

Predictions for 2015

January 3, 2015

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    Jan 03, 2015 03:17 AM

    It seems that nobody talks about the serious impact for trade if US dollar is extremely strong. If a strong yen is bad for Japan, a strong dollar has to be bad for US. It will speed up the exit of manufacturing and expand the trade deficit. It will also hurt US energy production since it makes oil more expensive for US producers.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:12 AM

      Good point and when you throw the slow down in the oil sector and the soft PMI numbers – Yellen has a serious problem with her tightening story even when bolstered by bogus numbers out of the USG. 5% GDP seriously! – only the idiots on CNBC believe that BS number thus their ratings.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:39 AM

      If it was 10 years ago, media would point out the problem of strong dollar immediately and scream bloody murder. What is wrong now? Do people forget about why US pressed Japan and China to increase their currecy values? If we take away oil import/export, US trade deficit is highest ever. If low oil price damages shale oil, the strong dollar will again cause US industry’s out flow and speed up the trade deficit growth. It also cause US debt to rise more. US debt is already 18.14 trillion as of December 31.

        Jan 03, 2015 03:53 PM

        Lawrence, what can I say, “You are Right!”

          Jan 04, 2015 04:31 PM

          You bet he is, Machiine Gun

        Jan 04, 2015 04:39 PM

        Maybe manufacturing costs are down due to cheaper oil and gas – and perhaps cheaper labour costs?!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:37 PM

          An overly strong dollar would still not be good, simplistic speaking though.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:30 PM

      Good point, Lawrence.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:23 AM

    If diehard goldbug like Al Korelin has thrown in the towel, you know the bottom is in. Remember, market will shake of as many participants as possible just before a major move on either direction.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:02 PM


      I am certainly not a die hard gold bug in the common sense of the word. I am rather a die hard investor who goes where he feels opportunity and safety exist.

      I am also not always correct.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:15 PM

        Sorry about the spelling check. I cannot change the obvious typo.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:07 AM

    Great interviews. One point to Chris Temple’s discussion about how debt is a big difference this time around – I would suggest there is another: Tight Oil has a very fast depletion rate over many traditional wells. So US production numbers will probably start to roll off in 3rd or 4Q as exploration/drilling budgets get slashed. Also as stated by Tullow Oil’s VP of operations, deep sea drilling has a much higher threshold for financial success than in the past – and this comment was made when oil was closer to $100 per bbl. Thus the almost instantaneous collapse of the UK oil development sector – which has a very mature deep sea component and a nascent fracking sector.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:15 PM

      Thank you Jersey Joe!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:36 AM

    Seg 6 and yours is a great a great question Cory – Why does no-one raise a stink when the government issues wholly false information?
    Yet we get the leaders we deserve, or as de Tocqueville said: ‘In democracy we get the government we deserve’. For the tragedy of human nature is its propensity to ask no questions and to accept the status quo, when the delusion of democracy lulls us into thinking that our leaders work on our behalf, and yet more so when countries like the U.S and the U.K enter their death throes. Welfare payments, credit cards, inane game-shows and a raft of other distractions sedate the masses into supposing that all is well.
    The civil unrest that has been growing like topsy in the 21st century will only get worse, civil this being the desperate response of people who realise that they’ve woken up too late.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:35 PM

      Reverend, there certainly is some dissatisfaction out there.

      I was heartened to read Peggy Noonan’ s editorial in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal

    Jan 03, 2015 03:38 AM

    Typo: Delete second ‘civil’.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:24 AM

    Segs 3 and 4 ….just too many black swans Al, to my mind to stop one or more of them crash landing. May be an auspicious time to buy…see below?

      Jan 04, 2015 04:36 PM

      Your point was brought home very well by Grant.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:39 AM

    Great segment. This company is right on track moving towards human clinical trials and a high likelihood of success in my opinion. Would have liked to have heard about the new laser and progress made regarding the licensing.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:18 PM

      The :Company does seem to be doing everything right.

      Please do your own due diligence and let us know what you think.

      Thanks Macer

    Jan 03, 2015 03:21 AM

    The key driver of this or any economy has always been and will always be the strength of the middle class. The markets are being injected higher to hide the true state of affairs. Again we are seeing smoke and mirrors, this is welfare for the rich.
    If you go back to truly prosperous times like the later 1960’s people weren’t afraid to voice their opinions because the middle class was strong and jobs were plentiful; that’s why Woodstock defined that generation, this is not possible now.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:04 PM

      Monterey Pop Festival was the ultimate 60s festival. It was before the media got a hold of the hippie phenomena and turned it mainstream. The REAL hippies were the ones who were at Monterey; Woodstock only attracted posers, who were only there to smoke dope and nothing more.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:38 PM

        Chris, The Monterey Jazz Festival was one of my favorite events of all time.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:45 AM

    Lars Schall “Informed 9/11 Terror Trading” Takes Apart @JamesGRickards Claims. 9/11 CIA Trading implicated.

    Lars Schall presents evidence that many Wall Street bankers and the cia are the same people. Interesting implications to say the least.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:27 PM

      Since “the borrower is slave to the lender” and the U.S. Government is “the borrower,” the U.S. Government is a slave or servant. Who is the master? You said it: the bankers. God will set us free IF we keep his commandments.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:39 PM

        Gotta keep His commandments Wayne!

      Jan 04, 2015 04:38 AM

      bb..Rickards comes back with…Jim Rickards @JamesGRickards
      My bestselling book offers proof there was 9/11 insider trading. if @MaxKeiser #LarsSchall want to fantasize the rest, they’re welcome to it

        Jan 04, 2015 04:47 AM

        Mark, that’s not the point of the presentation.

        There is no fantasizing about insider trading.

        Lars states the Rickards info is good, recommends the books.
        Remember, Rickards is buds with Wall Street AND the dhs etc, he has to be carefull how and what he says.

        The presentation INCLUDES info from Rickards books, it is NOT all about Rickards books, he is presenting info.

        The point is about Wall Street Bankers and the CIA.

        This is well researched new information.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:41 PM

        Your best selling book Market? Please elaborate!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:44 PM

          Al..that was a Rickards tweet.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:25 PM

            Many thanks for the clarification, Market!

      Jan 04, 2015 04:07 PM

      thanks bb

    Jan 03, 2015 03:57 AM

    HAPPY New Year to all my fellow “Korelinites” out there in cyberland!! 2015 is the year that this cyclical bear market in the PM’s terminates. Time to show the Emperor’s not wearing any clothes…….and if he/her is…then we will just rip the clothes off him/her and REVEAL THE TRUTH. I trust you guys know what that is….
    All the VERY best,

      Jan 03, 2015 03:06 AM


      Now that’s an interesting term. Maybe I can use that in my sig. 🙂

      Jan 03, 2015 03:47 PM

      Marc or Big Al,

      Is Korelinite similar to kryptonite?

      Jan 03, 2015 03:47 PM

      Marc or Big Al,

      Is Korelinite similar to kryptonite?

        Jan 04, 2015 04:33 AM

        No…absolutely not!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:44 PM

          Exactly, absolutely not!

