

Something to really think about on Thanksgiving!

Big Al
November 21, 2017

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Partisans, don’t blow it this Thanksgiving


This last year, one Democratic friend stopped speaking to her own brother after learning he’d voted for Donald Trump. Another said that’s why he’d ended a 30-year friendship with the guy who’d been the best man in his wedding.

An 85-year-old Republican declared herself ready to drop out of the book group she’s enjoyed for years over critical remarks a couple of members made about the president. And these estrangements are in no way exceptional.

In ever-purer and more self-segregated communities of the like-minded, both online and in our brick-and-mortar neighborhoods, we really do increasingly live in different worlds, served by different news outlets. Two in five of both conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats say they consume strictly partisan news coverage.

Culturally, we have given new meaning to the phrase, “not my brand of vodka,” politicizing our taste in everything from music to shoes to groceries. And yes, people: A recent Pew study found a majority of Americans say they have only a few close friends in the other party, or none at all.

Sixty-four percent of Democrats and 55 percent of Republicans told pollsters that. Only 14 percent of Republicans and nine percent of Democrats said they had many pals across the aisle.

We posted that study on Facebook, asking online acquaintances to please tell us this was not really the case. What we heard instead, chiefly from leftleaners, was that Pew had gotten it right.

“Being in a red state,’’ said one Democrat, “I’m surrounded by people from the other party. I may be friendly to them, but not many are considered friends. This was not the case 20 years ago. The extreme positions many take on key issues that have serious impact on the lives of others show a person’s character. If your views hurt others, I don’t need you in my life.”

Another said she once had Republican intimates, but “not any more. Not since the last presidential election.” Which is right in keeping with another Pew study that shows “it’s ‘consistent liberals’ who are more likely than anyone else to ‘block or defriend’ someone on a social network — as well as to end a personal friendship — because of politics.”

One Republican willing to befriend liberals suggested his own left-of-center friends might be a cut above the norm. “I have tons of Democrat friends. And guess what? They don’t spend 99.9 percent of their time yammering about slaughtering fetuses or how to express the hatred filling their hearts for Donald J. Trump. They’re just hard working, dependable friends trying to make a go of it like everyone else. Well, almost everyone else.”

Maybe because of what we do for a living, we all have dear friends of all stripes, and few with whom we agree on everything.

But to any of you for whom Thanksgiving is one of the only days of the year you’ll spend with those who don’t share your fundamental views, what we really want to say is: Don’t blow it. If you listen, you may learn something about why your so-called crazy uncle disagrees.

And if you don’t, should you really get to complain about the intolerant views that other tribe holds?

    Nov 21, 2017 21:38 PM

    And if you really want to have some fun, spend Thanksgiving with a Native American family.
    A lot of them consider this the day that the White Man stole their land.
    Would this be considered an intolerant view the other tribe holds?

      Nov 22, 2017 22:51 AM

      Certainly cannot disagree JohnK

    Nov 21, 2017 21:44 PM

    Taking the contrarian point of view……

    Perhaps the Native Americans should be thankful for the coming of the whiteman, for without him they would not have ever seen electricity put to use. They would not be driving cars. Heck, they would never have ridden a horse!

      Nov 21, 2017 21:51 PM

      I am starting to have serious doubts whether you are actually a phD as you claim.

        Nov 22, 2017 22:42 AM

        You probably believe the native americans were a bunch a civilized people at peace with the world; at harmony with nature, until the white man arrived.

        The truth, however, is that they were living in the stone age, without metal tools or the horse. Neither were they at peace with each other tribe, but there is even evidence of cannibalism.

        Having said that, the white man also has many failings. Greed and corruption, lying and deceit, etc.

        You probably think that the first Americans came across the Alaskan land bridge from China; Whereas it is now believe they came from southern Asia by way of several millennia first living in Australia and occupying Pacific Islands before entering North America.
        It still remains, however, that they were stone age nomadic people.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:48 AM

          P.S. The native Americans that first encountered the white man did come most probably across the Alaskan land bridge from northern Asia.
          The cause for the extinction of the first inhabitants from southern Asia is not yet known.

        Nov 22, 2017 22:52 AM

        But you have to admit JohnK, CFS brings up an interesting point.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:59 AM

          And what exactly would that be?

      Nov 22, 2017 22:21 AM

      I guess by that reasoning you’d consider it acceptable for most of your own ancestors to have been murdered, if it brought technological progress?

        Nov 22, 2017 22:46 AM

        Many of my ancestors were indeed slaughtered by an invading army which brought technological progress.
        It is not acceptable or unacceptable, it is history, which cannot be changed.

        I have indentured servitude among my forebears, but should I hold grudge against the oppressors? I have the sense to accept things I cannot change and work towards a more enlightened and educated world.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:49 AM

          History depends on a subjective value judgement by the person doing the recording.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:52 AM

            And NASA went to the moon. Right CFS?

            Nov 22, 2017 22:01 AM

            To the best of my knowledge, men involved with NASA went to the moon.
            Notwithstanding suggestions to the contrary.
            Did everything happen “exactly” as reported? Probably not.
            Where is the actual evidence, as opposed to innuendo, to support a non-visit?

            Nov 22, 2017 22:08 AM

            Your a phD in what?

            Nov 22, 2017 22:09 AM

            History is fact.

