion you need to begin with the Talmud, this might be a big reason Jesus had an issue with the Pharasees.

        In any case, the reason I posted the Isreali leaders thinking was to show this didn’t start yesterday, their thinking has been to eliminate the arabs for a vey long time.

        I understand in their mind its as ok as the genocide commited by Moses as their god said it was ok.
        I just disagree with it.

          Jul 29, 2014 29:56 AM

          More on my previous comment bb.

          First of all, Gator does make an interesting point as do you.

          I mean this whole thing started with Hamas lobbing rockets into Israel. The fact that they are somewhat ineffective is immaterial as the actions are there.

          Also, Israel is not unique in their thoughts. Consider what the Iranian leaders have said time and time again.

          My opinion, very simplistically speaking (and I am sorry for that), let them duke it out.

          I am a very compassionate guy bb, but I am not sure that there really is any other solution here.

          The whole situation saddens me deeply!

            Jul 29, 2014 29:14 AM

            gotta disagree Al, this did not start with Hamas, it started with the theft of Palistinian land to ceate Isreal.
            The Zionists negeotiated with Britain its creation for getting the americans involved in ww 1.

            “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”

            — Moshe Dayan, April 1969, Ha’aretz; quoted in Edward Said, ‘Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims’, Social Text, Volume 1, 1979, 7-58

            When the opportunity arose it was created.

            Jul 29, 2014 29:11 PM

            Sorry big al . But don’t the Zionist bomd the holly hell out of the Palestinians with u.s freighter planes, payed for but u.s tax payers, on allegations of the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israels, which has never been proven. B.s imho. This why obama put a no fly zone on Israel, to punish them economically

          Jul 29, 2014 29:55 PM

          Bb i agree with you 100% The Zionist what a only a Zionist state, no jews, no Christians, no Muslims.

            Jul 29, 2014 29:21 PM

            I can’t agree.

            Show me the money and I will admit my mistake.

        Jul 29, 2014 29:50 PM

        Well Gator, you’ve drunk the kool aid, haven’t you. Israel is an illiberal, aggressive police state. Funny how the hoi polloi falls for all their propaganda. Pathetic, really

          Jul 29, 2014 29:26 PM

          Who’s drinking the kool aid mary. You sound like a CNN anchor that can’t get the facts straight. Typical of libs.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:52 AM

      What a damn mess this is, bb.

      And what makes is even worse, if that is possible, is that kids and other innocents are getting killed.

      Take a read of a book called “Epicenter” as it adds more light on this terrible subject.

        Jul 29, 2014 29:03 AM

        Yes Al, A complete mess is an understatement.

        Funny, if people understood what Ron Paul was talking about and embraced Liberty, the Isrealis wouldn’t be killing Arabs and Arabs wouldn’t be killing Isrealis.

        I will never understand it. Some people actually believed in Liberty enough to die for it,
        and imo exceedingly more worthy than banks or religions, but Liberty was never understood or implemented. Maybe some day.

          Jul 29, 2014 29:08 PM

          Amen bb!

    Jul 29, 2014 29:52 AM

    Ron Paul for President

      Jul 29, 2014 29:27 PM

      Unfortunate that the uninformed and brain dead get to vote.

        Jul 29, 2014 29:27 PM

        Now that’s funny Gator, thinking voting matters I mean.
        Liberty, I know everyone is enitled to their opinion, fair enough, I just disagree sometimes.

    Jul 29, 2014 29:02 AM

    Ron Paul’s speech from from April 24, 2002 (6 minutes long), you talk about foresight!

      Jul 29, 2014 29:57 AM

      I have heard both in person and on television almost everything that Dr. Paul has said.

      Kind of hard for me to disagree with him.

        Jul 29, 2014 29:42 AM

        Then why do you read The Weekly Standard ???

          Jul 29, 2014 29:09 PM

          I read a little bit of everything, Joseph.

          Important to me to see where everyone is coming from.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:08 PM

      The man’s a true prophet Robski.