      Jan 04, 2015 04:42 PM

      Same to you San Diego!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:33 AM

    Grant Williams is right like the old saying goes “follow the money” and the only true money is gold and where is it flowing. When The US became The World Reserve Currency” gold was flowing into this country at an unprecedented rate in the 1930’s. At one point their government listed US gold reserves of 23,000 tons. The US began at this time to disburse some of their gold because they were worried about the economic imbalances this could cause for the world economy. China will not view the rest of us with such a benevolent eye.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:45 PM

      No they certainly will not, Machine Gun!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:14 AM

    BINGORAMA! Well said…especially the last line.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:05 AM

    Re: Segment 6

    Geez, you guys still expect something positive to come out of the District of Criminals?

    By now doesn’t everyone know the politicians are there to take everything they can from you through inflation and taxation and give it to the special interests?

    When will people realize that these crooks are NOT there to represent the people and the country? These crooks are there to stick it to you and are your enemies.

    And there’s no way Rand Paul gets the RepubloCon nomination. It’s Jebby and Hitlery. Those are your “choices.”

      Jan 03, 2015 03:29 PM

      Hitlery is good, Killery is better.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:46 PM

      I really hope you are wrong,Ebolan!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:07 AM

    I don’t blame The Chinese for being secretive of their gold accumulation and holdings, after all the leader of the west won’t allow an audit of their reserves. What this does is create fear for all other countries and fear and greed are the main drivers.
    The G20 should insist that all countries in their organization submit to an audit of their gold holdings. One representative from each country could oversee the audit. Canada has no gold holdings, do you see how easy this would be.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:32 AM

    At one time, you would be measuring advances and declines in the Indeces based on the TED spread, or perhaps yields on HY. Not oil prices.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:33 AM

    Re: Segment 8

    “These programs are like crack babies.”

    Yup, born from crack politicians.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:33 AM

    Re: Segment 8

    “These programs are like crack babies.”

    Yup, born from crack politicians.

    Ebolan the Korelinite

      Jan 04, 2015 04:47 PM

      Best to you, Ebolan!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:00 AM

    Are we all happy now that sub two dollar gasoline is here? Were is the dialog of a cohesive national energy policy? How about, years of tolerance of Muslim Fundamentalist Theocracies and their human rights abuses due to our lack of policy and our addiction to the

      Jan 03, 2015 03:09 AM

      Sub $2 gas? Well, not in Collifornia (as Ahnode Schwartenwhatever calls it.)

      The average price out here is around 2.60. And it is starting to go back up as the Colliefornia Cap-n-tax…err…I mean Cap And Trade law kicks in for gasoline and diesel this month.

      This cap-n-tax scheme was brought to us by that great conservative RepubloCon (and maid bonker) Arnold Scharzennegger and his DemoNcrat buddies.

      No one knows how much this will raise gasoline prices this year but conservative estimates are around ten to 15 cents a gallon this year and the tax goes up every year there after and no one knows how much. In a few years it could add around fifty cents to a gallon of gas.

      And of course BEFORE this nonsense of cap-n-tax hit Colliefornia already had the highest gas tax in the country.

      But even with cap-n-tax the taxes on gas and diesel are not enough. The Demoncrats in Colliefornia are pushing for even higher fuel costs. One Demoncrat last week said he and his buddies hat to make the tax “sting” in order to get people to change their fuel usage.

      Gas will never be below $2 a gallon in Colliefornia.

        Jan 03, 2015 03:58 AM

        I read that even if oil goes to $0, Californians will still pay 72 cents at the pump.

          Jan 03, 2015 03:32 PM


          Jan 03, 2015 03:18 PM

          What the DemoNcrats want out here is for gas to be too expensive for the average folk to be able to use much of it. They want to force everyone out of cars and into mass transit (even though it is inadequate) and they want to force everyone out of houses in the ‘burbs and into little cracker boxes in the city.

          They want gas to be just as expensive in Colliefornia as it is in Europe and eventually they will get their way at the rate they are going.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:52 PM

          Ever stop and think about the magnitude of the gas tax in Canada?

      Jan 04, 2015 04:49 PM

      Cohesive National Energy Policy? What is that!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:00 AM

    oil of the east

    Jan 03, 2015 03:25 AM

    I`d like to get your thoughts on Centamin PLC, a gold miner in Egypt. It`s got great fundamentals – no debt and low cost per oz and the business environment in Egypt is improving IMO. Up 30% in the last month.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:29 AM

    Hi AL:

    YOu should try to get Martin Armstrong on to hear his views about the market.

    Would be very valuable to hear.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:21 PM

      Good luck. Marty is an anti korelinite you will never hear him on this show.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:54 PM

        Seems to be and I am l not sure why he feels that way.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:53 PM

      I have tried and he doesn’t seem to have any interest.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:19 PM

    People should be willing to vote for independant candidates , or Green party or Libitaritan party candidates . Thats how we get some change. And why do people vote for very old angry people like Grumpy from Kentucy . He may not even live out his 6 year senate seat. New people are needed. Looking at corporate bonds for investments now. Love to all S

      Jan 03, 2015 03:40 PM

      The main problem is the media doesn’t give other political parties a platform to spread their ideas en masse. Therefore these parties get lost (or ignored completely) in the shuffle, only to be found by individuals(a very small minority) who do research and find them.

        Jan 03, 2015 03:58 PM

        Well said. A couple nights ago PBS was talking about possibly 10-12 Republican potentials. Democrats: one, Clinton. No mention of Jim Webb and others who are exploring their possibilities.

        Jan 03, 2015 03:37 PM

        Yup Chris, its a two headed snake and they own the media, they will direct the people as to how they are expected to vote and the voters will do exactly as they are directed.

        After all these years they got it down pat.

          Jan 03, 2015 03:39 PM

          Just look what the media did with Ron Paul. They portrayed him as the crazy ol’ grandfather who is hiding in his bunker and coming up with strange conspiracy theories.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:57 PM

            Yes they did make him look like that Chris.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:56 PM

        Very good point Chris!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:33 PM HEY ALL. This is a MUST listen to by Lutz. Darryl R. Schoon pretty much nails the big picture..Buy, gold,;Buy silver….and HAVE FAITH!!

      Jan 03, 2015 03:53 PM

      The link does not work

        Jan 04, 2015 04:34 AM

        Then go to your browser..above and click on the Schoon..interview…very very good!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:46 PM

    Re: Segment 3
    I agree with Grant and Cory nails it when he points out that gold has held up well when you consider how the dollar has done (+12% for 2014). Gold did even better when you consider that the GSCI Commodity Index finished 2014 down 34% while oil (WTIC) finished down about 46% and silver lost 20%. Gold is obviously not just any commodity.
    Aside from being long the miners, I will continue to bet against select conventional stocks for 2015.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:23 PM

      Matthew…no offense buddy but your one hardened gold bug…PMs have been worse then bad and the stocks were a disaster for a long time….There’s a handful on earth that have ever made real wealth in this realm. Its a cyclical market. Get in for a short then run away for years. Check out this guru…He will tell you hes never wrong. Checkout the chart. You can manage real wealth in this pot shot game…
      This too!! Hilarious!!!
      Its the biggest crap shoot on earth…be careful man..Bob makes big money on ads…Just like the old gold rush days. People selling the hardware and women made the money…That said we are due for a bounce maybe…

        Jan 04, 2015 04:16 PM

        No offense taken, PMs have been very good to me. Is there something about my comment you disagree with?

          Jan 05, 2015 05:29 AM

          Not much Mat. Gold is a commodity like oil. Oil is in reserves a lot like gold but has much better utilitarian use. Gold is a way to store some wealth but only long term as speculation distorts it’s so bad and it is very illiquid. Cheers

            Jan 05, 2015 05:50 AM

            Gold is highly liquid.