            The interpretation may be subjective, but the facts don’t change.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:16 AM


            Nov 22, 2017 22:21 AM

            You can count bodies,but the reason there are bodies in the first place is far from ever being a fact.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:52 AM

          In case you did not get it. My point in responding to you about bringing up Native American history, was not to endorse or excuse the savagery of the white man conqueror, but to point out that “native americans” were not the most civilized race, and not the original population of North America, even if they think they were.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:49 AM

            True enough that history come with many caveats.

            My motivation for making the comment is that the problem of groups trying to displace each other is still with us, and something that we really ought to lay to rest.

            Furthermore, it is far from ancient history. Sure, I imagine all of us have forebears who suffered savagery of all kinds throughout history. But this history is recent, and the problems resulting from it are still very much with us. So, while I’m not one for political correctness in general, a little common-sense sensitivity is sometimes in order.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:53 AM

            Your definition of ‘civilized’ is maybe a bit narrow, CFS.

            During my time in Alaska, one memorable experience was to see the ruins of a boarding school where, as recently as the 1960s, native children were taken from their families and punished for speaking their native language.

            Very recent history, and not civilized at all.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:33 AM

            I saw first hand the emotional devastation one Priest did on a whole generation.

        Nov 22, 2017 22:53 AM


        Not sure that I understand your point.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:43 PM

          Hi Al,

          I explain my point just above, under CFS’s 8:52 post.

      Nov 22, 2017 22:23 AM

      And they would not have Obamacare either.

        Nov 22, 2017 22:02 AM

        Native Americans don’t need Obama care there Bonzo.
        They have their own,It’s called the Indian Health System run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs
        You know the people who massacred them at wounded knee.
        Collective Guilt is a Bitch.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:37 AM

          Collective guilt is only a bitch for idiots. No one is guilty for the crimes of their ancestors.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:05 AM

            OK Mathew.
            That would be your view. Point taken.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:17 AM

            We are not responsible for the actions of close living relatives so it makes no moral OR legal sense that we’d be responsible for long-gone strangers.

            Nov 22, 2017 22:29 AM

            So Mathew, If a Native American child was forcibly removed from their home and put in an orphanage and repeatedly molested and now has emotional problems prohibiting them from being able to function in society,who is responsible? The child? Do we just turn our backs?

            Nov 22, 2017 22:32 AM

            Those who actually do the deeds are guilty. You aren’t insane, are you?

            Nov 22, 2017 22:33 AM

            That was rhetorical. No collectivist is sane.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:41 AM

          I’m by no means a collectivist.
          I do believe in the Bible and the lessons contained within the written pages.

    Nov 21, 2017 21:28 PM

    Dimartino Booth on Cryptos and politics/Fed:

    Nov 22, 2017 22:17 AM

    Hi Al,

    I made a new post on the Harlan Ullman thread, suggesting you read Webster Tarpley’s book on GHW Bush:

    Yale. Skull and Bones. War profiteering. Financing the Nazis. CIA. JFK. S&L scandal. Iran-Contra affair. The War on Drugs. Desert Storm. The Carlyle Group. 9/11 and the Afghan and Iraq wars. This is just a start of the list of events with which the last few generations of Bushes have been intimately associated.

    Nov 22, 2017 22:20 AM

    Hilarious headline from today:

    “Epistemic Crisis Across Society Due to Identity Group Social Structure and Irrational Absolutization of Each Group’s Parochial Demands”

    I never could have crafted that sentence, but it concisely and accurately conveys a key aspect of America’s crisis (or the Anglosphere’s, or The West’s).

    How did it happen? Surely our prapaganda system–that is, the mass media and public education–bears a large part of the responsibility?

    If so, we can identify the culprits. They’re all hidden in plain sight, waiting for real patriots to trace the history, just like with 9/11.

      Nov 22, 2017 22:32 AM

      I’ve heard Tarpley is a Larouche-ie.

      I must admit that I don’t know much about Larouche.

      I try to vet my information sources, as there are so many dis-information agents out there. So if anyone has any thoughts on either of the gentlemen named above, I would be interested.

      All that said, from what I’ve seen, Tarpley’s work seems to bring a lot of valuable information to the table.

        Nov 22, 2017 22:10 AM

        JohnK Guilty as charged.
        I found out about Lyndon and Helga about four years ago. In full disclosure I also donated to the organization.
        Lyndon was actually a “Political” prisoner in the U.S locked up by “Poppy” Bush.
        I don’t agree with everything,but there is a lot there that I do.

          Nov 22, 2017 22:02 AM

          Namely, We must stop killing innocent Women and Children

    Nov 22, 2017 22:59 AM

    Larouche is light years ahead of small minded corrupt politicians.

      Nov 22, 2017 22:33 AM

      Nice piece of propaganda. Probably to hide the concept of Chinese desire for world domination.

      (They may deserve it, but I question whether their motivation is really peaceful advancement of mankind, or expansion of power.

      (I am not making any statement of good or bad regarding the merits of the silk road.)

    Nov 22, 2017 22:23 AM

    I find it interesting that the press talks about five hundred thousand dollars as important,(and I’m not saying it is not important), while largely ignoring $145 million dollars which the Clintons received. (Or their half billion dollar tax evasion/Clinton Foundation fraud)
    There’s almost three orders of magnitude difference in scale!