    Jul 29, 2014 29:38 AM

    I p0ersonally could not disagree more strongly with Ron Paul’s total isolationist agenda.
    There are times to get involved and times not to get involved.
    I am most afraid that the US will choose not to get involved with Iran.
    Most extrapolations estimating the production of nuclear fissile material by Iran indicate they could make a small nuclear device as early as october; a bigger nuclear device large enough to destroy all of Israel (except Haifa and Aqaba, perhaps) by the end of this year, and two small devices by April next year.
    Meanwhile, the US does nothing effective.

    As regards Palestine, the general ignorance of the newsmedia and the populace regarding the history of Hamas and the Palestinian people worries me.
    It behoves one to learn the connections of the Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis of World War II, the relationship between the Mufti and Arafat, and the evolution of the Palestinian state. There can be no peace between the people of Palestine (dedicated ass they are to the destruction of all Jews) and the people of Israel.
    A 2 state solution is not workable unless the states are remote from each other.
    The islamo-nazi hatred of the Jews is in-bred for too long for peace to break out in our lifetimes.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:43 AM


        Jul 29, 2014 29:07 PM

        Make that a double ditto. In the meantime….the tunnels have to go, the missiles and launchers need to be destroyed or captured and the criminals behind efforts to bring terrorism to the borders of Israel need to be dealt with harshly. I am 100% behind efforts to reign in the elements that are creating the current conflict and are busy raising financing to purchase and then indiscriminately fire missiles into the heart of Israel. That is pure terrorism and surely does not represent what the majority of Palestinians want. It is only when Palestinians themselves finally stand up against the forces within their ranks that prefer war over peace that a lasting solution can be found. Moderates are needed more now than ever.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:45 AM

      CFS, I find that funny, we already have enough nuclear bombs to destroy the earth multiple times, whats a few more?

      Remember the missing nukes from the soviet uniuon? who says some of them didn’t end up in Iran?

      Jul 29, 2014 29:59 AM

      Good point Professor!

      Jul 29, 2014 29:05 AM

      It’s time for America to mind their own business.
      Let Israel fight their battles and leave this continent out of it.
      This has been going on for 100 years too long,already.

        Jul 29, 2014 29:51 PM

        Boycott Israel with sanctions.

          Jul 29, 2014 29:14 PM

          Another terrible idea. Boycotts have been attempted repeatedly throughout Israel’s history as a nation and it has been proved conclusively that most were ineffectual. On the contrary, the Arab league boycotts actually resulted in more harm being done to the economies of those enforcing boycotts than on Israel itself. Check your history before coming up with more bright ideas.

            Jul 29, 2014 29:18 PM

            I have no idea as to the effect of previous boycotts, your probly right.
            What else can someone do that wants Isreal to stop killing palistinians?

      Jul 29, 2014 29:27 PM

      Cfs, please tell me why the real jews (oriental jews) in Israel hate the white European Ashkenazi convert Zionist jews?

        Jul 29, 2014 29:11 PM

        Please define the term “real jews” and why you call them oriental.

      Jul 29, 2014 29:10 PM

      You are correct.

      Remember the old Tv show, “People Are Funny”

    Jul 29, 2014 29:41 AM

    Absolutly excellent Robski, I had missed that one.

    Funny, the americans create train and arm isis, almost like they wanted a war? like ww1?ww2?Vietnam? hmmmm

    Well Ron Paul has been incredibly accurate, I love his support of Liberty, too bad less than 600k people even bother to watch that video, one thing tho, he likes gold, maybe we should own some?

      Jul 29, 2014 29:59 AM

      Maybe we should own some?

    Jul 29, 2014 29:04 AM

    Ron Paul is the one breath of realism in a cloud of US politics.

    Jul 29, 2014 29:13 PM

    Another worthy politician – Michael Krieger and former aide to President Clinton speaks up on the subject ‘My party has lost its soul’. Opening paragraph is quite sufficient to put the kibosh on Mr ‘Yes we can’!