            Gold is superior to oil for wealth storage precisely because it doesn’t get used up. It doesn’t lack utility at all. What it lacks is utility that is widely understood.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:55 AM

            “…According to Carl Menger, subsequent units of a commodity are valued less by the economizing individual than units acquired by him earlier. This is known as the Principle of Declining Marginal Utility. If we rank commodities according to the rate of that decline, then we shall find that the marginal utility of one of them declines more slowly than that of any other. The commodity with this property is none other than gold. In fact, the marginal utility of gold declines so slowly that it is practically constant. It follows that gold hoarding must be limited by something other than declining marginal utility so that demand for it may not become arbitrarily large, and gold coins may stay in circulation. The fact is that demand for gold is limited by the positive rate of interest channeling gold into monetary circulation, away from hoarding. This makes gold the corner-stone of both the theory money and the theory of interest.”


            Jan 05, 2015 05:24 PM

            I agree but there’s a pile more things that do a better job.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:28 PM

          Disagree on liquidity. How much does its cost you to buy then store then sell it!? No it is not liquid. You can wake up to water fall crushing loses. It takes seconds to get crushed.
          Othe new U.S. dollar is highly liquid. It’s the king for a reason.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:30 PM

            My point is you are getting gouged in and out.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:52 PM

            The dollar is the king of fiat currencies because the U.S. had the most gold after WW2. He who has the gold (not dollars) rules.
            For long term “buy it and forget about it” savings, nothing protects purchasing power like gold.
            Like any asset, it’s important to buy right. Those who went to fiat cash when stocks peaked in 2000 have lost a lot of purchasing power. Those who went to gold have gained purchasing power. Therefore, storing dollars was expensive —even without storage fees.

            “And since gold is the sixth-most heavily traded financial asset in the world – behind three currency pairs involving the U.S. dollar, U.S. Treasuries, and Japanese government bonds – gold is clearly the most liquid of all liquid alts!”
            “Further, during 2011 when liquidity was particularly high, daily volumes surpassed US$240 billion, according to the London Bullion Market Association. In other words, gold’s liquidity in the OTC market rivals major currency pairs and surpasses all U.S. stocks combined.” —From the Kitco article linked above.

            Most people are going to learn about the importance of gold the hard way. I have no doubt about that at all.

            Jan 06, 2015 06:09 AM

            The funny thing is I don’t know anyone that’s wealthy that own any real amount of gold the folks I know $5mil to &25m. Someone should tell them that they had done it all wrong the past 40years.
            Energy is far more important to countries than hold these days. One who has it has a strong foothold.

            Jan 06, 2015 06:37 AM

            It’s not that you’re acquaintances have done anything wrong in building their wealth; it’s that they have blind spots with respect to protecting it now that they have. There are many ways to make money that do not require any expertise on money itself. I consider it very, very bullish that so few own gold —even among those with a higher net worth.

            It’s not an “either/or” proposition, but gold does look a little expensive right now when priced in oil. An ounce of gold was worth about 6 barrels of oil in the summer of 2008. Right now an ounce is worth over 24 barrels. The 40 year average is 15 barrels. I like the gold miners infinitely more than gold at the moment.
            Gold represents stored energy. Countries that have plenty of it will have no problem obtaining oil —at 24 barrels per ounce! When the economy turns ugly, gold is much better to have than oil.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:48 PM

    Great show once again.
    I find that my first intuitions about politics and central banks are usually wrong,mostly due to the lack of credible information.Not to mention my call last December on the break out of the Canadian Venture Exchange.That being said: Als comment on the 100 dollar to 50 dollar oil drop was an action that resulted from a pointed direction of the west wanting to jab Russia a little bit.
    Could it not also be the Saudi’s taking offense with the U.S negotiating a nuclear agreement with the Iranians.
    Could one of the black swans be the failure of the U.S and the Iranians reaching a nuclear agreement prompting Israel to take matters into their own hands?

      Jan 03, 2015 03:31 PM

      john……Israel has not got the balls to take matters into their own hands….they will just get someone else to do it for them……So long as Israel & Saudi exist there will never be peace in the middle east……….

        Jan 04, 2015 04:12 PM

        This is the first time I have disagreed with you in a long time Mr Irish!

        Jan 05, 2015 05:21 AM

        So long as Israel & Saudi exist there will never be peace in the middle east……….

        How stupid is that?? Yea genius take away Israel and Saudi Arabia and we can always count on Russia, North Korea, US, Iran. and Yemen to have peace in the world.
        Let’s not forget Ireland since we all know how much the Catholics and protestants have always been peaceful with each other over there particularity in northern Ireland.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:11 PM

      I personally think it could, John.

    Jan 03, 2015 03:59 PM

    john k, Israel has always taken matters into their own hands, they believe the best defense is an offense.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:37 PM

      DT….Israel are minor league bullies… The only reason why they have got away with it for so long is…..Because they have the MAJOR worlds bully …(THE US ) covering their back.

      Jan 03, 2015 03:25 PM

      Israel has always taken matters into their own hands…

      Yes, just ask the crew of the USS Liberty.

        Jan 03, 2015 03:46 PM

        Never ceases to amaze me that we support Isreal.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:09 AM


            Jan 04, 2015 04:05 AM

            No porblem man. I understand 🙂

          Jan 04, 2015 04:10 AM

          Sorry,…. could not help it bb. Spelling makes me crazy.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:56 AM

            OK Bird, doesn’t help Im a little dyslexic. lol

            Jan 04, 2015 04:15 PM

            Did not no that Burns

          Jan 04, 2015 04:58 PM

          And why wouldn’t we……they are our friend regardless of what Obama says….

        Jan 04, 2015 04:14 PM

        Completely agree with you Ebolan!

    Jan 03, 2015 03:02 PM

    The people of Israel are as brainwashed as Americans.

    It’s not the people, it’s the leaders.

    ( I know you know that, just sayin )

    Jan 03, 2015 03:20 PM

    Your right Chartster, people are pretty good wherever you go, brainwashed but pretty much ok.

    The leaders, psychopaths.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:12 AM

      Agree with all the above comments: Israel’s freezing of $127m in taxes due to be repaid to Palestine is but another illustration of Netanyahu and Co’s SHEER VICIOUS SPITE. Why has Israel done this? All because Palestine had the temerity to request the UN that she be given her independence. The vote failed by the way, thanks of course to the US backing Israel. The day of reckoning will come for these psychos. Hallelujah!

        Jan 04, 2015 04:14 AM

        I wonder actually, You would think that people would lose patience with the evil around us. But geez, have people got patience or what?
        There is some conversation in Europe about sanctioning Israel, and maybe the Russians Chinese, the brics and sco will be successful in changing the world reserve currency.

        I also wonder about those prophecies about Israel being attacked from everywhere, with the way they treat people I don’t consider that a hard prediction to make.
        Other than it was made awhile ago.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:03 AM

          the Arabs (people from Arabia) in Palestine have the same goals as Isis,. Israel is on the front line against Islamic terror, Thank you Israel for standing up to the terrorists

            Jan 05, 2015 05:41 PM

            Following is a list of United Nations Security Council resolutions directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international TERRORISM, or other violations of international law.

            The United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York

            Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.

            Res. 89 (Nov. 17, 1950) – Requests that attention be given to the expulsion of “thousands of Palestine Arabs” and calls upon concerned governments to take no further action “involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers or armistice lines”, and notes that Israel announced that it would withdraw to the armistice lines.

            Res. 93 (May 18, 1951) – Finds that Israeli airstrikes on Syria on April 5, 1951 constitutes “a violation of the cease-fire”, and decides that Arab civilians expelled from the demilitarized zone by Israel should be allowed to return.

            Res. 100 (Oct. 27, 1953) – Notes that Israel had said it would stop work it started in the demilitarized zone on September 2, 1953.

            Res. 101 (Nov. 24, 1953) – Finds Israel’s attack on Qibya, Jordan on October 14-15, 1953 to be a violation of the cease-fire and “Expresses the strongest censure of that action”.

            Res. 106 (Mar. 29, 1955) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip on February 28, 1955.

            Res. 111 (Jan. 19, 1956) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Syria on December 11, 1955 as “a flagrant violation of the cease-fire” and armistice agreement.

            Res. 119 (Oct. 31, 1956) – Considers that “a grave situation has been created” by the attack against Egypt by the forces of Britain, France, and Israel.

            Res. 171 (Apr. 9, 1962) – Reaffirms resolution 111 and determines that Israel’s attack on Syria on March 16-17, 1962 “constitutes a flagrant violation of that resolution”.

            Res. 228 (Nov. 25, 1966) – “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property resulting from the action” by Israel in the southern Hebron area on November 13, 1966, and “Censures Israel for this large-scale military action in violation of the United Nations Charter” and the armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan.

            Res. 237 (Jun. 14, 1967) – Calls on Israel “to ensure the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants where military operations have taken place” during the war launched by Israel on June 5, 1967 “and to facilitate the return of those inhabitants who have fled the areas since the outbreak of hostilities”.

            Res. 242 (Nov. 22, 1967) – Emphasizes “the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”, emphasizes that member states have a commitment to abide by the U.N. Charter, and calls for the “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied” during the June 1967 war.

            Res. 248 (Mar. 24, 1968) – Observes that the Israeli attack on Jordan “was of a large-scale and carefully planned nature”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, “Condemns the military action launched by Israel in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”, and “Calls upon Israel to desist from” further violations of resolution 237.

            Res. 250 (Apr. 27, 1968) – Considers “that the holding of a military parade in Jerusalem will aggravate tensions in the area and have an adverse effect on a peaceful settlement of the problems in the area” and “Calls upon Israel to refrain from holding the military parade in Jerusalem which is contemplated” for May 2, 1968.

            Res. 251 (May 2, 1968) – Recalls resolution 250 and “Deeply deplores the holding by Israel of the military parade in Jerusalem” on May 2, 1968 “in disregard of” resolution 250.

            Res. 252 (May 21, 1968) – “Deplores the failure of Israel to comply with” General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, considers Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem “invalid”, and calls upon Israel “to rescind all such measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further action which tends to change the status of Jerusalem”.

            Res. 256 (Aug. 16, 1968) – Recalls Israel’s “flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter” condemned in resolution 248, observes that further Israeli air attacks on Jordan “were of a large scale and carefully planned nature in violation of resolution 248”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, and condemns Israel’s attacks.

            Res. 259 (Sep. 27, 1968) – Expresses concern for “the safety, welfare and security” of the Palestinians “under military occupation by Israel”, deplores “the delay in the implementation of resolution 237 (1967) because of the conditions still being set by Israel for receiving a Special Representative of the Secretary-General”, and requests Israel to receive the Special Representative and facilitate his work.

            Res. 262 (Dec. 31, 1968) – Observes “that the military action by the armed forces of Israel against the civil International Airport of Beirut was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned nature”, and condemns Israel for the attack.

            Res.265 (Apr. 1, 1969) – Expresses “deep concern that the recent attacks on Jordanian villages and other populated areas were of a pre-planned nature, in violation of resolutions” 248 and 256, “Deplores the loss of civilian life and damage to property”, and “Condemns the recent premeditated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages and populated areas in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”.

            Res. 267 (Jul. 3, 1969) – Recalls resolution 252 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, notes that “since the adoption of the above-mentioned resolutions Israel has taken further measures tending to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Deplores the failure of Israel to show any regard for the resolutions”, “Censures in the strongest terms all measures taken to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, “Confirms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel which purport to alter the status of Jerusalem, including expropriation of land and properties thereon, are invalid and cannot change that status”, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind the measures taken to annex Jerusalem.

            Res. 270 (Aug. 26, 1969) – “Condemns the premeditated air attack by Israel on villages in southern Lebanon in violation of its obligations under the Charter and Security Council resolutions”.

            Res. 271 (Sep. 15, 1969) – Expresses grief “at the extensive damage caused by arson to the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem” on August 21, 1969 “under the military occupation of Israel”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Determines that the execrable act of desecration and profanation of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque emphasizes the immediate necessity of Israel’s desisting from acting in violation” previous resolutions and rescinding measures to annex Jerusalem, calls on Israel “to observe the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and international law governing military occupation”, and condemns Israel’s failure to comply with previous resolutions.

            Res. 279 (May 12, 1970) – “Demands the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory.”

            Res. 280 (May 19, 1970) – Expresses conviction that “that the Israeli military attack against Lebanon was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned in nature”, recalls resolution 279 “demanding the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory”, deplores Israel’s violation of resolutions 262 and 270, “Condemns Israel for its premeditated military action in violation of its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations”, and “Deplores the loss of life and damage to property inflicted as a result” of Israeli violations of Security Council resolutions.

            Res. 285 (Sep. 5, 1970) – “Demands the complete and immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory

            Sorry Keylime, couldn’t help myself as you state that the Israelis are standing up to the terrorists.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:18 PM

        But what about the Palestinians not willing to acknowledge Israel as a state?

          Jan 04, 2015 04:52 PM

          “We must expel Arabs and take their places.”
          — David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.

          “There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
          — Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.

          “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”

          — Moshe Dayan, April 1969, Ha’aretz; quoted in Edward Said, ‘Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims’, Social Text, Volume 1, 1979, 7-58.

          “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country.”
          — David Ben Gurion, quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:01 PM

            “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people… It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist.”
            — Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

            “We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘Drive them out!”
            — Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

            “[Israel will] create in the course of the next 10 or 20 years conditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the refugees from the Gaza Strip and the west Bank to Jordan. To achieve this we have to come to agreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat.”
            — Yitzhak Rabin (a “Prince of Peace” by Clinton’s standards), explaining his method of ethnically cleansing the occupied land without stirring a world outcry. (Quoted in David Shipler in the New York Times, 04/04/1983 citing Meir Cohen’s remarks to the Knesset’s foreign affairs and defense committee on March 16.)Yitzhak Rabin
            Prime Minister of Israel
            1974 – 1977,
            1992 – 1995

            “[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs.”

            — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the ‘Beasts,”‘ New Statesman, June 25, 1982.”The past leaders of our movement left us a clear message to keep Eretz Israel from the Sea to the River Jordan for future generations, for the mass aliya (=Jewish immigration), and for the Jewish people, all of whom will be gathered into this country.”
            — Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir declares at a Tel Aviv memorial service for former Likud leaders, November 1990. Jerusalem Domestic Radio Service.

            “The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It’s that simple.”
            — Yitzhak Shamir, Maariv, 02/21/1997.

            “(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers … heads smashed against the boulders and walls.”
            — Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

            Jan 04, 2015 04:05 PM

            “It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.”

            — Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

            “Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours…Everything we don’t grab will go to them.”
            — Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.

            “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.”

            I think the question should not be why does Palistine not recognise the state of Israel, the question should be, Why on earth would they?

            Jan 04, 2015 04:23 PM

            Bottom line, this situation was never handled correctly. Even my Jewish friends agree with this comment.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:28 PM

            Of course I grant you that this is a despicable situation. Who in their right mind can argue with that?

            Jan 05, 2015 05:08 AM

            there was no such thing as a Palestinian People, you only have to look at their family names to see that most of them originated from all over the Arab world including north Africa. Jews have always lived in that land , whether in larger numbers at certain times in history or smaller numbers. Yassar Arafat their previous leader wasn’t even born there he was born in Cairo.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:15 AM

            bb, you failed to mention the Jewish Refugees who numbered over 850,000 whom were made homeless and stateless refugees kicked out or fled for their lives from the Arab speaking world in 1948, also a further 150,000, from Turkey and a further 100,000 from Iran both Islamic but not Arab countries. whereby over 1,000,000 Jews were made homeless. Today over 50% of the entire population of Israel consists of those Jews and their descendants whom originated from the Arab and Islamic world. 20% of the population of israel consists of the Arabs that stayed on in Israel, Muslims, Christians, Druze and Beduins, the rest 30% consist of Jews from all over the world. The Jews never stole any land from the Palestinians, because they never ruled the land, it was for the last 2,000 years ruled by the Romans, the Byzantiums, Arabs, Crusaders, Turks, (The Ottoman Empire) and finally the British) reverting back to the Jews in 1948.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:22 AM

            Great points Keylime!

            Jan 05, 2015 05:14 PM

            in the history of the world, Palestine has never existed as a nation. The region known as Palestine was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their ancestral homeland. It was never ruled by Arabs as a separate nation.

        Jan 05, 2015 05:17 AM

        Andrew for some reason you have a strong predilection for scrutinizing Israel more than any other country in the World.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:39 PM

          Keylime, 850,000 jews fled from arab speaking world in 1948?
          How could so many be living in an arab speaking world? They were being hunted in the 40s. As far as I know the arab speaking world was leaning towards Germany due to mistreatment from Britain and France.

          I could see them running earlier in the 40s especially from Turkey as Turkey was negotiating with Germany, but 1948? Why run in 1948?
          Just a guess, but was it par chance the Jews went places after the war they were not welcome,or they were in hiding, underground? remember, when Germany asked the world to take the Jews most nations said they didn’t want them.
          Anyway, 1948?
          That’s news to me Keylime.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:01 PM

            here you go bb

            The Jewish exodus from Arab lands
            By YJ Draiman

            Arabs expelled over a million Jews from Arab countries and confiscated their land and assets totaling over 15 trillion dollars. The Jewish exodus from Arab lands refers to the 20th century expulsion or mass departure of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Islamic countries.

            The migration started in the late 19th century, but accelerated after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. According to official Arab statistics, over 989,000 Jews were forced out of their homes in Arab countries from 1948 until the early 1970’s. Some 650,000 resettled in Israel, leaving behind personal property valued today at more than $990 billion. Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands has been estimated at 120,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the State of Israel). Valued today at about 15 trillion dollars.

            Not abused? I feel like swearing here. You can bet your rear end they were abused.

            Patricia Metzger’s campaign to achieve justice sheds light on a little-discussed aspect of the Israeli-Arab conflict: In the wake of the War of Independence and the establishment of Israel, two major population movements took place in the Middle East. The one that is frequently mentioned is the Palestinian exodus, but at the same time almost one million Jews were forced to leave Arab countries where they had lived for hundreds of years. According to official Arab statistics, due to persecution, some 990,000 Jews left those countries from 1948 to the beginning of the 1970’s, and about 610,000 of them were absorbed in Israel. For the sake of comparison, the United Nations data estimate the original population of Arab-Palestinian refugees at 585,000.

            Because we had no home for nearly two thousand years, Israel made itself independent of its Arab-British oppressors in 1948. In that year, another great Jewish Exodus occurred, leading to a large increase in the population of Israel and the decimation of some of the oldest Jewish communities on earth.

            Jews have lived in the countries now occupied by Arabs since the destruction of the first Temple in 586 B.C.E. Yet, the descendants of these original inhabitants of so many Middle Eastern lands were driven out of their ancestral homes by the religious bigotry and racial animosity of the Arab invaders.

            In 1945 there were more than 995,000 Jews living in Arabic speaking countries. Today, there are less than 6,000. Some Arab states like Libya are completely judenrein, i.e., cleansed of Jews, as the Arabs’ best friend, Hitler, liked to say.

            About 640,000 of these Jews were absorbed by Israel. Another 360,000 went to Europe, America or Australia. Evidently, then, the refugee problem in the Middle East consists of the failure of the Arab states to compensate these 988,000 for the property and assets they were forced to leave behind.

            Examples are Iraq, which once had a Jewish population of 97,000 and now only has less than one hundred Jews left. A good number of Jews left Egypt in 1948. Egypt is the country where Yasser Arafat was born (Arafat is an Egyptian. His real name is Husseinei). There were 81,000 Jews in Egypt in 1948. Yet, in connection with the Egyptian aggression of 1957, more than 27,300 Jews were forced to leave Egypt. Today, the Jewish community in Egypt amounts to only 180. These Jews left assets of $55 billion, for which they should now be compensated.

            There are no Jews in Algeria today. That country is also Judenrein. In 1948 there were 160,000 Jews in Algeria. In Morocco, which was the home of 298,000 Jews before 1948, there are today only 5,700 Jews. Similar decimation occurred in Syria, Tunisia, Yemen and other Arab states. The governments of the these countries forcibly expelled all Jews, who then increased the Israeli population. From the Arab point of view that was indeed as stupid a policy as the Arab incitement of the Russian population against the Jews in that country. That anti-Jewish campaign by the Arab agitators led to the arrival in Israel of over a million Russian Jews. Many of the Jews were engineers and scientists of the first order. This helped Israel a great deal. Now the Arabs are making life miserable for the Jews of France and Belgium. There are over 750,000 Jews in France. If the Arabs keep up their attacks on these European Jews then Israel will again absorb a large contingent of Jews forced to flee France (and Belgium).

            The Jewish exodus from the Arab lands was dramatic. Many Jews fled on foot while others were rescued by “Operation Magic Carpet.” This consisted of bringing 56,000 Yemeni Jews to Israel by plane.

            It is evident, therefore, that the “refugee problem” in Israel consists of the failure of the Arabs to pay compensation to the one million Jews who were driven out of their homelands by the Arab hate mongers.

            And There were riots prior to Israel existing. Simply wounding or killing Jews because there was a chance that Israel would exist.

            Go on. Tell me that 5 Times the land of Israel taken from Jews and 990 Billion dollars in personal assets and Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands has been estimated at 120,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the State of Israel). Valued today at about 15 trillion dollars isn’t “Abusing” them . Its just your regular old nationalizing right? No racial hatred at all I am sure. Not to mention they were productive citizens who had no interest in moving to Palestine or they would have already done so (and wouldn’t have been so bloody rich) “If you can’t get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you’d best teach it to dance.” – George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

            Text of Law drafted by Political Committee of Arab League

            1. Beginning with November 28, 1947, all Jewish citizens of (Name of Arab Country) will be considered as members of the Jewish minority State of Palestine and will have to register with the authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and the amounts of their deposits in these banks. This formality is to be accomplished within seven days.

            2. Beginning with (November 28, 1947), bank accounts of Jews will be frozen. These funds will be utilized in part or in full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine.

            3. Beginning with (November 28, 1947), only Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered as “neutrals”. These will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay, or be considered as Arabs and obliged to accept active service with the Arab army.

            4. Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of those armies, will be considered as “Arabs”.

            5. Every Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for that purpose by police authorities or by the Government. His financial resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.

            6. Any Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab armies.

            7. The foregoing (para.6) does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:17 PM

          Had to look around a bit keylime, interesting stuff but,
          Under the Phalevi Dynasty, established in 1925, the country was secularized and oriented toward the West. This greatly benefited the Jews, who were emancipated and played an important role in the economy and in cultural life. On the eve of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, 80,000 Jews lived in Iran. In the wake of the upheaval, tens of thousands of Jews, especially the wealthy, left the country, leaving behind vast amounts of property.

          This is about Iran, interesting, I guess Jews have been in Iran from about the 6th century bc, but the exodus your talking about from Iran anyway happened in 1979, not 1948. Just sayin.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:02 PM

            bb please read above

            Jan 05, 2015 05:19 PM

            The History of the Jews in Algeria refers to the history of the Jewish community of Algeria, which dates to the 1st century CE. In the 14th century, many Spanish Jews emigrated to Algeria following expulsion from Spain and Portugal; among them were respected Jewish scholars, including Isaac ben Sheshet (Ribash) and Simeon ben Zemah Duran (Rashbatz).[1]

            Following Algerian independence in 1962, almost all of Algeria’s Jews, having been granted French citizenship in 1870, left with the pied-noirs. The vast majority moved to France, and the rest moved to Israel. Those who remained resided mostly in Algiers, while some settled in Blida, Constantine, and Oran. ( so much for judenrein in Algeria)

            In the 1990s, the trials of Algerian Civil War led to the emigration of most of the remaining Jews. A decisive event was the rebel Armed Islamic Group’s 1994 declaration of war on all non-Muslims in the country. That year Jews abandoned the Algiers synagogue.

            As with Iran 1948 is suspect in Algeria as well. Gotta wonder how accurate the story is.
            Altho in Iran, the Iranians were very cautious and wary of Zionists and they did take measures to “root them out”

            I checked Iran and Algeria, either the info Ive found is completely wrong or yours is.
            I still find the year 1948 suspect, why wouldn’t the Jews have been turned over to the Germans in the 40s if arabs intended to drive them out?
            Just doesn’t make sense keylime.

            The 2500 years ago stuff I think can be discounted now, I notice your author talks about bigotry and prejudice but more likely religion had nothing to do with it, the area was being invaded. Well, Im sure invaders used whatever they could to create dislike for the “enemy” tho.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:29 PM

            Im sure there is some truth to the story, Jews have been chased around forever, even Naustradomus was chased by the Christians as he didn’t get sick during the plague and he cured 2 cities I believe.
            Actually, the Jews didn’t get sick as they were clean and the Christians were filthy people at the time.
            Naustradomas basically used common sense to fix the cities, cleaned the steets etc and prescribed Rosehips I think, vitamin c in them. Not sure if Im remembering the right plant tho.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:18 PM

            I kept raeding, your article was sure right about Lybia and Iraq. Iraqi jews considered themselves arabs that happened to be jewish.
            It seems to me the anti semitism that happened originated in Germany, prior, things were peaceful.
            Just as in Germany Jews swore to be loyal Germans displaying medals from the first war etc Jews did the same thing in Iraq, swearing to be loyal Iraqis, obviously didn’t do them any good.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:00 PM

      bb…give me Israel’s leader anytime over the so called President the US has….

        Jan 04, 2015 04:29 PM

        Mark, I obviously have not got the ability to check Lars work, but it looks/sounds good to me.

        If it is true, these are unbelievable revelations.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:39 PM

        oops, the comment to Mark went to the wrong place.

        Gator, its all the same evil, they are connected.
        The story (that I know) of the creation of an Israeli state begins in the 1800s, there are oceans of blood to get to the first day of an Israelis state, then the genocide of the Palistinians begins.

        My point of course, its all the same evil, Zionist evil supported by American and British evil, obviously its not “the people” of any of these nations, (other than, they pull the triggers) but the leaders of these nations. Psychopaths all of them.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:46 PM

          I have to agree.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:30 AM

      (Rev) Andrew, most market participants seem to be keying on Armstrong’s 2015 call for the final low in gold. If the miners are historically oversold, market is forward looking and shares lead the way, then when is the low for the shares? The majority have to be wrong and gold appear dead.

      Gold has not wanted to go down and the bullion bank paper ponzi scheme, seems to get more obvious as each day passes. The big guns will have to front run this stuff to get into position. Black swans…and all bets are off? All of 2015 should be a good time to purchase insurance.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:07 AM

        Sorry? What is Armstrong’s 2015 low for gold? I have not heard his call.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:13 PM

          OK, I just checked. Here is what he wrote today:

          “Indeed, 2017 is coming up as a major target in so many markets. We have warned that we did not see a major rally in gold until 2017. This will be 72 years from the end of World War II. A perfect storm period for many aspects”.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:44 PM

            Interesting, 2017 a rally begins? My thinking has been 2020-2025 for awhile now..
            For a “payoff” in PMs that is.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:36 AM

            Birdman…do you think that rally will be the one above $2300 adjusted for inflation? If his low is scheduled between Q4 -2015 and Q1-2016 that will give the gold train plenty of room to make the move.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:19 PM

      As I say over and over, in this insane world anything is possible!

    Jan 04, 2015 04:33 AM

    Pretty difficult to take Israel bashing seriously when for the last couple of hundred years Britain and America have laid waste to the globe.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:24 AM

      Hi MATT….Very true about the UK & US, as far as Israeli bashing is concerned , yes we really need to bash them…You see we have the UNHOLY TRIGOLGY these days
      UK-US-IS………………Murdering Scum is too good of a description for them.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:07 AM

      Don’t disagree at one level Matt. But we have to speak for the age we live in and there’s an awful lot about current (British) society I despise as well. Best, A

        Jan 04, 2015 04:39 AM

        I think we agree that Jesus told us the truth about things, (I exclude religions, translations, interpitations etc for now)
        But we agree on that, well, Jesus warned us about moneychangers, Lars Shall presents new info about the Wall Street bankers and just how connected to the CIA they are.
        We know that the wars for how long now? are about banker profits, this info that Lars presents makes sense and explains some things I think.

        The evil of these guys, how is it even possible? but I guess it is.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:33 AM

    Segment 6 – No predictions given and only some banal vague criticisms. Martenson not adding much of anything here today.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:18 AM

    My wife made me Tahina today. I could not believe how easy she made it look. She just roasted up some raw sesame seeds and then crushed them by hand in a little mortar and pestel with a few spoons of oil. Instant Tahina butter. I cannot believe I have been paying an arm and a leg for the stuff all these years when it was THAT easy to make. Then she whipped up some Hummus and pita for lunch….every day I discover a new thing she knows how to do that I never guessed before. It’s true love for sure…….and its fattening!

      Jan 04, 2015 04:05 PM

      Birdman….it’s not fattening…but good for you…we make Tahina using a blender with olive oil and cashews….makes excellent butter and spreads well on gluten free bread….low calorie and loaded with good fat and minerals…..

        Jan 04, 2015 04:16 PM

        That actually sounds pretty good!

          Jan 05, 2015 05:50 AM


    Jan 04, 2015 04:59 AM

    Bird, if she can brew good beer then she will be a real keeper, 99 bottles of beer………..

      Jan 04, 2015 04:04 AM

      She is a keeper alright. My last wife hardly cooked me a meal I could eat in 20 years but this one goes way overboard. It is heaven, I swear it.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:16 AM

        Having a good wife is the best luck a man can have, way more valuable than money. Congratulations!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:23 AM

          Lawrence…..I had the best one for 38 years….But the cancer monster came & stole her from me ….sigh.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:45 AM

            Very sorry to hear that Tony. Nothing could be more depressing.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:05 PM

            Sorry to hear that

          Jan 04, 2015 04:24 AM

          Thanks Lawrence. You are so right. It is truly a blessing. Second time was the charm.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:18 PM

            Really pleased for your Birdman. It’s just a divine fluke that my wife of forty years has stuck with me!! lol., A

            Jan 04, 2015 04:24 PM

            Me too Bird! My second, but definitely my first choice, has been with me a bit over 40 years! Thank you Jesus!

      Jan 04, 2015 04:20 AM

      DT…….& darn a sock………phew that was close , I spelled sock wrong the first time , glad I checked before submitting the comment………Bird from what you have been telling us about your good lady since you have been here…sounds like you have a good life & wife….Cherish her…..& give her a big kiss from me…..haha

        Jan 04, 2015 04:37 AM

        Will do. You might have to give me tips on your technique so she knows it was genuinely from you though! This a great time of year to count our good fortune and say a prayer of thanks for all the things that went right. Gets me away from the gloom for awhile. I really marvel at how this gal of mine fusses over the details. She makes me coffee from scratch. I mean, she actually roasts green beans fresh each time and then grinds them by hand to make a fresh cup. My old method was just to put a spoon of instant coffee in a mug of hot water I boiled in the microwave…… this is quite a big change. I kind of wonder sometimes what planet I am living on over here.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:42 AM

          Sounds like you got it made Bird.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:26 PM

          Gotta be the right one, Bird!

    Jan 04, 2015 04:29 AM

    I just talked with my father yesterday. unfortunately or fortunately, he still said that he does not feel anything wrong with economy. People of their generation usually very keen to politics and economy and generally complain about government so they are pretty picky. I don’t know how to reconcile with the bearish reports about China for the last few years.

    A new subway line just open with one station just beside their apartment. It allows them to tour Beijing without going above ground. He also said that a subway line is been built to the new airport, this subway working with Tianjin subway may allow travel between two large cities through subway. But regardless how many subway is built, it is always crowded.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:42 AM

      We will probably all agree that China is something of an economic enigma. The reports of its demise have been going on for twenty years or more and yet they are still roaring ahead with high relative growth numbers. We cannot dismiss the size of their credit bubble though. No country has negotiated their way through that kind of expansion without a reversal that is similar in magnitude. Just look at Japan. Twenty years plus and counting since its massive property bubble burst and there is still no salvation in sight.

        Jan 04, 2015 04:22 PM

        People have been promoting the collapse of the US $ from China selling treasuries…ABSOLUTE BUNK!
        US debt is 16Tril or so. China holds 1.15Tril…They have NO interest in destroying the USD. They have artificially kept the Yuan low for a number of reasons… In fact the US is working on their plan to convert the US petro dollar safe haven into something else to keep their foothold of power as they know fossil fuels are not the future…Their buying time. How many times have I heard from the gold bubble heads the US is doomed….This IS a manufactured lie…EOS.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:27 PM

          Pickup anything in your house and look at the “Made in” tag…..enough said.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:05 PM

            More than enough said, Tom!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:39 PM

          The sheeple have a funny tendency to believe that they win when their masters (or their football team!) win. The U.S. is already not even a shadow of its former self if we’re talking about the principles that made it special in the first place. A five minute talk with the average citizen is proof of that fact.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:01 PM

            Sad but true, Matthew!

            Jan 04, 2015 04:58 PM

            Very True Matthew but all things change. Its irrelevant in the big picture. Its can seem corrupt compared to the past but others come from countries that have a much lower standard of living and it is the land of opportunity for them. It has low housing cost and a high quality of living on average. Many will continue to prosper despite of fools of the past getting caught up in financial distortions…..

            Jan 04, 2015 04:30 PM

            MATTHEW YOU REALLY NAILED BUDDY! DANG I WOULD LKE TO MEET YOU….its like I am looking in the mirror!!..except your exceptional trading talent!

            Jan 05, 2015 05:05 AM

            Marc, I’m pretty sure my trading talent is not exceptional. 🙁
            …But it works.

          Jan 04, 2015 04:27 PM

          Yes, but as I know of, the US official debt is 18.14 trillion now. China has been having tight credit since 2007. It is why my friend is involving in private loan business. Business pay them 18% a year. Most people buy house with little mortgage. I don’t think you can borrow more than 50%. The housing bubble comes due to poeple ‘s ownership desire. You know Chinese buy house like crazy everywhere. I hope the housing bubble deflates slowly in order to avoid builder default. The other factor is there is no property tax, this encourages the gambling. However, government is just talking about it but not introducing it. People believes that it is not reasonable to have property tax.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:50 PM


    You are absolutely correct!

    Most don’t realize the fed holds most of the US debt, and that debt is about to be drastically reduced.

    Most haven’t a clue of what the fed is actually doing.

    Good point you brought, Bill.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:31 PM

      Thanks Chartster….China is not going to collapse….
      Lesson’s: Take a look at Venezuela…a good part of their reserves are in gold….illiquid now and in trouble….The fees charged on gold are huge and can trap you in large losses….Australia realizes that the mining boom is OVER and they are looking towards tourism…..The global blow out is behind us with pockets of trouble moving around from country to country. Waiting for a black swan to arrive is worse than going to Vegas….you have better odds there.
      I was sucked into the gold BS in the beginning….yes made then started losing….I woke up to the MAJOR misinformation then found some real research…
      This kind of thing destroys people. I spent the last year warning friends and family of MONEY IN THE BANK salesman…Check out the chart on this sales pitch.
      Best of luck to all…..

        Jan 04, 2015 04:03 PM

        I pretty much agree Bill. But that reasoning has never motivated me as everyone on this site is aware!

          Jan 04, 2015 04:57 PM

          Everyone Al?? Are you sure…..

            Jan 04, 2015 04:54 PM

            They should be, Bill.

            Regarding gold, it is pretty easy to identify the white shoe sales folks and that I s part o f what I meant.

            The second part is that I am not a total gloom and doom person who puts all his/her capital in the metals sector. I have a portion of our assets there that could help us in the event of a currency collapse.

            Thirdly, I am a very strong believer in diversification. As far as the hard asset sector is concerned, I personally like the stock based on hard assets better because I think that I understand them.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:42 PM

            No I think you are on top Al!!
            Just seeing comments of predictions of possibility PM stocks of 5000% gains is dream land.
            Just checked the Loonie against the Dollar and the dollar is bashing to new highs! It keeps surprising….but not a happy surprise for me…Id like to see a re-tracement to buy some real estate in another country the uses the US buck.

            Jan 04, 2015 04:48 PM

            Have to agree. Not a good time at all for Canadians to be looking in Semiahmoo.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:42 PM

    Al, I was interested in your first segment with Grant Williams regarding gold and the late 1990s Asian crisis.

    I worry about what happens if serious debt deleveraging hits east Asian countries and whether they miught sell gold to service their US dollar loans which are said to be at very high levels since QE.

    There seem to be three parallels to the present time: 1982-83, 1984-87 and 1997-2000.

    The gold and siler charts are coming off bubble tops and at the same time the satock market broke out of a more than decade long trading range, as they did in 1982-83.

    As in the time coming up to 1985 we have a major upmove in the dollar. Once the dollar tops, maybe gold will have a nice rally as it did frm 1985-87 ($300 to $500 – it did not go anyewhere near its 1980 high at $85, despite the dollar’s move to new lows in 1987.

    Now, looking at the last one of these periods, the parallels are becoming compelling. A strong run in the dollar, with Asian debt crisis possible, Russian currency crisis and potential default as in 1998, a hiuge runup in the US stock market, the start of a potential interest rate increase cycle and a gradually sinking gold price are all similar to the 1997-2000 period. Inthsat peeriod, gold did not sink fast; it had already had its main grief. It was just a time of despair and very slow decline into 1999. The bottom as in 1999, the US stock market top was 2000 and the US dollar rose into 2001, while gold made a slightly higher low in 2001. Gold started up before the dollar topped. Maybe this can happen in 2015 but don’t hold your breath. Another parallel was the big fall in the Euro at its inception from 1999-2001 and now the present Euro crisis.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:34 PM

      Thanks for the well thought out comment, Dave.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:45 PM

    Yes good comment Dave..

    Jan 04, 2015 04:01 PM

    what American optimism has to do with price of gold? as I know , American demand for gold is only 5% of world demand.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:52 PM


      My bet is that you are probably pretty close!

    Jan 04, 2015 04:42 PM

    Demand is fear driven for the most part…Its more a commodity than anything.
    Optimism reduces demand. It produces nothing unlike real estate Bonds, blue chip companies ect ect.

      Jan 04, 2015 04:53 PM

      Good comment, Bill.

    Jan 04, 2015 04:48 PM

    I applaud Don Oliver’s efforts to educate leaders, etc. I’m afraid, unfortunately, that ignorance and lack of understanding is not the problem in Washington. The powers that be know full well the situation, intellectually. The problem is that our best interest is not what motivates them.

      Jan 05, 2015 05:48 AM

      Probably true, cmc

    Jan 05, 2015 05:54 AM

    Ouch…the Euro just broke another support and the dollar hit 92 ….. but is it going parabolic? This climb is pretty damn steep.

      Jan 05, 2015 05:25 AM

      Seriously, the dollar looks like it is about to go parabolic. Look at the shape of the chart in the past days. Does anyone else think it is about to flatten and go sideways?

        Jan 05, 2015 05:52 AM

        At this moment in time, I think it could!

      Jan 05, 2015 05:32 AM

      And with the Canadian dollar in face-plant mode I lost another percent in exchange differential versus and Africa currency in the past days! Un-freaking-believable….For three years now it has been costing me month by month whereas the Americans here are basking in joy as their exchange rate fattens by the day.

      It is a great time to be an American tourist.

        Jan 05, 2015 05:38 AM

        Bird, if you bought gold with your CAD currency you wouldn’t be feeling the smarts.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:56 AM

          OOPS, a slip of the tongue!

            Jan 05, 2015 05:13 AM

            I only referred to my exchange rate DT, not any purchases of gold.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:03 AM

          Some people will never learn what gold is all about.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:15 AM

            Like you? Like the guy who has been calling all sellers “dumb money” for the past two years while he never made a rotten nickel on a short? Yeah….we all need to be like the chart queen and blow more smoke up each others you know what.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:59 AM

            Take your meds boy.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:20 AM

            If only that could fix your problems!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

            Jan 05, 2015 05:28 AM

            If you take enough of them, it could! 😉

        Jan 05, 2015 05:23 AM

        The $US index gap at 94-95 will be filled,
        probably much sooner than later.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:41 AM

          Hey, it’s only been 11 years; what’s a few more?

            Jan 05, 2015 05:52 AM

            Compare DXY and GLD on a six-month chart.
            They’re rising together, in fits and starts.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:58 AM

            Yes, I’ve noticed that. I actually don’t doubt your first comment.

        Jan 05, 2015 05:54 AM

        Yes it is. Particularly for those of us one hour from downtown Vancouver and living in the U.S.!

    Jan 05, 2015 05:24 AM

    ” OTTAWA — Perhaps an era of cheap crude won’t be so bad for Canada after all.

    “A new bank forecast argues the financial blows of low oil prices on the Canadian economy could be more than cancelled out by the weaker loonie and additional consumer spending on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border.

    “The prediction, contained in a Royal Bank of Canada (TSX:RY) report released Monday, is an outlier among many expert assessments that have projected low crude prices to be a net negative for Canada.

    Read more:

      Jan 05, 2015 05:45 AM

      Things are not all bad. I hope other provinces don’t count on Alberta to support economy anymore.

        Jan 05, 2015 05:00 AM

        Lawrence, just wait for the carpetbaggers to start moving into Alberta once the real estate crashes.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:18 AM

          Housing is so vulnerable to a boom and bust economy especially in Alberta and the dandies know that.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:34 AM

            I hope Alberta does not collpase since I got several properties here. However, Alberta was booming in the 90s before the oil boom. Hope the hit is not that bad. There are several times like this, the heaviest hit was in the 1980s. Then there were 1990 , 1998 and 2008 and it was not bad. Hope weaker dollar can help too.

            The problem with Canada is that we don’t help each other as provinces and yet we want to suck the blood out of each other. If BC allows Alberta to build a pipeline, we should be able to enjoy $9 gas and $70 oil in Asia. It is always a lot higher there. As long as we can transport the oil/gas to the port, we can sell at higher price. If Alberta gets in trouble, there is no more “have” provinces in Canada, every one is “have not”. I am not sure where the transfer money comes.

          Jan 05, 2015 05:19 AM

          Alberta just might lose its bragging rights that they had with the free gift of high oil. Thank God for that. They have become such a bunch of tiresome boors playing the oil card against the center of the country as if their revenues were all that mattered. Apparently they don’t appreciate the country is diversified elsewhere and one fine day they might be on the receiving end of transfer payments.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:47 AM

            Hope Alberta can receive some money from other provinces. Why cann’t we help each other? Stand together we are strong. Otherwise we fall. Alberta never creates any trouble for other provinces and it is perfectly OK for others to work hard to achieve the same result. The problem is that other provinces are more socialistic. It would be nice if we become more capitalistic, including Alberta.

            Jan 05, 2015 05:49 AM

            I remember in the 90s, BC was better than Alberta economically and somehow they voted NDP. I said at the time, they were going to suffer. It was a no-brainer.

      Jan 05, 2015 05:59 AM

      Thanks Irwin.

    Jan 05, 2015 05:45 AM

    Gold is again 1199. It has been there way too many times.